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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 25 KB, 640x640, anti_social_social_club_assc_mind_games_hoodie_1457314424_af633f3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11405606 No.11405606 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of copping a fake

>> No.11405614

I think assc is cool but /fa/ will probably hate it

>> No.11405623

Just go to a print shop and make one yourself

It's nice

>> No.11405936


>> No.11408204

Don't buy a real one. They are all printed on Gildan anyways

>> No.11408273

If you cop a fake, you're the worst kind of piece of shit. Because you're giving into the hype of a brand but too poor to pay for it.

Congrats you played yourself.

>> No.11408292

>liking a piece but don't want to pay an irrational sum for it makes you a piece of shit
top jej anon

>> No.11408306

Detected the retard who bought over priced shit to feel superior to others, only to be hilariously invalidated by someone buying a simple to make replica.

>> No.11408316

Edgy cringy bullshit anon. Only kids who keep Tumblr blogs about their 'alters' and how 'neuro-atypical' they think they are should wear this shit. They should wear it so that we know to stay away IRL.

You have to be a teenager to think that shit isn't hot topic tier.

>> No.11408332

it's "cute" if ur a teenager i guess

>> No.11408452
File: 66 KB, 960x720, 12494829_1663010160634992_6997540852470862687_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think you're cool for buying a replica of an $80 hoodie (which isn't even that expensive in the grand scheme of fashion mind you) Than you are scum. Stop taking cheats though life, being poor isn't effaye. Just cause it's simple doesn't mean you should do it. But have fun being able to not afford the clothes you want, and wearing fakes. What you're doing is worst than Zara or H&M. A matter of fact, if you Keep up with this fake habit you're gonna be driving replica Ferrari's too watch.

Seriously one of the ups of buying high end clothes is the fact it holds it's value

Seriously act your fucking wage kid, stop putting on this front becuase the second you get called out for it people will drop you for faking your lifestyle.

"Ah it's printed on gildan, but it cost $80 so it's not worth it. Lemmie just make a fake of it" Obviously the product isn't marketed to you you poor fucker. Just becuase the blank is cheap doesn't mean the product isn't worth it's value. In fact, you making a $20 fake is only reinforcing it's value and hype. Value is made by the customers and market based on need and want, If you really don't think the product is worth it don't make a fake of it step away from it. All you're doing is building up the hype around and furthering the need for an exclusive and expensive product.

At the end of the day you're making a fake of a an $80 hoodie which is really pathetic. Don't tell me you can afford it and want to "save money", becuase any person you could actually afford the product would just buy it. It's not like this is some $300 piece here.

>> No.11408456


>> No.11408461

Someone please ban this autist

>> No.11408464
File: 33 KB, 297x445, laughing leon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys I thought of something incredible

you know how anti social social club is like a double play on words, since a social club is a social club, and an anti social club is like a joke, so anti social social club is like the same thing only they're acting like it's real club

so my idea is that you take that and go even further with the anti anti social social club

get it


>> No.11408487
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 1465816234005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no counter argument.

There for my point stands.

>> No.11408503

you lurk a fashion board instead of talking to people irl

>> No.11408512

This is such fucking trash

>> No.11408530

>some fashion items can only be acquired by certain demographic of people
>people finding a way to acquire their preferred fashion items which either have been artificially inflated or scarcity is reprehensible
>the existence of fake isn't just a byproduct of capitalism

>> No.11408532

You still don't have a counter argument.

You have no idea my social life or status, but I can assure it's far better than someone who feels the need to buy bootleg versions of big cartel brands. All that being said, you're on this "fashion board" as well so whatever you were implying very much applies to you as well.

There's no reason to fake an $80 hoodie, it's not expensive, it's not rare or hard to get. So forgive me if fail to see the appeal of aliexpress-core. I have no tolerance for people who want to be something they're clearly not, sorry not sorry. Work to your goals don't take short cuts, you're only hurting yourself at the end of the day.

Every point I made was completely valid and the fact you're trying to belittle/discredit my social life for trying to start discussion on a website instead of rebuttaling said discussion only further proves my point, that you have nothing more to say.

>> No.11408538

i literally could give two less shits about your opinion because im not an autist who worries about what some retarded teenagers spend their money on
youd literally have to be some socially deprived insecure teenager who only buys stupid meme clothing to """flex""" or some other juvenile shite like that to care this much about some shitty chinese fake clothing that youll never see in your life
seriously, go outside for once and worry about yourself instead of random internet strangers

>> No.11408543

maybe i just want to use my saved money to do other things

>> No.11408561

>some fashion items can only be acquired by certain demographic of people
This is false for the most part, other than wealth in the age of the internet. You can get a product shipped to you anywhere in the world. Don't tell me it's impossible for someone in the EU or Africa to order this hoodie off grailed and have it shipped to them, there's no real circumstance where someone who could afford this hoodie could not get it and would need a fake.

>artificially inflated or scarcity is reprehensible

There's no such thin as an artificial supply and demand, there's is hype which feeds demand but that doesn't mean it's artificial. But that you cannot fake, you cannot fake an actual demand for a product. Yes he could make more of these hoodies, sell them at zumiez etc, but that would you kill the hype, and the demand thus killing the his market. Hype isn't an artificial form of supply of supply and demand it's just a by product of it.

The price is set to the point to keep the product exclusive in a way but even then it's not even that exclusive. This is basic marketing, I shouldn't have to explain this to you.

>the existence of fake isn't just a byproduct of capitalism

Yes it is. It's when the supply cannot meet the demand thus forcing a grey market for the product to meet the demand. Or B when people take a trademark of an well known product, and use or manipulate it in a way to bring in their own money, trick the consumer and or capitalize on another companies product.

>> No.11408578

I'm the anon you quoted.

Jokes on you pal. I have no interest in your meme clothing, real or fake. I just call it how I see it. And judging from your reaction, I was right.

>> No.11408582

>i literally could give two less shits about your opinion

You must care about my opinion enough to comment on it and then reply.

>who only buys stupid meme clothing to """flex"""

It's an $80 dollar hoodie again, you're not flexing. It's not expensive, I don't see the point in buy fakes of this (I mean I get it but I think it's fucking stupid) It's like buying fakes of American Apparel.

People who buy fake clothes and losers to begin with honestly, if you can't afford it you can't afford it, go shop at HM and stop trying to flex designers head to toe when you you're still riding the bus.

>shitty chinese fake clothing that youll never see in your life
I live in NYC so I see a lot of obvious fakes and it drives me up the wall for all the same reasons stated above. But I also think it's becuase I work inside the industry so I have a diffrent prospective and opinion on these thing.

>> No.11408658

your principle for calling out fake is wrong
what if people buy it because they dont agree on the 80$ price point outside of saying that's it's immoral to copy a product,which is subjective in itself
it's a flawed premise to tell or be condesending to other on how they spend their money

>> No.11408708

>my hot topic hoody will hold it's value! uwu

>> No.11408710

This reads like copy pasta.
>pay 80 bucks for an overhyped piece
>pay 20 bucks for the exact same piece
The answer is obvious
>inb4 theyre not the same piece
As far as normies are concerened, they are. The only people who might be able to tell are /fa/ autists and people who bought the real one. But then again, who gives a fuck

>> No.11408722


>> No.11408731
File: 73 KB, 450x700, 3d73e9713c074c37b55942e8604d953e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Authorship is a cancerous and outmoded concept in the arts, and the consumer has no moral or ethical obligation to abstain from options available to him in the market.

Beyond unenforced legal restrictions, there's no reason not to simply recreate the piece assuming a 'passing' approximation of 1:1 is achievable.

I do agree that people should stay in their lane and it's fucking pathetic to desire basic bitch shit, but it could even be described as a moral DUTY to replicate, in order to help further the destruction of regressive authorship and artificial hype built on empty legal threat that generated these very same fuckboys. Prove me wrong, faggot

>> No.11408737

>Seriously act your fucking wage kid, stop putting on this front becuase the second you get called out for it people will drop you for faking your lifestyle.

>> No.11408822

>Authorship is a cancerous and outmoded concept in the arts,

Phew that's an an edgy fucking opinion. If you own and created something it's yours. If You're capitalizing on an similar, idea or look that made another brand famous than you're a hack.

>there's no reason not to simply recreate the piece assuming a 'passing' approximation of 1:1 is achievable.

Yes there is. It's called not being a cheap hack, just cause it's easy to do doesn't mean you should do it.

>It could even be described as a moral DUTY to replicate
No it's not because by replicating it, you're giving in to the same hype but saying "I'm too much of a pretentious ass clown to give someone money for an idea I obviously like so let me rip them off" If you like and enjoy the product why not buy and support the artist that is making it? How would you like it if someone was bootleging your designs instead of paying for them (yeah I get they're sold out but when they're in stock they're not hard to get.) If you like the artists idea's you should support them plain and simple. If you can't afford to support them don't.

Your rhetoric come across like you hate any brand that doesn't start off in Cut and Sew making pieces at a $300 price tag. Like I said just becuase it's easy to replicate doesn't mean you should do it, every brand has to start off somewhere and you should support any artist you like, and can afford especially the smaller artists.

$80 really isn't that much money in the grand scheme of things. That's what? A 10 hour shift at minimum wage, any person buying their own clothes with their own money can afford a ASSC club piece.

By making a a cheap rip off version it's only proving the need for an $80 price, because you're reenforcing the same supply and demand you're too edgy to take part in becuase you're pretty much saying "I'm too poor/cheap to afford an $80 hoodie" Supply and demand is based on exclusivity. You making a rip off is only reenforcing the price tag.

>> No.11408866

I didn't think this was a YLYL thread

>> No.11408892
File: 94 KB, 736x1104, 1462609785627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Phew that's an an edgy fucking opinion
You have no counter argument.

There for my point stands.

>> No.11408900
File: 57 KB, 540x720, 1450951423890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not reading my post that was teetering on character limit.

Okay bitch.

Ignore me harder.

>> No.11408913
File: 53 KB, 392x500, Read All That Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11408940
File: 27 KB, 540x540, 1465774320458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11408953

found the owner of this shitty ass company

>> No.11409142

The funny thing is that if you got a fake one it would probably be the same quality or better than a real one.

>> No.11409822

>Seriously act your fucking wage kid, stop putting on this front becuase the second you get called out for it people will drop you for faking your lifestyle.
can you sound any more pathetic

>> No.11409868

yeah get the fake. fuck ASSC

>> No.11409877


>> No.11409912

there's no reason to not get a "fake" of this.

>> No.11411402

Since when is fashion about how much you spend on something ? And dont give me the "Support the designers" bs, cause im here working to barely buy some fog and jerry lorenzo is swimming in money

>> No.11411421
File: 954 KB, 375x211, wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11411430

we're reaching levels of autism here etc.
my roommate was gonna cop fake yeezys just to lift in them to fuck with people
do what you want, i personally have no problem with counterfeit if people are honest about it

>> No.11411535

fog or fear of god?
jerry doesnt profit as much off of fear of god as you would think, and most of what he makes is put back into product development
pacsun is probably giving him his biggest check, along with bieber for the tour

also, you're gonna get shit on for calling him a designer on here lol

>> No.11411812

you'll look like an edgy teen

>> No.11411819

>buy fear of God
top wew

>> No.11411844

Anything but a replica would be unreasonable, that shit is printed on Gildan hoodies, they are like 10 bucks or something, if you like the design just buy fakes or print it yourself.

>> No.11412852

Curious but why does it seem cool to you? What about assc makes it seem cool to you? I never really understood much of it other than maybe the edgy appeal.

>> No.11413047

I see the kids i want to be friends with at school wearing assc and i want to be just like them!! uwu

>> No.11413122
File: 38 KB, 578x712, shitguzzler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11413130

damn based on the replies this bullshit is getting im not going to read one bit of it to be honest kys

>> No.11413138

please don't fucking touch this ever

i saw an asian kid wearing one the other day and he looked autistic anyway and oh gosh it was just awful anon-kun, just awful

burn it!

>> No.11413320

All this anon's jaded bullshit aside. I think they made a point, too bad they went full meme and won't get taken seriously.

>> No.11413330
File: 40 KB, 737x690, 1465523938981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting this angry about someone making a replica of a hyped hoodie, nice meme.

Also adding a photo doesn't change the fact you're samefagging

>> No.11413373

it resells 300 you fucking idiot

>> No.11413408

Not really. I've watched Grailed auctions on them to PC them. Most people ask and try to get $300 but they end up going for $120-$150

Also replying to a reply doesn't count as same fagging. But could say the same fro you becuase almost every reply to my post are in doubles minutes apart.


I mean I get I was bitter about it but I don't get how people constantly talk shit about this brand but are okay with making a bootleg of this hoodie becuase they feel "the price isn't justified." Because at the end of the day it comes across, like you like it you're just unwilling to pay for it.

>> No.11413589
File: 54 KB, 780x636, 1455409759689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is so butthurt that it hurts to read

You mad that someone actually gold laid by buying fake stuff and you still can't get a 5/10 by buying the real ones?

>> No.11413693

It goes for like 150 usd?

>> No.11414006


I just used it to prove a point, sry, dont have the facts with me

>> No.11414066

lmao not >>11413047 but i dunno, I guess I like their style, even though they are obviously overpriced. I'd probably cop a fake if I were to buy something from them though.

>> No.11414351

What does this have to do about sex? I don't wear hoodies to get laid, nigga are you fucking with your clothes on now? Like I said $80 is nothing to me, I'm just bothered by the principle.

It's like people who buy fake Rip N Dip tees

>> No.11414377

80$ spent on some hoodie that can be replicated for the same quality is alot of lost opportunity cost

>> No.11414398

it's kinda the fucking point of these kinda streetwear brands though
to wear the real shit
the whole appeal is the branding, buying fake makes really no sense

>> No.11414498


I'm not saying I agree with it but that's kinda the point it's like saying hey I make enough to spend $80 on a gladian hoodie becuase I have the money.

At the end of the day it's a status symbol, same with the $300 Vetements DHL shirt, which I feel like 4chan has a problem with both of becuase they're jokes they can't afford to be in on.

The only difference in ASSC is that this isn't some established brand like Raf or Supreme, but those are justified in spending $250 on tee shirts becuase the "name means more" but really what's in a name?