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11427096 No.11427096 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become Instagram famous?

I'm quite good looking, but don't have the patience needed for a modelling career, even though I had that chance.

Some jerk-offs seem to be making real good money off Instagram.

How do I advertise myself there? Any tips? Any expectations as to what my income might be if I succeed?

>Inb4 post pics
Screencap this, I'll post my Instagram once I achieve some monetary gains from it.

>> No.11427137

just post pics so we can make fun of you and discourage you. if you're this insecure about it, its obvious you're not cut out for the job

>> No.11427218

Have at least 25k followers, post at least once a day, no more than every 2 hours, use image tags, location tags, and hashtags, have companies contact you to shill their products and tag them in it. Most of my friends that do this are surfers and shill their sponsors, maybe if your friends have some shitty little brand you can shill for them until you get big enough to have companies contacting you. Your pics should be getting likes in the thousands.

>> No.11427231

Be a relatively cute girl who can dress decently and post your ig to effay, make comments that will make /fa/ angry just to get attention, that wll get you followrs. If you really want more followers but don't care about stalkers and shit comments you cna post your ig to /r9k/

>> No.11427261

>Any expectations as to what my income might be if I succeed?

you're not really going to make a living off of posting on insta alone. if you get popular enough, people will look at you as an "influencer" and offer to send you free stuff in return for advertising for them. you might demand a payment on top of the free stuff if you're really popular. that's about the extent of it. insta doesn't give out money for views like youtube. for most of these "instagram famous" people instagram is just one aspect/marketing tool in their life.

and I dont want to hate, but I doubt your life is interesting enough to make you insta famous. that's kind of the key thing with this. you have to make enough money or be wealthy enough to travel, do interesting stuff, eat at nice restaurants, buy nice clothes/accessories, drink expensive alcohol, etc. what are you planning to post exactly?

>> No.11427283

Post your insta right now OP

>> No.11427522

you gotta buy followers. I think like 60 bucks will give you like about of thousands of followers. there are retards on IG that only follow people because they have a 'K' in their account. I think that's about it if you actually want the ball to start rolling, that's what every IG famous person does. either that or kill yourself my man.

>> No.11427656

>Projecting insecurities for the fuck of it

That sounds like a fuck ton of work. How do these nerds do it?

So basically Insta will only open doors instead of being the source of a steady income? Fuck, that's what I wanted to avoid.

I have a couple thousand to invest in this. How many followers does that buy?

>> No.11427664

>what are you planning to post exactly?
Shit with my friends, places I visit, shit I do (whole MMA / swimming shit, working out, posing with some famous faggots I know, Idk).

I've no great game plan for this.

>> No.11427677

>I've no great game plan for this.
it helps if you live in a big city I imagine/ go to an international university.

>> No.11427691

Learn how to growth hack through following other people

>> No.11427693

I'm moving from one big city to another in September.

My friend is basically a photographer in part time, she has some good pics on her Insta. Complete with all those gay ass filters I see on famous peoples' accounts.

How long would this take to, well, take off?

Gimme an example, laderino.

>> No.11427696

how are you going to buy followers when you have none and not look like a faggot? i'd wait until i have a few thousand before doing that

>> No.11427699

Get sponsored in your sport and have your famous friends tag you and shout you out to get as much followers as possible. My surf friends started off with their surf sponsors and now shill diet shakes, apparel, camping gear, shoes, whatever in official and unofficial sponsorships. Or You could go the meme route. Check out versace_tamagochi.

>> No.11427722

>80k followers by just goofing around
Holy shit.

How much do these sponsors pay anyway? Assuming they're big?

>Everything points to me having to start a career in modelling to finance my other shit
I understand Travis Fimmel now.

>> No.11427739

I know that you can buy 1000 followers for $10 but I guess there may be varying levels of quality with the followers (authenticity wise).

>> No.11428496

>So basically Insta will only open doors instead of being the source of a steady income?

yeah, I don't really think anyone makes an income off of insta alone. youtube allows you to do that, but it's a lot more work.

>> No.11428501


problem with this is no one is going to pay OP beyond giving him free stuff, unless he is really good at something and would command a salary regardless of insta.