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/fa/ - Fashion

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11360701 No.11360701 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is /fa/ so racist? No traditional "lol"s or "haha"s, I really want the explanation. I can't read a SINGLE thread without seeing these people just destroying their fellow human-being because you don't look the same.

>> No.11360706

Who fucking cares, your first mistake was taking 90% of the shit said on here seriously

>> No.11360712
File: 1.55 MB, 1000x687, A E S T H E T I C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitching about racism on the chons
>Fellow human-beings

>> No.11360714

yes the next off topic retarded shitposting thread is here i was getting bored of the other dozen or so

>> No.11360715

this and only this

>> No.11360720

its not just /fa/. its the world

right wing politics started becoming popular again after 80 years of being irrelevant

reactionary racism. prepare to see a lot more of it in the future

>> No.11360724


>> No.11360736
File: 109 KB, 944x1400, 1437426455726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk more newfag. 4chan has always been "racist" because it doesn't bow to PC censorship. I don't mean they're all redpilled or some shit, just that people say nigger because they're finally allowed to say it, it's refreshing. They don't say it because they're racist.

It's the same reason anons intentionally jump to extreme arguments and edgy claims. anonymity is the only chance the discussion will stay on the content, and not move to the speaker.

And anonymity also creates an inherent distrust of identity politics in general, like the kind of shit you're trying to pull.

And it's also because we're red pilled. Races aren't equal and there is no evidence for a conspiracy of racial oppression when (the very well established) g accounts for almost all income disparities in race, you uneducated philistine. stop putting your religion/ideology/wishful thinking over scientific consensus.

>> No.11360741


no ones opinion on /fa/ matters.

average poster dresses like shit and is an ugly NEET

>> No.11360753

Lool at this pathetic whiny nigger. Shut your stinking mouth up and get the fuck out of here, bitch nagga.

>> No.11360842

go back to /mu/ nigger

>> No.11360865

>right wing politics started becoming popular again after 80 years of being irrelevant
>reagan was irrelevant

>> No.11360887


>> No.11360913





>> No.11360926

you must be new on 4chan friendo

>> No.11361750

/pol/ got out, but more generally it's that 4chan is contrarian and since being politically correct/left leaning is popular right now, 4chan must be anti-sjw/right wing. although 4chan has always been politcally incorrect, they used to be generally left leaning
>inb4 no they didn't
yes they did, pre /pol/ take over

>> No.11361932
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>> No.11361951
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>no sources

Thanks anon I feel enlightened

>> No.11361959

it's not just /fa/ it's 4chan in general.

also since /fa/ is focused on looks that might be why. they believe fashion is a white thing only also fashion is very classist.

/mu/ is the least racist board on here and i still come across /pol/acks there

it's just 4chan culture.

>> No.11361961

gunna have to
this dudes post as well

4chan is like an anonymous elementary school playground
you can get away with anything so you screw with people as much as possible

>> No.11361971
File: 1.86 MB, 400x197, No fucks given.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Back in the aughts 4chan was pretty left leaning but nigger and the like has always been used here.
So, stop taking things so seriously here nigger.

>> No.11361974

realest fucking post in 4chan history

>> No.11361976

is that a picture of a screen you mongoloid

>> No.11361980

Browse through multiple threads on each and every single board of 4chan

>> No.11362020

>I don't mean they're all redpilled or some shit,
>And it's also because we're red pilled.

>> No.11362030

>they used to be left wing
since its inception up until now 4chan has has had people from all political ideologies
they were mostly unvoiced though

then /new/ was made and lo and behold its only the radicals who want to voice their fucking opinions

>> No.11362062

He's talking about sources for the last few sentences where you try to seem smart because you watched a few redpill videos on YouTube and even contradict yourself because you're speaking out your ass you dumb fucking faggot.

>> No.11362090

1) anonymity lets the interior edge to come out; they haven't grow up

2) they do it for the lulz

Although I do believe they're some differences in races, none of that has biz to do in a fashion board.

>> No.11362129


>> No.11362138

>/mu/ is the least racist board
where were you when we were debating so hard on Chvrches supporting refugeeism ?

>> No.11362150

God I hate /mu/ so much

Biggest bunch of self righteous crybabies on this site

>> No.11362157

two boards filled with smartest people in 4chan is /pol/ and /mu/. admit it, being able to process and enjoy music that most people couldn't makes you a better person that anyone else. i mean, the brains, must be different.

>> No.11362167

as a long time /mu/ poster I can conclude that you've either never visited the board or are underage and have deluded yourself into thinking that listening to death grips makes you smarter than everyone else by some ridiculous logic

>> No.11362172
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can I have an id on these shoes plz? I'm not even joking I can't figure out what they are for the life of me

>> No.11362174

>they believe fashion is a white thing only also fashion is very classist
>/mu/ is the least racist board

>someone actually believes this

>> No.11362187

fucking death grips you said ? i'm talking Cardiacs, Beefheart, Coltrane, Tortoise, Пocлeдниe Кaникyлы, Pram, Bowery Electric. can you process all of them ? like instantly understand the appeal by just one listen ? i'm sure you can, but not these people, their brain needs more 'training'.

>> No.11362194

> truthiest

>> No.11362195

you can delude yourself into liking anything if you get a pat on the back from random internet strangers to boost your perception of self worth that a lack of parental support during your childhood deprived you of

>> No.11362199

>Bowery electric

get out of here kiddo

>> No.11362202

or can people endure swallowing the red pill ? reading history readings ? constructing political views/ideas ? not everyone. not everyone can endure /pol/ and /mu/ routines.

>> No.11362207

well okay one more /mu/ person, this way sir, you passed. anyone else ?

>> No.11362209

please go back to your board and never return

>> No.11362212

the past wasn't something i could control but i chose something that i think i'm good at, to increase my value as a person. which is the better endurance on difficult music.

>> No.11362219

well then here i am. and on /mu/, and /pol/, and /r9k/. oh and btw fashion and aesthetical taste is also something that makes you a better person. kind of like painting, but with different medium. get it ? again, not for everyone. but sorry you're not on /mu/ and /pol/ level yet

>> No.11362220

are you literally 12 years old or am I being b8ed super hard right now

>> No.11362223

>my hobby is listening to music because it requires no talent or skill and I can trick people into thinking that I'm musically inclined without knowing the first thing about it

>> No.11362227

post fit nerd

>> No.11362234

well if i make people listen to it and they said they couldn't understand it, it's a gift, a skill, something special. without this, i have nothing else so i don't have any other choice, okay ? and also i play the guitar, you'd be surprised when you hear the riffs i made.

>> No.11362239

Because we're anonymous.
I bet if racism wasn't stigmatised in real life people wouldn't be racist here.
Take for example Russian image boards which are more "politically correct" than for example 8-.chan (fucking spam filter) and 4chan. It's because most people from the latter two imageboards live in countries where it's stigmatised and people won't shut the fuck up about racism in the modern day. Which is why I personally think that if you want to eliminate racism completely you should just do it the stereotype "white ppl" way of just ignoring races all together. Honestly I wasn't racist at all until people started making such a huge fucking deal out of it. Now I can't look at a nignog without assuming he has a huge victim complex and it feels like I have to treat him better because he's a poor dindu. This never happened as a kid.

I went a bit off topic, but generally it's because it's anonymous and when you're anonymous people just take their chances to say whatever the fuck they want. This is good and bad, you get unfiltered discussion compared to R.edd-it but then you also get a shit ton of shitposts. Also because fashion is largely about looks and expressing yourself. We're not grey mannequins that all look the same, we have different identities and personalities. I mean imagine a 165cm Indian manlet wearing only prep and military gear. It would look really strange, which is why people comment about it when it comes to fashion with memes such as only white people can wear prep and so on.

>TL;DR: it's anonymous and this leads to unfiltered discussion which is good but also lots of shitposting. it's also because fashion is about expressing yourself and your identity and this is why race and look plays a huge part in clothing

>> No.11362241

i dress pretty normcore. and i'm still overweight so i hate when people see that. but maybe 1 year from now i'll post. and yes, i browse fit, runways, and paintings everyday, to keep my right brain level in the good place.

>> No.11362245

and i don't feel comfortable showing my skin color so yeah.

>> No.11362247

>it's a gift, a skill, something special
no it isnt
>without this, i have nothing else so i don't have any other choice, okay ?

Also post riffs nerd

>> No.11362249

why ? being cocky and confident is so white, right ? you should be able to relate. unless you're not white, which i feel sorry for.

>> No.11362251

>I feel sorry for you if you're not white
>is literally a nigger >>11362245

/mu/ posters everyone

>> No.11362252

one day, i'll vickarroo it. teaser : it's accoustic, depressive, dissonant (this plays a big part in being good), and clever unusual melodies.

>> No.11362254

lol, haha

>> No.11362259
File: 22 KB, 170x169, 1432706790495.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admit it, being able to process and enjoy music that most people couldn't makes you a better person that anyone else. i mean, the brains, must be different.
>fucking death grips you said ? i'm talking Cardiacs, Beefheart, Coltrane, Tortoise, Пocлeдниe Кaникyлы, Pram, Bowery Electric. can you process all of them ? like instantly understand the appeal by just one listen ? i'm sure you can, but not these people, their brain needs more 'training'.
>difficult music
>well then here i am. and on /mu/, and /pol/, and /r9k/. oh and btw fashion and aesthetical taste is also something that makes you a better person. kind of like painting, but with different medium. get it ? again, not for everyone. but sorry you're not on /mu/ and /pol/ level yet
>well if i make people listen to it and they said they couldn't understand it, it's a gift, a skill, something special. without this, i have nothing else so i don't have any other choice, okay ? and also i play the guitar, you'd be surprised when you hear the riffs i made.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT, I haven't read this level of cancer in a while. The pretentiousness and retarded logics here amazes me, fuck

sgut the fuck up and make us a favor and fucking kill yourself u fucking pretentious faggot

>> No.11362260

well yeah i feel bad about my inferiority but i'll get over it someday if time allows.

>> No.11362264

put your trip back on, unty

>> No.11362274

>translation: it's random notes on a $20 dollar acoustic because I don't know what I'm doing

pls be b8

>> No.11362277

What the fuck does this have to do with your logical thought processes equating that of a 12 year old

>> No.11362281

i'm just being realistic. you can call me pretentious hipster when i listen to Youth Lagoon, Wild Nothing, or Demarco. but i don't. i listen to something better and i don't dress like a hipster, i wear trashy curved visor hat and carefully choose clothes to make me look like i don't care about it. hipsters don't wear curved visor hat so yeah i'm not one. plus i don't listen to Swans anymore.

>> No.11362285

no, it's something no wave-y. just wait for it.

>> No.11362295


>> No.11362299

Better call the ADL to censor this oppressive board

>> No.11362312

GTFO socialist

>> No.11362314

This HAS to be a prank.

>> No.11362331

well look, i don't wear raw selvedge jeans, i don't browse tumblr, i agree with Trump. plus curved visor hat. i trashed it by myself so it looks like i don't care. call me hipster one more time and i will redpill you on my music taste.

>> No.11362334

Okay this HAS to be bait, I admit it, you got me, just in case you're actually that autistic RYM-core doesn't make u any better than the other drones you fucking poser. Grow up.

>> No.11362344

please teach me how to craft such an exquisitely sculpted piece of b8

>> No.11362346

Leave 4chan at least for a week. It's for your own health.

>> No.11362351

wait, RYM is not good ? then what is ? ohh, and Discogs too. yeah, the clever sounding people has been mentioning Discogs so i thought i had to do it too. and i did. still figuring out how to use it though. OH, and i use Foobar2000.

>> No.11362358

you know i can't. without 4chan i have nothing else. what, should i go back to fucking last.fm and sufu to better myself ? i think i can do better than that.

>> No.11362363

certified bait, you were doing decent at first but you lost it completely here making it too obvious.

8/10 ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.11362365

>this is the response of an average person with average IQ and average taste in music.

>> No.11362368

this is prime b8 anon, you got me

go forth and meme

>> No.11362373

NO ! argh, please take me seriously. i was being honest as fuck without even editing the words. (this is the first time i type on theinternet without repetitively editing the words.)

>> No.11362419

>no gise for realsies wurr duh silent majority ! ! !