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File: 943 KB, 1372x1792, ELIAS-IN-MY-CAR[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11379893 No.11379893 [Reply] [Original]

i know it's been talked about before but, how do you actually get this texture of hair. Is it genetics? product in his hair? just hasn't washed his hair in a while? what's the secret

>> No.11381225

looks like it hasn't been washed in a day or two.It's a hard one to consistently achieve,especially as depending on quickly your hair gets greasy, it might look good in the morning but by evening it may be a bit too greasy.

>> No.11381259

>I know it's been talked about before but i'm too lazy to look in the archive

>> No.11381523

usually happens to me after 2 days after washing my head with cold water, i shampoo only once a week

>> No.11381537

What keywords should I look for in the archive?

>> No.11381558

I only shampoo once a week, use got2be orange pomade. There's no hold, but gives you a wet looking texture, and then hanz de fuko claymation for a light hold. There u go.

>> No.11382620

Put coconut oil in your hair before bed then wash it out with cold or warm water in the morning. Use shampoo at most once a week.