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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 62 KB, 640x640, Nike-Special-Field-Mens-Boot-329798_221_E_PREM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11432490 No.11432490 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when /fa/ used to be completely divided over these Nike SFBs? And everyone loved Shia? Good times.

Anyone still wear their SFBs?

>> No.11432775


I wish, can't seem to get them in europe.

>> No.11433403

Hell yea, i still wearmy tan combat boots and sport shia

>> No.11433453

Yeah I still wear mine on occasion.

>> No.11433488


>> No.11433563

thinking about copping in the fall, is it too late?

also I hope everyone still loves shia

>> No.11433588

Shia is eternal senpai

>> No.11433600

I'm doing the same, I haven't seen anyone wearing them at all in my city.

>> No.11433616
File: 169 KB, 448x594, 467154298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same. in the shia pics they look a lot slimmer than they do in the stock photos. I still haven't seen em IRL, but it looks like you can lace them quite tightly?

>> No.11433630

lacing them that tight makes you feel like you can run through fire
i use them for work where i have to walk alot

>> No.11433714

Do anyone know of a good sfb substitute in Europe that isn't shitty like rotchos?

>> No.11433783
File: 60 KB, 534x534, p59tjazz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got mine ordered to Sweden via ebay, tracking the "Nike SFB" tag for a little while. Size true to other Nike shoes. I really like them but I wish putting them on was quicker.

>> No.11433841

I was thinking about getting a pair since they seem to just be really durable. I wear a lot of black and thrifted shit during the winter and fall and I want a durable shoe that goes with pretty much everything. Would this be a good cop?

>> No.11433983

Yeeeeeeeezy baby

>> No.11433988
File: 433 KB, 908x784, 124151341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do recommend. very easy to throw on and still look interesting.

>> No.11433989

I'm 10 and a half on other nike shoes, anybody knows the sizing for sbf? Will I be fine with 10 and a half?

>> No.11433991

Shia seems like such a cool guy.

>> No.11434107

Half up in my experience.

>> No.11434174
File: 921 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-5224275487067597145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old pic but you ge the point

>> No.11434192

they look really horrible in this pic

your arms look weird and awkward as fuck... like fat but not

also it makes your legs look super fucking short

;_; sorry they just look really bad on you

>> No.11434204


>> No.11434238

i remember looking at these last year and seeing them go for around 95 full price.

from what I understand there is now an updated model for 150 and the old ones aren't being sold. Any info on the pros/cons of the new model? anywhere to cop the old ones for cheap?

>> No.11434242

You have to be at least 6ft tall to pull off 8 inch boots, im sorry

>> No.11434250
File: 230 KB, 1024x678, best boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocky S2V is the most /fa/ boot.

>> No.11434256

getting a pair of these soon

>> No.11434257
File: 82 KB, 664x664, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear mine when I'm doin outdoor shit with me mates

>> No.11434274


sole is absolutely scust

shia isnt 6ft

>> No.11434353
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 61+YMFA0kPL._UY600_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to /fa/, just discovered this look and I'm in love. But I'm a poor fag, would these Rothco boots do? They're like $60 cheaper than the Nikes and from what I can tell, are almost exactly the same.

>> No.11434362
File: 405 KB, 1860x1860, Nike-SFB-Field-8-Mens-Boot-631371_090_A_PREM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a stupid idea to get the black ones?

>> No.11434459

Last fit was lacking. But please dont tell me i gotta ditch the boots for shia shoes.

>> No.11434465
File: 963 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-5377403912380633419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11434477

get skinnier pants+more faded/lighter color

>> No.11434483

get a real pablo tee

>> No.11434487

W2c, and mine is gildan

>> No.11434490

also stack less in the knees

>> No.11434491

Yo how much was your dyson? Kind of want to cop heard some wonderful things and my dirt devil broke but I got a shark hand vac for pet hair rn

>> No.11434496

Dont know but we've had it for years if that helps

>> No.11434516

But the triple-stitching...

>> No.11434559

yeezy is expensive kneegrow. I'm a college student, can't afford shit.

>> No.11434565

the only difference seems to be the soles. You can find rothco for super cheap at most army surplus stores too

>> No.11434568


>> No.11434572

Ok, thanks anan

>> No.11434586
File: 1.00 MB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-6055832917943598936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I help because i feel your pain
*All the tlop gear is custom made ther is no brand, pretty much gildan

*www.adidashop.com is where i bought my yeezys, the only thing wrong were the laces

>> No.11434587

These shoes arnt for manlets.im sorry
Your proportions look absurdly fucked

>> No.11434596

Yeah i know,
>un naturally elongated t-shirt
>im actually 5'11, 6' in the booots

>> No.11434597

Burn the Pablo

>> No.11434600

Oh awkward as hell. I never would have guessed you were 5'11

>> No.11434603

Im copping all the tlop gear
>i feel like pablo
>waves dont die
>no more parties in la
>i feel like kobe
>new york

>> No.11434606

lmao no talking sense to a kanye fan

>> No.11434608

Can someone legit check


>> No.11434630
File: 552 KB, 1400x5162, 1466260874307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love his shit and i rep every day
Unfortunately im poor fag so i can buy alot of his other stuff but him and shia are inspo to me

>> No.11434657

All the people who responded to you are retarded. All you need to do is find a shirt that doesn't go past your waist band and you're good

>> No.11434694

I want a pair but I already have palladiums and I live in Australia so they'll be expensive as fuck to get.

>> No.11434698
File: 87 KB, 600x500, 454350-700-2.800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these for work. I don't know if they're anyway comparable.

>> No.11434700

nope sorry

>> No.11434723

>working construction
Go to school

>> No.11434792
File: 36 KB, 440x480, muh fire boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw wildland firefighter and I couldn't wear these or my timbs


but really don't put these near fire haha. I have pic related. I don't think truly certified fire boots can be effay with the specialized heel and being 9 inches.

>> No.11434814
File: 133 KB, 640x620, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those boots are fire lmao

>> No.11435071

there's a reason they're cheap. don't try to wear them anywhere but in the city

>> No.11435079

i prefer palladium

>> No.11435097
File: 15 KB, 357x328, buttcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have these for work
>wear them nearly every day

lel u guys are fags

>> No.11435316

Oh yea? Well, you're a bigger fag!

>> No.11435330

Hey. Had these for about 3 months wearing them daily during work (at a desk) and the soles split. Do not cop. Rothco is shit.

>> No.11435515

I wish instead of ABUs I could just wear a jumpsuit. fucking hate wearing these boots.

>> No.11435543


These aren't even the right boots

>> No.11435850

Damn really? Turns out the Nikes are actually like $100 more once I factored in shipping to Canada. But if the Rothcos are that shit then maybe it would be worth it. (Unless I found a really cheap pair of Rothcos at a surplus store like
>>11434565 said)

>> No.11435937

you look like a fucking idiot lol

>> No.11435962


Being able to lace boots that tightly is a sign that the size being worn is too big.

>> No.11435989
File: 55 KB, 450x800, 320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want something cheaper than Nikes, look into Bellevilles, Reebok, and Converse all last way longer than those Rothcos, are more comfortable, and are cheaper than Nike. Are they as effay? It depends. My Belleville 320s were worn daily for 3 years, and I wear them a weekend a month still and I'm only seeing problems now (one part of the sole on the heel separated a little bit, but it's still secure).
Pic related. Haven't cleaned them (I'm getting new boots this weekend), so I'm sorry they're disgusting.

>> No.11436040

thinking of picking up the sages

>> No.11436049

those look terrible dude

>> No.11436067


I hope the same people gushing over these in this thread, aren't the same people who have a preemed skeleton aesthetic.

If you look like a pubeless faggot, which most of /fa/ does, these will not look good on you.

>> No.11436165

what if you're a kinda scruffy sorta chubby dude with a beard

>> No.11436205

They look nothing alike

>> No.11436234

better pics of tats on arm?

>> No.11436250


those aren't sfb's

>> No.11436273

w2c jacket in europe senpai?

>> No.11436284

I work for the City of LA, Im a Parks and Recs Supervisor.
I went to school for that shit, Faggot.

>> No.11436336

Imo, brown, sage, white and grey are the best for them.

>> No.11436352


no idea desu maybye check ebay or army surplus websites. They are extremely common they are called PT jackets. My dad was in the military so I got a lot of cool military gear from him.

>> No.11436379

thanks senpai

>> No.11436383
File: 2.17 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20160609_190454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wear mine to punk shows/places i know my shoes will get fucked up. they look dip dyed from the sweat and beer

this is the best pic i have onhand but you can kind of see it

>> No.11436393

wow those are the grossest jeans ive seen in my life

>> No.11436447

shitty zara, purchased w the intention of fucking them up beyond repair and then some

also the holes help w ventilation (at the punk shows)

>> No.11436458


really interesting jeans

how exactly did you distress these? just for research purposes. probably could be useful technique for something else.

>> No.11436466

Lol holy shit why do the most expensive shoes look so terrible i cant stop laughing. especially the rick shoes holy fuck loooool

>> No.11436476

i put them on and then pulled up bits of the fabric w a boxcutter and tore it. hook just a tiny piece to pull a thread out, and obviously just hook more fabric for the bigger holes

very time consuming (i did it while marathoning monster over spring break and got tired of it before i finished the back lol), but i only cut myself like once so everything went okay. probably gonna finish them someday tho

>> No.11436650



>> No.11436657

those aren't SFBs. I'm in the army and own SFB's those are prob belvilles

>> No.11436676

if you think rick shoes are shit you probably dress like literal ass


>> No.11436686

well geos arent really the best looking rick shoe

>> No.11436705

literal ass my friend? I wear normal clothes. All those shitty designed shoes are for people with too much money. If you believe you look "fashionably good" wearing that shit then good on you but honestly i probably will trump with a shirt jeans and NORMAL sneaks sorry bud

>> No.11436716


>> No.11436751

Wear them to similar events, usually get a few compliments

Totally worth copping imo

>> No.11436917
File: 1.30 MB, 3000x4269, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps not in that pic but he is well documented wearing them and helped popularize them

>> No.11436924

>Not working in STEM

>> No.11436958

Not who you replied to but I work in STEM. Go back to /sci/ or /g/ friendo.

>> No.11437035
File: 1.11 MB, 2048x758, tattoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only kind of decent one I have of the whole thing

>> No.11437049

I don't know if it's all surplus stores, but the one in my city has used and new leather boots (chelseas etc.) that you can get dirt cheap too.

>> No.11437112

Good news is, these were just phased out so they'll be hella cheap.

>> No.11437121

That's pretty dank actually

>> No.11437134

Thanks! I think it looks a lot better in person.

>> No.11438132

while wearing these should i tuck in my pants like >>11436917 or just roll them up like >>11434257

>> No.11438153


those are both tucked

>> No.11438160

Always blouse your pants into your boots

>> No.11438253
File: 181 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

local surplus store

>> No.11438302

those are the worst fakes ive ever seen

>> No.11438956

That's a nice vaccumn

>> No.11439057

I'm talking out of my a as but I'm 99% sure these were designed for the US military which is why they may not be available in your country except for online order.

>> No.11439062

I wouldn't talk to you irl

>> No.11439153

w2c shia socks?

>> No.11439202

>don't buy them


>> No.11439213

top lel

>> No.11439288


wew lad

>> No.11439430

nice looking boots. not cause of that particular retard for sure.

>> No.11439468


>> No.11439759

Not into STEM fields. I'll take my happiness over more money in a field I don't like to much.
It's nice working for the city, fucking 20 years old clearing 80k a year, working 36 hrs a week, plus even more fat benefits.
Shits clutch, and I don't even do much. Since I trained my guys well, none of us have to slave ourselves. Smooth sailing.

>> No.11441200

anyone got fit pics

>> No.11441496

hiking socks

>> No.11441547

I want to be well off and in my 20s too :(

>> No.11441567
File: 3.79 MB, 5312x2988, 20160624_184645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cop these from the thrift

>> No.11441572

>tfw bought my sfbs for $40

>tfw don't even wear them

>> No.11441591

Any /fa/ approved cleaning tools for these boots?

>> No.11441646

look up paul cantus guide to clean your boots.

>> No.11441664


how the fuck did you get such a cushy job in your 20s

who'd you suck off?!

>> No.11441769

They still have these at clothing and sales on base. Should I cop?

>> No.11441880

>looking normal is more /fa/ than standing out


>> No.11442304

We'll, I'm about to be 21. I went to a highshcool that allowed me to dual enroll in high school and a community college. I graduated when I turned 18,Had a Highschool Diploma and an Associates Degree in Psychology. When I turned 18 I got a job with the parks and rec as an attendant (fucking slave ass job, but fuck it, I always wanted to work for my city) finished two more years of college by the time I was 20, got my Bachelors in Sociology, minor in psych. Going to school now to finish my masters, and MAAYBE doctorates later on.
It was luck how I got this position. Basically went into my bosses office a week or so after I graduated, and told him. (my boss always liked me, we're very close, He's the fucking Director for Parks and Rec for the entire city). He told me, "You know, since you have that degree and have worked for us for so long, you can qualify for a supervisor job" Decided, Fuck it why not? Applied, Got very fucking good word from my boss, Promoted. It helps that only two other people applied (they never worked for the city) Basically, Just get cool with people if you plan on being at a job for a while.
Im greatful for these opportunities I've been given.
In a sense, I have sucked one dick for 2 years for this position.

>> No.11442307

Just hustle. Seriously, find a place you want to be at, Commit to it, get cool with everyone, and make your presence felt. Also helps to go to school and get your papers. It'll take a while, but if you do it right, you'll see results quick.

>> No.11442792

cleaning your boots? i fucking hope not..