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/fa/ - Fashion

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11418920 No.11418920 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you all such FUCKING losers?

Recently it has become ever more present that this board is solely designed to be an echo chamber for losers and weirdos. There is no semblance of reality in these threads, and there is a complete disregard for true 'fashion' wherever you look.

Perhaps my biggest problem with this board is the arrogant hypocrisy of wearing disgustingly unattractive 'trend' items and then claiming that anyone who correctly thinks they look awful is a 'drone' who dresses for "others approval". This is laughable at best and pathetic at worst. Any WAYWT thread is full of misguided teenager desperate for the approval of other similarly misguided teenagers, who will turn on anyone who criticizes their outfits as being not 'normal' enough by claiming that said critic is a beta male who only dresses for the approval of others. Yet it is in this critique of the critic that the irony lies. Whilst the critic may indeed dress for the approval of society in general, he will often receive greater social reward than the self-satisfaction this board's members have when dressing in the latest Gosha Rubinsky or Rick Owens.


>> No.11418924
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It never passes the minds of these board members, these misguided teenagers, that perhaps individuality and self-worth is not found in clothing but within an individual's mind. There is a definite primitive ideology surrounding the idea that clothing is individualistic and the ultimate expression of self-worth. Truly it is more pathetic and approval-seeking to dress for the attention of internet-fashionistas than to dress for the attention of either nobody at all, or for society as a whole.

Whilst it may sound depressing, there is pleasure in conformity. Not through the sacrificing of one's identity, but through the knowledge that one can focus on expansion of the mind as oppose to an expansion of one's wardrobe.

As Socrates described, it is the job of the philosopher to separate himself from his body as much as is possible without death. The 'pursuit of patrician' that this board is so enamored with, whilst claiming to be a search for a more individualistic and superior state of existence, is merely perpetuating a more plebeian existence through the very obsession of being an 'individual'.

I urge each and every one of you not to conform for the sake of conformity, but conform for the sake of finding deeper knowledge of yourself.

>> No.11418926


>> No.11418934


>> No.11418964


>> No.11418970

i'm just wearing clothes i like anon!

>> No.11418976

>this board is solely designed to be an echo chamber for losers and weirdos. There is no semblance of reality in these threads

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.11418981

Keep telling yourself that

>> No.11419030
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Bro you fell for the meme. Sure, there's the occasional good bit of inspo which can influence the nature of your next purchase or how you wear your clothes in general, but /fa/ is, in all honesty, where 16-24 year olds (like myself) come and have a bit of banter and memes.

I feel bad for you typing all that shit lol.

>> No.11419047

lmao post fit noob

you dont speak for effay

>> No.11419048

Wtf I hate Socrates now!

>> No.11419050

I don't get this meme.

>> No.11419060


>> No.11419066

fuck this edgy rant

ID on that jacket tho

>> No.11419076

oh yeah that's just the astronut jacket haha

>> No.11419150

Has OP considered:
Having fun ?

>> No.11419169

i will now direct my criticism on an insignificant aspect of your argument and directly attack you
>Gosha rubinsky

>> No.11419193

Actually I do. Get off our board loser lol kys and die

>> No.11419207

as opposed to kys and live?

>> No.11419222

Having fun being a lonely faggot with no friends and no future because he dresses like a space scarecrow with alopecia and a bad case of iron deficiency?

>> No.11419232

LOL !!!!X''DD

>> No.11419236
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Isn't it possible to show the individual mind through clothing?

>> No.11419242

You're right, I'd much rather be friends with someone like you.
The everything-you-do-is-fucking-stupid-because-im-not-doing-it vibe is so great.

>> No.11419250
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you wrote two full fucking posts? hahahahah i havent even skimmed this shit I'm already laughing dude my stomach is hurting!

>> No.11419274

OP does bring up something I'm interested in:
How many lurkers do you think there are to posters here on /fa/, on average?

>> No.11419280
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>> No.11419282

posters get roasted and most people on 4chan are self conscious
I'd say 10:1 or so

>> No.11419283

Absolutely, but this board is hopeless at it, yet still pretends to be something it isn't.

>> No.11419293

I don't mean just those who post fits but just general posters. Or maybe you meant that as well, not sure.

>> No.11419306

Oh my bad, in that case closer to a 3:1 or so
I've always been curious how many people on /fa/ actually dress /fa/ in their day to day

>> No.11419307

4500 lurkers?

>> No.11419359

he's right you know, although I disagree that rick is jut a trend/fad

>> No.11419369

How many people here can tell why they like Rick?

>> No.11419391


>> No.11419396
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>> No.11419412


>> No.11419424
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>> No.11419426
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>> No.11419435
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>> No.11419452

I definitely agree with aspects of this. Clothing is too closely associated with personality. I think the two are very separate and in my experience those who dress the most outrageously have the least to say. no one is going to like you based on what you wear. that only works on fa and similar fashion forums. because the minute you open your mouth and begin a dialogue your real/ internal personality is shown. young people and old people should focus less on their appearance if it is only to gain social status.

>> No.11419454

Did you just dig your computer up from where you buried it in 2008?

>> No.11419467

This board has never been worse.
It was always majority 17-20.
But, the new crop of teenagers are fucking hopeless tumblrites trying way to fucking hard to carve a personality.

>> No.11419502

Tumblr? It's basic bitches or people who don't give a fuck.

>> No.11419529

>that kid who takes philosophy 101 then thinks he's "enlightened"

It'll wear off in a month or two, trust me

>> No.11419538

((YOUUUUU)) crank that soulja boy

>> No.11419559

except he's right - as a lurker, the WAYWT threads are mega cringey. if i saw some of what you guys are wearing on the street, i'd think you guys are punks.

the thing is, you can dress uniquely AND nicely. that's the whole magic and the whole difficulty of it. you guys are dressing uniquely and forsaking how it actually looks.

>> No.11419563

So tumblr...

>> No.11419567

not to mention that a lot of the times, y'all wearing some super basic-bitch streetwear that i see all the time and thinking you guys really did something unique

and some gross fuckers who don't put the same amount of time into their hygiene and face care as they do their clothing and it shows

>> No.11419571

and wash yr clothes and shoes or something

wearing dank clothing, no matter how well coordinated, is ugly and pleb. fashion is near the end of the list of things to do. it begins with taking care of yrself.

>> No.11419583

perhaps, too, notice how misshapen it looks when you are talking about fashion while talking photos of yourself in yr parent's basement.

broke fashion is the same as piercing your nose or dying your hair. it is a grab for attention as opposed to a refinement and enhancement of yourself.

again, hold this desire for fashion, it's a good sign. but work on improvement first so it isn't just nice pieces of clothes of a hollow shell.

you want it so even if you are wearing the hottest thing, that people (women) would rather see it off you than on you.

>> No.11419592

i seen it all the time, friends. that is why i say this.

people who are not confident with themselves trying to hide behind fashion. it's the same as everything else. hiding behind sports (jocks), hiding behind intelligence (nerds), hiding behind philosophy (loners), etc. etc.

it starts within.

all else are additions onto the original body

>> No.11419598

I'm into fashion because I have lots of money and like to spend it but I don't have anything cool to spend it on

>> No.11419639

Cool post dude! Thanks for clearing fashion up for me :)

>> No.11419654
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>> No.11419734

So really, just dress the way you want and don't let plebs decide what you do.

>> No.11419748

so just like...
so just like workout and i'll be better lmao

>> No.11419773

Can someone explain what this guy is trying to say with this?
>I swear i'm not underage

>> No.11419784

OP is a fag

>> No.11419803

I hate the newfriend poor teens who shit on anything expensive cause they are bitter they cant afford it

>> No.11419825
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Correct me if I'm wrong but basically you're saying people here are trying to find "themselves" in clothing rather than in themselves? They're trying to build a personality out of clothes rather than building clothes out of their personality.


if so then I guess that I'd agree with that. But that conclusion is based off a lot of assumptions and doesn't really have solidity.. however you do know not everyone here is like that right? the ones who post might be but what about the lurkers?

I know you have to generalize everyone to get your point across but I'm just saying

>> No.11420591

bump while i read

>> No.11420624

think u might be taking this shit a bit too seriously

>> No.11420798

this is all ENTIRELY true

if you are young and here, leave, now. this place is cancer. it's not even selling you what you think it's selling you (e.g. 'ppl on here seem like cunts but maybe some are cool or at least can make me cool'

this is a place were failed narcissists spin out and waste time

>> No.11420811



I don't like a lot of these places because of the need of an account.

>> No.11420818

the pathology in this shithole's thinking can be summed up by how they feel it acceptable to hate on reddit/basic bitch fits, while presenting nothing original themselves. that it doesn't matter what you actually do (and everyone is too insecure to bear to look at that objectively) but so long as you can pass yourself off in some way - clearly there is no difference in virtue between basic bitch fits and basic dressed by the internet stuff, but the belief is that so long as you belong to the right subculture it doesn't matter - so long as you have can look down on others, it doesn't matter that the obvious reality to an outsider is that you're absolutely no different than those you scorn.

the posts on here are ether:

'checking' to see that something is in order i.e. that i am able to navigate this bullshit discourse safely (i can talk for 30 seconds about marc de marco before people realise i dont know shit)

projected aggression

wasting potentially productive energies to ensure that a) one is too exhausted to notice im full of shit and everyone actually with life around me is bored by me b) trick myself into thinking i'm doing something without having to abandon my grandoise fantasies

note that this isn't the one 'problem' so much as analogous to their issues in general - a particularly pathetic brand of millennial adolescent narcissism.

>> No.11420837

The majority of people here don't care. This board will never improve.

>> No.11420855

Perhaps i'm a borderline sociopath but why wouldn't you wear clothes based on the target group you are trying to infiltrate / gain social status in.

For example I'm a corporate drone so have lots of formal outfits, if i'm trying to pick up qt hipsters or metal chicks or whatever scene then I can research or just look at what clothes are cool in that group of people and changed my outfits accordingly.

This is my first time on this board and I don't see much useful info.

>> No.11420866
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>> No.11420885

OP here.

That's basically what I was saying.

It was my privilege anon :)

>> No.11420888


>> No.11420895


>> No.11422339

>everyone thinks they're balding
holy fuck man

>> No.11422588


>> No.11422652

>Why are you all such FUCKING losers?


lurk more

>> No.11422701


>> No.11422810
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