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/fa/ - Fashion

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11358121 No.11358121[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

post your effay feels here, it has to be related to fashion somehow so no >tfw no gf posts

>> No.11358133

>tfw I only dress good to fill the void and feel superior to others
>tfw have a huge superiority complex over other people
>have a hate/love relationship with myself, ultra narcissistic but there's so many things I want to change
>only girls I've ever loved have been too pure emotionally for me and I've ruined every single ones personality
>doomed to marry a hot trophy wife so I can live without feeling guilty

>> No.11358141

I'm too lazy to go get my nice wool shit cleaned at a nice place. I just spent too much on vidya and drugs to afford*most* spring pieces. I'm a fucking idiot and probably failing out of my jr year college. I'm the antithesis of /fa/ right now. All I have to redeem myself is a bunch of expensive clothes that I don't wear much.

>> No.11358223

I have a shitty job that I don't even bother dressing up for. Literally wearing baggy shorts and a shirt 2 sizes too large right now. Can't find better work for the life of me.

I live in the suburbs and there are zero good vintage/thrift stores.

>> No.11358243

i cant afford 90% of the brands posted here so i just try those mfa tier essentials or the 'techno interests' me one but my proportions are weird so i dont really pull it off

i just discuss sneakers desu

>> No.11358253

Are you diagnosed with BPD?

>> No.11358305

are you me?

>> No.11358318

>I don't know what look I want to go for
>too poor for designer yet feel too good for the gap
at least people know me as the "best dressed" one in my friend group

>> No.11358388

same anon, continuing
>have constant violent fantasies, my best dreams are the ones with murder
>abuse sleeping medicine and ADD medicine
>think I'm slowly descending into madness
>go through clean periods where I don't abuse any substance with the motivation I'll look better
>always end up in a downwards spiral anyways
>at least I have a pretty face and a good body
>can never find satisfaction in any of the items I buy
>literally autistic with a diagnosis and everything but nobody notices because I've worked hard to be good socially; it anything people just assume I'm a bit of a cunt, which is true
>have visions and power fantasies of myself in high power places such as dictator
>have written several hundred pages of novels for myself to reflect my perfect life
>hate on other people all the time for being close minded, while I'm probably one of the most
>fashion is no longer filling the void, only dress in expensive basics now
>spend all my money on prostitutes and clothes
>tfw suicide is looming closer everyday, despite me coming closer to my "dream" life and my lifestyle coming closer to what I want
>tfw fashion and extreme focus on looking good has ruined me
>tfw I used to be a happy kid
>now I'm mid twenties bitter white male
>if I was ugly people would probably think I'm a school shooter

>> No.11358397

just an hero myself

>> No.11358411
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>nothing makes me fulfilled anymore
>can't feel any emotions for anyone, and I don't feel worthy for a relationship with the ones I do
>the girls I love have personalities too pure for me, so I stick to prostitutes or materialistic disgusting tinder sluts
>still fuck ugly girls and fat chicks even though I occasionally fuck literal models, probably because of validation and "feeling in charge", which I do when I fuck ugly chicks
>literal mysogynist
>feel like doing an hitler or something by conquering the world and then killing myself
>the only thing I don't have is more money and more power

Jesus CHRIST that felt like shit writing. I feel like a fucking /r9k/ faggot now. But it was about time to talk about it. Everyday I feel like I'm getting closer to suicide, but I never end up doing it because of all material wealth and all power I've gathered. It would be a waste.

>> No.11358421

>talking 24/7 with this girl like
>she has now just stopped messaging me all together for no apparent reason


>> No.11358432

i have a brother who took his life. he was just like you. nobody assumed he was sick because he was the person with everything good in life. his diaries reflect exactly what you said. seek help, and don't be afraid to seek love. maybe it will help with your suffering

>> No.11358444

>see someone with a god-tier fit irl
>feel too inadequate to give them eye contact
>our eyes accidentally meet and I bow my head in shame
>think to myself "s-sorry senpai"
>obsess over the fact that I will never be as effay as them

Someone kill me, I'm fucking pathetic

>> No.11358448

>live laugh love

>> No.11358454

>0 friends
>can't make any friends because i'm an elitist asshole
>if someone's music and film taste isn't as good as mine then i won't even bother talking to them
>extreme social anxiety
>can barely shop for groceries without getting my Acne tees drenched in sweat
>get extremely jealous whenever i see a guy more attractive than me post in WAYWT

>> No.11358463

ugh this

>> No.11358504

You can fix the first one
You sound too insecure, you must feel bette4 about yourself. Being effay isn't totally about the way you dress, but the attitude you have

>> No.11358514

and the last one

>> No.11358515


>> No.11358575

You need Jesus desu

>> No.11358655

> Stuck living in a shitty suburban town
> I can't drive because the closest DMV is in another town
> Can't drive out to where the good paying jobs are
> Work shitty minimum wage job that I'm over qualified for
> Can't afford nice brands so I buy mall-tier shit online
> Average dude here dresses in baggy cargo shorts and a polo or like a hick
> Get tons on complements about how well dressed I am
> Know /fa/ would make fun of my fits
> Still in love with abusive ex-gf
> Can't feel anything else for other women who show interest
> think about being an hero every day

>> No.11358687

not what the guy was saying at all but nice green text dude

>> No.11359786
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>> No.11359838
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>tfw 5'7 125lb male 19 years old

I feel so tiny around other people my age, like a kid ... sucks

>> No.11359850

>pretend to be someone else in my head
>feel like a fucking loser outside of my head

>> No.11359959
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>literally autistic to the point that no girls will ever love me
Probably going to end it this summer.

>> No.11359963
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>inb4 Elliot Rodgers

>> No.11359968



>> No.11359978

it's okay if you look cute

>> No.11359981

holy shit are your eyes photoshopped or are you innately this frightening to look at?

>> No.11359984
File: 110 KB, 500x728, 1462086090736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't get why people treat suicide like a "disease". it's a decision, and it's his to make.

>> No.11359986


Talk shit post fit manlet

>> No.11359989

what snapchat filter is this?

>> No.11359993

Anon here
It's the one that makes you an ayylmao

>> No.11359997

honestly you seem very...off

you sure you haven't photoshopped this because of crippling insecurity or something? you look legitimately scary mate. not in an oh so alpha way but you have that fucked up killer face. just don't go killing people before you end yourself, alright?

sorry if I made you feel worse but jesus

>> No.11359998

>Dumped by my first love a few months ago
>together for 2 years
>Decide to descend into nihilistic hedonism
>Spend all the money i did on rent with her on clothing and gym
>Getting attention left and right about how i look now
>Still miss her

>> No.11360002


>> No.11360004

tfw i'm not asian for their high performance intelligence or their tough asian eyes
tfw i'm not female for bf or more clothing option and more emotionally rewarding relationships
tfw manlett

>> No.11360006

Thanks for your honest opinion. I had a literal stroke during a surgery when I was 15 so that's what I look like most of the time. When I'm happy I look different. I just haven't been happy in a while.

>> No.11360007
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>> No.11360009

make her jealous u fuck

if you let her dominate you even with your improvements, you've lost. never let your emotions be dictated by another woman anon. then you're weak

>> No.11360011

Innately frightening. I get work as a fashion model though. Too weird looking for commercial.

>> No.11360019

attractiveness =/= height


>> No.11360021

Jesus Christ what are you doing on /fa/ please go see a therapist

>> No.11360027

Attractiveness = strong features, good hair, build, and height
>still too scared to post pic

>> No.11360031

what the fuck are you talking about you fucking retard

>> No.11360038
File: 877 KB, 1920x1080, 1461277104059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>potential qt yy gfs sleep on my tasteful all-jp fits for hba fuckboys bc they're gook & don't into gweilo
>white girls dress like dog shit and are dumb as fuck to boot
>moving to conformist midwestern backwater lost me the social capital from a developed personal style
>circle of uneducated, insecure petite bougies reads a nice warddrobe as nothing more than a pretentious/crass expression of wealth
>can't into any art
>daytime drinking everyday to deal with boredom and low quality people

y'all fags aren't effay. xeno facial structures have big potential if they're worked with sensitivity.

>> No.11360044

You're calling me a retard, yet you think being a short, pudgy, hooknosed neet is "fashionable"

>> No.11360051

You sound exactly like my father. Just put effort into your work and you'll be ok.
Also thanks for sticking up for my facetype.

>> No.11360066

I'm fat and short with broad shoulders and broad feet.
Almost none of the shoes I like come in wide width.
I buy all my shirts in 3XXX so my man tits aren't protruding.

>> No.11360073

>first love
>together for 2 months

How's high school pal?

>> No.11360077

No girl will ever love you cause you're such a fucking dweeb lmfao. You think your freakish height makes up for looking like a randomised Sim and garbage attitude? Fuck outta here lmao.

>> No.11360078

Why are you even here?>>11360073

>> No.11360089
File: 56 KB, 620x931, yohji-yamamoto-mens-autumn-fall-winter-2015-pfw3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sticking up for you. It's on you to make it work. The best thing is to accentuate your facial features, not try to hide or compensate them. but right now it looks like you're just ignoring them, I definitely suggest playing with your hair more, it's too generic for your face. I'm not sure what would work, but I posted that photo because of the guy on the right with the slicked back hair, it completes his look and makes an "ugly" face iconic.

>You sound exactly like my father.
how so?

>> No.11360090

if u think affording nice brands is a requirement to dressing well, maybe you should an hero

>> No.11360100 [DELETED] 

>ex is a regular waywt fag
>came here to stalk him
>love to watch ppl shit on his fits
>now I can't stop coming here and his fits are always p good

>> No.11360340

Same story, same habits. He became ultra successful by focusing on nothing but what he loved. I think you can too.

>> No.11360350

Same happened to me.
>She was beautiful, good music taste, intelligent, really effay and with the same personality as me
>talking every day all day for 3 months or so
>she starts ignoring my texts
>I try to go out with her
>she keeps putting excuses
>one day we were texting
>she responds like 30min after and only with things like "yeah", " k", etc
>then she didn't responded, ever
>I didn't keep insisting
>haven't seen her in 2 years

>tfw I truly loved her

That wasn't a very effay feel but whatever

>> No.11360351

>tfw no EFFAY gf

>> No.11360459

come to Japan with me. we'll hit up omotesando and find some cutie YY girls.

>> No.11360521
File: 288 KB, 1320x1656, 1462610134581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese are a sub race. qts in china but only upper class. flood the street in taiwan. not real yohji though, just the look

The only story described is finding myself forced to socialize in a lower class and a less cultured environment than I was raised in and the only habit described is daytime drinking. Is that what you mean?

what did he love?

>> No.11360535

>tfw constantly having mood issues and as a result never want to leave the house for weeks due to depression or being too paranoid or anxious or manic
>getting rid of clothes because of disinterest
>sometimes too depressed to care how I look
>sometimes too paranoid or anxious to decide what to wear
>don't have a lot of money for nicer clothes

>> No.11360560

I'm descending to you without the success.
Just a general sense of apathy and lack of emotions. I feel like abuse is the only thing that can elicit an emotional response but I'm too much of a pussy to go through with anything. My one aim now is to be Bateman tier, at least I'll have success to show for anything.

>> No.11360569
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same except I look most effay when depressed. or hungover

and all my clothes are nicer. get a job

>> No.11360600
File: 166 KB, 1080x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you start browsing /fa/ and learn how to dress better and get a better hairstyle, etc and now tons of new guys start taking interest in you that were way out of your league before, but you have a bf and you dont know if should break up with him and date a new guy or stay with him even though youre way out of his league now...

>> No.11360648

you are a huge fucking cunt for even considering that

off yourself, I'd only fuck you in by bdsm fantasies then tuck you in the bin for your shitty attitude towards your bf.

>> No.11360671

honestly that's a pretty standard thought process that plagues basically everyone

>> No.11360673

im a cunt for saying how i feel? just because im a girl right?
like you wouldnt have the same thoughts just because youre a guy?
just because people have shitty thoughts doesnt make them a bad person .im actually trying to talk about them instead of lying and never saying them at all...

>> No.11360678

I wish I had a fashionable group of friends to hang out with but hate it when my friends copy my interests since it happens every time I find something new. Sucks being a trendsetter I guess.

>> No.11360688

I have a job senpai

>> No.11360774

you're a fucking idiot dude

>> No.11360777

fucking kys

>> No.11360779

True, but most people don't have rotten teeth.

>> No.11360792

We would say this if you were a boy or girl. Your post however, oozes ego which shows just how blind to your own faults and appearance you are. You have your set standards for what your ideal mate would be, but odds are, you don't fit theirs. Every single guy I know values cleanliness as one of the core things they look for. Please note these guys range from ugly as fuck, to one who's done a few modeling gigs. Now back to my point, due to your shit posting, we all know what a disgusting slob you are. So good luck upgrading. >inb4 shallow

There's nothing wrong with simply not wanting to be physically repulsed by someone. That's human nature, not being shallow

>> No.11360801

>tfw been missing out on life way too much
>tfw realizing I can't keep abusing my body like I am
>tfw I need to start to stop myself from being lazy
>tfw still in love with abusive ex gf
>no money for fits
>tfw while typing this I saw her name as a suggestion and my heart sunk
>tfw no friends.
>I didn't talk to a single person I truly like today other than family
>just want an effay friend
>tfw standards for friends are super high
>won't even consider someone being my friend if they're ugly
>but mainly, most of all the worst feel is
>tfw no gf

>> No.11360813

Wow you must be my twin

>> No.11360828

Do you actually enjoy people around you not having any unique interests and everyone being similar to you?

>> No.11360867
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>> No.11360878

holy shit you basically wrote my post for me

>> No.11360891
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its not ego its just the truth. everyone likes super attractive people but for most theyre way out of our league and we dont stand a chance. but when something happens and we actually do get that chance we obviously want to take it, even if were already in a relationship with someone.
everytime im with my bf i just cant stop imagining these 2 really good looking guys that started talking/flirting with me recently...idk it feels like im torturing myself to stay with my bf when i feel this way about these 2 other guys. both guys asked me to hang out with each of them and even though they said it was strictly as friends i know they really mean a date. i havent told my bf about it cause i know it would hurt to hear but i think it would be ok if i just went to hang out with them as friends, then it wouldnt be a big deal if my bf found out. idk

>> No.11360893
File: 199 KB, 525x600, 1922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but appreciate that your friends take you on as their role model. it used to annoy me like crazy but I'm starting to realize I'm more uncomfortable with the responsibility. or guilty, maybe. some people are just natural followers, they see something in you and then get really clingy but let you kind of mold them into whatever shape.

if it's a girl, that usually turns into a nice relationship where you get to corrupt her, but usually it's guys and it's kind of weird. but useful too. I mean, it's nice to have the idea to try something and have your squad ready to just follow in line. but it's important too to not just surround yourself with yes men. you want people on your level too, or else you'll grow really slow

>> No.11360895
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why are you keeping up the charade? everyone knows you're not eliza


are you speaking from your own experience fake-eliza? or just roleplaying imagined scenarios for her?

>> No.11360896
File: 371 KB, 1280x800, 1430748635326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come here to /fa/ every once in a while to finally get some inspo/tips for dressing good because I dress like a complete fucking poorfag and only have a few items of clothes
>so overwelmed, don't know the terms, what looks good with what, realise that I'm kinda ugly as shit
>leave disappointing

a-atleast I save some money by not worrying about how shit I dress, r-right?

>> No.11361175 [DELETED] 

Damn, not that anon, but this brings back memories to kindergarten when my friends used to do what I did and one even named his dog after mine kek.

>> No.11361227

the worst thing is that i thought things were actually about to start changing in my life

>> No.11361252

browse the sticky, it might help.

>> No.11361264
File: 43 KB, 576x521, 1461887288221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have excellent qualifications
>didn't get an internship for the summer
>had to move back home
>am not matching with anyone on Tinder
>it's June and already too hot outside, anything productive can be done from a 5 to 11 AM window only, the rest of the day is wasted
>everyday is a struggle not to overindulge and eat like a gluttonous fuck with impunity

>> No.11361273

Get some new hobbies, like learning a new instrument or programming language. Just stuff you can do indoors.
You can also make some money by doing freelance work online, to be productive.

>> No.11361298

I cycle and run every other day, starting at 5:30 to 6 AM; if I could I would be doing it every day, but my body cannot withstand the toll of 20-30 miles cycling and 5-7 miles running daily. Also, the libraries near me have paltry inventories, what else would you suggest family?

>> No.11361327

dumb as fuck

you'll reap what you'll sow bitch

>> No.11361332

Literally me minus the last part

>> No.11361336

I pretend it doesn't hurt me when people rag on my fit but it does cut a little.

>> No.11361340

its ok anon you are cute

>> No.11361361
File: 15 KB, 316x202, Feels-Bad-Man-Frog-Enough-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't wear ironic normcore because live in a small city where wearing normcore is done unironically and you'd just blend in with everyone

>> No.11361412

are you in kuwait or any of the gcc countries because thats literally how it is in here

>> No.11361467
File: 71 KB, 514x601, 1459621804128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> fashion was the only thing left that interested me
> fashion no longer interests me


>> No.11361472

Is insomnia /fa/?

>> No.11361678

Why do you need to wear anything ironically you fucking autist

>> No.11361764

Atlanta Georgia
>thanks global warming

>> No.11361806

just saw a photo of myself and it's ruined my day

>> No.11361836
File: 273 KB, 189x189, 1414630896155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only wear effay clothes because i'm petrified of people laughing at me behind my back
>don't have any real talents while most people around me do
>only girl i ever loved is half way across the country probably doing something great with her life while i sit here too scared to contact her
>have a clear cut out plan on how to break into the industry i wanna enter but wonder if my plan will end up ruining me for the rest of my life
>always cold as fuck at night no matter how many layers i sleep in
>wanna fucking kill myself every day
>hate the election
>hate everything
>i wanna die
also i can't find a decent pink sweat shirt.

>> No.11362499

>Im the guy with the best fit in the room
>still gets me no friends
It's the people that make the clothes look good.

>> No.11362572


>average shitposter

typical 4chan

>> No.11362675

fuck shes so heroin chic / apathy chic


>> No.11362730

meet them at a party, go with your bf, notice how they are acting towards your bf. then make a decision

>> No.11362734

>insecure about my style
>not doing anything i like
>depression zaps energy from me most of the time
>no idea how i'm going to survive moving back home for summer

>> No.11362740

and to all the "oh im soo qualified" and "im gonna be the next dictator" no you wont

>> No.11362900

What's the most /fa/ way of getting revenge? This bitch needs a lesson so I'm thinking leaving a dead fish wrapped in newspaper at her door

>> No.11362934
File: 14 KB, 267x320, let go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let go

>> No.11363069

I meant /fa/ as in fashion, not as in faggot

>> No.11363379

How is leaving a dead fish at her door /fa/? The only /fa/ types of revenge will probably lead to you getting arrested. Is she worth it? Probably not so just move on.

>> No.11363396


>> No.11363399

it hurts me physically to look at you, why is this?

>> No.11363413

>my female black manager's hair attracts flies all day
>for some reason I keep thinking about it
>idk if i feel bad or find it amusing
>she kept mentioning flies, not realizing it was her hair product