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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 159 KB, 1024x1817, IMG_20160611_195329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11393083 No.11393083 [Reply] [Original]

how do you dress to attract millennial tumblr qts

>> No.11393086


like cole sprouse

>> No.11393093

dad caps
old skools/sk8 his
ripped jeans
long tee

pretty much dress basic as shit with no unique style to yourself

>> No.11393160

>millennial tumblr qts

so THAT'S what they're called -- thanks OP

>> No.11393165

Bernie Sanders gear

>> No.11393177

Prison jumpsuit, creep

>> No.11393211
File: 213 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ndwy9nHC7k1sg9z5bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dress up your non-binary side

>> No.11393516

Like their absent fathers, works every time.

>> No.11393524

? What did OP do to go to prison? Is pic related underage or something?

>> No.11393586

Urban outfitters-core, as they just wear the female version.

Or, what I wear. I get a decent amount of tumblr-core qt pussy, or at least I did before finding someone a little more intelligent and mature...
Skinnyishjeans, not too tight, cuffed 511s are a good tightness as it gets rid of the slight flare in the ankle. Black or dark blue.
Standard fitting t-shirts: black, grey, heathered earth tones that go with your skind/hair tone. These girls also like obscure band Ts

Slim vulc shoes like eras or something like oxfords. Boots in the winter

Wool sweaters

Flannels, but subtle ones. No checkered shit or kohl's-core

Facial hair, messy hair, and if you require glasses then something trendy like Oliver Peoples or warby parker

Also learn how to play an instrument and read some literature and philosophy

>> No.11393953

Like a hipster, hip hoppity hip hopper :^) or skater. Surfer or punk might work too or a stoner, depends on the chick really.

Main thing is to provide what they don't have: stability

>> No.11393966

>hip hoppity hop hopper
Shut up.

>> No.11393973

>taking bait
Lighten up schmuck. You'll never get laid with that attitude!

>> No.11393976

Hip hoppity hip hopper detected. I shit on your culture as I shall shit on your grave

>> No.11393993


I work at Urban Outfitters and can confirm this

>> No.11394030

One thing I've noticed is that you can get away with being pretty ugly in the face as long as you're over 6 feet and skinny (not skinny fat)

But I guess that's true for all women not just millenials

>> No.11394066

You don't want tumblr bitches. They're a whole mess of emotional sjw bullshit you should avoid at all costs.

>> No.11394174 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 870x1110, image1xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be white
>be attractive
>have tattoos

be a asos model if you can basically

>> No.11394318

Not worth it.

>> No.11394326
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Go fuck yourself m8
See pic

>> No.11394335

gray shirt, black skinnys desu. my tinder says so. also not white so either tumblr qts are nignog lovers or they luv brown sugar qt bois

>> No.11394384

if you want to attract them you have to pay a high price you will probably regret in the future, both socially and echonomically.

My advice, just pass if you don't attract them already.

>> No.11394395

can you get a job with neck like that

>> No.11394409

In Starbucks.

>> No.11394453

Don't these girls love black dick?

>> No.11394522

Millenials are at most 16 anon

>> No.11394527


Get off 4chan for awhile bud.

>> No.11394587
File: 62 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nu262bTmoM1s7y6ddo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.11394596
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Wear this hat

>> No.11394605

What? The millennial generation is usually set at being born between the mid - late 80s and 2000 (but less commonly up to 9/11).

They're almost all at least 16.

>> No.11394844

>still triggered

You're a weakling, die so your weak genes don't shit up the human race

>> No.11394877

this is surprisingly spot on. for shoes though, you can sub in low docs or new balance, I think

>> No.11394884

w2c pants

>> No.11394896

Huh? I thought millenials were 2000-onward. My whole fucking world is crumbling down before me

>> No.11394922
File: 90 KB, 638x425, fratboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in a nightclub and see these tumblr girls hook up with fratboy guys all the time despite claiming to hate them while sober, your best bet would be to start lifting weights and wear polo shirts, chino shorts and baseball caps

>> No.11395127

Can confirm

>> No.11395134
File: 81 KB, 540x539, tumblr_inline_nsc34emq6V1t20cm1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this is all i attract

i just want blonde, blue eyes, and tanned already

>> No.11395228

No, they're the people coming of age during and just after the millennium.

So most of the people on here probably.

>> No.11395248

Actually forget the last line, I forgot we were on /fa/ for a moment.

>> No.11395316

be white
have messy hair
wear black

>> No.11395325

Fuck off slut

>> No.11395379
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>> No.11395405

All girls love tall, muscular, and handsome men (aka Chads). How is this news to you?

>> No.11395409

What is found to be attractive is universal:

1. Be fit
2. Have high social status
3. Be charming

You don't want to dress like a tumblr thot counterpart.

>> No.11395473
File: 267 KB, 469x357, Zzrtd3v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how i got my last gf lel

>> No.11395555

Oh shit I was there that day

>> No.11395571

I also work at Urban Outfitters and can double confirm this

>> No.11395719

the oldest Millenials are in their mid 30s

>> No.11395736

t-that's not what millenial means anon

>> No.11395777


OP, I would suggest aiming for more plain-dressing girls with good aesthetics. You can coach them on their fashion sense, but you cacnt coach the crazy out of tumblr hoes.

That being said, all you need to attract a crazy tumblr hoe (assuming you have a good face and decent body) is 1. dress and behave exactly like mac demarco 2. smile a lot and be warm/friendly

>> No.11395795

Tumblr sluts are such hypocrites. I was in a shitty 1-time art class and I drew the models boobs too big or something, and this tumblr bitch who was following me gave me hell for how I drew it... Yet a dozen minutes later she followed me as I was washing my hands and put her disgusting body over my arm, too close for comofrt i could feel her breathing down my chest (disgusted) and she knew what she was doing

I told her "Could you get the fuck off me?" and she laughed nervously. Now i hope she went back to tumblr and posted about how she sexually harassed a white cis male

>> No.11395806

Thirding - I've been involved with some tumblr girls and it's never been worth it.

As this anon said look for girls that obviously dress well - but are still normie core.

>> No.11395902
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>it's a "anon get bullied and molested by a girl" episode

>> No.11395918


>> No.11395920

yeah, really. one of my friends/drinking buddies is black and seeing what happens at parties really doesn't fit in with the 4chan /r9k/ narrative. I'm sure some fetishize it, but like 75% of the reactions are uncomfortable as fuck. Especially with Asians (holy shit asian girls are racist).

>> No.11396030

and then you woke up and posted this on fa

>> No.11396384

millenials at at least 16

>> No.11396454
File: 68 KB, 800x660, bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like this guy

>> No.11396772


what I did and have pretty decent tumblr gf. Also not sure why but they find daddy kink jokes insanely funny.

or have a decent face, I'm 5"5 and my gf is 5"3

>> No.11396780

4. be passionate about something
it shows confidence

other than that you're pretty spot on.

>> No.11396783

health goth or whatever its called, look like the bad boys from 11th grade

>> No.11396796

Why would you want this?

>Non-prescription meme glasses
>Ironic Band T Shirt
>long sleeve black and white striped shirts
>skinny jeans
>dark blue jeans
>converse and vans
>chukka boots
>meme watches(preferably with a theme like pacman or the flash)
>dark wine red pants
>messenger bag or meme backpack
>dress like a hipster
Also you can't attract them with clothes alone that just gets your foot in the door, you have to pretend to like their shitty strange band tastes, and tell them you love Supernatural, Trueblood, Rick and Morty, Adventure Time, and other meme cartoons, wear a cologne that gives you the scent of a young man, pretend to read if you don't already, if it ever comes up say you are good with computers.

>> No.11396811

I dress like a skaterboy from the mid 00s sans DC shoes and I am a regular at museums and a shitty retro-indie club.

>> No.11396906

lmao, this seems like a 35 year olds guess at what they like

>> No.11396927

That's just part of being charming.

The only thing that changes for meme thots is that "high social status" means being in a band or something.

>> No.11396995

get /fit/ but lightweight and wear basic as fuck fast fashion shit

>> No.11397017

Most of the girls I've fucked have been trust fund tumblr art hoes. Not worth the time in any way.

>> No.11397176

actually its just because the chads aren't too pussy to apprach these girls.

just follow >>11393586 advice and approach them yourself

>> No.11397183


This is terrible , you'd look like a fucking cartoon character just do what >>11393586

>> No.11397207

Those are "Gen Z" or post-milennials, anon. If you were born between 85-99 you're probably a millennial yourself.

>> No.11397216

You poor soul. I'm sorry you believe such nonsense.

>> No.11397222

But then again, those are only the type of girls that go to nightclubs in the first place, so likely not the same girls saying they hate them.

>> No.11397241


fifthing this. these girls are unbearable in so many ways and always arent as good a lay as youd think theyd be.

>> No.11397419


>> No.11397421

Fuck what I said before about wanting a tumblr girl, they're scummy people.

My gf of more than a year just up and told me she wants to test out shit with other guys (kissing n shit idk, not sex tho), and she said im unprogressive. she then said if I didnt trust her that she loved me that we're over.

im done, fuck every last one of em.
I put up with no sex for a fucking year for this.

side note, they dont put out unless theyre cheating on you.

>> No.11397443

haha, cuck.

If she hasn't dumped you yet, run run run run away anon. Tumblr girls are the worst.

>> No.11397478

Sixthing this. A tumblr girl nearly ruined my life. I can't stress enough how bad of an idea it is to get involved with one. Avoid them like the plague and just bust a nut to em online

>> No.11397485

Get out while you can, you can thank me later

>> No.11397487


>> No.11397493

That's messed up anon, I'm really sorry to hear that. :(
Despite never actually having had Tumblr I've been accused of being pretty "tumblrina" and I would never do something like that, I'm like disgustingly monogamous. The idea of being with anyone other than my bf of 5 years makes me feel icky and nauseous desu.
I don't think it's a tumblr girl thing but rather an incompatibility thing, if she wanted an open relationship she should have been clear from the get go. I hope you find yourself a nice, monogamous tumblr qt with a high sex drive someday. I promise we exist.

>> No.11397501

those cool azn's with anime haircuts get these girls all the time, same with blacks who "dress white" and look like kid cudi

>> No.11397506

No one cares.
When I dated one she had a huge cognitive dissonance where she hated me and spread rumors behind my back but then the second she saw me she wanted my dick and affection. It was really weird. She eventually gave me an ultimatum that I had to stop making fat jokes or she'd stop seeing me. She was rail thin and used to be anorexic or something. She was full of shit who knows. Anyway I kept making fat jokes instead lmao.

>> No.11397512

No one cares.

>> No.11397514


Wait though bro, you "put up with no sex for a whole year because of this?" lmfaon dude you actually deserved to be cucked, have some balls next time jesus christ, stand up for yourself.

>> No.11397611


>> No.11397876

I have a lot of tattoos and mostly wear black.

>> No.11398098

>chukka boots
>meme watches(preferably with a theme like pacman or the flash)
>dark wine red pants
>messenger bag or meme backpack
>dress like a hipster
thanks dad

>> No.11398138

how does a black guy get some tumblr pussy if im not a rapper
seems like these chicks go all #BLM on tumblr but be scared of blacks IRL

>> No.11398153
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you make your hair do this

>> No.11398306

ye thats exactly how it went sadly

>> No.11398353

break up asap

>> No.11398365

just do as much "tumblr stuff" as possible. listen to shitty trendslave music and talk about how women are so oppressed omg. that's literally all these people care about

>> No.11398548

>tfw I do this and then draw a swastika on their butt after a one night stand

>> No.11398553

theyll say you raped them and brainwashed them with neonazi propaganda

>> No.11398568

look up borderline personality disorder

most of these crazy girls have it

>> No.11398573


>> No.11398594

Dress weird but with an overall theme. They dig piercings and memes. Also milsurp and vibrant patterns.

>> No.11398611

you sound like a middleaged dad trying to describe the tumblr aesthetic

>> No.11398630


did your mom tell you that, twink?

>> No.11398651
File: 114 KB, 540x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my best friends is a stereotypical tumblr grill
all you have to do is be able to supply her with weed and voila

>> No.11398656

they all think they have it, they really just have special snowflake syndrome.

people who actually have bpd are absolutely mental. like attempting suicide every 2 weeks, constantly self-harming, huge mood swings multiple times a day. It's fucked bro.

>> No.11398872

No, I am a girl and therefore know what girls want better than any idiot on 4chan who has never actually been within a 10 foot radius of a woman. There is no "all girls" just as there is no "all men". If you actually met one you might realize this.

>> No.11398884


>> No.11398903
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>> No.11398919
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>> No.11398940


>another girl claiming to know what she wants


>> No.11398993

they're not attracted to 4channers dressing themselves in an effort to please them

>> No.11399363

Pappas in the house

>> No.11399383

post example pic

>> No.11399387

In other words, go to a small, white, liberal arts college

>> No.11399421

you got to emasculate yourself and be trendy like ian connor or some shit

>> No.11399441


>> No.11399478

>dressing to attract whores
Kill yourself. Just find something YOU like, trying to dress to impress some kind of girl is only going to make you come off as non-authentic or you will end up attracting whores that don't actually match you. So even if you just want to fuck them, thats not the best ideia.

>> No.11399487


>> No.11399548

stick to your own race

>> No.11399676

i second this

>> No.11399702

with a noose around your neck

>> No.11399712

this bitch looks like a dumb slut

>> No.11399741


>> No.11399920

wow tough guy huh?
shes actually a really good person

>> No.11400173
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>> No.11400195

yes and?
Good people can also be dumb sluts

>> No.11400695
File: 87 KB, 500x493, tumblr_nndrkiheKo1skytjmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never date elizabeth jane
Why even live

>> No.11401122

She is, he said so himself
>all you have to do is be able to supply her with weed and voila

>> No.11401131

Tinfoil is so cool. The clothing that he makes is really nice.

>> No.11402571

this. the more a woman tries to identify herself through clothing, makeup, hair, etc, the weaker her sense of identity on a basic level. Getting girls like this has almost nothing to do with how you dress and everything to do with how forceful you are. In fact, I'd venture all your skinny jeans and delicately styled hair is a turn off for the vast majority of them.