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/fa/ - Fashion

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11391239 No.11391239 [Reply] [Original]

Post em here

>> No.11391243

Start us off with your life story, OP.

>> No.11391251
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>wearing white Meme Smiths
>meeting up with my fuccboi friend who unironically dresses like UK trailer trash biker from the 70s despite being upper class (which he is in denial about)
>"Anon, are you seriously wearing WHITE SHOES? Like, they'll just get dirty lmao"
>"seriously anon are you tucking your t shirt in? omg you look like a grandpa"
>"seriously anon HIGH SOCKS with low shoes? I mean cmon you should be wearing low or invisible socks"
>this is the guy who wears boots with cargo shorts, red tinted Chelsea boots, short armed flannel shirts and hipster glasses, and has a terrible undercut and blatantly calls everyone who doesn't have one Hitler
>also spends the little money he has on leather jackets that are too expensive for how they look yet too cheap to be good quality

pic unrelated

>> No.11391256

another classic fuccboi
>"seriously you aren't wearing the latest trend or timeless piece like nice pair of boots a button down? head over to /r/malefashionadvice!"

>> No.11391277


>Posters in this thread: 2

Your desperate samefagging is pathetic OP.

>> No.11391278

>that one friend who went to one of the best well dressed schools and /fa/ schools in the country focused mostly on art, singing and home of many designers and even Yung Lean (not like he's very impressive but still)
>"anon I am so superior to the people on that school. They have no sense of fashion. When I wear my Calvin Klein sweater I feel like master race"
>he unironically said something along those lines

Jesus you must be very confident to say something like that

>> No.11391284

>implying I was acting like I was another anon

I was just contributing to the thread with stories on the top of my head

>> No.11391301

are you in sweden?

>> No.11391320


>> No.11391365 [DELETED] 

>>Wearing OG Pink Raf Stans
>>in psychology class with a bunch of girls, some decent, some ugly SJWs
>>most of them don't remark about the shoes cause I've worn them previously and I'm not insecure of what I wear
>>I sit near the back where a 'thot group' sits to the right and usually chatter while teacher lectures
>>There's only one sassy fuccgirl who I've seen wear CDG converse, Y-3 elles, and meme-green Raf Stans (didn't notice R till later lol)
>>One day, end of senior year, it's kind of quiet in their section cause most of them skipped, but she's there front and center
>>In the past I've purposely ignored most of what she says like "can you get the lights?" with a rude tone so she would scoff and do it herself like a bitch
>>I liked fucking around like that, come to think of it she was nicer back early in the year, but later she changed cause she broke up with her tryhard BF


>> No.11391369

lTT: Shitty waIIs of text no one is reading

>> No.11391383

>>11391239 (OP)
>>Wearing OG Pink Raf Stans
>>in psychology class with a bunch of girls, some decent, some ugly SJWs
>>most of them don't remark about the shoes cause I've worn them previously and I'm not insecure of what I wear
>>I sit near the back where a 'thot group' sits to the right and usually chatter while teacher lectures
>>There's only one sassy fuccgirl who I've seen wear CDG converse, Y-3 elles, and meme-green Raf Stans (didn't notice R till later lol)
>>One day, end of senior year, it's kind of quiet in their section cause most of them skipped, but she's there front and center
>>In the past I've purposely ignored most of what she says like "can you get the lights?" with a rude tone so she would scoff and do it herself like a bitch
>>I liked fucking around like that, come to think of it she was nicer back early in the year, but later she changed cause she broke up with her tryhard BF


>> No.11391395

>walls of text

hows middle school?

>> No.11391423


>> No.11391429

come on famm what happen

>> No.11391437


Fuck all tree of ya'll for ruining my green text



>>However on the last day, she was talking about not having a prom date and going alone loudly the week of (but obv she's going with her BF, and they later did) but decides to re-introduce herself and have a last crack at talking with me
>>"I like your shoes." – " I tried to get them but they were sold out" Her tone was neutral (I later wondered if she actually said it kindly or really obv trying to sarcastically diss)
>>At that moment, I didn't react cause I was focused on something else or respond
>>I leave her looking like an idiot with that remark but the room isn't entirely quiet
>>Her friend who usually eyes me in class and knows me from parties says subtle laughingly "I don't think he heard you"
>>My face started laughing a little bit but the fuccgirl was still looking at me so I realized I wasn't safe and had to do something
>>At that exact time I had to makeup a 2 tests that I never took so I was cramming mad hard
>>She gets up out of her seat still looking at me but sits in front of the other girl I know and talk to each other quietly or something, I wasn't paying attention just peripheral viewpoint
>>When I chose to finish studying I get up, look back at my desk to grab a pencil, (but really to subtly look at her)
>>Yet she already is looking at me thinking I hesitated or waiting for something
>>but I chose to ignore her and not respond
>>I decide to turn my back to her and walk up to teacher's desk and take the make up test

I never spoke or met with her again till I saw her at some after-parties where she started acting mad-salty yet I still gave her shade even then

>> No.11391447

>random girl with bad fashion sense is nice to you
>you are an ass back for no reason whatsoever besides feeding your ego

alright then

>> No.11391449

why is this a story worth telling am i missing something major
it kind of just seems like
> mildly annoying girl exists
> you ignore her
> end of story

>> No.11391451

well, that was disappointing
you're kind of an asshole famm, and not as cool as you think

>> No.11391463

haha le so cool bro XDD

you're fucking edgy mate, off yourself. I bet you think you're cool when you're rude to people

>> No.11391474

>prom date
>teacher's desk
>Pink RAFs
>the general way you type

Just kill yourself now

>> No.11391475

what do people think about yung lean in sweden? i'm in denmark and it seems to me that he's way more popular over here

>> No.11391484

honestly mate it's strange how few people know of him, considering he came from here. Even in Södermalm in Stockholm were I grew up and he went to school which is one of the more hipstery and trendy areas many people don't know him. I don't listen to Yung Lean myself either. In terms of fashion yeah I guess sort of sad boy clothing was a bit popular a year or two ago.

>> No.11391488

i think this might be a subtle, not that well-executed meme, but otherwise the poster is a fucking fag

>> No.11391503


Put sum respek on it

Yea I got an ego, so does every other human being's unconscious mind. I don't even talk in class that much and during the first time I ignored her I literally was sleeping in class

No I'm not gonna respond like you autistic fucking fags and say

>>"Yeah they sold out quick last season"
>>"Do you even kno I collect Raf Archive AW99-SS00"
>>"Fucking pleb with your green meme smiths, that R won't cut it"
>>"I didn't buy for retail like y–"
>>"I got them from he–..."
>>"You should check out this webs– .."
>>"G-R-A-I-L-E-D as in Grail–"
>>"Check out my weed plug he's cool too"
>>"What's your numb–..."

What the fuck did you fags want me to say, "Oh yeah, I can trade them for your green Rafs (but at a price) ;-) B==D~"

>> No.11391507

even now? i've heard swedes saying stuff like that before, but i thought it had changed now that he's blown so much up. i mean yung lean was cool here 1-2 years ago also, but after warlord it seems he has really gained a lot more attention

>> No.11391516

it's just a non-interesting story, that's all m8

>> No.11391531

i don't give a fuck how you talk to people, im just questioning why you thought this was a story worth telling in any way

>> No.11391541

>girl says "i like your shoes!"
>the only responses you can think of are dead silence followed by creepy laughter, 'fucking pleb', or 'what's your number'
>but we're the autists
>have you heard of the word 'thanks'

>> No.11391712

You know you don't have to respond sarcastically to something someone says. Just be genuine and you won't come off as a tryhard

this basically

>> No.11391837

lmao you're fucking lame holy shit.
>using the term fuccgurl
>owning raf stans
>thinking this story was worth posting


>> No.11392021
File: 5 KB, 160x160, fsfafs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three posts above you
>hurr durr le samefag xD what does it evn mean?? xxDD

>> No.11392054

>whole story written like a fuccboi
>ends up being pointless
>tfw OP ends up being the fuccboi of the story
>tfw we got hella rused

>> No.11392103

>"I like your shoes."
>"I like your shoes!"

A lot of difference anon, learn it. For example, say there is a person at a funeral giving a eulogy, and at the end they say:

>"Rest in peace!"

or they say:
>"Rest in peace."


>> No.11392357

>raf stans
spotted the actual fuccboi

>> No.11392788

That was the central-basis of his story dumbass, you want a cookie?

It's not about Grammar genius, if you mean tonality then you're absolutely correct. There's more than just what someone says to use to communicate

>> No.11393137

lmao nice try OP
>I was trolling you guys all along! XDD
kys lamefag, can tell its you because
>That was the central-basis of his story dumbass, you want a cookie?
>Yea I got an ego, so does every other human being's unconscious mind

you write like a 14 year old that thinks he's an intellectual. even if its not OP kys.

>> No.11393212

that has got to be one of the weakest greentexts I've ever read

>> No.11394014
File: 797 KB, 286x204, 513.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the cat's out of the bag;

You guys really got my shitty joke, I was messing with you the whole time fucking idiots. Look at how long it took me to make up the second part, then double up on the Birdman references, and catch up next time cause this thread always trash-weeaboo "QT Jap at the Subway" so I decided to fuck around, apparently it had the most replies so I guess it worked well

I'll keep posting but now I've got to change my writing style


>> No.11394067

the more i think about your posts the more embarrassing it gets. was i this big of a faggot in highschool or is it just you?

i wonder how ill feel when you post another one dont leave us hanging op

>> No.11394102

Good thread

>> No.11394915

He's not OP, I am OP.

Bumping this btw