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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 54 KB, 500x654, tumblr_neevgwMTHO1r0ew34o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11406422 No.11406422 [Reply] [Original]

Trends and fashion you hate, post em.
Why does everything have to be the color of poop these days? The poop trend seriousely needs to die.
>poop nails
>poop skin
>poop lips
>poop clothes
Seriously, how much poop do you need?
Also, fuck boxer braids.

>> No.11406435


Everything wrong with our generations makeup in a single video. I hate this bitch, I hope she dies or something.

>> No.11406442
File: 105 KB, 600x399, fuckinggross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking nose rings. They are so shit looking and ruin anyone who would usually look good without them.

>> No.11406463


This whole channel feels like a troll or something. Just, ugh.

>> No.11406562

>boxer braids
I've only seen this pop up since buzzfeed called them racist last month.

They're fucking Dutch braids.

>> No.11406642

Live up north, nobody ever wear their hair in dutch braids. I visited LA last week and every girl and her mother had them. They looked fucking awful on all of them.

>> No.11406644

Not a fan of the running shoe when not running trend

>> No.11406832

Fuckboy hair mountain man beard combo


The messy knot of hair on top of the head that wannabe preppy white girls think is a 'hair style', and those 'juicy' pants or pajama pants they usually wear with that hairstyle. Fucking Walmart trash blonds.


Workout cloths outside the gym.

Those matching pants and sweaters that look like cheap children's sweatsuits that keeps getting pushed on here. I do not give a shit how expensive and well made the material might be, you still look like a lazy bum if you leave the house in that shit.

Anyone who wears a torn up cotton sweater on purpose.

Socks with sandals, especially those big plastic pieces of shit men like lately. Male Walmart trash.

>> No.11406867

>long hair in general is pretty played out by now iyam
>tank tops
>shitty hip tattoos
>shitty beards
>adidas in general
>the whole dadcap and adidas costume that people wear
>band shirts when you only listen to top 50
>being a nigger - kys
>buying iphones

etc etc

just please stop this

i see pretty much two of those things on at least 20 people when I go outside for 30 minutes and I live in a small town

>> No.11406870

I just read that article.

Buzzfeed is trash.

>> No.11406891

any colaberation with any rap artist
it automatically makes them think they are a design and they are "changing the game" their egos go off the hook because not only can they make noises now they can make clothing it always looks pretty standard and it pisses me off the most when they think music has anything to do with fashion

>> No.11406921

>long hair in general is pretty played out by now iyam

That seems a bit too general. That's like saying 'coats are pretty played out' or 'jeans are pretty played out'

>band shirts when you only listen to top 50

Agreed. Perfectly good shirts get ruined when they become trendy amongst fuckers who heard one song once and thought the shirt looked cool at Hot Topic.

>> No.11406925

okay so sports clothes, show up with a black friend, grow a beard, get tattoos, buy a bieber/gaga shirt and use Apple. gonna steal this :^)

>> No.11406956
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the trend of moving from facial hair and short manly cuts to twink looking faggots

>> No.11406965

I think they're referring to people wearing band shirts of bands they don't actually listen to. Not actual top 50 shirts.

>> No.11407006

>Fuckboy hair mountain man beard combo

I saw two dudes with both of these. Holy fuck it's cringy.

>> No.11407058

If your poop is black seek medical help

And those braids are for having wavy hair without heat styling the next day

>> No.11407077

I'm talking about the whole brown lipstick trend, I hate it.

>> No.11407080

I am from Europe tho but pretty much every guy has shoulder length hair right now.

>> No.11407099


>> No.11407372

Why do girls on twitter always post pictures of girls with shiny cheeks? I hate that trend

>> No.11407568

Highlighters. Or "strobing".

Used properly it's meant to subtly accentuate cheekbones. Used by Instagram/Twitter girls it translates to trowel it on and make it look like your face is melting.

You can blame current make up marketing trends for that.

>> No.11407725

shes wearing all black tho

>> No.11407780
File: 37 KB, 499x442, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

besides pic related and everything else mentioned. it doesn't bother me .Just the personality stereotype that comes with

Like every girl I've met(tho i'm generalizing) who's into the kim k/kylie style and is into trap music. always pulls the YOU AINT A REAL MEN shit on me three weeks into dating.
like fuck lady I'm only 20 and your 18 calm down shit isn't serious
fuck drake

>> No.11408150
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>people actually falling for this

>> No.11408162
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I'm ok with manbuns if the dude actually has a lot of long hair and it looks full

got a functional "gotta get this shit outta the way" kind of vibe

what I'm not okay with is the fuccboi topknot
it looks fucking weak

>> No.11408171

pretty effay imo desu

>> No.11408173

This is satire right? I mean she probably gained 10 pounds by applying that. I mean in makeup weight.

>> No.11408278

Mexicans love these stupid shoes. I've learned to dislike everything associated with Hispanics in terms of fashion. Everything they do, from their looks to their personalities, pisses me off.

>> No.11408289

Know what? I don't give a single fuck, I fucking HATE how hip hop is the new mainstream among young white kids. I miss emo. I miss when teenagers liked alternative music and I miss all the skinny teens in tight pants. It was so so so much better than all the stupid "thick ass" shit. I miss when teens were trying to embrace their emotions in their own stupid way. I hate every single thing about rap music and the stupid vapid trends they set.

>> No.11408290

ID on her shades or a similar pair?

Also, fuck anyone who ties a flannel around their waist.

>> No.11408298
File: 83 KB, 640x634, qt crispy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking qt spic girls

>> No.11408326

Why would anyone like spic grills?
>horrible attitude
>three pounds of butt ugly makeup everyday
Build wall.

>> No.11408342
File: 900 KB, 720x713, J3F9nKN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you rejected by one in HS or something?

>> No.11408352

I actually agree. Out of the two, hip-hop influenced culture is far worse and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

>> No.11408363

I went to a HS that was filled with beaners, don't even fucking start with me. They're disgusting and they always got pregnant at sixteen with some beaner thug who didn't stick around. Oh, and they love to pull the race card when they don't get their way. I'm a little mad, I'm sorry I'll shut up now.

>> No.11408373

Spic girls are clingy as fuck after you nail them too. I've actually started to avoid them unless I'm feeling especially thirsty

Spic bitches always try to go raw too since they want that state government welfare money and child support

>> No.11408379

No wonder liberals want to hand terrorists he country they look up to a bunch of savages in pop culture into that Muslim shit

And think it's cool for men to dress like Bruce Jenner

Cry about Miami some more

50 less Clinton voters....looks like he did us a favor

>> No.11408429

You're trying a little hard, aren't you?

>> No.11408745

you're such a fkn virgin lol

>> No.11408776

Truly the most oppressed. Tell us more about your victimhood.

>> No.11409023

>gotta get this shit outta the way
That's why we have haircuts

>> No.11409058

having a skin color isn't a trend, you stupid motherfucker.

>> No.11409067
File: 299 KB, 1833x723, bready loser got mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breads are seriously disgusting man.

>> No.11409103

>horrible attitude
>three pounds of butt ugly makeup everyday

I went to hs in the mountains with rednecks and skinheads as friends, and guess what kind of hillbilly cumskin you just describe?

>Oh, and they love to pull the race card when they don't get their way.
At least here, this only works for blacks and jews. I've never seen latinos do this. Maybe it's worse in other places, but here we keep to ourselves unless it's the proud mexicans kind of latino, who do the mariachi scream/laugh.

The only thing that is not anecdotal is that a lot of us are buy into nigger culture. Are you seriously implying that American women aren't trashy and fat? lol.

>> No.11409487


>> No.11409496

>why girls always
stopped right there. get less stupid and try again.

>> No.11409547


I don't know what's more entertaining, the bullshit you believe, or your absolutely pathetic sense of fashion. Why are you on here anyway? You have zero sense of aesthetics and the thought process of a school shooter.

>> No.11409589
File: 708 KB, 260x146, 1367171747533.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hit a nerve?

>> No.11409593

They make girls more attractive in my opinion

>> No.11409594


>Le epic white knight

>> No.11409601

lurk more

>> No.11409602

ahahaha nice one /b/ro xD *holds up spork*

>> No.11409633

kill yourself virgin

>> No.11409677

>doesn't know the thought process of a school shooter
>on 4chan

>> No.11409685


>> No.11410510

Shittiest taste confirmed.

>> No.11410551

Giant beards are annoying to me, and not just because I can't grow proper facial hair.

Since beards are 'in' (at least they still are where I live), and they take a massive amount of time and dedication to grow and groom, the only people who bother having big beards are the absolute worst fuccboi "I only do anything to get girls bro lol I have no legitimate interests or opinions on aesthetics" types. And that horribly affected super concerned look they always make in pictures. It's just all so contrived.

Fuck beards. Long hair on dudes is the same way.

>> No.11411216

>growing a beard demands more time and dedication than shaving it every day

good one

>> No.11411241

She looks like Lara Croft or smth

>> No.11411296

what were the redeeming qualities of emo, though

>> No.11411851

holy shit i think ive seen this guy in real life

>> No.11411986

Sounds like a stodgy old man complaining.

Though most girls
who use makeup don't like the way that's applied, relatively few people do their makeup like that.

And that girl seems to have taken cues from porn stars. I've only seen teen girls use DSL to describe a look they're going for. Sexualizing yourself b/c it's trendy and cool is worse than just wearing thick layers of makeup. And I'll bet that girl's target audience are teen girls.

>> No.11412005

fucking monochrome
it's so lifeless, like have those guys ever kek'd in their life? Are they afraid of color?

>> No.11412016

Holy shit. I pooped pure black the other day. What's wrong am I going to die?

>> No.11412020


kys you elitist cunt

>> No.11412534
File: 1.72 MB, 500x375, anigif_enhanced-buzz-2888-1374618604-5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've seen them a few times growing up in the hood but they've gained mainstream status since KimK and buzzfeed, the other day I saw a scrawny white girl walking uncomfortable past a group of black girls

>> No.11412556

biggest meme however a select few can get away with it
>long hair in general is pretty played out by now iyam
with this logic life is played out
sweatpant joggers are the best
>tank tops
Fit or gtfo
>shitty hip tattoos
minimalist meme
>shitty beards
have you seen the 1700s/1800s beards
rarely see good mustaches
how is this a trend,other than the /fa/ rstreetwear kiddos the shoes are goat since day 1
2007 was a dark year
>adidas in general
worst shoe company
>the whole dadcap and adidas costume that people wear
played out hats and those costumes should've stayed dead in the 80s
>band shirts when you only listen to top 50
>being a nigger - kys
>buying iphones
>people owning phones is the biggest trend

>> No.11412616

no one really cared about that hairstyle until the kardashians got em

>> No.11412623

back 3 years ago maybe