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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 170 KB, 600x1500, baltika9H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11409770 No.11409770 [Reply] [Original]

effay drinks

>> No.11409781

Water, tea, or absinthe.

>> No.11409784
File: 110 KB, 801x1000, wostok-web-e1436180600596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On my trip to Berlin I bought a sort of fruit juice called Wostok and it was pretty /fa/

>> No.11409793
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>> No.11409799

pretty dope design desu, too bad its soda

>> No.11409804

>try hard minimalist bottles

>> No.11409827
File: 82 KB, 708x708, bestbeerforprice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice choose op.

Also this.

>> No.11409831
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>> No.11409834
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I like this bottle

>> No.11409840

>trying to be fritz cola

>> No.11409844

>cheap high percentage beer
>commonly drunk by homeless, alcoholics
hm actually p /fa/
mexican beer is a meme

>> No.11409878

fuck off

>> No.11410139
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Step aside beerlets

>> No.11410160
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>> No.11410165

>Judging the drink by the bottle
Kill yourself you worthless cunt

>> No.11410166
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>> No.11410173
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>> No.11410180
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>40% abv

why don't you have the 47% bombay? also, why are you drinking gin that tastes like vodka instead of this superior spirit?

>> No.11410222

We don't have the 47% version in Sweden. I like Beefeater as well but I feel dope as shit picking up a bottle of Bombay.

>> No.11410979
File: 18 KB, 360x1000, wyborowa-vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheap polish vodka is the way to go

>> No.11410987
File: 68 KB, 970x450, makers-pano_18683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11410988

come the fuck one

>> No.11410993


>> No.11411011
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two of these almost frozen

>> No.11411039
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ive found 8.6 extreme to be the best tasting of the homeless beer

>> No.11411042
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>> No.11411083
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inb4 green tea arizona

>> No.11411108
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Good goy, believe that marketing

>> No.11411140
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>> No.11411156

its a thread about effay drinks, dumby. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH!?

>> No.11411160

Do you seriously not know what these actually are you fucking idiots?!!?!?


Smh, get some fucking culture

>> No.11411210

>drinking alcohol at all


>> No.11411220

Sorry this isn't /v/ and were not all faggots who would make decorative video game soda.

Because I'm not 12

>> No.11411225

Tried 8.6 absinthe?
personnal fav

>> No.11411231

being a gopnik alcoholic may SEEM effay if you live several time zones or oceans away from any former soviet country, but i can assure you... it is not effay.

>> No.11411238

looks nice desu

>> No.11411239

small-dicked alcoholic virgin.
this shit objectively tastes unbelievably terrible.

>> No.11411243
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>> No.11411247
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Forgot the obvious

>> No.11411250

every time i drink absolut, awful things happen
never again.

>> No.11411251

Bcs we have to die from something and alcohol (beer or wine) is the less degenerate drug.

>> No.11411252

tastes like shit tho

I like green tea but wtfs with the ginseng and low quality honey

Quality honey tastes so good you can just keep eating it, idk what this shit uses

>> No.11411256
File: 1.74 MB, 1700x3385, Russian_Standard_Vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should see what happens when you have this

>> No.11411258

why not? where are you from?

>> No.11411260

it's honey flavoring and high fructose corn syrup (glucose-fructose syrup)
this is exactly the type of concoction that causes mass obesity and diabetes in america.

>> No.11411266

russian standard is fine for me.
I prefer vodka over anything else, but absolut is cursed.

>> No.11411269

Corn syrup also sort of ruins it. Though they have a place where I live that sells bottles of it made with "real" sugar and the taste is noticeably better. Though you can't deny the design on the bottle has always had a good aesthetic.

>> No.11411290

I bought it exactly for that reason actually, cause it looked nice and I wanted a nice looking beverage next to me. Thinking about it, I feel really stupid

Do you mean it messes up your stomach or you commit heinous acts of debauchery with the occasional penchant for treason?

>> No.11411291

>live in former soviet country
>drink at least 1 can every day
fuck you nigger

>> No.11411297
File: 45 KB, 533x800, isild le besco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im from moscow, russia.

Just imagine people in russia glamorizing the trash of your country. That's what it's like when people look at gopniks and think "hmm, siqq fit tbqph"

I am so confused by this sudden growth of russia-weebs. It's kinda nice though, since now i dont really feel embarrassed about my identity when i am abroad.

>> No.11411308

I heard that Russians like to drink hennessy and cristal

also that Russians drink on average 4 gallons of vodka per year

Is this true, Vodkanik?

>> No.11411309


>> No.11411332

today i see a lot of jameson and various beers.

we drank hennessy and all the hip-hop meme drinks in the 90s to mid 2000s because of the new money effect (see US blacks, arabs, chinese etc)... unless you were a poor russian in which case, you either didnt drink at all or drank loads of cheap vodka.... or did heroin.

if you are poor in russia you usually either drink a lot or not at all.

>> No.11411340
File: 143 KB, 1080x720, KDFFiBX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Пиздeц, пидopaшкa, ты нaхyя тyт пocты cтpoчишь c тaким yбoгим aнглийcким? Пиздyй в шкoлy.

>> No.11411348

ubogim angliskim?

>> No.11411354

V smisle ti huesos bezgramotnij. Vipelis, dermo.

>> No.11411361

nubina nahui haros bljat

>> No.11411362

tam prosto netu grammatnih oshibak.
kto tebya ukusil, malish?

>> No.11411370

>tam prosto netu
Proigral s malogramotnogo unterka. Ebani v rot, otkuda vi lezite, ubludki? Sidite na svoei parashe i zhrite to, chto mestnim daunam skormili mfa i tumblr.

>> No.11411378

a ti prodolzhai predvoryatsa chto ti umeyesh govorit po angliski :^)

>> No.11411387

>a ti prodolzhai predvoryatsa
Kak ti, unterok ubogij? Tak ti podi i ne ponimaesh do konca, chto tut tebe pishut, lel.

>> No.11411398

trudno ponyat vrozhdennogo provinciala

>> No.11411405

yes but the numbers on it are aesthetically pleasing. too bad it's a fucking huge can

>> No.11411406

Hehe, nu ka, pidorashka, tavkaj eshe. Budesh tavkat, poka ne skomanduju ostanovitsa.

>> No.11411409
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>> No.11411433
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>> No.11411442


>> No.11411457
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>classy gentleman detected

>> No.11411461




Europeans got that one wrong

>> No.11411462

i just do an say heinous things, but as of yet, no treason

>> No.11411471

Why? Its edgy as fuck, only skaters and pop-punk kids drinking this, not fedora bois.

>> No.11411497

last year i bought a case of this from a beer distributor in pennsylvania, opened it up and found that all the beer had been made in 2007 and was 14 years past expiration.

>> No.11411510
File: 118 KB, 634x589, beenurs mang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made in 2007
>14 years past expiration

>> No.11411528

why do normies insist some types of liquor, usually tequila, make them crazy and they 'can't drink it lolol omg'

>> No.11411538
File: 81 KB, 300x316, chat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 2007 was 15 years ago

>> No.11411542

because they are normies and cant form their own opinions. they just hear it said a lot and then just begin regurgitating this false meme information