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/fa/ - Fashion

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11378535 No.11378535 [Reply] [Original]

>be turning 22 in a month
>dad has baldness
>moms side of the family dosent, at least my grandfather and uncle don't
>pray everyday I get the good genes

What's your /fa/ fear?

>> No.11378549

>fear that i dress like some trend hopper when i just honestly think slightly oversized shirts/extended tees and pinrolled jeans is a nice simple look
>fear that forehead will get bigger
>fear that accutane will screw up my health

>> No.11378567

>dad has 10/10 hairline
>mom's dad went bald at 30
fmlllll i dont wanna go bald

>> No.11378587

You do you friend, don't let others judge you for petty shit.

I feel you man, I know I won't be "sexy" when I'm older but I'd still like to be handsome.

>> No.11378602

>hairline is already receding

you guys don't know how good you have it

>> No.11378640

>20 y/o student
>like dressing up in suits
>not studying business or anything that would require a suit
>have five 2/3 piece suits and another ten blazers
>over 50 ties
>pretty much everything from thrift shops
>everything tailored for me
>feel overdressed most of the time
>realize that it thats up too much time and effort
>have to dry clean suits weekly
>strain on student budget
>slowly stop wearing suits that often
>am poorish student
>dont have $800 to cop high fashion
>just dress up in 90s adidas/puma/whateverifindatthethirftshop jumpers
>friends and classmates come up to me
>"anon im used to seeing u in a suit, whats wrong"
>"anon everyone knew u as the classy guy, why are u dressing in sportswear now?"

creating a certain superficial imagine of yourself then slowly letting it go and in a certain way being considered a decline

>> No.11378644
File: 78 KB, 212x196, weeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom went fully grey at 30
>have like 100 gray hairs atm

please /fa/ gods give me a couple more years of brown hair ;_;

>> No.11378652

Cancer for smoking

>> No.11378663

I'm actually afraid of upgrading my style and people noticing. I feel like my friends will make fun of it, that's why I just dress like shit. I have good sense of fashion but I'm afraid of putting it to use, instead I just shitpost here and watch other people be effay. You could call me a "fashion cuck".

>> No.11378669

>23 but have babyface and could pass for a 16 year old
>hairline started receding

I look cute right now but I'm fucked if I go full bald. Not even getting huge will help me

>> No.11378670

I somewhere heard that baldness comes most of the time from the mother side, cause the genes for it are on the X-chromosomes, so you could be fine.
I have no source, but you could try and Google it

>> No.11378671

my cute fucboi style depends on my hair so much
if i go bald i'm gonna look like an actual baby

>> No.11379116

was 16 when mine started. 19 and it's real bad, but coming back fast with minox/fin

>> No.11379132

>I feel like my friends will make fun of it, that's why I just dress like shit.

You are obviously young. I don't want to drop a dad cliché on you but you shouldn't give a shit what people think. The sooner you realize this, the happier you will start to get.

Dress the way you want, that's the whole point of clothing and fashion. Why are you afraid of what people say or think anyway?

>> No.11379161
File: 68 KB, 600x600, 1463506436531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared of the fact that people will say I dress normcore because I cuff my pants. I hate normcore.

>> No.11379236

>live in a backwater city after living somewhere slightly relevant
>have a few really cool vintage/loud pieces that I like
>gf hates them
>get weird looks from everyone except fuccboi long-tee polo cap wearing high schoolers

>> No.11379419
File: 417 KB, 652x438, 1464627182817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baldingfag here, take one good look at that guy from catfish and fucking suck it up asshole. I'd choose gray over baldness and i'd give away a finger and some toes if I could....

>> No.11379431
File: 394 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight /fa/, am I balding? Father's side has little history of balding, however my mother's father started balding in his 40's. I'm pretty sure my hairline is receding and I want to know how to best slow down the process. Finasteride? Biotin? Minoxidil? Which would work best? Excuse shitty haircut, mirror, and acne. Also, I'm 18 if that means anything.

>> No.11380071

thats cool man, you should honestly keep wearing suits if you like them.

>> No.11380098

>turning 28 next month
>hairline seems to be thinning
At least I'm not in my early 20s and have a superb manjaw. If I start balding noticeably I'm just going to shave it off and get /fit/.

>> No.11380549

>mom is 50 and hasn't a single grey hair
>dad was bold at 45

Just roll that dice senpai

>> No.11380791

Youre good bro. In fact, if your hairline was lower before and it's 'receeded' to that then you have nothing to fear. Enjoy the God-tier hairline.

>> No.11380797

>Not being bold like your dad

Enjoy the fear and hesitations, faggot

>> No.11380802
File: 276 KB, 800x430, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate you know fucking nothing. Both my sides of the family have balding family members but I also have fucking high as SHIT hairline without balding and have always had. I have to either have a Trump hairstyle which I've had for years before trump which looks terrible to cover up my hairline or I can only have Justin Bieber 2011 tier cut. Feels bad man

>> No.11380804
File: 89 KB, 511x730, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no hope for me

>> No.11380854

That I'll never be 6"4

>> No.11380860

This desu. Though I'm pretty skinny so I'd look even lankier than I already do.

I just hope I can make it to 5'10" someday. I grew 3/4 an inch this past year so I've got a little over an inch to go. I still don't shave much yet, so I figure I've still got a bit of growing to do.

>> No.11380861

5'9 manlet reporting in

>> No.11380862


That no matter how good my fits are, I will never be able to get rid of my fat face

>> No.11380866

embrace the fat face and go full yung lean

>> No.11381275

Dude does it fucking matter? you look good now so what if it is balding slightly maybe you'll look like shit in 10 years. My hairline is like literally 2-5cm higher and I'm not even balding. You ungrateful cunt.

>> No.11381563

>Being 2 meters tall 70-80 kilo stick
>Have some muscle, not much but i'm no full thinspo anorexic
>Dad used to be a 150+ kilo 1,90 meter war tank but lost weight due to mountain biking
>He said he was like me in his 20's and started to gain weight when he got with my mom
>Mfw i run and train 3 times a week not only for firefighter training but to not end like him
I'm super fucking scared my fast metabolism will change one day and won't be able to eat like i do until now

>> No.11381596

>dad is 5'8
>mom is 5'3

Why the fuck did they think it was ok to have a child?

>not a single balding person in entire family
Feels good man

>> No.11381606

>have to dry clean suits weekly
You absolutely don't have to do this. In fact, it's a good way to shorten the lives of those garments.

>> No.11382411

guys should I still take biotin or some other daily supplement? vitamin d?

>> No.11382457

My fear is that over 10 years I'll regret spending so much money on clothes.
Truly fashion is just for either very rich people or very attractive people blessed with good genes.
Im neither.

>> No.11383080

>tfw dad is 64 and his hair is only slightly receding

Hoping I take after him but it looks like I don't considering he can't grow hair anywhere else on his body and I'm like a chimpanzee

>> No.11383112

How old are you?

>> No.11383121

Cool. What type of hats do you pair with your suits. Sounds really great man

Hat collecter here

>> No.11383127

Cuffs have nothing to do with norm core wtf?

Cuff is Asoscore

>> No.11383187

my lips getting thinner

>> No.11384560

fucking this 100%

>> No.11384611

This picture makes me nauseous.

>> No.11384791
File: 219 KB, 1134x1001, 1464637464228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sometime have urges to rip out my teeth
im just worried one day ill do it for the bants

>> No.11384800
File: 207 KB, 692x960, 1457886522719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mom's hair turns grey at 25
>Father's hair turns grey at 26
>My hair already began to grey starting in middle school
>21 have salt and pepper hair
>only moustache and bottom of chin have black hair
>every other area on my face has white hair

I just wish it would turn completely gray already

>> No.11385161

>be full thinspo
> living off black coffee & cigarettes
> start talking to this girl
> she thicc
> start going on dates w here
> start going past my calorie limits
> slowly gaining weight
I really like this girl, but idk how long I can be with her if I keep gaining weight

>> No.11385167

Show some restraint dude. There's tons of places you can take your thicc bicch that'll help her lose some weight (or at least keep her from gaining) that won't turn you into a fatty.

>> No.11385172

maintain adamant to eating salads without dressing, she will likely belittle you if you don't cave in thereafter but if you stick to it, she will feel inadequate and start eating better

>> No.11385350

Same here man, im scared my fast metabolism will go away and i'll actually have to limit how much i eat in order to not get bigger. It's nice being able to eat a fuck ton and not gain anything but it also sucks always being hungry especially at restaurants

>> No.11385424

Can we just stop with all this core

>> No.11385433

>both uncles went bald before 20
>father's side of the family has a ton of baldness
>grandpa on my mom's side went bald young too
>find out my mom was adopted
>birth father is old decrepit hippy with beautiful hair

I hope i dodged the bullet, 23 and no signs of thinning at all.

>> No.11385438

Losing my hair or teeth. I haven't been to a dentist in 5 years, I don't have the insurance for it. But I brush up to 3 times a day and stay away and don't have any problems so I think I'm ok for now.

>> No.11385490

>have a widow's peak
>but not a prominent one
>hair is very fine naturally
>but not thinning

My Dad has a full head of hair and he's only graying slightly in his mid 50's. My Mom has some thinning, but she blames that on overusing antibiotics. I don't think I'll get a receeding hairline, but I think my hair might end up thin when I get older.

It's actually quite similar to

>> No.11385613

So much this

>> No.11385673

Mine already came true. 22 and my hair has receded to a 6 head and worse yet the hair on top is thinned out to almost nothing. My only option left if fin doesn't help is to get fit or wear wigs and make that my thing

>> No.11385749



>> No.11385770

Same as you /fa/m started at 16 and got on fin at 18. What do you use for minox, like rogaine or something?

>> No.11385852

I know I'm gonna go bald, hairline is already pretty high at 19. I've got a dull and average slavic face too, alright jawline though. Could be worse. I've got good proportions, I'm not a manlet, and I could be a lot dumber than I am. Just gotta get buff before it's noticeable.

>> No.11386446
File: 30 KB, 400x527, 1464822796403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing suits since im 16
>learning about biz/stocks/entrepreneurship since im 16
>i have black back slicked hair like maffia style
>looks epic without any wax
>my friends always talking about my hair
>everybody knows about my style and my long hair
>Ez to meet hot cute girls, wealthy ceos, investors

I have a big fear that im going to bald. Like every night in my bed wondering about this. Every night.

>> No.11386480


The first reply to this post is useless. Don't listen to him.

A simple picture like this is not enough to tell.

You're obviously not in horrible shape, but you could very well be slowly receding.

At the same time, you could very well NOT recede noticeably until you're 40 like people in your family.

It's up to you to monitor it. Notice any hair falling out? I think the most obvious is whether your hairline used to be any lower? Look at older pictures. Have the corners receded upwards? Is your crown thinning?

>> No.11386525

You sound like a class one try hard

>> No.11386544

>wearing suits since i was 16

not so fast compadre

>> No.11386553

That my skin will always suck and be hard to take care of and I'll have acne forever. Also that the minor forehead acne scarring I have won't ever clear up. Also that I'll never get stubble for a full beard and I'll just have a goatee and a mustache which don't connect and look weird even shaved.

I'm already 5'7" so I don't need to look like a teenager anymore while I'm 20.

>> No.11387161
File: 12 KB, 211x212, 1462056282621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mother's side of family has 1/3 chance of going grey at 30
>mother's hair is still brown at 57

>> No.11387302

your hairline just looks a lil fucked up you're not balding

>> No.11387307

yo pretty sure that male pattern baldness gene is actually passed down through your mother ironically, so i think your good. could be wrong but im pretty sure thats true

>> No.11387614
File: 3.31 MB, 5312x2988, 20160531_204050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19 and already got a receding hairline, Just cuck my shit up

>> No.11387648

My biggest fear is that my facial hair won't fully grow in like some of the weird fuckers you see on Tinder. Am I really the only one

>> No.11387672
File: 470 KB, 737x387, nignog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these fears of balding

just embrace it niggas, as long as the rest is good, chicks and fellas won't mind, some my even find a good sport

>> No.11387728

Pretty sure that's a meme. You can get it from either side.

>> No.11387786

>dry clean weekly
Like the other guy said, there is exactly no reason for this, you're just fucking yourself if you do this. Dry clean your suits ONLY when they get a serious stain OR at the end of their wearing season (or twice a year if it's a three-season suit).

>> No.11387796

Yung lean looks like a beached walrus in cargo pants famalam

>> No.11387811

>be 18
>moms height is 177 cm
>dads height is 172 cm
>be 191 cm tall
>still grow

>> No.11387818

>father is like 75 and has pretty much all his hair
>grandfather on mothers side is 96 and has most of his hair
>half brothers on both my mother and father's side went bald
I dont know what to expect, not too worried about it though, have buzzed before, doesnt look bad on me

>> No.11387881

this, I have a ridiculous metabolism as well. I love being able to stay thin regardless of what I eat, but at the same time I know it'll inevitably disappear someday. renders me unable to get /fit/ either, since my body burns calories too fast to gain any muscle mass.

>> No.11388179

>grandfather was balding at age 18
I'm 18 now

>> No.11388257

>think about getting 1461s
>a collague has a pair and i don't wanna seem like i'm trying to mimic her style
>after like 6 months of thinking about it i get the monos
>1st day i'm wearing them at work
>"hey anon, that's a nice pair of shoes! what brand are they?"


>> No.11388414

What's with all the baldness fear desu?
unless you are a manlet and can't grow a beard there's literally no need to worry about no having hair.

>> No.11388426

Man how would you be mincing her style, half the world own a pair nowadays
That being said you better hit that

>> No.11388750

that my shit face acne won't clear up anytime soon

>> No.11389119

You're not a manlet unless you behave like one.

>> No.11389130

Lose some more weight and look weak and sleepy all the time. That is, develop dark circles and look like heroinchic. When she asks whats wrong tell her nothing I just have to walk around you to go somewhere and because of the circumference, it takes all of your energy to walk around. Plus to get away, you need to orbit her a few times to gain enough inertia to get out of her gravitational orbit.

>> No.11389151

Question your parents. Are you by any means darker than your dad?

>> No.11389164

>maintain adamant to eating salads without dressing, she will likely belittle you if you don't cave in thereafter but if you stick to it, she will feel inadequate and start eating better
woah, this works I think
not sarcastic

>> No.11389166

Unless it looks like cancer, I wouldn't worry about it. As long as you keep your skin and rest of you clean, it will be alright. Also, use as less as skin products possible and try switching face washes.