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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 198 KB, 500x498, 1465594863956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11405565 No.11405565 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy /thinspo/ thread!

Last Thread: >>11396691

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>love lizzie & her llamas
>make america thin again
>stay hiddratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"
>Lose It!: "/fa/ friends"

>> No.11405569
File: 51 KB, 657x527, hidhratted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helo senpai frendly remidar to stey hidratted luv you bye tanks

>> No.11405642
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>> No.11405651
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Eugenia is such a qt <3

>> No.11405654

how old is she now? she's from Greenwich, Connecticut right? She in college now?

>> No.11405702

Anyone have tips on achieving better posture?

I've been working on it this year, and I've gotten better, but I still want to be straighter. Also my upper back gets pain.

>> No.11405708

thank u nic;e froggo hav gret day

>> No.11405721

Her face is sucking annoying. Propably the big mouth

>> No.11405725

welcom u to

>> No.11405734

do bigger mouths equate to better blowjobs?

>> No.11405757

at least she wont look fat when she dies which is any time

>> No.11405797

my fave

>> No.11405805
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>> No.11405807
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>> No.11405816
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>> No.11405823
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Never will I find this t-shirt :'(

>> No.11405824

6'4, 145lbs, 38" chest, 28" waist. I would kill to lose an inch of height for another inch or two in my chest.

>> No.11405843

wrong thread

>> No.11405874


what BMI could this be

>> No.11405883

>hear hurtful memes about how retarded /fa/ is
>think "they can't be so bad"
>40 seconds in and I stand corrected

>> No.11405894
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>> No.11405929

I would guess around 15-15.5

Don't board-cross to make pointless remarks.

>> No.11405935

who is that?

>> No.11405946

Maya Panturin

>> No.11405949
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>> No.11406043
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>> No.11406131
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Have I disappointed you senpai?

>> No.11406146
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post body

>> No.11406150
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>> No.11406164
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But Matty is so cute and thin desu

>> No.11406205

please just stop

>> No.11406209

tried yoga for back pain at all? it's helped me

>> No.11406262
File: 452 KB, 1280x1280, 8afc553d-19f4-4857-9809-1b5d9e901ff7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okei senpai

>> No.11406334
File: 27 KB, 626x626, skype-logo_318-50258[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a skype group cuz nobody else seemed to get around to doing it
Paste this link into any skype box:

>> No.11406352
File: 101 KB, 643x692, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


think ive hit a decent meal plan which has a good deal of micros, protein and fibre. most importantly takes absolute minimal effort as only thing required is digital scale, blender and microwave

>> No.11406393

>1780 calories

why are you here

>> No.11406446

lol, thats more than a 500 calorie defecit and im at 72kg 5'9. you lose like 1kg a week.

give youself a larger time frame so you can actually function through the day senpai

>> No.11406458


Why you stand like you have polio?

You're one of those examples of people that shouldn't be too thin.

>> No.11406464

I'd get more calories from real food rather than whey. Work more green stuff in there, keeps you fuller. Also have lunch to keep your energy levels more even. I'd keep dinner calories the same, then distribute the remaining ~1250kcal throughout the day.

Also check with /fit/ but pretty sure you can't process 115g of protein in one sitting.

>> No.11406466

No, never tried that. I think my problem is forward head posture, but even though I focus on it I can't seem to clear it up. Are there specific yoga poses for upper back pain? How often can you do them?

>> No.11406473

you look like that annoyingly sheltered fresher that gets wasted on one beer and passes out in a bush outside his halls

>> No.11406486



this works

>> No.11406487


>> No.11406488
File: 78 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_1225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I actually find skinny grills? It seems everyone is fat or chubby nowadays.
t. American in the Midwest

>> No.11406491


>> No.11406495

new york, london, paris, berlin, tokyo, you catch my drift yeh?

>> No.11406496

Thanks, will try it.

>> No.11406497

not in any place that serves food thats for sure

>> No.11406505

find a psychologist that specializes in eating disorders (most will list their focus on their website). The psychologist should be female and the race that you want - because people choose psychologists that are like them often. Then hang out outside their waiting room on the hours and pickup all the qt thinspo girls that come and go.

>> No.11406509

This is cancer

>> No.11406524
File: 274 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_ny6l34Vssn1sqdh44o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most of the thin girls I've seen around here are underage.

Most of the girls my age want to have fat thighs for whatever the fuck reason.

>> No.11406533

>Most of the thin girls I've seen around here are underage.
what the problem again?

>> No.11406538

What do you find attractive in thin girls?
Its a stupid question

>> No.11406563

Me too. The girls at my high school averaged a 19-20 bmi desu, so maybe look in the suburbs of major cities? Or hang out in parks, runners are usually pretty thin.

>> No.11406564

I grew up fat as a kid so I think all fat is disgusting, and that doesn't just apply to how I look at myself in the mirror.

>> No.11406577

How much do you weight now and how tall?

>> No.11406578
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I know

I wish I didn't live in America.

Why can't a guy in his mid 20s talk to 16 year old girls?

This fucking country...


I love how fragile they look also that they're more into fashion than your average "thick" whore that only wears that shitty Pink brand and leggings.

>> No.11406585

>I love how fragile they look
this so much.

>> No.11406590

Good point m8 i mean i like skinny girls too
But that is a bit too much

>> No.11406598

I'm 5''10 and 120 now.

I want to be a BMI of 17 with as much muscle as possible though but I'm getting kinda close I might self post pics.

>> No.11406602

you look great dude. just stop standing like that

>> No.11406604

love her so much
that is one of her best videos too

>> No.11406608

Places where people get paid to be skinny, also known as "fashion capitals."

>> No.11406609

These threads, without fail, always have the best looking women of all 4chan threads

>> No.11406616

If you guys are attractive and have a lot of money you can just start dating a normal looking girl with low confidence and then tell her she's fat after a month of dating and they usually become anorexic after that.

ebin face ^;P:

>> No.11406623
File: 47 KB, 604x604, tumblr_nucltddUTS1tfm7vqo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thin girls > thick girls

We need to end fat acceptance in the world

>> No.11406626

Similar for me. I got fat in college and regret looking like shit for those years when I should have tried to be as attractive as possible. Once I found out how easy it is to lose weight, I became disgusted at fat people who say it's too hard. No it's not, getting anorexic thin takes a lot of willpower but going from fat to normal is easy as fuck. I can't help but think all overweight and fat people are just lazy slobs now, so my attraction to them drops to zero regardless of their face.

>> No.11406630

There is no such thing as thick girls.

There is fat, and then slightly better proportioned fat.

>> No.11406634
File: 108 KB, 640x640, knyazeva4ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more skinny cuties

>> No.11406640
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>> No.11406656
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>We need to end fat acceptance in the world
I briefly saw this morning that London is banning thin people on their buses or some shit.


Their new terrorist mayor is pushing it. They also have syria law adverts now:

London is no longer safe for thin qts.

>> No.11406665

>london mayor sadiq khan
>sadiq khan
get your shit together England

>> No.11406671
File: 489 KB, 862x1187, 1387166314213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when people say that it's unrealistic to be thin. It's not unrealistic just because it's uncommon.

Lots of people are naturally insecure. It doesn't matter whether they see models during their commute, they're going to feel bad either way.

>> No.11406698

Thats the goddamn truth

>> No.11406700
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> London is banning thin people on their buses

>mfw I don't exist

>> No.11406701
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England is beyond saving at this point.

I'm pretty sure one of this days being white there is gonna be a crime.

>> No.11406706

if brexit fails then UK is officially getting the letter C added to the beginning of the name.

>> No.11406708


>> No.11406732

What would the body fat percentage be for someone who is thin?

>> No.11406762

Does anyone else feel like they get extremely hungry after the first few bites of food/immediately after a meal? Is this normal? How do I keep from eating more?

>> No.11406772
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>> No.11406778
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>> No.11406777

I'm probably fat by /thinspo/ standards, but I consider 21 to be thin, and 18 to be skinny. But that's one assholes opinion.

>> No.11406782
File: 237 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n29y7xIt9k1rhpssho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That happens to me when I haven't eaten in awhile since I've just been ignoring my hunger, basically. I've heard some of my friends talk about it too, so it seems pretty normal to me.

As for stopping yourself from eating more, there's not really anything you can do other than trying to ignore your hunger. That's why a lot of people fast rather than restrict: it's easier to continue not eating for a set period of time rather than to stop yourself from continuing to eat when you're hungry.

I'm not sure about body fat, but a BMI at or below 20 seems to be the standard. Personally, I think that 'thin' starts at 19ish depending on body frame size.

>> No.11406783

post more good pics you fucking faggots

>> No.11406799
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Calm down.

>> No.11406802
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>> No.11406805
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>> No.11406807
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>> No.11406810
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i wish you could see how calm i am right now

>> No.11406811
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>> No.11406816
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>> No.11406821
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>> No.11406822

Um no thanks

>> No.11406825
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>> No.11406826
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>> No.11406829
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It doesn't matter, sorry. You have good taste

>> No.11406834
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>> No.11406838
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>> No.11406840

bad foot game there

>> No.11406842
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>> No.11406843

>I'm probably fat by /thinspo/ standards, but I consider 21 to be thin, and 18 to be skinny

If you think body fat percentage is the same thing as BMI then you need to never post again m8

>> No.11406848
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>> No.11406854
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>> No.11406855
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>> No.11406862
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That's all for now. My folder is pretty small.

>> No.11406863

Oh I read BMI for some reason. just so used to the discussion being bmi rather than bodyfat.

>> No.11406866
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>> No.11406882
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>> No.11406885
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thanks anyway
i'm a huge leg guy and these were really good

maybe one day, maybe

>> No.11406890

Thanks for posting them :3

>> No.11406896

>ywn never drive your car with a qt3.14thinspogrill in your passenger seat with one hand on her leg
y liv

>> No.11406898

You should probably put on muscle, your head looks enormous in both of these. You could pull off more masculine outfits and you would look more proportional if you did. You look ayy lmao atm.

>> No.11406900

nice hips

>> No.11406905

Weakness and fragility. It's a power fetish thing to be honest.

>> No.11406908

back problems. there is a weight limit for me now.

>> No.11406995
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>> No.11407010

I should do intermediate fasting if i want to lose weight but what else? Eating smaller portions of food or just stop eating at all..

>> No.11407017

> 120 grams of whey for breakfast

Just why!?

>> No.11407019
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>> No.11407030

>those cut scars
so hot

>> No.11407118
File: 40 KB, 640x625, dc2f43a0d69fa7d49588dac8ce38138b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>select all images with a storefront
enough you faggot

>> No.11407125

fucking kek

>> No.11407132

these types of girls creep me out

>> No.11407150

Smaller portions or lower calorie foods. You can eat a lot more vegetables than chips for the same amount of calories and be fuller. It's what finally helped me stop being hungry most of the time.

>> No.11407215

im grill, 5'2, 85-80 lbs so bmi 15ish. have thigh gap, visible collar+chest bones, thin wrists etc. y no thinspo flat stomach and more visible ribs? should i try working outmore to tone my abs? i have a short torso, am i just doomed to more weight settling there and having a bit of a tum forever?

>> No.11407243
File: 35 KB, 375x375, tumblr_nw5b7hen651t2x8j1o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here works out while fasting.

I've found that it's a great way to lose a few pounds after a cheat day.

>> No.11407248

>bit of a tum forever?
let me see how bad it is, post a quick pic
>i have a short torso
short torso usually means longer legs so...

>> No.11407263

Gr8 pic
&I do intermediate fasting and just run for like 2 miles at night and do other lame work outs like push ups and shit i haven't noticed a difference because i started this week but i feel good

>> No.11407267

Some people just aren't built that way, but maybe you could try toning a little with situps and such? Are you bloated at all? Im quite heavier than you but my stomach is almost always flat ever since I stopped eating salty foods and started chugging water

>> No.11407285

>but maybe you could try toning a little with situps and such?

>> No.11407303

I knoooow but it couldn't hurt to try

>> No.11407317

>fault in our stares poster

Ah, so he's a cuck then?

>> No.11407320

well, if you only do sit-ups you might well end up with muscular imbalances which would mess up your posture etc.

it's best to workout with a balanced program to avoid imbalances like that.

if you want to try something to take away stomach fat I have heard drinking small amounts of apple cider vinegar works somehow.

>> No.11407425


>> No.11407437

Oh..I didn't know that. Thanks anon. I completely stopped doing any sort of intense exercise until I figure out wtf I'm doing, only dieting for me from now on

>> No.11407455 [DELETED] 

although exercising can be kind of complicated if you're trying to make a workout routine it's worth remembering you add a lot to your health just by walking everyday.

>> No.11407536


Boi u fat

>> No.11407539

What video is this?

>> No.11407565

what're the best thinspo soups

>> No.11407571

Miso is good. Barely any calories in it.

>> No.11407579
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>> No.11407623

No joke I've literally been hit on in the waiting room of my therapist who specializes in eating disorders. Is this why? I'm in recovery though and have a BMI of 18 so def not thinpo anymore.

>> No.11407631

You realize 19-20 in on the lower end of the healthy range right? Healthy BMI is between 18.5-25.

>> No.11407663

I'm bmi 22 and I am literally fat. Chubby, at least. "Healthy range" is a myth imo

>> No.11407677

how about cream of asparagus?
that one's my favourite

>> No.11407679
File: 53 KB, 700x700, tumblrnwfbdzlvsjfiao-1459333328n4gk8-700x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My school had an ~85% participation rate in sports and most people did fall and spring. Sometimes girls would actually compare their weights out loud between classes and things like that. They usually said 110-120 which is 19-20ish at a normal height.

I am also a girl and for most of high school was about 125 pounds and they were all smaller than me so I don't think they were lying in any real way.

>> No.11407704

Oh okay I thought you were implying a BMI of 19-20 was considered fat.

110-120 lbs looks very different depending on height/frame though. I'm 5'2" and have never weighed any more than 105 lbs in my life, and even that was just a brief period after I was weight restored in a treatment center. On the other hand 110 lbs is actually underweight for someone who is 5'6" or taller so it's hard to judge.

>> No.11407713

apparently one pound of fat takes up about four times as much space as one pound of muscle, so if you have 20lbs of muscle mass where someone else has 20lbs of fat you'll look a lot slimmer at the same BMI.

>> No.11407799

Just some random guy in the waiting room? What was he doing there?

>> No.11407842

That makes sense, then. I should probably exercise more...

Nah, it's not fat. Sorry that it came off that way, I'll be more careful with my words next time.

>> No.11407919

Yeah, it's an outpatient treatment center so I just assumed he was another patient waiting for an appointment but I don't really know. He complimented my hair and chatted me up for like 20 minutes, then asked for my number, which I didn't give because I have a boyfriend. Weird place to seek out potential mates considering we all have at least 1 diagnosed mental illness, but to each their own.

>> No.11407936
File: 135 KB, 940x705, tumblr_nt1yd4xfZc1ud8mrzo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>then asked for my number, which I didn't give because I have a boyfriend.


I had luck picking up some girls at the anorexics clinic. I'm an anorexic myself so I guess it works out.

>> No.11407962

I would prefer an asparagus puree rather than cream and asparagus soup.

>> No.11407966
File: 10 KB, 420x420, pepe-3rs-3a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that was probably me.

>> No.11407970

I guess so, I can see how having someone who relates to you would be nice so long as you don't try to keep one another sick. I'm a recovered anorexic and I don't think I'd have ever gotten to the point I am now if my boyfriend hadn't encouraged me to recover let alone if he had enabled my illness.

>> No.11407985

I enable my gfs anorexia

>> No.11407987
File: 30 KB, 657x527, helowbye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helo I don't have a gf but would never do that tanks bye

>> No.11408009
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>> No.11408017
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is it worth going thin mode if only 6 feet. is skeltal mode only achievable if 6'2+

>> No.11408034

I'm 6' and wish I was a bit taller aesthetically but fuck it you gotta do your best with what you have. It's not like you can change your height.

>> No.11408089
File: 63 KB, 493x750, werstyj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11408093

I agree with the froggy, you shouldn't be doing that...

>> No.11408228

>Seeing veins in my arms
Best feeling ever

>> No.11408233

I''ve tried running while fasting, I always burn out quickly due to no carbs though.

>> No.11408266

I want to masturbate to myself again but I'm not at my goal weight anymore... :(

>> No.11408297
File: 29 KB, 380x250, 1395436411713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw 6'2 158

>> No.11408322
File: 214 KB, 500x683, ideal_weight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11408329

wtf is that for manlets only?

>> No.11408335


>> No.11408336

It's intended for girls I think.

>> No.11408380

fuck me

>> No.11408417

>be me
>digestive disorder
>can't gain weight
>clothes don't fit
>the cold is unbearable
>nobody thinks it's attractive

why would people deliberately choose to be underweight, it's awful

>> No.11408474

I feel more comfortable being small.

If it was a medical thing though, I think I'd probably feel the same way you do, senpai.

>> No.11408476

Anyone have any weight loss progress or before/after pics? Saw a few in the last thread.

I hate trying to find progress inspo because google always comes up with pics of landwhales becoming only slightly less obese

>> No.11408482

Someone has mine saved I think but I got a new phone recently so I don't have it. I have a half bleached flannel on in the after pic I think

>> No.11408505

You need more exercise. You almost look wrinkly.

>> No.11408523

fuck. tfw no skinny gf

>> No.11408525

How tall is too tall for skeleton mode for a male. I'm 198cm, would I be better off trying to go muscle/bear mode?

>> No.11408534

Whelp looks like I'm dropping more weight than planned

>> No.11408573
File: 285 KB, 881x701, L O L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis me (feet are together in both pics)
also in general- thoughts on my bod? should i lose more or maintain? work out more (i run on occasion and other than that basically never exercise)?

>> No.11408583

increase your calorie intake as necessary
don't over/under do it

>> No.11408591

sharpie in pooper

>> No.11408632

you look like you have a huge muff

>> No.11408641

Man i am so much more fucked than i thought i was

Im only a bit taller than you and really want a body like yours, i was thinking id be fine at 105-110....lollllno

>> No.11408659

lmao upvoted

>> No.11408678

:0 wow howd you know there was one up there
ya 8 inches ;^)
yikes sorry bro. but also, a little height can make a big difference & everybody's different yadda yadda, you might look way better at a way higher weight than me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.11408699


You're always gonna have a little bit of fat ~somewhere~ on your body. It's not just energy storage, it also has roles in hormone production and all sorts of shit

t. molecular biology pro

>> No.11408743

I don't think the issue here is fat but perhaps your bone structure, just looks like you have a wide rib cage. Don't worry about it so much you're still obviously thin.

>> No.11408764

if you're above 180cm you should probably just kill yourself.

>> No.11408773


>> No.11408804
File: 70 KB, 720x834, tumblr_o5bng6T2e61vncbjqo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's a good weight, nigga

You wanna be lower than that?

>> No.11408811


>why would people deliberately choose to be underweight

Well you had fucking digestive problems.

We're trying to fit into skinny jeans

>> No.11408829

yeah gotta lose all that baby fat left over from my adolescent years, especially on the face. Those are the most important gains which i'm finally starting to notice

>> No.11408850
File: 78 KB, 617x916, tumblr_nukpiuqOFU1tvd6r9o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I'm 6'3" 165lbs and I'm nearly Skelly mode.

You must really have a chubby face. Just lose like 5lbs see if that makes a difference.

>> No.11408864

Hey what. My friend is 6'4 and 130-135 and he's exactly what I would call skelly ..are measurements just totally arbitrary?

>> No.11408878


He must be Auschwitz mode then

My bones are showing but I still look "normal"

>> No.11408908

You don't even have an underweight BMI, you might be slim but not Skelly. Sorry m8

>> No.11408930

He said nearly you blind fuck.

>> No.11408933

Know any good hairstyles for a skinny guy? Long skinny face shape with a pointy chin.

>> No.11408948


>> No.11408949

BMI 20 isn't even nearly skelly
Not saying it looks bad, he probably looks better than the real skellies in here
But skelly is to me means be concerned about their health

>> No.11409098
File: 316 KB, 500x665, 9e98740140744685dbbb4073c17fbab9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything you like.

>> No.11409201


>> No.11409204

Fucking this!

>> No.11409265
File: 85 KB, 635x637, tumblr_nrhp12VRga1uar4uco1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did say I still look "normal"

I'm aiming for 19 BMI

People at work already call me fucking skeletor.

>> No.11409306
File: 442 KB, 800x1082, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am I doing?

>> No.11409366

Get better jeans
Lower your body fat percentage

>> No.11409370

excuse me mister poster
what about 6'2" GIANTS like me? hahaa!
Nah srsly what would this mean for that height,
6'1" = 164, 138, 128, 123
6'2" = 168, 141, 131, 125

>> No.11409375

I'm sorry you're 81ish lbs?
for us metric people that's 37 kg, you should be looking like a twig at that point
I'm calling bs

really good!

>> No.11409381

even more cutting then. disgusting. I guess I'll try, although I'm always afraid of losing strength and ending up small.

>better jeans
quite impossible, unless I get them tailored which I can't afford

>> No.11409399

If you slim down yes you'll look smaller but then your muscles can develop to look like a greek god and have visible abs

It is possible just buy a better brand of jeans like maybe levis or you can get them tailored i doubt that is expensive or get a sewing machine and do it yourself its very simple

>> No.11409403
File: 267 KB, 358x863, fatknees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if my current state qualifies as having visible abs, people irl seem to think so. pic related.

considering I am both a poorfag and not very good with a sewing machine I'd rather not take my chances.

>> No.11409409

>meanwhile me at 58kg and still fat

>> No.11409412

Kind of but your 20% body fat is covering if you were able to get it in between 10% and 15% you would be golden don't be scared of being small it would only be temporary then you can keep making gains and eating less calories to be able to have a greek god physique.
>sewing machine
Its literally you draw a line down to taper then you straight stitch get one of your relatives to do it or something

>> No.11409425

it's because once they're old enough to drink and fuck they mature out of that silly looking-like-a-10-year-old-rickety-boy idea

>> No.11409432

not sure if you know what you're talking about in terms of numbers and gains, but you're probably right about cutting. might just be the picture, but I am not even close to 20 % bodyfat. not going to be able to gain a lot of muscle mass at this point either as I am not going to roid. but then again, that's all more /fit/ related and the /thin/ opinion I should take away is to keep cutting, which I will.

>> No.11409435

he's closer to 15% than 20% ya dingus.

>> No.11409445

10 % on a muscular guy looks considerably different from 10 % on a skinny guy. every pound of muscle reduces the fat percentage without actually lessening the absolute amount of fat.

>> No.11409449

Yeah i wasn't sure on that m8 thanks

>> No.11409451

Mybad lad i got my numbers mixed up and yeah sounds good

>> No.11409473
File: 1.37 MB, 332x332, spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11409492

2-3lbs less than this chart is the ideal tbqh

>> No.11409607

>be me
>6'3" 138lbs
>still barely have a thigh gap and ribs barely visible
>fucking shitty bone structure

just need to lose like 5lbs more then i'll be <17 bmi

>> No.11409611

How is he cute? His face is covered with scars.

>> No.11409639

Why do models claim they eat when there is no possible way to stay skinny and eat hamburgers, pizza etc like they cliam?

>> No.11409643

Stay mad if that makes you feel any better about being a lardass. I eat pizza with lots of cheese and meat more than once a week, and like shit in general. I'm 6' and 121lbs. That is skinny. You just eat way too much of it.

>> No.11409661

I ate a whole pizza yesterday. It was something like 4000 kj. But the difference is that was the only thing I ate all day, those people just eat less of it.

>> No.11409669

Your stomach is flat, what are you talking about? You should not lose more weight, unfortunately your rib cage is really wide compared to the rest of your body but there's nothing you can do about it. Can you show us some collarbone inspo? Your legs look great by the way.

>> No.11409676

How do you make your black coffees? I don't particularly like the taste all that much so today I put a tiny splash of milk in, just to change the colour and change the flavour slightly. Is that all right to do?

>> No.11409696

Skimmed milk should be alright I guess. I would just try to get used to it though, you will eventually.

>> No.11409698

All right, thanks.

>> No.11409699
File: 2.11 MB, 2048x2048, thatguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is. Thanks for posting it senpai, it's one of my favorites <3

>> No.11409710

Tall skellies > short skellies. If you think it looks bad in the end you can just gain the weight back. It's not permanent.

That's dumb

>> No.11409713
File: 23 KB, 564x856, 7aec54bea6a79744d20cff8291bff5e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you skip every other meal, you can have pizza and burgers... Plus they run around to castings all day so that burns some calories.

>> No.11409715

guys I just ate 1000 calories of fish after fasting for 2 days and I feel like I'm dying, my bowels are exploding and I DUNOO I NEDD HELP

>> No.11409724

Do you guys prefer jackets in navy or black?

>> No.11409726

Depends on what else I'm wearing, but usually black. You have the wrong thread.

>> No.11409728

Goddamn I love this, the way your face got so good really gives me hope for my fat face

>> No.11409731

I lost ~20lb my first two years of college eating nothing but donuts and $1 packs of candy, occasionally chinese takeout. The thing was that I could only afford to eat like once a day

>> No.11409757

i ended up losing like 15kg in 3 months eating the same junk food just eating less

>> No.11409913

You mean once they're old enough to drink they go out every weekend, get plastered and balloon up since they consume so many calories from alcohol while not exercising as much as they did in high school. It's kind if razy how many girls get fat after high school. (Guys too, but they might work out once or twice a week and get the typical chubby fratbro bod)

>> No.11409971

yeah, too much beer, jungle juice, pizza and cum guzzling in college for many of them. not all get fat but lots for sure put some serious weight on, also the abuse they put their bodies through isn't great.

>> No.11410003

if you made this chart it's very good but is there any chance of expanding it for a few inches? I'm 6'5 and not really sure what I should be shooting for

>> No.11410088
File: 27 KB, 446x356, bmi_comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Following the pattern of the chart:

6'1: 164, 138, 128, 123
6'2: 168, 141, 131, 126
6'3: 172, 144, 134, 129
6'4: 176, 147, 137, 132
6'5: 180, 150, 140, 135

But as pic related shows, the bmi changes slightly at the taller heights, so it's not entirely accurate. The main idea is to aim for a bmi of 17-17.5 for 'good' and 16-16.5 for 'skinny'. It's not my chart, though so I might be misinterpreting the creator's intentions.

>> No.11410365

High carb, fiber (100g+); low fat, protein, sodium vegan diet. Stay hydrated.

>> No.11410413

They were poisoned by black culture and the Kardashians

They don't realize fat thighs look shite on white girls, especially blonde ones. White girls are supposed to be thin

>> No.11410443

Newly found /thinspo/

>> No.11410473

For guys who are over the modeling height (6'-6'2"), is it better to maintain >>11408322
this ratio for height or to bulk instead.

>> No.11410497
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 1391483584273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm refeeding today but my body still aches and is lethargic , what gives

>> No.11410535
File: 88 KB, 483x750, imagejpeg-14589599398n4gk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on your build and what you prefer aesthetically. Tall guys look good either way, but I heard that it's difficult to bulk at that height, so skelly may be less work to maintain in the long run. I know the chart says that a 16ish bmi is thin, but 17 seems good to me as well.

>> No.11410545

sure froggy, it's different when she is actually your gf and she is ruinning her asthetics.

>> No.11410589

U R welcome!

>> No.11410598

Glad you like it. You're gonna make it eventually ya just gotta keep pushing.

>> No.11410676

there is like a 5 pound difference between a BMI of 16 and 17 which is pretty confusing.

>> No.11410727
File: 33 KB, 500x336, tumblr_mpsihw7pxT1rlafzoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know. It makes things kind of difficult. Try going to 17 and then deciding if you want to go lower.

>> No.11410791

INTERMITTENT fasting, not intermediate, you mongloid.

>> No.11410820

Thanks for correcting me you sexy little swine

>> No.11410864

id avoid supplements, but thats a personal preference. when running at a caloric deficit i like to enjoy what calories i do take in (real food). should make it easier to keep to your plan.

also bananas are kinda shit. low nutrient/calorie ratio.

>> No.11410964
File: 31 KB, 500x333, tumblr_nvogmxM1wp1sj65mio1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw feel like shit because of two day fast

How are you guys holding up?

>> No.11411054

its fine just be aware of the calories your adding.

could try a calorie free sweetener or creamer.

>> No.11411070

not very well, everything aches. Need to check my nutrition

>> No.11411124

I hate black coffee. I used to use sugar free creamer which is only like 15 calories per tbsp. Or almond milk with a pinch of Splenda/Sweet n Low.

>> No.11411150

If she were actually your gf you'd care more about her health and well being than aesthetics
Stupid b8 m8

>> No.11411437

My mum brought home this massive ice cream cake for my birthday. I don't know how to eat only a little without offending her.

>> No.11411465

It's your birthday so it's fine to let up a bit on the restriction, but I have some tips/ideas if you really want them.

You could say that you think you're developing lactose intolerance if you live in the US, South America, or Asia since it's very common there. I'm lactose intolerant and my parents just give me sorbet instead of cake now, which is much lower calorie. Here are some statistics if you need to convince her: http://www.statisticbrain.com/lactose-intolerance-statistics/ (the 33% is for total intolerance, and the 75% is for reduced tolerance, which would be enough to stop you from eating ice cream cake). Since most people are lactose intolerant at some level as adults, it could be good for you as well.

If that doesn't work, you can always 'eat' the cake in your room and throw some of it away. I can't make myself throw food away but I've heard of people doing that when they're on a diet, so it might work.

>> No.11411522


Feels like thinspo became anorexia

>> No.11411560

Ur just jelly :^)

>> No.11411574
File: 53 KB, 500x500, tumblr_numi6tVKpH1rbyymwo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have the cake, mane

Enjoy your birthday.

You can fast the next day if you want.

>> No.11411626

It did. Pretty sad desu.

>> No.11411698

It's called thinspo not slimspo, post your own pics if you want change

>> No.11411798

I actually am lactose intolerant but I used to always just suffer through it because I love ice cream and cheese. Using it as an excuse when I've knowingly had it for years is a little odd.

>> No.11411809

I'm 160lbs, 5'9, female

If I start eating sub 500 Cal's, how long will it be until I'm down to 120?

>> No.11411846
File: 179 KB, 1280x1707, 1367035656716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Early October. Just so you know, a higher calorie diet is better for you and easier to put up with. If you're fine with everything that comes with heavier restriction, though, good luck.

>> No.11411856
File: 66 KB, 540x540, tumblr_o8kzsbrDRi1udu0z9o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What bmi for collarbones? I'm sick of waiting...

>> No.11411858
File: 984 KB, 500x363, effy-smoke1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you in such a rush?

>> No.11411863

If you've never done it before, I assure you you won't be able to go though with it. Rather cut a couple 100 off every week or two and go from there.

>> No.11411872

>tfw 5'10 126lb male

Did I make it lads?

>> No.11411873


>> No.11411880

I guess I have to wait a little longer :(

>> No.11411883

I had pronounced collar bones back when I weighed 270 lbs. 90 lbs lighter now and they look about the same.

Unfortunately for you it seems to be strongly a matter of genetics.

>> No.11411907

Seconding this. A high deficit is manageable but you should maybe try staying below 1000 for the first few days, and then when you get used to it below 800, and so on. I suggest not focusing on numbers at first, but rather training your body to get used to smaller portions.

>> No.11411916
File: 70 KB, 640x640, tumblr_ntlkywhUCH1swv0kno1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's your height, weight and current BMI?

>> No.11411920 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 1000x1100, 1423105305363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat around 1400kcal per day and you'll be 120lbs by end of the year.

Going and faster will burn you out. Idea is to get perma-skelle, not anorexic where you end up fainting and causing health problems that land you in a mental hospital/treatment.

Spending a half of a year to get to a good weight in a healthy way that you can sustain for the rest of your life is the smart way.

>> No.11411997
File: 33 KB, 197x239, 1442559936045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I used to be severely anorexic but I had to move in with my mom 'cause I was dangerously skinny and my mom eats nothing but junk foods so I gained weight pretty badly.

The rush is I want to look better I guess.

And I have eaten sub 500cals before, I was just wondering if there was a calculator for it or something.

As for today, I've only had 80 cals and it was from coffee. I will be skinny asap.

>> No.11412007

Be careful, please. Don't let it get out of hand...

>> No.11412029
File: 25 KB, 640x480, Picture0106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got some

im trying to bulk tho now, i got in a fight last saturday, next time i punch someone i wanna knock them out

>> No.11412031

Why not go for the "fitorexia" thing? Get all about fitness and getting svelte/"cut"/"ripped" or whatever. From what I've heard, it's a fairly straightforward transition for anorexics... plus, you don't risk putting your well-being at risk the way you might by trying to shed weight so quickly.

Contrary to what a few people here might say, there's really no justification for losing yourself to anorexia. It's a ridiculously high price to pay for a certain look.

>> No.11412037

Are you okay?
(You have nice collarbones btw)

>> No.11412041
File: 46 KB, 382x552, absolutely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get all about fitness and getting svelte/"cut"/"ripped" or whatever.

>> No.11412050

i'm fine anon just got a tinny bruise on my face . . . but thanks you're sweet :3

>> No.11412057
File: 72 KB, 750x724, 1456569015390[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your concern :)

I should be alright though.

Since I hold all my weight in hips, thighs, etc. I'll post an update every now and then so I stick to it.

Already on it. I do silly little exercises in my free time.

>> No.11412060

Try not being a skinny manlet and you just might.

>> No.11412062
File: 1.29 MB, 5742x4823, 1465218913553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I love skinny girls. thanks for keeping up the good fight /fa/

>> No.11412063
File: 375 KB, 700x1022, 415_468_Trap_Collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if you're the same anon, you really are sweet and caring for your concern of others!

>> No.11412075

height/weight in after?

>> No.11412081

im 6ft still I think i hurt him worse than he hurt me, I didn't even feel his punch desu, but I was drunk too...he hit me without any offense too, just being a douchebag, so in that case I don't even wanna hurt him I want to make him go out...sorry for the blog post just needed to vent somewhere

m2, and looky there my fav eva characters looking effay af

>> No.11412092

You don't need to go skelly, you have enough edges as is.

>> No.11412150
File: 255 KB, 761x919, 1462762625255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im leaving the skelly life behind anon...but yeah i do like skinny girls, but it's not like I'm getting any eitherway

>> No.11412197

>apple only diet claims you can lose ~9 pounds in 5 days
>5*2 = 10
that means if done correctly I can lose 18 pounds in almost 2 weeks
bringing me down to low 170s again.

I hope this works out and i don't give up.

and if I don't lose that much weight at least I'll have made some progress and finally gotten rid of my bad food addiction. and possibly save some money.

wish me luck

>> No.11412210

An alarming amount of pics/discussions here embrace anorexia, which is the deadliest mental illness. If you know someone or suffer from patterns of disordered eating, reach out and get help.

Anorexia isn't a game.

>> No.11412222

Fucking this.
I used to be like you guys until anorexia almost killed me.
It isn't worth it.
I hope you all realize that before it's too late.

>> No.11412252

That's only if you're so crazy that you wont eat even when you know you're dying

i have a friend, that never eats and lives on coke zero and pringles because i guess he never feels like eating, and hes not dead

>> No.11412305

Anyone have some male thinspo? I've already surpassed my limit today and I'm still hungry..

>> No.11412324

water my friend.

>> No.11412327

Of course, but pics would help too

>> No.11412330

What're some good thinspo foods?
I'm really into omelettes right now.
Gonna make one with spinach and cheese in the morning.

>> No.11412339

Anybody else been eating every other day?
The only calories I get on my non eating days are from whiskey.
It feels like it's working but of course I'm getting impatient.

>> No.11412354

I don't understand how people here can just not eat.
I literally must eat every day, every meal.

>> No.11412355

>thinspo foods

>> No.11412357

Just google male thinspo. You'll find something that helps.
Other anon is right, drink some water.
But I also find that physical activities help me ignore hunger.
Go for a walk. Put some headphones on and sing along to your favorite band.
Clean your apartment, maybe, if you're not feeling to claustrophobic already.
Hanging out with people can help but can also be stressful and make you want to eat.
Good luck, dude. It's really not that bad.
Fear makes up most of pain!

>> No.11412362

You just don't do it. It's kind of fun in its own way.
The longest I've ever gone is 3 days though. I'll probably shoot for a week next month.
It's really not that bad and provides a lot of self discipline. Don't be afraid. Humans are built to go without eating! <3

>> No.11412367
File: 804 KB, 2340x2344, IMG_20160613_183009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a penis and a thigh gap so I hope this does something for you I guess

>> No.11412368

Ain't nothing wrong with a little cheese.

>> No.11412371

I have OCD, I like my routines.
It really sucks trying to lose weight for me.

>> No.11412373

Good stuff. I think the way the boots meet your pants make you look stubby though.
But I think your legs are killer!

>> No.11412378

It's tough for everyone, buddy. That's part of the fun!
I believe in you!

Don't be afraid to talk about your triggers on here. This thread tends to be pretty damn compassionate and understanding. We just want to see you succeed!

>> No.11412379
File: 846 KB, 2340x2344, IMG_20160613_183035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one I guess and would you recommend maybe pants over boots or just wearing low top shoes to fix that?

>> No.11412396

Maybe pants over boots.
I'd have to see.

It could also just be the angle/camera
Maybe do a shot from further away

I think showing less boot would work though. I think they greyish color messes with the look.

>> No.11412402

I feel like most here won't really get what I'm going through though.
Like my brain is on autopilot when it comes to eating and if I do anything out of my routine then I start getting anxious.

>> No.11412415

What's so bad about being anxious?
Fear can be transformed into salvation!

Fear keeps us young. Fear keeps us alive. Fear allows us to care and appreciate just a bit more. Running away from it is running away from life.
All of that pain will pay off.

>> No.11412420

Any recommendations on high sodium low calorie foods. I'm supposed to have a high sodium intake for a medical condition but all the high sodium food seems to be high in calories too.

>> No.11412437

Hot sauce.
Also helps you drink more water which will make you full.

>> No.11412441

Seaweed snacks, pickles and other pickled vegetables, you could pick up some instant ramen packs and only eat the broth? Ive heard bullion cube broth too

>> No.11412444

So is rice or noodles better for losing weight?
I feel like rice will make you feel more full for less calories but I could totally be wrong. Plus rice takes a bit more interaction to prepare which will help you appreciate what you eat.
I still recommend HOT SAUCE. The hotter the better!

>> No.11412459

Hate myself for asking but who is lizzie?

>> No.11412462

Depends on the type of noodles of course. Udon noodles are pretty filling and a pack of instant udon is only around 200cal. Theres also those shirataki "zero calorie" noodles that arent actually noodles and mostly taste terrible but have reallyyyyyy low calories

>> No.11412463

Can't do hot sauce, super sensitive to spices but thanks.

I'll look into seaweed snacks and pick up some pickles. Thank you.

>> No.11412477

I don't think you understand fear and anxiety and how anxiety disorders work, Anon.
Fear isn't fun.

>> No.11412486

Anxiety disorders are no joke. Before I was treated and developed coping strategies I couldn't leave my house, communicate with people or do my schoolwork. Basically anxiety was ruling my life.

>> No.11412492

That's where I'm at now.
What do you mean by treated?

>> No.11412494
File: 199 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK fellow thin ppl, HOW DO YOU GUYS GET CLOTHES THAT FIT. I can never find a pair of jeans that fit me, and anytime I want 2 wear big clothing I look rly dumb (I'm a guy btw) plz help

>> No.11412551

Med for panic attacks, exposure therapy and developing of healthy coping strategies. I've still got anxiety it just doesn't prevent me from living my life anymore.

>> No.11412578

Why does everyone turn it into a big deal? It was as simple as just being myself for me

>> No.11412581

i have an omelette almost every day for breakfast, under 200 calories.

1 egg - 70 calories
1/2 cup egg white - 68 calories
1/4 crumbled feta cheese - 30 calories
2 tablespoons of salsa - 20 calories
salt pepper

its substantial, only 188 calories, i call it an even 200 to account for the oil used cooking.

you dont have to eat like some hipster vegan to watch your calories properly.

>> No.11412599

>tfe tried most of the meds out there but havent found any that really help
>tfw try exposure but eventually it gets to a point where i cant go any further without panicking every time

What coping strategies did you develop?

>> No.11412602

Guys I haven't had anything to eat or drink and I'm craving a Dr. Pepper. I'm thinking of going and buying a small one at McDonalds, that's not too bad, right?

>> No.11412628

the medication I take is ativan it's only for during a panic attack it's not an anxiety med. sounds like you're going to fast on exposure and for coping strategies it was a lot of cbt stuff like find the root of your anxiety and come up with things that are true that counter it. Since I don't know exactly what makes you anxious I can't really tell you what to try and even if I did what worked for me doesn't necessarily work for you. Try looking up some cbt stuff and trying it out it doesn't work right away but it helps break the negative looping if you keep at it.

>> No.11412665

Oh you mean benzos. Yeah I've tried them and they have helped but doctors here (UK) or at least my doctor is really reluctant to prescribe it because they're so addictive.

I think I've tried some cbt type stuff before and it's good in theory but it usually goes out the window once I start panicking.

>> No.11412693

Hey I'm 5'11 / 183 cm and 172lbs / 78kg, I've never been such a fatty so I don't really know how weight loss works for me, but I've started biking 50km/31mi a day, do you guys think that, plus eating small portions of mainly fruits/veggies will be enough to lose 30lbs/13kg before summers over in 3 months?

>> No.11412705

I did not know those were addictive my doctor tends to throw everything at me he thinks will help and only tells me if something will kill me (like my migraine meds and pain meds). The point of cbt is for it to become second nature so you don't get to the panicking stage.

>> No.11412802

Sometimes friends/family drop off fast/junk food for me and its so hard to say no. Does anyone else have a hard time throwing away food? It's either going into the trash can or into my mouth but I feel extremely guilty eating it or throwing it away. How to deal with this?

>> No.11412886

It's fine eating it every once in a while as long as you watch your calories. Appreciate people bringing you food.

>> No.11412930


>> No.11412944

That's more reason why you should give hot sauce a try,

I was never making lite of your anxiety.

>> No.11412949
File: 2.12 MB, 960x1228, pr_rock_bowie_iggy_pop_1972_24362_1511251441_id_993221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11412953
File: 122 KB, 500x715, Ville Valo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11412956
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>> No.11412957
File: 24 KB, 400x400, Kevin Barnes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11412962
File: 174 KB, 550x550, Mick Jagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11412968
File: 191 KB, 1280x1280, Roland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11412972
File: 169 KB, 1280x1280, darklands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinspo music?

>> No.11413027

>ywn have pencil legs

>> No.11413046

Just put a shit ton of salt on everything

>> No.11413268

New thread:

Smart to avoid benzos. I used benzos for years and trying to get off them was incredibly hard. I was shaking and sweating for months, waking up in panic attacks, felt like my heart was going to explode.

>> No.11413272
File: 315 KB, 1080x1080, lizziellama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hate yourself :3 Lizzie is a qt that used to visit us. Some people hated her, others loved her - but loved prevailed.

Either way she is gone now.

>> No.11413371

Of course. You deserve to have things you're craving once in a while. Remember to drink water, you don't want to get dehydrated.