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File: 383 KB, 1267x1024, 1267px-Lewis_Hine%2C_Newsies_smoking_at_Skeeter's_Branch%2C_St._Louis%2C_1910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11415060 No.11415060 [Reply] [Original]

is smoking effay?
what brand?
i smoke marlboro but im not sure they are effay enough

>> No.11415102

people under 25 will tell you yes. people over 25 will tell you no.

marbs are disgusting and you should quit.

>> No.11415126

I smoke American spirit blacks which are hipstercore but theyre the only stoges I don't feel like I'm getting cancer every time I inhale. even though I am. probably best to quit

>> No.11415129

im 25 what is it then
i only smoke to look cool im gonna do it for a couple more years dont worry
anyways its not like i wanna live up to 40 or 50

>> No.11415244 [DELETED] 
File: 2.56 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same but I roll my own with black. Just got pic related to keep my cigs in. Anybody else use a case? post it.

>> No.11415256
File: 2.65 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_3090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same but I use the black rolling tobacco. Just got pic related to keep my cigs in. Anybody else use a case? post it.

>> No.11415262
File: 2.28 MB, 3006x3638, FullSizeRender 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really slim and fits nice in my pockets. will hold up to 10 I think

>> No.11415282

I gotten to the point where I realized I'm addicted to cigarettes I smoke almost a pack of 10 a day or maybe even more. Just smoked one and already want another one. Thinking of buying a vape, I don't why everyone says its gay. I really see nothing wrong with them.

>> No.11415308

smoked for 10 years and quit with a vape. still use it but I'm down to the lowest nicotine level.

you kinda look like a doofus smoking them in public, but the flipside is you get to smoke in your house without stinking it up and pissing off the landlord.

got the ijust2 for the price of like, 4 packs of smokes and it's still kicking

>> No.11415321
File: 28 KB, 480x360, smoky pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get some self control. Do that '3 a day' rule. One in the morning, one midday after lunch, and a third wildcard cig that you can smoke whenever.

>> No.11415327
File: 272 KB, 967x1280, 356267-lucky-strike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11415334
File: 44 KB, 732x490, 1977 hunter thompson-lying on couch-smoking and smiling-Gramercy Hotel-2-Edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11415337

Someone please post the pic of the young man with longish brown hair sitting on a kirb lighting a cigarette. Please. I can't for the life of me find it. His jacket is blue/green and quite a loose fit. Skinny jeans too if I remember correctly.

>> No.11415348
File: 51 KB, 660x600, jimi-hendrix-cigarette-white-strat-corbis-660-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont know the pic you're talking about but heres a bump.

>> No.11415395

djarum black

>> No.11415466

Peruvian here, there isnt that stigma of vaping to be cool here. Really thinking of picking one up to help me kick the habit.
Easier said than one. You wouldnt get it unless you are a half a pack a day smoker.

>> No.11415479
File: 326 KB, 2000x1000, o-JOURNALIST-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately, yes, it does look effay as fuck

still wont start though because obvious reasons

>> No.11415487

how do I intro to rolling

>> No.11415497

this is how I quit but I started smoking again a couple weeks after

>> No.11415607

Buy some rolling papers (I use zig zag) and filters. You can either roll your own like joints or get a machine for it. I don't smoke weed so I needed a machine. I picked up a $2 one on eBay from China and it works great. Lastly, tobacco. I prefer to get pipe tobacco because better flavors and shit. It comes in strands so I throw it in a coffee grinder for a couple pulses and it is nice and choppy. After that, pack your stogie and smoke the best smelling stuff ever.

>> No.11415617

Vanilla my man.

>> No.11415657


>> No.11415675
File: 429 KB, 2192x1446, hunter_fwl_2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>get some rolling tobacco
>get some papers
>get some filters(you dont have to use filters but it makes them easier to hold in your mouth if you do. I just use a rolled up piece of stiff paper/thin cardboard as a filter)
>watch some youtube videos on how to roll
>practice along with the video
>then just keep practicing

I just started myself but it's not too difficult.

These videos are good

>> No.11415681

is all pipe tobacco fine to use in cigarettes? I heard some cigarette tobacco is labeled as pipe tobacco to avoid taxes but is it all basically the same?

>> No.11415848

Nah man, the "pipe tobacco" is a fine cut blend that is made specifically for cigarettes. It normally has some extra shit in there too and isn't great tobacco normally. It's generally labeled that way, as you said, to flee taxes.

You can pick up cheap pipe tobacco and grind it in a weed grinder or coffee grinder quickly for a damn amazing smoke. A aromatic vanilla cigarette is so nice. Plus you aren't smoking all that extra shit they throw in Marlboros.

>> No.11416459

I rarely smoke, but when I do I get really relaxed and feel centered. Is that normal for you guys, or does that go away the longer you smoke? Usually I'm very anxious and nervous, but I had a cigarette today after work at the park and I've never felt more relaxed and present. My anxiety literally disappeared

>> No.11416491

>tfw starting to get addicted
>tfw it's been a week or so since i had a cigarette and i'm getting withdrawals
kill me please

>> No.11416512

Those black cloves are kinda dope but they're so good you might smoke too much at once and get sick

>> No.11416528

cloves are gross

i used smoke a lot since 9th grade throughout college, quit for 2 years, now I would buy a pack and smoke it over a week or so and stop for a month and do it again...i'm not addicted and stop when i want to, but I smoke because I want to...ehhh i don't know

>> No.11416533

you are gross