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/fa/ - Fashion

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[ERROR] No.11387954 [Reply] [Original]

i have no friends /fa/. what're some interesting activities to do by your lonesome or /fa/ places to go by yourself?

side-note how the hell do you make friends?

>> No.11387967


>> No.11387968

get into some kind of art and start making it

2nd one depends a lot of your life situation

>> No.11387970

what does that mean? pls elaborate

>> No.11387974

like how old are you, are you in school or working, etc

>> No.11387975

bike riding or learn an instrument through youtube

>> No.11387977

Road cycling is a pretty doable solo hobby. Quite good in a group too.

>> No.11387984

/n/igger here.
That's right, m8, biking it's fun with or without friends. Also you can pull off nice fits.

>> No.11387992

shitty part time job. yes in school

>> No.11387998


>> No.11388005

you could direct 90% of the threads on /fa/ to the advice board honestly

>> No.11388010

You forgot to sage :^)

>> No.11388016

step one: if you're in school, you need to make at least one friend who's normal and social on your own

2:drink with them and go out to parties

3: find friend

>> No.11389209


>> No.11389254

My room mate used to play video games 24/7 and they cry to me when he had no friends but would never leave the house to do anything about it.

I forced him to come to a Japanese class at the city library. After forcing him to go 3 times he started going on his own and got a gf from there two weeks later.

On a side note fuck video gamers, if you have a gaming PC throw that shit out the window

>> No.11389361
File: 43 KB, 600x600, CaRDwPHWwAAFI6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:( But I have friends, I just play a lot of games to relax.

>> No.11389368

Know a good YouTube guitar tutorials?

>> No.11389380

Is it possible to make new friends after college/uni?

>> No.11389466


>> No.11389483

Modular Synthesis is all the rage my man


>> No.11389492
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Join a club like muay thai or something. I only go twice a week and it's improved my life alot already. I cant believe i waited till my 4th year to do something like this

>> No.11389621


>side-note how the hell do you make friends?
I have many friends and most of them came along through mutual friends and/or mutual interests. Just like you need money to make money, you need friends to make friends.

>Is it possible to make new friends after college/uni?
That is quite tough. Most people make lasting friends before they start full time work. Adults have less time and more things to worry about like careers, relationships and children.

I recommend you guys to be outgoing. Your attitude is half of the problem. Friends are very important for your happiness and the older you get the lower your chances are to find them. so start working on it.

>> No.11389628

Your an official cuck if you have no active sport on your life

>> No.11389630

Cuck hobby. Painting is a real hobby

>> No.11389634

Full of pretentious casey neistat worshippers

>> No.11389637

clubbing, art exhibitions, festivals

>> No.11389659



unless you selling pills just no.
OP will just get more depressed from seeing all those groups of friends having a good time

>> No.11389841

Photography is effay and super cool yea, gives you a reason to go out and explore, and it actually rewards being a loner. If you do it in the city it'll help you spark a few discussions. Girls tend to love it too, if that matters.

Cycling outside the city is good for your mind and your body. You can pair it with taking pictures.

Also you can just make stuff. Zines, paintings, crafts, clothes (if you're dedicated to the /fa/ life, learning DIY clothing is awesome) and eventually share/sell them on Etsy.

Making music by yourself is boring in my experience, but you might enjoy it.

>unless you selling pills just no.
I guess drug-dealing is a possible opportunity too.

>> No.11389904

Cucktography and zines are fucking stupid. Learn to paint or sculpt you talentless fuck

>> No.11389917

These are good suggestions

Please post some of your paintings and sculptures for us to marvel at

>> No.11389929

Answer to both: take up epee fencing
It's the /fa/-est sport, you'll find a club full of other guys who share your interest, sparring with them will bond you guys together as long as you're a good sport and don't get assblasted when you lose, and most clubs have great spirit because anything fighty needs to self-clean from edgelords and ragers for simple safety reasons.

>> No.11391085

>Cucktography and zines are fucking stupid

>> No.11391096

Ur mum say your zine was shit mayte?