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11381004 No.11381004 [Reply] [Original]

And it's summer so I can't just wear black jeans. I've been wearing black adidas shorts but they're not effay, what the fuck do I do now

>> No.11381021

Wear a diaper.

>> No.11381034

fuck you

>> No.11381069

I used to have this issue when I took adderall. Ass sweat is apparently used both for cooling down and for lubrication (as in when you're running to reduce chafing, which from an evolutionary perspective is pretty bad cause chafe wounds in an unclean armpit or asscrack or something can get infected and cause blood poisoning).

It's usually associated with adrenal secretion, hence you get more of it when you're nervous or doing hard work than when you're just warm.

Anyway my solution was to fold some tissue paper in my ass and switch it out whenever I went to a bathroom. Worked like a charm.

>> No.11381089

Wear some effay shorts. Buy a size down for gym shorts so they won't look baggy and gross

>> No.11381256

I prefer Y up desu

>> No.11381554

So what this anon is saying, is that you should wear a diaper. Fair assessment.

>> No.11381562

hah, came here to post this.

>> No.11381580

shouldn't every letter be moved one place to the left?

>> No.11381591

This happens to me especially when I jerk off.
I'll be laying on my bedspread in just underwear for a fifteen minute jerk session, I'll stand up and my underwear will be soaked and a very visible wet region can be seen where my ass and back were.
Also leather seats and just chairs in general make my back soaked. How do I fix this. I'm not completely out of pubescence so I'm hoping it clears up soon.

>> No.11381619

Z up is the only acceptable format senpai

>> No.11381655

I'm 20, still happens, nothin you can do man, unless you want to try baby powder

>> No.11381763

I'll just keep jerking off like I am now, but thanks.

>> No.11381811

How cold are you keeping your place? I used to have a huge issue with summers until I realized that having a big delta between outside and inside temperature was hurting me. Your place shouldn't be 65 degrees if it's 90 outside, for example. Allow your body to acclimate.

>> No.11381937

This is a year round thing for me, doesn't matter if I spend the entire day outside, I still get it. It's worse in summer because I can't just wear black sweats/jeans to hide it, it gets really hot

>> No.11382036

Boy since it's summertime you don't want to be wearing black since it makes your pits sweat like crazy mad, just wear some lighter colours for shorts. As much as I am not an advocate for following trends, palewave this summer I feel is pretty acceptable since you're going to be roasting your tits off with other colours.

Colours aren't everything with temperature as well so you don't have to follow my advice on that 100%, so try other fabrics like linen and thin(ner) cotton and try to avoid layering since it's going to be the same as wearing a sweater in the heat. Try wearing less denim on your legs as well since that shit sticks to your ass and is a bitch to get off without looking like you're picking at it

Depends on what you're working with boi, graphs are always going to have x horizontal and y vertical but on a 3d plane it's gonna be z up

>> No.11382184

Not always... You could have it go x up and it would still be correct

>> No.11382246
File: 186 KB, 690x460, eric_raymond_looking_away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Depends on what you're working with boi, graphs are always going to have x horizontal and y vertical but on a 3d plane it's gonna be z up

>they've never played minecraft
>Z up is the only acceptable format senpai