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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 233 KB, 394x481, black-nail-polish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11441960 No.11441960 [Reply] [Original]

Is black nail polish too out of place for a guy who wears a lot of dark clothing but isn't really goth/punk

>> No.11441974

>Is black nail polish too out of place for a guy

>nail polish for a guy

consider suicide

>> No.11441976

I like guys with black nail polish and dark clothes, so I say go for it famalam.

>> No.11441982

Only if you have an eccentric personality - even then it's a stretch.

>> No.11441985


>> No.11441987

/fa/ is gonna shit on you, but if you have the personality for it then why not. long hair is recommended tho.

>> No.11441989


>> No.11442008

do what you want man. putting paint on the end of shells on you fingers is whatever

>> No.11442143

what do you use to have such a beautiful skin?

>> No.11442231


I paint my nails black when I get the chance. It's really fun, and your nails feel really nice and smooth.

Depending on whether you're in bumfuck nowhere or on the coasts, reactions will vary. I'm in Southern California. I'm also college aged, and dress not punk/goth. Shirts and slacks. People might do a quick double take, but it's like an accessory. I'd liken it to a stupid fucking bull ring on a girl, except not as permanent or disgusting.

The only way you can pull it off is if you don't give a fuck.

>> No.11442246

I dig it

>> No.11442252

Not even that
It's just only if you're attractive
Life sucks man

>> No.11442273

people will think youre an homo

>> No.11442278

p much these but also it looks way better once it starts chipping and stuff

>> No.11442712

What's really wrong with it?

>> No.11442752

do it if you want to look like a total homo

>> No.11442770

Black nail polish is for basic bitch girls at the moment.
It doesn't look particularly good on them. Why would it look better on you?
On top of that you've admitted you don't have an edgy enough style to sustain it.
Fingertip fedoras. Something you're adding just to evoke a certain image that you haven't committed to.

>> No.11442841
File: 207 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_3120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear it on my left hand. I've only had people saying they like it. No one has ever said to my face they don't like it/something negative about it. If you like it do what you want it's your life.

also this

>> No.11442856

not trying to evoke an image, I just think it looks good. I'm not "committed" to a goth/punk look because I'm not into those scenes. I'm going to do it anyway, just wanted to see what people thought.

>> No.11442887

not OP but would black nair polish go with the SLP look

tbph I always thought the Blood Lust t-shirt in particular would go well with hair like robert smith or JAMC and black nails

>> No.11443050
File: 92 KB, 736x1012, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I painted them with the black permafix once and it looks cool but people who know you bring it up and call you an edgy fuck (pic very related)

>> No.11443162

Nothing, it looks good, that guy's just got some outdated ideas. But it will change how people perceive you, if you care about that.

>> No.11443542

Why only the left?

>> No.11443563

If you're a pale, qt femboy with slender fingers, sure. If have you got large manhands it just looks fucking weird.

>> No.11443614

Just leave. You have neither the taste or the judgement to execute this well.
You should have just asked /b/

>> No.11443748

no real reason. It's my non-dominant hand so i just ended up painting those nails. maybe one day ill do the other hand but for now idc.

>> No.11443775

if you enjoy dicks in your butt then go for it man

>> No.11443852

It's about as gay as wearing a skirt. You're not going to grow tits for wearing one and it doesn't necessarily mean you take it up the ass, but people are sure as hell gonna assume that you do.

>> No.11443868

Consider /pol/ and gtfo, you normative fuck

>> No.11443878

Never seen a dude wear a skirt.

>> No.11443896

I regularly paint my nails, I'm a skinny heroin chic guy so it fits.
Usually go for glossy, matte, velvet or caviar black (it goes surprisingly well with clubwear or fancier looks) but for special occasions sometimes I add gold flakes on top of the black or do gold gilded tips. Subtle color-to-black gradients also works well for guys.
I've also done stiletto nails but it freaks my gf out so I avoid it.

>> No.11443903

Post pic. I'd like to see it being done desu.

>> No.11444102

Sort of on topic, will it look edgy/goth tryhard if I dye my hair jet black? It's brown atm.

>> No.11444110

I'm not even going to say no because it looks gay, it does by the way, but because it looks like shit no matter what you think.

>> No.11444113

you'll look like someone with black hair, you'll look like a try hard regardless because of what you wear if you need to ask that question

>> No.11444120


>> No.11444123


>> No.11444150

bigger cuck than OP

>> No.11444189
File: 60 KB, 700x325, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having French typing film inspired nails

>> No.11444196
File: 862 KB, 858x627, vKycNTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

french are cucks you cuck

>> No.11444252

>nail polish for a guy

instant faggot tier. don't do it.

>> No.11444470


>ballin to the max

why are you flexing about having like $100 ?

>> No.11444478

the real question is, "is black nail polish too out of place for a guy?" and the answer is: For the love of god YES!

>> No.11444483

cause it was a joke i posted on snapchat. not meant to be taken seriously

>> No.11444510

maybe you just don't live in a place with enough goths

>> No.11444728

>french are cucks
ok, explain this

>> No.11444869


>> No.11444871
File: 9 KB, 300x168, 12376672_1048948371843177_6540830877157615718_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did use it a year ago in highschool, i lost an opportunity with a girl because she though it was weird, i like it, but other people wont

>> No.11444879
File: 23 KB, 275x275, 1463354930367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i started doing it because of a kaneki cosplay

>> No.11444897

>what is satire

>> No.11444911

say that to my face no online you petite pute

you might see that white flag upclose while i go for a moneyshot

>> No.11445605

what the fuck are you on about dude

>> No.11446018

should've just ripped your nails for authenticity

>> No.11446167

So you are accepting that you're that prepubescent ridiculous ugly nigger?
Jesus fuck I can't believe I share a fashion board with the ones like you.
>le pol maymay
Know the difference between a person of colour and a nigger

>> No.11446178
File: 152 KB, 1500x1234, FrogDog_01_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shiggy diggy my wiggy piggy nice way to judge my whole character off of a joke picture i posted to snapchat. way to go. good job

>> No.11446186


>> No.11446254

Listening to people on this board for style advice is a horrible idea. Everyone here dresses the same and they're all straight cis dudes who only wear clothes to get pussy. Just try the things you want to try and see how it feels. That's how you develop a personal style and actually end up looking interesting.

>> No.11446271
File: 387 KB, 720x1280, 1463078042166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking weirdo... Seen this on 4chan front page. What could I expect thought from a bunch of dull, hollow twats from /fa/ anyway. Enjoy impressing people with outter appearance, pathetic creeps.

>> No.11446283

>being this low on the hierarchy of needs that you think presentation is for the sake of others

So so sad, imagine still being a pleasure seeking animal in 2016

>> No.11446373

i think guys with black nail polish look good
lol @ all of you saying it's "gay." grow up

>> No.11446645

Is this really the worst thing you've seen on home page? Why does this even upset you m8

>> No.11446654

No Problem! :^ )

>> No.11446724


>> No.11446970

do you have instagram m8 ?

>> No.11446975

only on one hand, make sure the other hand has rings

>> No.11447035
File: 262 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_2161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how? :^ ]


>> No.11447084
File: 639 KB, 1200x800, nails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the way it looks on Sean Pablo but he's also really weird/eccentric and I think that's why it works.

>> No.11447345

That level of asymmetry triggers my autism

>> No.11447881

Bought some, smells like shit.

>> No.11448631

M8 you look pretty effay to me so keep it up

>> No.11448723

me and my friend did this in high school with sharpie haha it's fun to do during class. do it, but don't take it seriously you know?

>> No.11448735


>> No.11448746

hey m8 that's sort of what I want to try, gothic slp with some fucked up robert smith hair and black/white polka dot shirts

I'm also undecided on the nails. I'll think about it more as the fits come together

>> No.11448830

girls will think you're an edgy homosex
why would you do something that will fuck even more your chances with girls?

>> No.11448867
File: 38 KB, 604x437, 1463031819640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11448905

is this about girls tho?

>> No.11448938

I don't really care about appealing to basic bitches. If she doesn't like my personal style that's her problem

>> No.11448943

french tips?

>> No.11448948

what about toenailz?

>> No.11449126

I've always thought about doing this but I'm not secure enough in the decision. It annoys me that I'd feel like a fag for making my hands less boring.

>> No.11449134

>basic bitches
its funny how you think only ''/fa/'' girls will get it.
the truth is even stylish girl will think you look ridiculous.
anyways if you feel so sure about doing it then dont fucking ask us and go ahead paint them and go look like a fool

>> No.11449241
File: 44 KB, 1080x1080, 12142037_837528929678295_1846904236_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fa is so short sighted and behind the times now its embarrassing. not just with painting nails, this is just an example. none of you people here actually know what youre talking about, save bateman, but i don't even see his fashion advice he just talks about DC and college and his money and asian bitches.

moving on. painting your nails isnt gay, and if you have to ask if its cool or not you cant fucking pull it off. this goes for everything, if you have to ask "cop or not" or "is this fa" you have no personal style or taste and every garment you buy will be wearing you, and it will be obvious.

that being said, for any of you with any shred of confidence, painting nails can be done right. looking femme is cool now, if you disagree or havent heard then you dont belong here in the first place. this means painting your nails can work, and not just black, its not just for goths

if you dress in your own style and want to paint your nails do it, any color you want, embrace it. if you lurk or post on any fashion board and think its gay for a dude to have painted nails your head is irreparably far up your stinky asshole and youll never be fashionable.

examples of cool nails done right

loads of musicians in ty segall's band

bassist from the growlers

guitarist that plays w terence blanchard

pic related and sean pablo mentioned above too. skaters, musicians, artists, if youre
then it'll only enhance your look

if youre
>asking if its cool
its not for you

these guidelines work for anything btw

>personal experience - been painting my nails for a year, all kinds of colors, girls think its cool and asking them to do my nails is a good way to get closer to someone you're interested in. initially they think you're gay, after that they think its cool. granted i live in a progressive area

>> No.11449292


>> No.11449300

Do you want me to call the police?

Cause it looks like someone just nicked all your testosterone

>> No.11449303


if u had the personality to pull this off would u be asking for permission to do it on an anime forum?


>trust me, im not like other niggers xD

>> No.11449307

>personal experience - been painting my nails for a year, all kinds of colors, girls think its cool and asking them to do my nails is a good way to get closer to someone you're interested in. initially they think you're gay, after that they think its cool. granted i live in a progressive area


degenerate sluts trying to get a gay friend to get progressive points only to realize its a faggy numale

oh the disappointment they must feel

>> No.11449516

This made me wanna paint my nails black.

You're right about being confident with what you do. You at the very least look like less of a retard.

>> No.11449548

>Anon is holding out for a pure maiden that will never abandon him, that's why he's still a tfwnogf kissless virgin.

Nail painting is nice. >>11442278 is right though, looks best with some wear.

I still keep my pinky and ring fingers painted. Works really well in combination with some silver rings too.