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11411727 No.11411727 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /fa/ let's play a game.

Name 5 of your favorite music artists and others have to guess your personality/style/etc based on these 5 artists. I'll start

>Jacques Greene
>Evian Christ
>Holy Other

>> No.11412376

uhhh, you have a shit personality and shit style to go with that shit taste

>> No.11412382

faggot retard who posts his shitty /mu/ related threads filled with garbage first day on /mu/ core bands on the wrong board style

>> No.11412384

talk shit post favorite music artists so we can guess your personality

>> No.11412398

Sharif Sehnaoui
Keiji Haino
Reinhold Friedl
Karlheinz Stockhausen

>> No.11412404

I didn't seriously want to know what you listen to I just thought it'd be a funny response

>> No.11412409
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seconding. kys and dumb game it's just fuckboy and -waves

personality: breddy gud taste, nothing impressive. IQ 110-120

>> No.11412416
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In no particular order

>Animal Collective
>Oingo Boingo

>> No.11412436

godspeed you black emperor
mohican sandbag

>> No.11412453

My actual non-prententious wankery favourites are:

Pre-Homework daft punk
Crystal Castles
Brennan Heart (mostly his new blademasterz stuff)
And I guess Postal Service

Covers basically everything I'm into

>> No.11412470

Do you define "pretentious wankery" as not being a 2012 hs junior basic dork with a sub to r/music?

>> No.11412480

Naw I mean they're just actually the range of what I listen to compared to what one would say to impress some anonymous strangers on a fashion forum.

>> No.11412482

jordaan mason
The Caretaker
Sachiko M
Otomo Yoshihide

>> No.11412484

you're gay and sad
or you're in denial about being gay but still sad

>> No.11412491

when you're around close friends you're goofy as hell but are otherwise relatively reserved.

generally pretty normcore fits but aspire to go full lunarcore

you often get in argument about who's the best waifu but are always wrong because you won't admit it's obviously cirno.

white dude who tries to pull off asian fits

This: >>11412484
becuz ur me

>> No.11412493

P good taste bud

>> No.11412499
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so the range of what you listen to is a dorky hs junior in 2012 who gets his whole taste off the internet?

you dress in "refined basics" or palewave, because you don't you have your own taste yet tryhard yet insecure about being a tryhard af

>> No.11412501

>Boards o' Canada
>Tim Hecker
>Beach House
>Flying Lotus

>> No.11412507

Meghan Trainor
Ariana Grande
One Direction
Taylor Swift
Pierrr Schaeffer

>> No.11412510

never moved beyond allmusic.com's recommendations core

>> No.11412516

complete shit taste

>> No.11412526

Brennan Heart/Blademasterz are popular with people who get their taste from the internet? Cool I guess can only be good for HS/HC

>> No.11412528

It's hard to pick all time favorites so this is just what I've been listening to lately.

Smashing Pumpkins
The Cure
The Mars Volta
Xiu Xiu

>> No.11412538

Pianos Become the Teeth
Touché Amoré

>> No.11412540

four tet

all i really listen to

>> No.11412582
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Sonic Youth
Ty Segall
Animal Collective
The Microphones

>> No.11412597
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>thinks festival hardstyle redeems his taste

>> No.11412606
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16 years old with a subscription to Goodwill. wants to be cool and depressed but is a sweet, lonely guy at heart. really, more than anything, just wants a friend.

which you're not going to get being 6 years out of date on your trendiness. who the fuck still listens to ty segall? and the microphones lmao. replace sonic youth with beat happening and maybe you could find a way out of the lame hole you've dug for yourself

>> No.11412608

from the south

>> No.11412622

Meh, BH is popular for a reason. His recent releases have definitely been the best of the last year or so. Of all time donkey rollers gotta be the best HS act tho

>> No.11412629
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>> No.11412638
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Well I'm not a trendy guy so you got that right, but I don't try to be. Also why should I keep up with what's trendy, I like what I like and I am who I am. Love the criticism though, I guess liking something that you don't like is bad. Sorry that im not up to your standards.

>> No.11412646

>death grips

>> No.11412650

>the hotelier
>jeff rosenstock
>the smith street band

>> No.11412654

oops didn't mean to quote >>11412622

>> No.11412655

-J Cole
-Kevin gates
-Chance the Rapper

>> No.11412677
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Except you're ultra trendy. you just somehow found yourself on a trend from 5 years ago. like animal collective + the microphones was pitchfork backed v hard & ty segall blew up alongside the growlers with fucking beach goth fest. suddenly they're gigs are just all 15 yr old tumblr bitches and the fuckboys trying to catch that ass.
it's just a neatly outlined, artificial, pre packaged identity for people to lazy to get their own taste but too boring to not try and be alt to buy into

here's what you'd be today >>11412646
with iceage+pharmakon+death grips. poser babby's who's never been to a noise/punk gig + lip service to normals/femme with beyonce, just riding on more hype for scenes and sounds they don't understand

i really dont get you folk. you're not even posers, cause you don't even go out to ruin any shows, except for the few meme bands you've safely secured in your library; where you'll show up in a tee of the fucking band youre gonna see. it's like you're posing as a poser.

>> No.11412686

any good music us posers of posers may not know?

>> No.11412687

i dont argue about objective superiority of characters love appeal because i understand its subjective

>> No.11412692

U seem like a nice guy to talk to

>> No.11412697

insect warfare
alex turner

>> No.11412715

I guess I shouldn't listen to an artist because they aren't trending anymore, damn I have no taste. I have to be up to date and listen to obscure music that I probably won't like just because it'll make me look cooler and probably "effay" too. It's all about trying so hard to look cool and different now.

>> No.11412728
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yea, what you like? animal collective worked & toured with black dice early on, if you like the noise in their early stuff, you'd probably be a fan. black dice later stuff also took a similar route as anco with the electro pop, but a much darker/mutant, tribal direction.
they also fucked w lightning bolt if you want some saccharine noise rock. providence in general is a scene well worth digging into

here's a recent solo EP from a black dice member

sim to sonic youth you might like 6 finger satellite.

it's pretty sad when your entire aggregated taste aligns exactly with a pre-existing prepackaged "personal taste" handout, but if it makes you feel confident about yourself and helps you get through the loneliness of no friends, I guess that's all the matters in the end

>> No.11412868

I'm not actually from the south but that's a good description of my personality.

>> No.11412874

you're white, young, likes to smoke weed with his friends but doesn't wanna get tooo high

>> No.11412883

benito mussolini
ash ketchum
spaghetti bolognese
dawn platinum ultra
mankitsu happening

>> No.11412889

Roast away, also in no particular order
>Earl sweatshirt
>lil ugly mane

>> No.11412893

Lmao not the dude who posted that but that's fuckin spot on

>> No.11412898

The Cure
American Football

>> No.11412904

my favorite artists are based more on nostalgic and emotional value than objectivity (as they should be)

neutral milk hotel
my chemical romance
porter robinson
david bowie
watkin tudor jones

this is cheating but im expanding to a top ten

vampire weekend
jeff rosenstock
aphex twin
kanye west

i like this list okay

p cool

cure & volta <3

id hang out w u so hard, listening to throw me in the river rn

>> No.11412919

Part /mu shitter, part hipster trash, part absolute faggot

>> No.11412955

joy division
death grips

>> No.11412963

you say shit but I know for a fact you listen to evian

>> No.11412964

>vampire weekendd
>kishi bashi
>george michael
>village people
>cristina (the 1980s one)

>> No.11412967
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summer of haze
Noc. V

>> No.11413023

>my niqqa

>> No.11413034

A Day to Remember
JJ Lin (林俊杰)
The Unguided
Li Ronghao (李荣浩)

>> No.11413037

Shit taste also offtopic

>> No.11413353

Kanye West
Kendrick Lamar

>> No.11413378

Catfish and the Bottlemen
Chance the Rapper
Louis the Child
Tame Impala

what's good effay

>> No.11413402

>Dawn Golden
>Willow Beats
>Tame Impala

>> No.11413417

Yohijo Yamamoto

Street wear, yeeze.



>> No.11413418

Pink floyd
The world is a beautiful place and I am no longer afraid to die
The misfits

>> No.11413423


ma man

>> No.11413427

lmao "i don't enjoy the music but listening to obscure and serious artists makes me feel superior" core

>> No.11413432

teen suicide
Godspeed you! black emperor
MF doom

>> No.11413457

>boards of canada
>flying lotus
>j dilla
>king krule

>> No.11413493

suburban white teen-core
chill dude-core

Amalia Rodrigues
Marty Robbins
Dusty Springfield
The Jesus Lizard
Vainica Doble

>> No.11413515


>Booka Shade
>Flying Lotus
>Four Tet

>> No.11413528

>The Strokes
>Sonic Youth
>Childish Gambino

>> No.11413531

Sufjan Stevens
Alva noto
The prodigy

>> No.11413766

The silver Mt zion
Beach house

>> No.11413867

J. Cole
Twenty-one Pilots
James Brown

>> No.11413879

Yung Hurn
Night Lovell
White Ring
Blvck Ceilling

>> No.11413888

Built to spill
Foolish Contender

>> No.11413889

First anon your quoted.

Pretty spot on.

>> No.11413896
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>death grips
>new order
>Kanye west

>> No.11413898

>"Yeah I browse effay, why do you ask?"

>> No.11413911

who is foolish contender

>> No.11413925

Planning For Burial
My Bloody Valentine
Youth Lagoon
Gaslight Radio

>> No.11413940
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blink 182
eric prydz
nicki minaj
kanye west

>> No.11413944
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>crystal castles
>david bowie
>lana del rey
>la femme

>> No.11414096

where abouts are you based?

>> No.11414329

Archy Marshall
Modest mouse
The Radio Dept
The Streets

>> No.11414333

Godspeed You!Black Emperor
Denzel Curry
Bass Communion
A$AP Ferg
Smash Mouth

>> No.11414344

Typical suburban, white bread. Maybe a city dweller but still very vanilla, basic type of person. Artsy but only as a superficial accessory to your personality

Very concerned about others opinions, outwardly you embrace the "I'm weird/random/enigmatic" shtick but still hide a lot about who you really are.

>> No.11415199

Blind Guardian
Pink Guy

>> No.11415306
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depeche mode
david bowie
la femme


>> No.11415309
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Travis Scott
Taylor Swift
Denzel Curry
Kanye 2005/2013
Young Pappy

>> No.11415318


>> No.11415322

Loose fits. Generally laid back and chill.

>> No.11415398

Salvia palth
Bon iver
Bright eyes

>> No.11415403

You sound like a chill stoner

>> No.11415404
File: 199 KB, 713x476, 483ad4cc-9499-4e1c-8d7a-0258f30de528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talking heads
new order

>> No.11415419

My Bloody Valentine
A Place To Bury Strangers
The Cure
Jesus & Mary Chain

>> No.11415423

Waylon Jennings
Dexter Wansel (A funky jazz fusion composer)

>> No.11415665

colorado springs, went to uccs this year. not much effay here :/

went to evergreen state college last year tho, (and probably next year). theres some p effay kids there

y do u ask

>> No.11415688

>went to evergreen state college last year tho, (and probably next year). theres some p effay kids there

lol I got by BS from evergreen a few years ago. love that place. cheapest city I ever lived it.

>> No.11415713

>lana del rey
>schoolboy q
>travis/A$AP rocky

>> No.11415738

Earl Sweatshirt

>> No.11415741

the strokes
king gizzard & the lizard wizard
led zeppelin

>> No.11415782

The Strokes
Arctic Monkeys
Denzel Curry

>> No.11415811

I'm picturing you as a young Robert Smith

Brand New
Dir en grey
The Cure
Cross My Heart
The Libertines

>> No.11415812

stuck in 2011

>> No.11415816

lol I'm picturing you as a young weeb homo

>> No.11415887

Nina Simone
MF Doom
Herbie Hancock
Kendrick Lamar

>> No.11415937

teen suicide
nana grizol
gesu no kiwami otome

the bladee + sufjan is messing me up, not sure what you'd dress like


what do high schoolers wear these days

>> No.11415979

Robb Banks
Mac Demarco
Tyler the creator
Van Halen

>> No.11416169

Chill dudes. I'd drink beers and sing karaoke with you guys any day.

>> No.11416494

3/4 white 1/4 jamaican londoner. I have very few friends and stay in my flat a lot. If not I like hanging out with 4 or so mates. I don't really give a fuck about what people think. I'm artsy i guess. I draw, write, and record music, but not to show people, just because its my hobby and what interests me. I got a BA Philosophy and Bsc Economics in the states but just for the hell of it.

>> No.11416515

this also isn't because I care about perceptions I just wanted to let you know you are wrong.

>> No.11417120

lately it's been

kamasi washington
fleet foxes

>> No.11417173

the smiths
nitzer ebb
mac demarco
talking heads
fka twigs

>> No.11417186

kanye west
makeout videotape
the pillows
young thug

>> No.11417191

Jimi Hendrix
Kanye west

>> No.11417216

How do you know the smithies if you're not from australia? I thought they were pretty unknown outside of aus.

>> No.11417242

caught them opening for ajj (w chumped and jeff rosenstock), been a huge fan ever since

they opened on a string of front bottoms dates as well, then did a small headlining tour. theyre definitely gaining ground with the whole asian man/sideonedummy/quote unquote records families, i think mostly due to jeff desu. he posts stuff about them and pup quite a bit

>> No.11417251

young thug
king crimson

>> No.11417274

Daft Punk
Depeche Mode

>> No.11417374

That would've be so good holy shit.

Jeff and Wil are doing a solo tour in Sydney and Melbourne, but not fucken adelaide ofc. I think they're making another smithies album though.

>> No.11417526

Screaming Trees
White Stripes
Black Keys until 2011
Brant Bjork and bros

>> No.11417539

Little Brother
John Martyn
Big L
Jack J

>> No.11417561

>lil b
>brian eno