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/fa/ - Fashion

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11379267 No.11379267 [Reply] [Original]

why are mexicans the least /fa/ race?

I have never seen a mexican that has ever been fashionable or stylishly cohesive.

they usually either wear dickies with wife beaters, wear their dumb california republic shirts with ugly fitted caps like swaggots, or wear abercrombie with a fake as fuck gucci belt

>> No.11379278

Don't forget the all red shoes

>> No.11379287

where i live they mostly wear vans for some ungodly reason

>> No.11379303
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>> No.11379362

A lot of mexicans wear zumiez core shit, its pretty cringy. But I have seen some fashionable Mexicans.

>> No.11379461

Nigger, Savage Detectives is one of the most /fa/ novels of all time.

>> No.11379478

Hey I'm mexican and I try to dress fa. The reason why nobody here wear nice cloothes it's because there isn't any high fashion brand store, you have to buy it from another country. I have like 2 friends too that wears sadboys shit and some more that have a decent h&m and zara mixed style.

>> No.11379480

The average person of every race dresses like shit. It's all about individuals, us, the special snowflakes

>> No.11379482

SoCal here

99% of brown Mexican men I see do indeed wear zumiez tier shit, vans snapbacks etc, I had a Mexican coworker who thought he was pretty /fa/ and he wore an old black man cap (you know the one) with flannels khakis and vans, I gave him shit for it all the time but he just didn't see what was wrong with his fits

That being said, white Mexicans/spaniards/whatever you want to call them, are usually /fa/

>> No.11379495

>cree que la ropa "high fashion" es necesaria para ser efei
>cree que no hay tiendas buenas de ropa en México

gracias por los buenos quecs

>> No.11379498

also why do your people think being fashionable is gay?


>> No.11379499

First, mexican isn't a race.
Second, my closet full of designer dresses begs to differ.

>> No.11379501

>there isn't any high fashion brand store
Do you even Palacio de Hierro Polanco bro?

>> No.11379505

All this people think mexicans are just the hispanics they see everyday on the US streets, most people who went to your country are/were poor and do not care abotu fashion, their culture is different. In Mexico (the actual mexico) things are different, it's like any other country, the average person is not effay, there are people who try hard and fail to be effay and there's real effay people too. There's brown /fa/ too people at least in Mexico.

>> No.11379513

He's mexican, the thread you linked was made by someone from spain. Idiot. Spain and Mexico share the same language but they're different cultures.

>> No.11379518


>> No.11379540

Depende de tus gustos pero como dijo >>11379501 está palacio de Hierro Polanco y bueno, está silver deer, está common people y otras pero no te daré una lista, si en serio te interesa ya deberías saber.

>> No.11379608

Palacio de Hierro es effay? Pensaba que solo habia MK y D&G

>> No.11379614

¡Palacio de Hierro POLANCO! No un palacio de hierro normal.

>> No.11379625

¿Qué tienen ahí?

Yo generalmente intento vestirme bien, aunque no salga del normcore y generalmente no encuentro donde comprar buena mierda

>> No.11379639


sage and reported

enjoy your ban

>> No.11379648

puedes googlearlo, es obvio que no venden tricky ricky ni nada de eso

>> No.11379654

>implying anyone can dress worse than an indian

>> No.11379729


Siempre he pensado que en este país se crítica mucho el normcore, como dice este >>11379498 aquí se tacha de gay a quien viste bien.

>> No.11379750

En este país se critica al normcore? como? yo nunca he escuchado a alguien llamar gay a otra persona vestida bien.

>> No.11379764

Yeah, they're /fa/ if you like puffer vests lol

Why do upper class mexicans like puffer vests so much?

>> No.11379771

Tengo que admitir que fui subjetivo al decirlo, perdón si te ofendió.
Me agrada saber que hay gente /fa/ en este país.

>> No.11379834


También, chequen el nuevo Silver Deer de Polanco, está excelente.

>> No.11379847

indians are

>> No.11379860

>mfw white mexican
aww yisss

>> No.11379958

whats wrong hombre? did a mexiking steal your girl? jealous cumskins, no one wants your shit tier mole covered skin or rat like features. when will you learn?

>> No.11379975

Relax, you're probably like 5'3"

>> No.11379984
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>implying a portly brown manlet would ever steal my gf

>> No.11380013

Well, you weren't very far off... 5'4" lol

>> No.11380050

>mole covered skin
I'd rather a few dozen moles spread over my body than to be completely shit covered all over my skin, you ugly spic manlet.

>> No.11380092

Saying that you have never seen a mexican with fashion sense, doesn't mean shit, it only makes you look like a stupid ignorant fuck, and I don't see how someone like you with such an ignorant view on a ethnicity can be considered smart or /fa/.

>> No.11380127

Calm down, he probably lives in the usa so the only mexicans he has seen are poor illegal inmigrands, I don't blame him. The thread was b8 anyway, also don't expect someone like him to learn, people like that are very close minded.

>> No.11380142


>> No.11380357

They're too busy building America so spermskins can have the time to complain about how we're not a major exporter of anything anymore even though they all have degrees in english, sociology, and women's studies. RIP America, at least we died in style.

>> No.11380364

delusional cum skin detected

>> No.11380385

lmao this post is a hot mess
t. southern californian

>> No.11380453

I am currently in México, but I am from the US.

I saw some Common Projects a few days ago.

It really depends on which part of the city you are in. As far as women, I see better outfit coordination here than I do in the US. For men, many try, but they wear clothing that is too tight. At least where I am, I don't see the douchey Express/Armani Exchange and overgroomed beard shit I see in the US.