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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 186 KB, 1279x1722, 1435763216275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11364474 No.11364474 [Reply] [Original]

He had the looks, Could we have saved him?

>> No.11364505

square head lookin ass

>> No.11364512

The problem wasn't how he dressed, the problem was his brain

>> No.11364518


He probably already was a 4channer, but he obviously browsed /pol/ and /b/.

>> No.11364526

that's a shooped pic. his face was alot more pudgy

>> No.11364633

too tru

>> No.11364727


The pic is photohsopped lmao

>> No.11364739

implying this uncouth board could have possibly assisted the most supreme of gentlemen.

>> No.11366318

Besides this being a photoshop he was pretty ugly
Strange looking fucker

>> No.11366327

>clear skin
>no glaring abnormalities
>decent hair
what's the problem?

>> No.11366335

While looking good will get an initial attraction, if you cant hold an interesting conversation or have a good sense of humor then women will not be interested for long

>> No.11366338

>He had the looks

He didn't have jack shit dude.

>> No.11366340

Hahaha shyt dat photo is funny looking ass square head nigga fuckface

>> No.11366355
File: 81 KB, 650x1000, 820817-d5e2917c-e785-11e3-aae6-8a781d1cd673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did he have the looks?

>> No.11366356

You can't deny he had style.
Too bad he didn't look up some self-improvement books.

>> No.11366359


we would've triple his body count, by telling him he looks like shit and driving him further in depravity

>> No.11366365

we need more heroes like elliot,

may he rest in peace.

>> No.11366370

Weak manlet, like 90% of /fa/

>> No.11366383

Nooo hahaha hes s ugly ass creepy looking nigga

>> No.11366387

The only "nigga" here is you.

>> No.11366392



>> No.11366397

yeah, if your style is beta autistic eurasian virgin

>> No.11366398

If looks could kill...

>> No.11366422

any tips or tutorials of how can i shop my face, senpai

>> No.11366433

He actually did.

>> No.11366697

This is photosohped retard. He doesn't have clear skin and his face has a different shape too.
Not to mention that his nose and his bright lips look weird. And if you think this hair style is good then you have shit taste.

>> No.11366704

>triggered beta male detected

>> No.11366742

Misfiring synapses

>> No.11366750
File: 970 KB, 2488x3152, 1363450637351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11366851

Brodies on BGG love no thots and may Elliot RIP 8i y'all

>> No.11366894

Fuark that's some next level symmetry.

>> No.11366958

Found the nigger.

>> No.11366985


>> No.11367097

His nose and lips were fucking disgusting looking desu

>> No.11367431

looking at his face makes me so happy

>> No.11367550

/r9k/ more like

>> No.11367556

I'm a str8 grill and no. He looks like a little boy. I can see some girls going for that, but to me he looks like a 14 year old and his mouth is quite disgusting. It looks like he'd spit on you when he talked and drooled in his sleep.

>> No.11367610

damn... no wonder he went full gta on everyone

>> No.11367680

he certainly did not have the looks, weird as fuck face, skinny cunt, also like 5'6" + his fucked up brain and voice

>> No.11367762
File: 155 KB, 650x1000, how2paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His whole face is so low-set on his head that it negates his strong jaw and makes his chin small (and by extension weak-looking). The nose and lips would be manageable if not for that.

>> No.11368361

this is so pleasing to look at

>> No.11368585
File: 23 KB, 515x385, 21654984798987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratz, beta male virgin. Follow your idol and suicide like him.

>> No.11368598

He's ugly and now he's dead, what's the point.
Not to mention that his main problem was that he was mentally disturbed.
Not in the cool
>I'm an intelligent calculating psychopath
kind of way, but in the
way. Why is he so popular among the biggest losers on the internet? He was a failure. He didn't even kill any Chads or Stacies. He killed his asian beta male room mates (even they said he was weird) and some random people. How much brain do you have to lack to not understand that he didn't stand for anything in the end. He was just a gigantic, unpleasant, spoiled faggot who also died like a faggot.

>> No.11368642

this is why eugenics need to be a thing again

>> No.11368773

>Why is he so popular among the biggest losers on the internet? He was a failure.

gee I wonder

>> No.11368801

>4 inch dick

He never stood a chance

>> No.11368817

>4 incher

source on that?

>> No.11368891
File: 133 KB, 2000x2000, image-66749-0-1417083604000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11369277

They're literally all the same, angry beta virgins.

It was some forum post where he got worried when someone said the average length was 5 inches.

>> No.11369284
File: 9 KB, 267x181, 1418004847050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tfw have the same kind of lips

fucjing h[oelm

>> No.11369316

do you think that post still exists somewhere? It sounds hilarious.

>> No.11369322

I've been told I look like him with a slightly better jaw.
I'm not a virgin, I have a gf, despite the size of my dick (13cm) I get laid regularly and sex is great.
I won't pretend to be alpha or some shit, but even the ugliest nigga can make it if you dress nice and take care of yourself, the problem with this guy is that he had a superiority complex, He felt the world owed him bitches or some shit and therefore he was annoying as fuck.

>> No.11370348

I'm no nigger, so I don't have the chance to get shot by a cop.

>> No.11370389
File: 200 KB, 563x600, 1464658997646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 inch dick

>> No.11370433

His lips are fucking disgusting and his face is kind of weird but he's still average, he could have gotten laid (not a hard thing to do unless your butt ass ugly) and clothes and maybe a new haircut would have definitely helped. The problem is this faggot had a big case of autismo and superiority complex which made him look weird to other people.

>> No.11370435

You can shoot yourself like you should.

>> No.11370467

I'm too busy laughing at your nigger ancestors to think about killing myself.

>> No.11370483


Is that Tao Lin?

>> No.11370662

He used to post on the bodybuilding forums just before he snapped and his post history is full of him essentially being a one-man /pol9k/ and a bunch of people bullied him because he was annoying.
As soon as the shootings happened they deleted his account and his post history, but there's still some screenshots floating around of the important posts, including the one about his small dick.

The most important thing to realize about Elliot is that he didn't approach women and then get rejected. He would go sit in front of a bookstore reading a book for 5 hours while making faces at passing couples, then literally cry because none of the girls came over to talked to him.

>> No.11371530


he had a gay looking fish face (not that shopped pic)

dude was not attractive to women,

only internet fem guys thought he was "good looking"

>> No.11371584

That was their point.

>> No.11371598

Lmao you're all fucking retarded, he had an attractive face, and those lips you retards talk shit about make him pseudo model tier. Too bad he was a manlet. If anything his worse feature is his nose, but it doesn't offend. If this guy had discovered self-improvement before defeatism he could've become a v cool dude.

>> No.11371619

I don't usually come to /fa/ for such quality shitposting.

>> No.11371627

You gotta understand that 90% of /fa/ lives in bumfuck nowhere baka

>> No.11372204


somehow i doubt he gets much pussy lmao

>> No.11372207

>I've been told I look like him with a slightly better jaw.

Nobody would ever fucking say this in real life, ever.

>> No.11372243
