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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 8 KB, 205x246, take my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11464816 No.11464816 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>just got first job as a waiter
>have like $2k saved up for siqq fits and college money
>get in an accident in my dad's car
>instead of letting his insurance cover it he wants me to pay for it all out of pocket
>might lose all my money

post other feels, good or bad

>> No.11464830

kill your father

>> No.11464837

U deserve it for being reckless, fag

>> No.11464844

what's the whole story

did you fuck up or was it someone else's fault?? if it's your own fault then you kinda deserve it

>> No.11464851

>be 6 ft
>own countless grails
>have siq fits
>solid 7
>make decent money
>talk to countless girls on a daily basis
>tfw the only grill you're attracted to won't give you the time of day

::+;; i'd giveit all just to sniff her panties

>> No.11464865

the worst feels brah

>> No.11464868
File: 35 KB, 315x514, ababababababa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be reading OPs post
>think he's a fag
>click quick reply
>write this post
>open up my immaculate reaction folder
>choose pic related
>stop fingering my 10/10 DD gf to free up my other hand so I can click alt-s for sage
>chuckle as I remember how I'm not OP
>fill that original captcha in because I'm not some click the all the pictures of grass dumb fuck

so cash

>> No.11464872

>tfw fashion no longer feels the void
>tfw youre ugly as sin and theres no reason to try and be effay

>> No.11464877

What's her name, anon?

>> No.11464893


Chloe Grace Moretz

>> No.11464901

>be me
>about to move to nyc
>very close to getting software development job in the city
>will very soon be making around $80,000 USD per year
>going to buy a gold chain and start my own line

>> No.11464952

She's probably lurking right now

>> No.11464968

fuck anon

>> No.11464987


lmao cuck

have fun being poor

>> No.11465008
File: 17 KB, 400x386, 1409864109146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk to countless girls on a daily basis
>tfw the only grill you're attracted to won't give you the time of day

>> No.11465030

Lads the only girl that I wanted is gone
Talking to so fuckin many girls doesnt cover any of it up
Because she was so real I've never seen a girl like her afterwards
Messaged her earlier on this week and she still hasn't replied, check it every day to see if she'd even seen the message
All I've done for the past 2 months is give advice to people who want to be fuckboys but I can't do it again myself because I know that by being a fuckboy I'm not going to find a girl like that again

I want to drink coffee with a girl like in the scene in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy


>> No.11465045
File: 67 KB, 300x898, 1421810929991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nothing
>i have no real passion
>spend all my money on booze
>searching for pleasure in the wrong places
>life is too stressful and I'm really bored
at least I'm suddenly attractive to girls who ignored me in the past. But then still, no love there

>> No.11465054

How oldfag are u oldfag?

>> No.11465084

>feel good looking when i'm on my own
>feel ugly as shit when around other people
how to gain self confidence/esteem

>> No.11465087

protip: that girl was just as much of a dumb whore as every other girl in the world

not unique. not special. just another chick like any other.

oneitis is for fags and a pathway to failure
seeking your validation from any one woman will always fuck you in the end

this is like life 101 shit here

>> No.11465117

the worst feel is when you've genuinely figured out a lot of the keys to life/women/happiness and you read these feels threads

reading these posts and seeing you all thrashing around making the same dumb mistakes I used to make and knowing you don't want to hear the solutions

not even teasing or anything
if you want to know just literally go start reading tons of self-help shit about women
lots of bullshit, but also most of the answers too

>> No.11465174
File: 38 KB, 417x266, IMG_5067_2043601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old enough.

>> No.11465247

>lean build
>7 on a bad day, 8 usually
>girls like me
>good fits
>only girl I love left me 3 months ago
>doesn't even want to talk to me
>clothing doesn't fill the void
>sex drive vanished

>> No.11465306
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>feels the void


>> No.11465334
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so close...

>> No.11466976

all my money goes to booze as well because I don't know anyone here.

I went to college here in hopes of continuing my relationship with my girlfriend from junior year in high school, we kept it long distance in senior year. we tried at the beginning of the year to have something but she said it just wasn't there for her. So now I'm alone at college hundreds of miles from home all on a whim that we still had something.

Currently contemplating offing myself but I'd like to graduate first and do some things on my bucket list, kinda already decided i feel like dying young.

>> No.11466992

suicide is pretty effay

>> No.11467091

>Be old me, very fit and sorta fa
>Get gorgeous GF
>Years later she leaves for someone else
>Blame her for being a bitch
>Slowly realize I got lazy, depressed and unattractive
>Endless cycle of work to gym to sleep
>See other girls but not feeling it like I felt it with her
>Thought I was improving myself for me but it's actually for her
>She left her journal and she misses the old me
>Tfw slowly returning to old self but know it will never happen

>> No.11467112

tfw youre a click all the pictures of grass dumb fuck :-(

>> No.11467114


>> No.11467115
File: 117 KB, 600x800, goyard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i'm about to fall for the goyard meme
>tfw I'll be the only one with a goyard wallet in my city.

>> No.11467136

i used to think self-help books were dumb but honestly if you need them, there's nothing better
one of my favorites was models by mark manson, it was pretty much my bible back then and now my life is marginally better

>> No.11467141

Mallissa :(

>> No.11467202

good goy

>> No.11468414
File: 10 KB, 208x300, eJwNyVEOgyAMANC7cABKabHibQgSdNFBoPsyu_v2ft9jPuMymzlU-9wA9nPmNnY7tY1Ui62t1aukfk6b2w1JNeXjLm-dgCKBPVIIYWHxK3nA6IQQScgLEy4rAnKITP93kZ199Wq-P7xaImQ.q8gpbyIIDKBXFoQizWFx5JjIkw0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this thread. We will never be able to escape this cancer ;--;

>> No.11468425

>tfw next mental hospital stay starts on Monday
>tfw already been inside these things for 3 months this year
Just kill me

>> No.11468440

>tryharding to wear best clothes and mix them into siq fit while noone is looking at me
>wear random shit in front of ppl on daily and im getting props for wearing white t and black shorts+nike racers
>/fa/ is kill

>> No.11468453

>wearing nike

>> No.11468477

>im too poor to buy desinger shoes

>> No.11468528
File: 88 KB, 540x540, 1467093797273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these tall people with long legs
>could really fit anything
>dress like shit

Nature gave you a gift and you're telling Him to fuck off

>> No.11468587

>tfw normally dress in a way that shows my personality fairly well while still looking interesting and put together
>have date with qt audrey horn looking girl
>wear black pants, untucked grey button down, white sneakers - all well fitting obv
>trying to look a little more snazzy and conservative to show I give a shit about the date
>date seemingly goes well and we talk for like 2 hours straight
>ask her out for another at the end
>try to plan through texting and in a matter of 3 days I'm ghosted
>worry it's because my fit was too boring but that's what I was going for
I only think this because I was dressed "up" a lot more than her. I would honestly rather her think I'm unattractive than boring because I'm not boring in the least bit

>> No.11468632

>tfw always try to impress people with fashion and music because i hate myself too much, i need to compensate.

>> No.11468682

>because I'm not boring in the least bit

>> No.11468693

>people think stan smiths are still cool
hahaha fuck this world

>> No.11468722

>the attractiveness of a shoe design can decrease through time !

>> No.11468750

I'm literally not. I have good hobbies and interests and I'm very quick witted. I just feel as though opening up and showing a girl how ridiculous I can be on a first date is not in my best interest. Also I was playing it safe because she was rly cool. Next first date I'm gonna act like a fuck head tho. That'll make a girl love me right

>> No.11468763

>spend infinite time in being fashionable
>nobody noticed senpai

>> No.11468791

Lol go back to redpill you piece of shit. Not the guy in the original post but this is the stupidest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.11468817
File: 103 KB, 500x500, b4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>good, stable job
>siq cops every paycheck
>closet filled with grails
>no social life
>1/2 of clothes never even worn
>only get to wear siq fits to walk to the corner store for a sandwich
>then back home to 4chan

>> No.11468818

fashion is for you to feel good, it you are doing it for other people, dress in full h&m

>> No.11468877

>having a reaction folder full with weeb sgit
>having a gf AT all

>> No.11469124

>tfw growing up poor
>have job & extra spending money now but it feels agonizing to splurge on literally anything

>> No.11469148

>tfw 21 and relatively rich
>tfw can afford to buy whatever clothes I'm interested in
>tfw 20 pounds overweight


>> No.11469501

Old enough for what?

>> No.11469510

>weak jaw
>weak chin

>> No.11469641

like what?

>> No.11469720

Fuck that feel hits home

>> No.11469722

Oh fuck it's Eliza

>> No.11469772

Not having long enough fingers to alt-s with your right hand

>> No.11469829

>body dysmorphia
>can't accurately tell how ugly i really am
>no amount of plastic surgery will ever satisfy my brain

>> No.11469846
File: 15 KB, 222x308, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Three years of relationship
>Centered Most of my life around her
>I always wanted to move to some big city
>she treatens to break up if i move into the nearest City
>like 30 Minutes away
>went from somehow skinnys to skinny-fat from laying around and watching tv with her and eating a lot of shit
>we Leave each other
>kinda feel Bad because i didnt have any plans for the Future
>didnt searched for any jobs besides local places
>started to send applications to nearer citys
>started to do sports and eat less
>started to get into better clothing and save up money for when i löst enough weight to look good in most things
>did more stuff with friends and going out like i did before her
>starting to seeing some improvments on my body
>some girl i knew for a few years told me i look way better and happier in the last three weeks
Will i make it guys?

>> No.11469868

>be me 18m
>in a relationship w a girl i kind of like
she reallllllly loves me
>i just want some dick
going to semi-conservative college in fall and will hopefully bag some closet cases

>> No.11469884

I'm proud of you, anon. You'll do well <3

>> No.11469890 [DELETED] 
File: 363 KB, 5000x5000, eaZrosc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf
this is not fair bros

>> No.11469959
File: 109 KB, 500x665, cool ass headwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck man, are you me?
recovering from this oneitis sucks, and I'm so nervous for fall semester to start up

>> No.11470133

Thanks anon. i still feel bad, i mean afterall its three years of my life focused on one Person. But i think its for the best

>> No.11470148


similar to you two, come back stronk wimme boys

>> No.11470184

>recovering from years of anorexia and ednos
>healthy weight
>feel good about it for the first time in years
>go on /fa/
>hungry skeletons everywhere

Fuck this.

>> No.11470186
File: 32 KB, 463x464, 1371883052494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>cop new rick online
>check tracking for it every hour
>finally gets here
>only ever wear it around the house, never actually go outside

At least I look good for WAYWT threads

>> No.11470196

>tfw dressing like you're a lazy, directionless youth so that people make that assumption about me and it looks like I have agency in the way I live, when really I'm just poor and young and have a shitty job and can't keep my grades because I haven't slept correctly in years and always pass out during the day
>tfw bargain fits

we're not happy either. takes years learning to cope with ur body looking like a lumpy woman instead of a sports star
know that doesn't really help, but man, you beat a fucking monster a lot of people don't beat

>> No.11470199

Only feel i have

>took me so long to find my 'look'
>all that money wasted on bullshit
>so many things I want to cop now but can't because wasted money

>> No.11470202


>> No.11470210

I went a long time trying to shoehorn modern style into an inherently retrogressive environment because I was afraid of looking too "hipster", but nigga if you live in the Southwest US sometimes you just need fucking flannel

>> No.11470211


>> No.11470217

>5'10'', skinny, d1 athlete
>have good internship that pays $$$ for clothes
> have good friends but none are girls and become a cringey fuck when trying to interact with girls

>> No.11470221

social drinking

>> No.11470227

>meet cool girl
>start pursuing her and meet her friend
>keep pursuing original girl
>date her for a few months but relationship sucks
>her friend hits me up
>so much cooler
>just friends but always have great time with her
>dating a different girl now
>just want my friend
>no amount of fashion can heal this wound

>> No.11470524

take the stray jacket home, those are dope

>> No.11470530

people who swear by them not being boring are indeed boring, ill tell you why because you already have a list of interests and hobbies to tell the person in a certain way. you need to be spontaneous home boy, i.e try talking to her about music and a music shows them plying lazer tag, and you say you never been lazer tagging before, wanna go you know a place. obviously pay for her.

>> No.11470532

>tfw try so hard everyday to impress women even though i know that i will never make it because small penis.

>> No.11470534

your problem is that you overthink things

>> No.11470704

I don't even wanna go back to college this fall. No girls in school are cool, fashion conscious, chill, deep, and as attractive as my ex. Everyone is so basic and entry surface level on everything. I wish I was just a simple pleb who didn't care about shit. I can't be happy with a basic.

Also, she was qt azn.

Should I just kermit sudoku?

>> No.11470726

your GF was a pleb, so are you, just accept it and move on.

>> No.11470746
File: 7 KB, 220x220, 11825555_10153537607242792_1144255761365626839_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck to you

>> No.11470792
File: 466 KB, 1920x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want friends
>people ask to hang out
>make up excuse and don't go

even when I do go out i still feel like it's not actually what I want

i don't know what I want

I don't feel depressed, I'm happy most of the time but every so often I get the a wave of fucklife.exe feelings

would never an hero but sometimes when I'm driving I hope the car in the oncoming lane swerves and hits me head on
life is weird

>> No.11470821

same here man, let me tell you a story on how i got out of this slump

>people ask me to hangout
>dont even think about it just say yes

eventually i started to like it, and thats my story.

>> No.11470839

Haha holy shit people actually believe this
>be dumb and insecure
>latch onto someone that isn't right for you because they're physically attractive and like the same bullshit you're into
>get fucked over
>"wow all women are fucking sluts"
Don't be beta. Be better

>> No.11470942
File: 65 KB, 500x464, image_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if freinds actually like me because they hang out all the time without me and whenever i ask of they wanna hang it seems like they already have plans with each other I didn't know about
>Decide I need to find out
>Delete all non important contacts from my phone so I don't give in to loneliness
>If they like me they'll text me
>2 weeks now
>No calls, no texts, no snaps and they all seem to be having fun on their stories
>I actually have no fucking freinds
>This is the worst feel ever
>Worse than no gf
>No bros to hang with
>Always alone
>Cant go anywhere alone so cant meet new people
I'm so sad rn

>> No.11471001

u aiight man, they're probably dicks anyway.
get out there and find some new friends.
and find out the reason why these guys can't be bothered to invite you out
you must be doing something wrong

>> No.11471008

Where do I find freinds, I get anxious af going to social events alone and idk where else I can meet people

>> No.11471020

anxiety will pass with time though, you've just got to go for it.
gigs are the best place to start, everybody's focused on the performers anyway
the more you go out alone the easier it'll get
and the more you'll realise nobody really notices your alone

>> No.11471032

like >>11471020 said, but i just wanted to add, if you put yourselff out there more , yourr anxiety will improve. its common advice that you will hear a lot but it works. just like exersice s good for confidence. cant be botheredd to spell check but i hope you understand me

>> No.11471039

Are u me

>> No.11471047

Hey, that's fucking life plagiarism.

But for real, I can relate. Strongly.

>> No.11471068

Isn't that everyone here and on /mu/ tho
I feel like this is the only thing that makes me worth being in a group, I have nothing else to offer, my humour just worries people and I don't make other people pumped or happy or anything so I just use fashion, music, and books to make myself seem interesting

>> No.11471073
File: 30 KB, 400x400, blushing wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>save up for two full months for a full rick fit
>feeling super confident
>pose in the mirror, I'm so fucking positive that I look good
>wear it outside for the first time
>people are giggling at me as I walk by
>children are pointing
>people are taking pictures of me while laughing, not even trying to be covert

>> No.11471100

Post fit

>> No.11471111
File: 47 KB, 211x600, DSCF0394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11471117

all of them plebs

>> No.11471122

nice quads, also, whaaat? that's not even goofy looking unless the part of the pants u cant see in that pic is ujst bizarre. i blame ur hair more than anything, thats a nice looking coat and a fit thats certainly not comically bad

>> No.11471132

You look good dude just dont take yourself seriously

>> No.11471133

That honestly looks sick as fuck.

>> No.11471149

How can people get so anxious about not having friends ? I kinda want friends sometimes, but the thought of it usually washed away by my fear of people

>> No.11471156

that's actually pretty dope

>> No.11471173

And that way of thinking is worrying. /fa/ is filled with hipster normies, they go out everyday and they're all happy. I just wish i can be like them, like everyone around me that has friends. If only i can trade my music talent with confidence, i totally would. Or bigger penis.

>> No.11471203

How much damage? You may be paying quite a bit more than $2,000 if it was more than a fender bender. Hell, depending on the car, you may be paying more for just a fender bender.

>> No.11471226

holy shit man i'm the one date wonder and even i can see why she isn't texting you back

>> No.11471237

>go to a smash bros tournament with my nerd friends
>don't know a lot of people, notice a girl wearing superstars
>maybe she's into fashion
>say "hey I like your superstars" while pointing to them
>she looks down, confused, then looks away

what the fuck at least say thank you I was just being nice

>> No.11471255

Lol neeeeerd

>> No.11471285

gamer girls are all fucking stupid

>> No.11471453

easy stop comparing yourself to people around you.

>> No.11471464

hit her up. let her know youve gotten better and want to see her again!

were all gonna make it except me because im a whiny useless baby

>> No.11471474

Why would u go to /fa/ for advice take it to /b/ there wat u want in the advice category

>> No.11471510

Prolly a 6, p short meh face but dress alright, somewhat what enjoyable company it would seem, been in love with the same girl for 5 years and only get brief reprieve from the pain by fucking around with girls i quickly get bored of, she always seems to toy with the idea of us being a thing, one time we even hooked up, but then eventually she gets bored of me and we stop being friends for like a month, I can never fully give up on the possibility and just stop talking to her, it will never end until she settles with some chad and I'm forced to move on, the thought of chad ramming her makes me want to kms, why was a born ugly

>> No.11471754

I am not that crazy

>> No.11471770

>those feel when browses 4chan
>suddenly le wild old fag tells me a secret
>alt+s gives me sage

>> No.11471876

nice !

>> No.11471885

like parkas and big coats

>> No.11471899

Hey I used to be like you. Started going out by myself, the first few times were a bit shit as I was too sober to relax and just enjoy myself. So the next time I went out to a gig I got a couple pills, double dropped and had the best night of my life. You talk to people in the smoking area, when you're taking a piss, waiting to get served, etc etc. Most of the time it was people coming up and chatting to me.

I still go out by myself because it's a much better night than going out with my old friends, losing everyone within an hour then spending the whole night looking for people.

For real you could get hit by a car tomorrow, get cancer, whatever. Stop worrying about the insignificant shit that's stopping you from simply enjoying yourself.

>> No.11471907

Hey I used to be like you. Started going out by myself, the first few times were a bit shit as I was too sober to relax and just enjoy myself. So the next time I went out to a gig I got a couple pills, double dropped and had the best night of my life. You talk to people in the smoking area, when you're taking a piss, waiting to get served, etc etc. Most of the time it was people coming up and chatting to me.

I still go out by myself because it's a much better night than going out with my old friends, losing everyone within an hour then spending the whole night looking for people.

For real you could get hit by a car tomorrow, get cancer, whatever. Stop worrying about the insignificant shit that's stopping you from simply enjoying

>> No.11472014

>be me
>at party the other night
>had like 7-8 beers
>talking to qt3.14 about music
>super hot ngl
>she was super flirty
>I had mutiple chances to make out with her
>didn't because I am socially awkward cunt
>add her on snapchat
>she leaves
>kill me my dudes
Been talking to her today about more music and might be going to a music fest with her some time. Also going to a party next week that she'll be at.

>> No.11472212

you have no idea how much i can relate
this is every fucking party for me
i figured it would get easier, but it hasn't so far
put me out of my misery already

>> No.11472234

It sucks. I don't know how to read a girl. I didn't want to go in for a kiss for her to then lean away and make shit awkward. I mean, I could tell she was into me and it was really easy to conversate with her but I didn't want to leap into that void of unknown. I'm going to try and make a move next week at the next party :^/

>> No.11472258

>6'3 athletic build mensa iq and a 7/10 face
>no woman will ever truly love me because small dick

>> No.11472302

Sounds like your problem is you have to drink more at parties honestly

>> No.11472309

I had 8 beers though. Might as well down half a bottle of vodka :^)

>> No.11472324

Sage stopped being a thing years ago m8

>> No.11472329

>its been years since they got rid of sage
where did the time go

>> No.11472337
File: 60 KB, 200x200, 1351285008916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doubt of adding an s to years. That realization

>> No.11472368

Are you /fa/ggots serious

Sorry to hate but come on/off

>> No.11472377

Life's to short to have regrets my friend—the past has passed maaaan

They are helpful for some people

Confidence is key man—fake it till you make it. Embrace cliches

You sound like a very pure boned introvert, which is fine. Just know that you need people to keep you grounded else you will have a slug sundae and that's no Bueno

>> No.11472396
File: 37 KB, 444x604, 1363330667523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get into fashion 3 years ago because I thought my standard jeans + tee was boring
>go through the initial fuccboi stage
>go through a mid-tier designer stage
>start getting interested in Rick
>feel illegitimate and start going for more minimal designers
>move more towards heritage and nice build quality
>now I dress like I did at the beginning except my jeans and tees are triple the price
>tfw I've gone full circle

>> No.11472405

lmao, im at the rick stage but i think im going to stay here

>> No.11472410
File: 93 KB, 580x382, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see a comfy looking dress for £6 in h&m window
>need more comfy day off lounging so go in and buy it
>it's very comfy and actually looks nice and is currently saving my nicer clothes from being wasted on a lazy Sunday around the house

All round positive feel

>> No.11472428


Should have used that money to buy your own car, anon.

>> No.11472429


Overcoat is sick as fuck. Can't see the contents of what's under.

If you lost the frames, manbun and Tricky Dick clown shoes this fit would feel so much less meme-y.

>> No.11472440

Coat is cool but that pygmy manbun is laughable as shit

>> No.11472461

In my opinion the shoes are the problem here. As much as I like them, this isn't the outfit for them

>> No.11472856
File: 37 KB, 838x592, 1451465479362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>160 pounds
>learning to get better fits, mostly rocking all black stuff now
>look pretty good all around
>good jaw, dark hair, rated around a 6 or 7


>bad posture
>no friends
>no gf because no friends
>going nowhere in life
>no job, no money
>just drink and listen to sad music all day
>so fucking lonely

>> No.11472873

get out of the 'rate people by numbers' bullshit game, get out there, find something you love, pursue it, be happy and stop comparing yourself to others meng :-)

before you ask why i'm here, it's for quick n dirty fashion tips now and then, as it should be for all of you, you gotta stay out of the culture and the numbers/judgement game or you will never, EVER be happy, unless you can keep it light and humorous and never get too deep or mess with it when you're depressed. it's the same with most boards here and similar places.

>> No.11472881
File: 79 KB, 1116x716, 1467386169030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that fucking feel.
The best thing to do is move on and get someone better. She will probably notice you more if you do

>> No.11472895

He can live in another borough and just take the train to work

>> No.11472898

I don't really put much value to numbers either, sometimes it's simply helpful for a reference, but I get you. I have things I love-- hobbies and what not-- though I usually work in sporadic fits of energy, and spend most of the other days zoned out drinking. It just annoys me that I'll probably never have anyone to share them with, anything with for that matter.

>> No.11472901

I know how you feel
>send a DM
>she doesn't even check it for a week

>> No.11472909

>Sex drive vanished
That's your body's way of saying that it's time to give up. You wont contribute to evolution as you are not for to do so

>> No.11472926

i feel that except i did it without ever buying anything. lol my tastes just matured greatly. im more into a kinda minimal heritage/ streetwear vibe tho.

>> No.11472950

i didnt even talk to her about my hobbies. there was a natural progressing conversation. im normally pretty off the wall and often times people dont understand what the fuck im on about but like i said i was playing it safe. the same shit happened in a job interview where i "didnt seem excited enough" but really i was just trying to stay professional. i guess it goes to show that being yourself is truly the best way to be.

precisely. and i notice it in myself but its hard to get around it. im not sure if its anxiety or paranoia but i think myself into weird fucking places.

why then?

alright through typing this and an immediate self reflection its obvious. i pretty much "curate" my life to be a certain way that i believe will be the best based on a ton of thought. i have told myself this before but i need to act more on impulse even during times of greater consequence. i act impulsively and ridiculously when theres nothing at stake. i worry too much i guess. fuck.

>> No.11472967

Why do you care about what you wear at home?
Homecore is sweatpants, track pants, boxers, tank tops, t shirts, basketball shorts, and robes.

>> No.11472977

Did the amount of times I said comfy in the post not give you a hint at what the main consideration when buying it was or something

>> No.11472996

I'm lucky enough to have made a net profit on all buying and selling my clothes. Rarely buy anything new

>> No.11473014

Take that tone with me again and I'll bust your mouth open m8

>> No.11473032

Fite me

>> No.11473043

FT10, what game

>> No.11473078
File: 86 KB, 375x190, Screenshot from 2015-11-21 15-59-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just got a promotion on my fun job
>Got loads of new computer hardware and a cool keyboard on my companies check.
>Wearing full acne most of the time and I'm able to afford luxury clothing If I want.
>Have the best car I can image for myself I love it.
>My hairdresser nailed my cut last week

>I'm still frustrated as fuck because I can't keep up on Esea CounterStrike. I'm training so much and devoting so much time but I just can't keep up.
>I can't stop thinking about anything but CS for the time being I have to get better.

>> No.11473087

I was even more annoyed bc I was wearing margielas so I prolly looked like a sneakerhead fuccboi

She was like a 5.5 but the cutest girl there fuck

>> No.11473090

give me money

>> No.11473928

this is me to a tea, holy shit hold me anon

>> No.11473966
File: 9 KB, 227x222, Only_the_dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>summer job
>my shift doesn't start until 5pm
>Colleague texts me to come at 3pm
>I actually thought my shift really started at 3pm
>Go there, find out my shift start at 5pm
>Colleague is suppose to work unitl 5 but she left at 4

Fucking normies. Got fucked over by normies again

>> No.11473986

>be me
>be fresh 18
>tfw friends can grow beards but im still patchy
>tfw " did you get a haircut? You look so young"
>tfw handsome/cute face depending on the day
>tfw puppyfat body cant cardio-away

some good feels though
>gf looks alot younger than me, even though we are the same age so idc that i look young
>gf doesnt care i have puppy fat, says it makes me good to cuddle

Would recommend unconditional love its very /fa/

>> No.11473997

>dress up in jeans and button down for date
>she wears hoodie and casual shit

I know this feel so hard anon, makes me feel awkward for dressing nicely when i could have gone sweats and a tee comfyaf

>> No.11474032

>went to a party this weekend
> got fucked up
> multiple chances to pull, including many from a girl I have been interested in for ages
> even in my drunk mind, still don't go for it, cos shy and kinda scared
> friend ends up fucking the girl
> didn't have a problem with it at the time, still think I don't
> but I'm still thinking about it, so I must care

but I looked good and had a good time, at least, right guys?

>> No.11474037

>tfw ugly
>tfw really really bad fordyce sports
not as if anyone sees it anyway, but any one share this feel?

>> No.11474046

welcome to the club desu

>> No.11474081


>> No.11474104


>> No.11474125

I certainly know that feel. Virgin here.

>> No.11474714
File: 43 KB, 1919x149, Screen Shot 2016-07-03 at 11.35.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what is at the end

>> No.11474746

I went to one of the most conservative colleges in the US and I never had more gay sex than I did there. Fucking all male dorm halls were hotbeds of dick sucking and anal. Probably because we weren't allowed to have women inside our rooms after 10pm

>> No.11474796

>finished highschool with a 4.6something gpa
>accepted into ucla and ucsd
>gf is accepted into ucla as well
>fashion seems more important than school
>i want to get out of this hell hole even though im not really doing bad
on a side note im not even sure what i really want to major in. i want to major in audio engineering but desu im good at math but its boring

>> No.11474858

you gotta touch her a little bit as you talk and joke around
things will start escalating faster when she starts touching you too

>> No.11474867
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>tfw no credit to apply for paypal credit
>cant buy grails off ebay

>> No.11474889

alright check this:

>be me
>work at library part time
>theres this qt student-worker there
>thing is that she is 34 getting a masters in Library Science
>our music taste is super aligned, shes patrician tier
>shes into fashion, always has good fits
>qt short haircut
>reads alot of books and likes to explore literature in general
>always have fun talking to her, called me cute too
>co-worker so thats weird
>10 year age difference
>I know she wants children and thats just no in my plans for many more years
>don't really want to waste her time as the bio clock ticks for her
>feel super alone every time she leaves when her shift ends (thankfully only see her once a week)

like shes so refined, its killing me lads

>> No.11475043
File: 634 KB, 1074x1070, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt effay azn gf
kill me pls

>> No.11475060


yeah never again

koreans are literally morally disgusting

>> No.11475064
File: 55 KB, 640x640, 13166935_639604682857873_1812824154_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who gives a shit this is /fa/ were all vapid pricks

>> No.11475075

real korean or westernized korean?
>mfw both have been superficial af to me

>> No.11475091

Old enough to party.

>> No.11475140
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>> No.11475167


she's jap tho. momo also looks like a man

>> No.11475176

k I dont know shit about this pop asian culture which ones the jap?
123 or 4?

>> No.11475278

chinese are worse m7

>> No.11475284

living the life

>> No.11475293

quality post
had a good chuckle.

>> No.11475312

>tfw no qt /fa/ gf to help me pick clothes and fits

>> No.11475466

123 make up the japanese trinity

>> No.11475582

do it

>> No.11475588

age is just a numba, nigga

>> No.11475596

a complicated af number

>> No.11475604
File: 5 KB, 246x200, 1466563082407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tf when u cant even tell ur story on an anonymous imageboard cuz u too depressed

>> No.11475614

is there any point at trying to be fa if your face is busted? no matter what you wear the observer's gaze will eventually reach your face and realize you're an ugly phony

>> No.11475631


Damn... I've been on 4chan for like 7 years and seen all kinds of depression but this just took it to another level

>> No.11475758

try it mate. We will try our best to help you <3

>> No.11476185


>bought 10 pairs of shoes and several stuff in the last year
>never wear them because i would ruin them
>never wear because plebs i hang out with are not effay and dress like shit
>keep all the nice stuff i have deadstock
>whenever i meet the cool guy who always rocks siq fits im dressed like shit
>inferiority complex


>> No.11476231

Such is life when you're dressing for others. Dress for yourself ya dingus.

>> No.11476469

>3k in my bank account
>no interest in buying anything cause shipping costs or cause they dont ship to the fucking carribeans

>mirin all these fits
>live in a tropical island where wearing jeans on a sunny day is agonizing

Kil me

>> No.11476487

its bait to make people think you'll get laughed at irl if you wear rick, newfriends
that pic is 3 years old

thats an old as fuck

>> No.11476873

>Get skin care stuff for acne
>find gf
It's simple anon

>> No.11476886

Thanks anon. She had her hand my leg for alot of the next and put her head on my shoulder now and again.
Too drunk to realise.
I guess I'll try next time I see her.
But my dude she is perfect, same sense in music, she is extremely attractive and I actually feel happy around her.

>> No.11476910

>She had her hand my leg for alot of the next and put her head on my shoulder now and again.

damn how do u not realize that even if youre 8 beers down

>> No.11476927

I'm wearing acne the brand man. I don't have acne on my skin haha. Also I'm really not in the market for relations, I just find people quite annoying most of the time. I just wanna get good on counter strike man. It's the only thing I haven't been able to actually do even if I try so so hard and it's fucking killing me. Getting my math degree wasn't half as hard as performing on Esea.

>> No.11476978

>tfw baby face
Fuck me bros. I feel like I have decent facial features I just look so young. I'm only 19, is there hope for my looks to mature/age over the next few years?

>> No.11476989

your only 19 man, ofcourse your face is gonna change

>> No.11476993
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>tfw "made it"
>had qt thinspo gf, actually a model
>tfw not as attracted to twigs as I am to fit girls
>tfw twig myself
>tfw lost feelings for model gf
Dumped her yesterday, fa will say I fucked up but I'm happier I think
>tfw going to London later this month
>tfw gonna snog slags til wee morning hours

>> No.11477000

I mean, I sorta realised but I was to dumb to realise it was flirting. I did my fair share but I'm a fucking autist for not doing anything more. I've got my second chance next time I see her :^)

>> No.11477342

yay :)

>> No.11477455

also what school did you go to it might be the same one

>> No.11477672

if shes touching you shes obviously in to you. go for the kill.

Good on you m8 latching to anyone is dumb

>> No.11477882

not living in a apartment thats 1300 or less a month.
You sound like a bitch who throws their money at the first price tag you see you fucking tool

>> No.11477899

>Tfw first time feeling wardrobe is complete
>Tfw no impetus to go out and buy new things even though I'm making good money over the summer

Feels okay, but getting something new was a great feeling. Now I don't care so much about new cops as much as I used to, and I'd rather spend the money on going out with friends for the time being

>> No.11477917

>tfw will never feel this feel

>> No.11477932

same except i've been at a plateau at tech-wear and its sub-cores for about two years. Something about being able to copy any other core with the only difference being, the clothing has technical fabrics and experimental designs giving it that unique edge to it is so appealing to me. One day I can dress minimal tech-wear and then the next day I can dress like "techninja" and then the next day "milsurp/military". Am I the only one that thinks like this or no?

>> No.11477981

Well yeah but is it gonna do it in the next 5 years or is it gonna do it when I turn 50 and start getting wrinkly af and losing all my hair

>> No.11477987

both, work on diet and exercise and see the difference

>> No.11477994

;_;7 i feel that feeling you feel

>> No.11478007
File: 13 KB, 341x333, Ricky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

met this kid.. sigh..

>> No.11478013

>find out iam my crush's crush
>her childhood friend been trying to get with me the past year but i never took her up on it
>crush doesnt want to ruin her friendship with her friend cause theyre gonna be room mates in a few months when they leave for college in september
>wonder what could of been if i made a move earlier

>> No.11478054

>find out I WAS my crush's crush

Honestly it felt good knowing, now I can move on and know that I can go for girls I thought were out of my league, also I'm moving next month so it doesn't even matter.

>> No.11478634

Still feeling this feel
But atleast I'm drunk and high now.

>> No.11478668

probably gets more pussy/dick than you will ever get.

>> No.11478685

I just wish I had a love life of any kind. I'm 18 and I've never dated anyone. I want to cry

>> No.11478864
File: 160 KB, 688x850, 1448872647753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good feels:
>I'm finally comfortable about my height (I'm 5'8)
>I'm pretty outgoing but my sense of humor fucks it up, but it's still novel to some. I've learned to stay cool about what people think of me anyways
>I have a very defined facial structure
>I'm skinnyfat but I'm steadily approaching a permaskinny
>I've finally found a calling, something I'm romantic about
>it helps my self esteem and sense of self, making me much less manipulable, a problem I had before
>my last two girlfriends were abusive harpies with literal BPD
>one of them left me terrified of sex, as she took my virginity and was always selfish and aggressive about anything physical, as if I were a commodity
>ready to get back on the saddle now
>my current girlfriend is very traditional and lives 1000 miles away
>the girls at work all want to fuck me but I love my girlfriend too much to leave her
>I'd probably get too nervous to fuck them the first few times either way
>the job is Walmart wageslave
>the calling I mentioned earlier is acting, and I am a theatre BFA, meaning I'll be poor forever
>still can't afford any clothes
>no friends

>> No.11478876

>last year
>worked out, was starting to become not a skinny nerd
>dressing better
>confidence rising
>stressful job
>not working out
>clothes don't give me the same confidence anymore and i still hate my style
>girlfriend has less sex with me and seems just generally less attracted
>didn't get into a program I wanted
>stuck working my stressful job for longer

help me

>> No.11478893
File: 29 KB, 415x598, 1427942697682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was antisocial as fuck in my teen years
>Missed out on the glory years. Missed the first kiss, missed prom, missed all the glorious fun that everyone else was doing
>Now I'm an adult working a minimum wage job in a small town in a flyover state with no hope of leaving
>All my family is dead or about to be
>No friends in years
>Use what little money I have to buy clothes
>It fails to fill in the void when I realize all the work I do to make myself look better is too different for the others in my town and has begun to lose it's luster
>I'm literally waiting to die

>> No.11479140


>> No.11479145

I wanna feel this feel so bad
But I need to cop freinds too

>> No.11479151

I wanna get into acting. Should've done drama in HS but it would feel like a waste of I tried pursuing it senior year since everyone is already better than me

>> No.11479157
File: 63 KB, 800x600, e1mkjvln41scq3puq4r5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whenever I hang with freinds it seems like I was added to the plan last minute
>I always hit them up first too
>If they wanna hang with me they'll hit me up first
>Haven't texted them for a month
>Tfw when I haven't went out for fun in a month
>Tfw when I never actually had freinds just people who pitied me
I don't like this feel :(

>> No.11479160

Your dad is a douche

Kill him

>> No.11479175

Are you in your senior year of high school? If so, you're on the same level as everybody else. What you learn in high school drama is fucking petty compared to what you learn in a program. It's absolutely unnecessary; only good for learning stupid terms like "strike" and getting over your stagefright. If anything, it sometimes makes people pick up bad habits like behaving like a fucktard during rehearsals when you should be very very professional. If you have the chance, start now just so you can gauge your engagement in it. If you find you love it, study it in college. It's a complicated thing and it has nothing to do with being an obnoxious loudmouth like I assume the theatre kids in your high school are. I started my senior of high school too, and I'm at the top of my program. Just remember that the size of the role doesn't matter, and as a student of acting your desire to grow should be the most important thing to you. This means not caring about getting the lead in a shitty play with a student director because it'll help you fuck bitches. You should always aim for the small role in an excellent play with an excellent director because you'll learn, if there's the choice of course. It may sound like a platitude but it's a priority. Anyway, if you're truly interested, best of luck man. It's a hard path and nobody outside of the field will ever take you seriously, but by god is it satisfying.

If you're a senior in college, it really is never too late. You could pursue it as a hobby, look for roles yourself and the like. Try to learn from experience once you get roles, because really acting is a process of trial and error. There's room to experiment once you know the basics, which you can learn by reading from these authors:
Uta Hagen
But again, you can only learn through practice really. But it's important to read the aforementioned anyways so you know what to do when you start out.

>> No.11479188

why would anyone pity u? they prob just brung u along because they like u enough and u wanted to go. alot of people do shit spur of the moment, man.

>> No.11479199

Also, just for fun, and if you do decide to pursue this path, you should read from these authors too. But remember, there are MANY different approaches to acting, and with every role you may decide a different method to better fit the aesthetic of the play. Acting is a medium just as painting is, meaning, sometimes you'll want to do something minimal and sometimes you'll want to do something impressionistic. It's your choice. You're an artist.
Jerzy Grotowski
Jacques LeCoq
Antonio Fava
Lee Strasberg
Robert Lewis
Antonin Artaud
Vsevold Meyerhold

>> No.11479210
File: 208 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n92m66q1z31rotipro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be tall black guy
>get freeticket to see young thug /future and other mainstream rappers
>go to a totally ratchet trap festival
>got kind of overwhelmed by all the tumblerinas
>wear my Raf Repsonsse Trails 2
>starts raining hard af
>mud everywhere
>find a really hot mixed race girl who looked super classy
>her friend compliments my shoes and tells me she was to scared to wear her ozweegos.
>going on a date w/ grill this weekend.
>shoes barely got fucked up
>overall awesome night and reference material

It don't really matter what u wear , its mostly what u say and do dudes

Pic unrelated

>> No.11479213

Yeah but stage fright is a big thing for me, I'm not really into plays either
I like TV and short films and animated stuff and stuff where I wouldn't have to go on stage and nobody really does that in my town
I thought drama was the only way to get into it desu
And all the drama kids are obnoxious hot topic wearing losers and I can't be around without cringing my ass off. I know I would be miserable doing it

>> No.11479224

They never invite me out and they're the only freinds I have
I wish I had a group that invited me to shit desu instead of joining someone else's plans

>> No.11479233

brev you have to make your own plans and invite people to them

only then will people start inviting YOU to shit

>> No.11479234

How do I make plans
I'm new to not being a shut in loner so I'm not good at social things

>> No.11479235

Read Equus and A View From the Bridge. You might like theatre after. If you can't endure the cringe just to get over your stage fright then I guess don't do it. You don't have to hang out with those faggots or do everything they tell you, you know? I certainly didn't.

>> No.11479239
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>> No.11479240

I'll check it out but stage fright is fucking terrible for me, I stutter so I hate talking in front of people and if I stuttered on stage during a performance id probably shut myself in and become full neet and not leave my house due to embarrassment

>> No.11479241

>Broke up with GF

99.9% sure we won't get back together

I did not prepare for this feel

>> No.11479243

Find stuff that's going on around town.

I've invited some friends to several things this summer. Every single plan has failed but now they are asking me to chill or go to parties.

You have to put some effort into friendships.

>> No.11479247

Oh well that sucks, my town is just highways houses and strip malls with vape shops

>> No.11479248

Protip: You can't see shit in the audience when the lights are off. It's like you're alone. You'll be nervous, fuck yeah you'll be. But if you get your lines down like a motherfucker you'll know you won't fuck up. And if you do, don't worry about it. Barrel through it, complete your character's objective, and regroup. It'll probably happen in HS theater since it's so bad and unprepared. Just don't skip around large chunks of the script. You'll be great, man. I believe in you anon.

>> No.11479251

We'll see if I actually do anything
Like I said I'm not into theater at all. The only time I can enjoy a play is when it's a musical and that's only because of the music. I only wanted to act because of TV shows and indie movies/short films

>> No.11479621

Go out to clubs or your local bar on the weekends. You'l eventually meet someone, or even just pack up and move somewhere else

>> No.11479635
File: 1.34 MB, 392x400, 1467474810317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we are now planning to go see catfish and the bottlemen in London in November
Life is good my dudes

>> No.11479761

lmao the beta tier, autistic shut in "nuh uh l-l-l-love is r-r-r-real maybe most girls but my oneitis is d-d-different" replies to this

>> No.11479782

no, most of you seem like sad little internet addict hipster redditors, not fashionable charismatic charming social patricians like me

>> No.11479802
File: 348 KB, 1920x1040, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in SoCal whole life
>started being effay senior year of high school
>graduate from college
>move to Nebraska because of job
>pretty much dress like pic related now and have really let myself go
>went from 160 to 200 in a little over a year

>> No.11480113

Aint no shame in indulging in the dude lifestyle.

>> No.11480206

Oh please be joking

>> No.11480225

you both have shit taste

>> No.11480284

lol why?

>> No.11480325

you are doing everything right

>> No.11480326

Tbh pugs mm games are the most random things, I've always had shit stats in pugs but now I'm 9-1 in open and league matches are easy.

>> No.11480389
File: 263 KB, 1280x1280, Robert-Mapplethorpe.-White-Gauze-1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be in summer, warm as fuck, can't go outside
>bf has an anxiety attack, he lives far from city, can't see him for a while
>spend all night awake because of that, be worry about him
>feel very impotent and start questioning what I want from life
>feel very lonely, no friends at the moment
>feel like I had wasted 2 years of life waiting for something is not coming
>start thinking about good years with ex bf
>feel guilty about it

I hate summer because of that, I get crazy.

>> No.11480392

I feel ya'. summer really sucks anon

>> No.11480477

holy fug, fuck those haters, you look good m8, I'm jelly