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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 88 KB, 592x591, Screenshot_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11393613 No.11393613 [Reply] [Original]

Post what yah got

>> No.11393617
File: 194 KB, 1920x1080, leansrings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know w2c these or ones similar?

>> No.11394751

Thinking of getting two rings for my left hand, one iron and one silver. Any good recs?

>> No.11394873
File: 73 KB, 754x555, il_fullxfull.846309624_5vtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which fingers were you considering?
2 rings on one hand can get cluttered, so I'd recommend a thumb ring.
what about gemstones? A birthstone for example

>pic unrelated, arrived a few days ago

>> No.11394886


>> No.11394917

ApsarasV on Etsy.
Makes some pretty effay shit.

>> No.11395881
File: 43 KB, 600x600, belvita-susans-morning-win-commercial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thumb ring
Not even once.

Rings on fingers other than middle or ring = no

>> No.11395882


>> No.11395907

>wearing rings

kys senpai

>> No.11395964
File: 1.00 MB, 1735x2325, 1455574363465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talks shit about thumb rings
>recs middle finger ring

>> No.11395991

I was thinking moreso for my middle and pinky/ring finger

>> No.11396005

bump for interest

I saw a website of minimalist, silver rings with etched surfaces and I can't seem to find it anymore.

Also I saw a ring of a pretty large brand at about 20 quid of a lion's head and also can't find that anymore...

>> No.11396009

oooh pls tell if you find this website

>> No.11397006

Yeah I rec it. Why wouldn't I?

>> No.11397151

one on the left is the great frog

also bump 4 interest

>> No.11397159
File: 3.62 MB, 1121x1992, goldbee2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked out for me by David himself

>> No.11397365

I've never heard of an iron ring before, but iron is harder than silver and so will grind it down with age.

>> No.11397385

that's not really so impressive, but maybe if there's an interesting story, you'd like to share it.

>> No.11397422
File: 2.40 MB, 864x1536, dy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We were at a Yurman event, I got to talking with his friend, some old guy that runs part of the company. Told me about how David started as a sculptor, met his wife and so on. I had been going back and forth between a few different rings, so he called David away from a conversation with some society girls, and that's the one he picked. We talked about New York (he lives in the city, I live in upstate) and our favorite places to stay (we had both lodged at the Rhinebeck Inn a few years ago during the same summer). Very friendly man, and his wife was charming as well.

I saw him again as they were leaving, on the way out, and directed him to exit through the hotel to avoid running into any more vapid ladies who wanted to put him on their Instagram feed or whatever.

I was able to get a picture with him myself while we were talking.

>> No.11397425

jesus your outfit

>> No.11397430


Sorry m8, you don't show up in full goofnigger to an event full of successful people.

>> No.11397497

Boy why you tucking in a shirt like that to fucking elastic waist pants. That shit looks Goofy as fuck

>> No.11397500


They're dress pants retardo

Just piss off back to the waywt you twat

>> No.11398536

So you showed up in those embarrassing pregnancy pants? Lol.

>> No.11398557

And what were you doing that day? lmao probably nothing. eating Doritos?

>> No.11398571

Get a load of this deflection, ladies & gentlemen.

>> No.11398572

who the fuck is David?

>> No.11398585

If this was an event full of successful people you really embarassed urself with that outfit

>> No.11398784

What is with your personal attack on me?
I'm out in the world living life, making money, being effay.Your not going to bring me down.lets see the god tier fits you have on. oh wait you probably buy your clothes from target hahahah

>> No.11398793

>being this assblasted for getting btfo
Why are you even on /fa/ if you think those pants are at all fashionable? My ex used to wear similar pants when she was on her period.

>> No.11398795

>Why are you even on /fa/ if you think those pants are at all fashionable?
They are fashionable you god damn pleb

>> No.11398797


Lucas jewels bro.

>> No.11398799

Maybe if you're bleeding out of your vagina.

>> No.11398812

Lmao young boy can't handle criticism. We don't give a fuck what you do in life or how you spend your time. We just don't understand how the hell you think those are "dress pants". I came up in a preppy town/school, and if someone wore fucking elastic waist pants and claimed they were dress pants and used them as such, they would have been bullied and roasted till they transfered out. Shit looks horrible senpai

>> No.11399826


Look you inbred faggot, these are silk pants made by Zilli, 900 bucks retail. It's a lousy picture, granted, but they're amazing pants. Just because you've never seen anything of the sort doesn't mean others aren't familiar with them. So, once again, fuck off back to the dick ovens circle jerk

>> No.11399842


And don't tell me about your faggot prep school because I used to kill faggots like that on a daily basis. Literally beat unconscious, because I came from a country where twinks in bright colors get their fucking heads knocked in.

>> No.11399853

Lmao imply I or my prep friends were twinks I see? Just cause we dress a certain way doesn't mean shit about our bodies. Granted a few of my friends were closer to twinks, the rest of is are/were varisty athletes, and look like your stereotypical Chad, just better dressed

>> No.11399860

Baby has to defend his shit purchase :((((
Cause paying 900 bucks for silk pants justifies looking like a retard

>> No.11399879


>> No.11399938


Lel have you seen the kind of shit people waste money on here? 800 dollars for FAKE versions of knock off Nike sneakers. Imitation imitations. It's preposterous.


Fite me phaggot

>> No.11400102

Terrible fit. What were you even going for?

>> No.11400376

this is a good thread

>> No.11400395
File: 2.60 MB, 4160x2340, 20160519_091247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate hate masturbate

>> No.11400422

I dig

>> No.11400442
File: 102 KB, 600x1020, look_161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Piss off faggots on effay core

Here, have some more. You should recognize the pants

>> No.11400814

is that yung lean

>> No.11400819


>> No.11400934


collared button-up tucked into DRAWSTRING ELASTICIZED pants and a monogrammed card-holder worn as a fucking necklace

and you're wearing it spread-collar AND you're a manlet. nice sleeve length bro. AND you have a superiority complex:

>directed him to exit through the hotel to avoid running into any more vapid ladies who wanted to put him on their Instagram feed or whatever. I was able to get a picture with him myself

>wh-when girls chat up and take a photo with this guy it's because they're vapid. when i do it it's because i'm a supreme gentleman

literal elliot rodger core

>> No.11401116

How the FUCK do i get over the fear of them falling off? i cant wear them out because they constantly feel like they'll slip off, even if they dont. I pick the smallest size I can get on.

>> No.11401169

Are signet rings effay? Thinking of having one made.

>> No.11401251

sick man , w2c ?


I was the same man , u just gotta get used to it and trust that they wont :+]


>> No.11401326

why does he look like he got two children from different moms and never pay the pension ? Is that what's hip in Sweden ?

>> No.11401383

lovely please tell us w2c

>> No.11401431

Seen you in another ring thread, definitely the best ring on /fa/.

>> No.11401572
File: 1.33 MB, 892x1231, platinum tab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


easy bro, all that jealousy is unseemly

I got a picture at the actual event, when it was appropriate to approach him. These sluts chased him out the door. There's a difference, not that you'd know a thing about social etiquette.

your asspain is hilarious. You've got me all figured out from a single fucking post, blind to your own blatant lack of self awareness. this is really a whole new level of pathetic for you m8. you have to try hard to stand out this much when everyone on here is a massive faggot to begin with

get a fucking life kid. I dress better than you, I look better than you, I'm stronger and fitter than you, I have more money than you'll ever have, and I'm a million miles from giving a fuck about what some triple nigger on a Burmese watercolor painting forum thinks about an outfit I wore to a private event.

stay cucked you absolute slave

>> No.11401846

Any places to cop good rings online?

>> No.11401894

Safe your honor by telling me w2c pants.

>> No.11402010

Lmao first off what rep sneakers even cost 800? And nah I don't spend my money on fake sneakers. I spend it on whatever I need. Nice try though

>> No.11402035


Why am I not surprised that someone who dresses like such a fucking dork would freely use the N word anonymously on the Internet....

>> No.11402046

Fuck it, show me more fits. This has potential.

>> No.11402062

Bump for this

>> No.11402094

need more fits

>> No.11402381

No idea was my grandfathers
Haha il take that title

>> No.11402510

What an atrocious outfit

>> No.11402551

Wut rings u got bithc?

>> No.11402569

Lmao still waiting on some more fits

>> No.11402950



>> No.11402977

>these are the people crying about Rick Owens in this board
holy fuck I can't stop laughing

>> No.11402980
File: 72 KB, 634x650, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that jealousy is unseemly

Hitting the 'ur just jealous' card early. I mean I don't really care what you wear (even though it's a shit fit), but seeing you getting this butthurt from some losers online calling you out for the fit is hilarious, please continue.

Also, who is David??

>> No.11402997

All of these posts are just SCREAMING to have feel guy in the party made of this guy with that outfit

>> No.11403040


I think most people are sick of memecore at this point m8

>> No.11403069
File: 2.66 MB, 892x1590, den.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sure, why not?

since none of you cunts have the balls to post anything

>> No.11403074

Dude ur liek so mad that u didn't spend 900 buckaroos on pants that you don't even know how to wear

>> No.11403076

That shirt looks like vomit DESU

>> No.11403089
File: 992 KB, 552x978, slp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks pham I'll be sure to throw it away

Can anyone tell me why everything they sell at this store is so fucking tight? I literally can't move in this shit

>> No.11403102
File: 54 KB, 625x626, 1409801921234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11403107
File: 1.93 MB, 894x1595, Leo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right we're supposed to be doing rings

Here's another one I looked at, supposed to be a Lion, but it really could be anything

>> No.11403165
File: 53 KB, 480x480, 1459214992011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>walk into SLP
>some flamboyantly gay black dude working the floor
>ask him to try on some shoes
>he suggests trying on an entire outfit
>alright whatever
>keeps bringing me different pants and shirts to try
>barges into the changing room every time

not sure if he was enjoying it or just really desperate for commission

>> No.11403173

also curious

>> No.11403215


>I'm a million miles from giving a fuck

>posts fucking paragraphs of pseudo-braggadocious inane self-hype in response to every criticism


>> No.11403248


the criticism doesn't bother me one bit, but my hatred of you faggots is 100% genuine

worst userbase on 4chan behind only /lit/ and /mu/

>> No.11403256


you should try to convince us some more dude

>> No.11403469

He wanted that dick, or at least, a dick slip

>> No.11403486

You tell em boss. Although you are an insufferable faggot who I hope I never have to run into in my life time, you're so a trooper. I give credit where credit is due. Go treat yourself to another horrible pair of silk pants :*

>> No.11403490

Also* not so. Fuck auto correct

>> No.11403496

It's upside down

>> No.11403503

>that disgusting fucking bird

just threw up in my mouth, thanks anon

>> No.11403649


the fuck are you talking about cum guzzler?

>> No.11404130

get off this board LUCA!!

>> No.11404201
File: 124 KB, 500x454, Simpiler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this board. I thought we were suppose to post rings man. The guy mentioned above is David Yurman. He's an okay ring maker in my opinion but yet again I am a guy that goes for simple bands on account of my super feminine hands (It's a curse they are long and thin. Horror movie hands) so don't really take my shit.

>> No.11404251

Yeah, still looks like shit but at least it makes some vague sense with the other items. Your tucked in button down with the elastic waistline was hilarious looking.

>> No.11404274

Infinitely better in silver.

>> No.11404282
File: 484 KB, 1368x1298, 3MVVeY7 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask and you shall receive

>> No.11404311


Zillifag here

7/10 breddy gud

>> No.11404455

Cheap jewelry isn't fa only fine jewelry is.

>> No.11405219

I really hope this will be a thing

>> No.11405365

>Also, who is David??

He means David Yurman, the jewelry designer in question. (His work is not to my personal taste, but my mom and aunt jangle with the stuff.)

This thread is hilarious. I came in wanting to see rings, but this is way better.

>> No.11405378

Link good rings for long & thin fingers, looking for some atm.

>> No.11405476


Feels good man

>> No.11405788
File: 156 KB, 500x438, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this? I can't decide on carat, if I want the seal engraved into a stone or not, and what shape I want. I'm thinking either oval or square/cushion in 18ct. I like square/cushion signet rings but I'm not a man so idk if I can pull it off or not.

>> No.11405992

My gut says no. I mean, maybe. But they occupy that weird fedora space of pocket watches and sealing wax. Wear a signet ring if you really want to, but know there's an element of comical pretense to it. Especially if you're having one made. Great-great-grandpa's is one thing, but actually buying one feels a bit cartoony.

>> No.11407219

kek, saved

>> No.11407228


>> No.11407328

fukin casul

>> No.11407370
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 1465805886257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't decide what's more embarrassing, the retard who posted this shit, or all the fags that have been replying to it

If this was meant to be bait, then bravo, we've all taken it

>> No.11407872
File: 1.43 MB, 2448x3264, 1466035114721-1379443094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11408492
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really wear jewelry anymore, but here's what I have:
Margiela Key Ring (my first margiela from over 10 years ago)
Cartier Trinity ring
Shuan Leane Horn rings

>> No.11408494
File: 1.31 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11408507


is that trinity ring silver?

>> No.11408588
File: 74 KB, 600x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My one TRUE and HONEST amnyfest ring.