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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 188 KB, 730x1024, bearded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11416248 No.11416248 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder if you can't grow a beard then you're either a woman, or a child.

>> No.11416252

Thank god, I didn't want to grow up anyways.

>> No.11416255

>dr martens
literal faggot

>> No.11416334

I know this feel, anon.

>> No.11416353

Those shitty low rise skinny HM jeans are way worse. Those Docs actually look like they've aged nicely.

>> No.11416357

Someone is just trying to incite a flame war, it's obvious. Please don't take the bait, baby faced teens.

>> No.11416358

Daily reminder if you are attractive with a beard you would be more attractive without it.

>> No.11416435

Daily daminder that if you have a beard you are just hiding your shitty weak jaw

>> No.11417354

This guy has one of the most punchable faces I have ever witnessed

>> No.11417378

How long til people realize that the blue steel is dead and played out to the max

No shit? Why would you NOT do this? If you have a flaw (by the way, a beard hides a weak chin, not a weak jaw. It can help with the jaw but it's primarily for the chin) that can be covered up simply by letting nature do it's thing and NOT shaving down your hair every couple of days, why on earth would you not do that?

I've got a meh chin, in the process of growing out a beard now. Unfortunately I'm a bit patchy, the only places where I don't have solid growth are in the area under my lip and between my moustache and my chin. Kinda worried that because of that, the end of my chin will be relatively visible and I won't get to reap the benefits of nature's concealer.

>> No.11418670

or a man who can't grow a beard, maybe some kind of animal, they can't do that shit either

>> No.11418726

nice one pal

>> No.11419145
File: 31 KB, 800x451, jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for shaving the neckline?

My beard growth is very patchy and asymmetrical below the neckline, so leaving it is not an option, but getting a perfect trim just seems impossible. I'm about to just say fuck it and just start getting it done professionally for now on.

>> No.11419233
File: 67 KB, 968x848, 1461233153038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11419296

>Tfw you can grow an epic beard, but the military won't allow it.
Total bullshit, all in the name of professional. Civil War had some epic badass generals, and they all had beards. And clearly SF/SOF has shown that beards in no way prevent you from being a competent servicemember.

>> No.11419332


wow. not sure what to think about this other than this gent is douchey with a capital D.

look at all the out of context jail tats. web to indicate doing time so long your elbows have gathered cobweb from sitting on them doing nothing. ok, fine.

3 dots under his eye. Mi Vida Loca, or tres puntas. indicative of a wild lifestyle.

filled in tear drop. various meanings. somebody died. ok hardass.

lightning bolts, SS symbol for white power. usually just two of them, three here but whatever.

diamonds, down here Aryan Circle uses them.

Stars. Five Points, that's Tango BLAST down here.

Eagle swooping down is pretty popular Southern Conservative symbol.

The chest tat, christ. The dia de los muertos tat... those cherries christ I wouldnt be surprised if he had a kiss mark, a palm tree, and or a playboy bunny tattoo somewhere.

It's not that there's anything wrong with any of them individually or even the co-opting of a sub culture. that happens all the time, fashion is fashion. but this is so clearly a mish mash of trendy pish posh i would head butt this fuck just cause.

whatever. made me reply. i like that shark tattoo.

i wonder what his other knuckles say. DOLL FACE ???

>> No.11419358

compensating for lack of bone structure/jaw: the thread

>> No.11419553

me too bro BUMP