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File: 347 KB, 652x1474, Untitled_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11363283 No.11363283 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know a way to get an official MAGA hat outside the US?

>> No.11363296

Czech Republic here, I too want to cop one ironically.

>> No.11363309
File: 137 KB, 534x400, sp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11363336

Australia here, same. Heck I'd settle for

>> No.11364963

Ebay, or find someone on /pol/ I know they were trying to get them to brits and canadians a while back.

>> No.11365092
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>> No.11366196

>unironically being a trumpcuck

>> No.11366241

>voting trump
>not stocking up your compound in the ozarks with guns, bottled water and sick rick pieces for when the bombs drop or when he decides he wants to plug you and everyone else directly into google

>> No.11366247

Did anyone see the recent video where there was a black supporter in the audience and Trump singles him out and says "there he is, there's my African American!" What a fucking idiot. You might not like Hillary, but she is going to fucking destroy him with a calm composure in these upcoming debates. Trump can only shout and yell for so long before people see how much of a goddamn clueless child he is.

>> No.11366250

i thought this fad was over

>> No.11366258

Nah, for some reason there's an abundance of 16-early 20 year old conservatives on 4chan these days, which makes sense considering how shitty most of the posts / conversations are.

>> No.11366262


>> No.11366919

>$0.02 has been deposited to your PayPal account

>> No.11366994

you faggots are fucking embarrassing. you're no better than the SJW's you hate so much. you get triggered at the slightest hint of someone not liking your ebin meme candidate.

>> No.11367000

Is there a rand paul meme cap?

>> No.11367007

someone buy me a trump hat pls

>> No.11367014

give me a kiss on the cheek and I will

>> No.11367040

i dont think my bf would like that

>> No.11367043

Your dirty ass managed to get a bf how cute

>> No.11367051

>tfw we're gonna MAGA

Feels good lads

>> No.11367055

>on the cheek

>> No.11367062

I'm gay
it's ok, he'll be fine

>> No.11367065


>> No.11367075
File: 81 KB, 652x652, thisiswhatsieglookslike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your dirty ass managed to get a bf how cute

You're one to fucking talk, Sieg.

>> No.11367117

just looks like a normal dude????????

>> No.11367134
File: 266 KB, 900x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says you
idk, you would have to ask him permission first

>> No.11367147

Holy shit girl, whats wrong with you? I dont know your boyfriend but you are kinda out of his league...maybe you are a nutjob, who knows

>> No.11367163

You'll just look dumb wearing a hat for a foreign political campaign. I have one but I'm actually american

>> No.11367168

He's a fatass mexican who pretend to have "racial superiority".

>> No.11367191

tell that nigga to shave, or at least get rid of the unibrow

>> No.11367196
File: 14 KB, 704x423, 12079303_753449964759772_4588336272211895155_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greaseball with pee colored teeth
>gets boyfriend
>he's a skinnyfat chinlet and probably autistic

>> No.11367198

haha hes just a friend , not my bf

>> No.11367246
File: 627 KB, 3264x2448, DCM_0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. Australian

>> No.11367274


What's your argument? I don't get what that picture is supposed to tell me.

>> No.11367276


get out of here you grease goblin holy shit

>> No.11367295
File: 1.14 MB, 2408x2112, Alaskan-Klee-Kai-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old were you again? You look quite young and your friend looks even younger.
skinny ≠ skinnyfat
It's kind of a global problem and funi_meme

>> No.11367331

You remind me of this fail trap that tripfagged years ago, it was a balding trabswoman with an old bf. You're like the female version of that. Thank you for the laughs and cleavage, Eliza-san.

>> No.11367333

I agree with the saying but joot can join the holocaust.

>> No.11367334
File: 353 KB, 2048x2048, 1457208205044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funnt because some ppl are actually going to vote for trump because 4chan told them to

>> No.11367402

and some people are going to vote for bernie because reddit told them to or hillary because msnbc told them to

>> No.11367416

i thought reddit is actually voting for trump?
its more like people are actually voting for bernie cause tumblr told them to

>> No.11367419

god seig is ugly as hell

>> No.11367477

naw: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4lcn49/trump_says_he_will_not_debate_sanders/

>> No.11367497


They whine about the SJWs trying to silnece free speech, then try and silence people who hate one Trump.

>> No.11367509

>anyone who disagrees with me is only being payed to

>> No.11367662

oi i'm a tourist going to NY

any1 know where i can pick up a MAGA tshirt (physical store)?