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/fa/ - Fashion

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11350705 No.11350705 [Reply] [Original]

no matter how many clothes i own, no matter where i go, no matter how much i shoot, no matter how much ive gone /out/, no matter how much i spend on tech, im still empty inside, all i do now browse deep web, drink.. meanwhile i was happy back in the day, had lots of friends, should i sks up my skull or there is escape

>> No.11350706

Nice blog post.

>> No.11350708

just kill yourself

you've been slowly doing it for the past few years

why not?

>> No.11350712

get out normie, were here to feel

>> No.11350718

thread theme

>> No.11350719
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>Woah Anon, you just gotta be confident. Girls love confident guys? You don't look that bad anyways!

Man fuck you, maybe it was about impressing women when I was 15, but now I'm just trying to appease my own crippling depression and low self esteem issues.

I don't spend thousands of dollars a year on clothes and grooming and do everything I can do make myself more appealing to make myself more attractive to others. it's to fill in the void I got when I started becoming unusually hateful of every tiny flaw I have. Even ones that I don't have but am convinced I have.

>> No.11350764

go out, for a run, walk in the streets, coffee shop, talk to strangers, if they reject you whats the problem? you'll never see them again anyways
the human happiness is based on interaction with others.

>> No.11350773

i walk every day in streets, mostly at night around 22:00 -24:00

>> No.11350830
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>thousands of dollars a year on clothes

So you buy a single fit each year?

>> No.11350845

Same, walk around downtown with the homeless and druggies, random dudes camping on the beach

Or hook up with an 18 year old in the back seat in the shitty part of town

Not too fulfilling

>> No.11350891

That feel when poor but living a relatively fulfilling life and soon I will quit my job to move to the city and try to find a bus boy/waiter gig while plying my art in my free time

Feels exciting mayne.

>> No.11350894

If you're really interested in making a change give this a listen.


>> No.11350897


Shut up you fat fuck

>> No.11350901

Realistically you'll have to learn to accept your flaws. There are inevitably good things about you, find those, focus on improving them. Be aware of your flaws but don't let them take over, use the knowledge of them to improve yourself.

>> No.11350918

A person really needs to be secure within themselves before they go and try talking to strangers. Talking to strangers won't help the problem. Exercise might help, but only to clear the mind, so it doesn't matter what it is really.

If you think talking to people will change your problem you're deluded.

One can also actively cultivate an openness to new people and situations. Realistically, people sense if you are open or shut down. If you are open then people will begin to gravitate towards you. This openness will also allow you to not think so much and get caught up in anxiety.

I can offer specific advice, like affirmations, visualization. But it won't help unless you want to put in the effort, and legitimately believe you can make a change.

>> No.11350936


Maybe try operating during the daytime then. A two hour walk isn't shit either anon. If you've got pent up stress then you should really hit a long mountain hike, like 4 hours. Get away from the streets.

>> No.11351036

i do own downhill bike, kona stinky 2008 rode every weekend till got injured, currently recovering. feels batman

>> No.11351048

tfw thinking to buy tikka t3, so i can fill void for at least 2 months

>> No.11351054

>If you've got pent up stress then you should really hit a long mountain hike
i read bike, instead of hike lol... i go outdoors and even shoot pretty regulary...

>> No.11351059

also at least its long, and uncomfortable too shoot my brains out with, tfw i cant reist alcohol and drank again once more...

>> No.11351316

Please go on

>> No.11351508

s-save me nigger

>> No.11351520

I developed an ego to help cope with social anxiety as a teenager so this is very true

>> No.11351527

>tfw lonely as fuck
>tfw just went to my first club and had my first alcoholic drink yesterday
>I'm fucking 20 years old
>tfw no friends
>tfw skinny as fuck to the point where I don't exist to girls
>no gf anymore
>tfw missing gf so much but I know internally we're not for each other
>tfw too poor to afford clothes I want
>tfw no friends

>> No.11351756

>>tfw just went to my first club and had my first alcoholic drink yesterday
>>I'm fucking 20 years old
this cant be real

>> No.11351773

I knew someone was crossposting when I saw the "fill the void" thread on /k/

>> No.11351787

Do you rate other people's fits on waywt?

>> No.11351798

did u dance with qts? got numbers? what was your first drink?

fuck man, stop missing out on life

>> No.11351918

>23 years old
>Still a virgin
>Never had a girlfriend
>Rejected every time I ask a girl out
>If I'm really upset, I'll go and buy either a shirt or a pair of pants to cheer me up
>Recently bought myself a blazer
>Today I wanted to buy a new fragrance but they said there would be a sale on on the weekend so I'll go back on Friday and buy it (thinking about getting Mont Blanc Legend)

After all I look good and smell good I will be guaranteed a qt 3.14 gf

>> No.11352169

I don't.

It is.

I didn't. No numbers, I didn't like the club I was in anyways

At least I'm not a kissless virgin ;_;

>> No.11352611

Go on isn't very specific, but what I have been doing over the past months (since March) is meditating for 20 mins twice daily. Usually it's all done before 2, or on my bus home from work. I wouldn't recommend jumping in like this necessarily. Some people can do it, others can't. I had been meditating once daily for 10 minutes for a few years, so I had a jumping off point.

If you meditate and use affirmations as mantras then you will have a pretty easy time focusing. I have been using "I (name), will be a famous (profession you really want to become)." I try to visualize myself as a person who does this activity (make sure it's generic, ie. don't imagine Rimbaud, image what you think a poet would look like). Also "I will be socially confident and outgoing (or interesting in others, open w/e)." I also visualize myself as a person in a group, with my arms held at my sides in a confident posture with this one. Then there are ones that cultivate well-being for others which is important too. I say "Please allow me to be compassion and gracious (or understanding, w/e)." These are really more about what you need in your life that will improve yourself and those around you. If you have these qualities then anxieties and petty concerns will start to fall away.

I meet really very few people who want to actively improve themselves in this way. I don't think it's for everyone, but if you think you can walk the way all you have to do is put one foot in front of the other.

You're already "saved" you just don't see it yet. If you'll indulge my dogmatic phrasing, the buddha-land is the mind, the mind the buddha-land. you are only not seeing that you're saved because you don't believe you are. Interestingly it's very similar to the idea that if one believes in Jesus they are saved. I think Jesus can be a metaphor for the mind in its natural state, but that's interpretation.

>> No.11352622

I think we all have ego and it isn't going to go away. Maybe if you were to let the idea of a self fall away then it could actually you less prone to thinking in an egotistical way. I don't know how practical this is though, because cultivating an image is something that is culturally important. You build an identity around something inevitably. You can also choose, to an extent, what you want your ego to be, what actions to build it around, etc. Realistically I would say a "healthy" ego is one built around helping other people in some way.

>> No.11352665

This is one of those things you won't really grasp until you've had a couple girlfriends no matter how many times you hear it, but I'm gonna tell you anyways. Getting rejected ain't no thing. Doesn't mean no one finds you attractive because a couple people said no. Sometimes girls just say no, don't sweat it, move on. They're just gross bags of meat like you at the end of the day.

>> No.11352753

Someone who actually gets it ... I've also doing things like that to ease my social anxiety. I meditate 25 min in the morning or afternoon and 10 -15 min before I go to bed. It's actually helped a ton. I can feel it slowly removing my anxiety and negative thoughts. i'm more comfortable around people now, I can hold a converstion better, and I'm more confident. It's pretty cool

>> No.11352847

Ah, good! I would recommend reading the sermons of Bodhidharma. I am not a Buddhist, but I think there are very practical concepts that are discussed, and they help (maybe indirectly, I am in the midst of it so it's hard to tell) with the anxiety and such. God for Red Pine's translation, he provides amazing commentary.

Have you just noticed benefits in your social spheres or has it carried over into other activities?

>> No.11352865

Montblanc Emblem is leagues better you dweeb

>> No.11352866
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>tfw can only afford clothes from h&m
>tfw manlet with really weird body proportions and nothing looks good on me
>friends are WAYYY too extroverted, i still go out with them and im so tired
>more social anxiety i cant seem to snap out of
>trying to figure out how to make more friends at 18

>> No.11352891

faggot shit

>> No.11352894
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How the fuck is this fashion

>> No.11352896

fuck off chad

>> No.11352910

Legend is cheaper though

>> No.11353016

You won't be able to pull off a lot of stuff if you aren't truly confident. This is a discussion about that.

>> No.11353087

Any interesting deep web stories?

>> No.11353111

try xanax, just don't overdo it

>> No.11353117

aderall or ritalin from nasal might make u more social, just dont get addicted, meanwhile they are highly addictive

>> No.11353124

Feels threads are some of the best threads on /fa/

>> No.11354559

Ok I'll check that out. Yea it has. I used to worry about where i'd be in the future, if i will have friends, a gf or whatever ... but I've noticed that I've stopped thinking about those things bc i realized that there's really no point in doing so, the only thing it does for me is cause me to stress over the hypothetical. I also just feel generally more calm and centered, like i'm at my baseline/pure self. don't know really how to describe it. Another thing which is weird but i used to be pretty jumpy and paranoid but that it pretty much gone now too. Wasn't expected this many things to change when i started haha, i think everyone should meditate desu

>> No.11355145

would this help with regular anxiety?

>> No.11355156

Fuck what the others told you do mdma

>> No.11355416

>all i do now browse deep web
no you don't dumbass

I bet you think 4chan is the deep web. I bet you don't even have so much as a linux partition on that hard-drive of yours

You make me sick OP

>> No.11355561

Most certainly. Honestly I believe this is the best method to treat anxiety. You'll not only get rid of it but you'll understand it better and be able to deal with it if it if you do have it.

I'd recommend concentration meditation.
Look up some guides but don't get lost in the minor details of it. You really only have to close your eyes and focus on your breathe. When you start to follow a thought just go back to your breathe. It may seem difficult at first but the good thing is it only get easier. I used to not be able to do 10 min without checking the timer but now i can do 30 without even thinking about the time. It only takes time.

Make it a daily habit and you're anxiety will melt away :)

also here's a cool article on how it will physically change your brain

>> No.11355906

>Just go out and talk to strangers who cares?! it's easy!! lmao

Please fuck off you act like it's that simple.

>> No.11356208

thanks so much anon
really appreciated

>> No.11356216

whats the worst that can happen annon? they turn away? they're not going to hurt you or something

>> No.11356367

jus b urself boys :^)

>> No.11356370

SAME. why the fuck should you care about other people when you don't care about yourself.

>> No.11356398

Lets connect pham

>> No.11356470

Hmm, I'm glad things are going up for you. I've had some very strange experiences lately, I think they involve the consistent meditation. I am also heavily considering putting a book out and am interested in collecting case studies. Since you've started relatively recently I would really like to ask you some more specific questions.

If you're interested send me a pm on reddit > ANauticalVehicle

Either way, I hope your journey continues well.

>> No.11356683

I have no idea how to be happy anymore. All I do is go to work at my shit part time job making dirt money, and use that money (and my credit card) to buy clothes. It's pointless though. I feel like shit in everything I put on

>i'll never be happy with my looks
>i've become obsessed with my image and have developed unhealthy and obsessive hygiene and maintenance routines to try bettering it as much as possible
>stare at myself in the mirror most of the day in disapproval

Sad thing is I'm not even ugly, apparently. People compliment me all of the time, behind my back and to my face. I feel really unattractive but it's probably because I'm aware that I've become an uninteresting shell of a person

Looks aren't everything, but I have no friends and no social life whatsoever. I'm talented but I can't motivate myself enough to dedicate any time or effort into my art or music. Feels like I'm just waking up every single day and bullshitting until the day is over. Is this clinical depression? I'm not selfish enough to upset my mother by ending things, but I feel too mentally and emotionally fucked to handle life right now

>> No.11356843

Just create a system and stick to it for the creative aspect. Start small too. Don't say you're going to make a piece each week or day. I do poetry and I write a poem pretty much every day now, but it started with me saying I needed to get one line done a day.

Then start hanging out with people who do that activity. Do classes or workshops. Have a genuine interest to improve (which comes with time) and learn and you will make friends fast. It is a good starting point, because meeting people "out" tends to be more rare than finding people in a space where people already have shared interests.

Then the confidence issues will start to go away. It's a journey, but if you want to succeed you can make it happen.

>> No.11357027
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The key is realizing Everything you know is wrong. Everything. Fundamentally, you don't know how to think. Its why you can't figure out how to live. No one you know ever taught you how to live properly. Its not your fault.

The key is how to think. You know, string one concept (a fact) with another (fact) to synthesize a thought that is correct about the world (an additional fact).

By analogy, imagine you are making a house. Each thought that is correct and right is like a brick. A well formed thought is a solid brick that can be built upon. In contrast, a malformed brick is useless. You try to build on it, it collapses.

You look in the mirror. What is it? A self-concept. What is a concept? Its your understanding of all the facts. What are the facts? These malformed bricks.

You think like this: you take a irrational impulse, a misperception, and use illogical thinking to cement them together. What have you got? It crumbles. You feel disappointment and despair the most because its the one thing you know is really going on. You try and build yourself every day and every day it falls apart. Your life is directionless because your map is a bunch of scribbled lines. When you think about things its like 2+2=5. Your frustration is the realest thing in the world to you. Again, its not your fault. From the time you were a baby, no one ever told you this. In fact, they told you wrong things as if they were right. They gave you vague beliefs, inaccurate claims, incorrect facts. You can be a "normal" adult and not be able to think properly. But many people can't deal with it. They know their brains are broken. They are too smart to give up thinking. They want to make something of life but can't figure it out. Its natural. Its very much like "the matrix" movie. Falsehood is the air you breathe. Our culture isn't going to correct this for you. In fact it is going to reinforce confusion and apathy and disconnection. Only you can save yourself.

>> No.11357034

Did that sjw killy finally leave?

And why is the captcha so easy?

>> No.11357110

I like some of your interpretation. I wonder why you don't question your notion of nothing being facts though. I mean, you obviously believe that there is falsehood everywhere, and I don't think that's true.

To me, this isn't a practical philosophy to live by. There are people doing things right all around you, you just have to look for what you really feel is right. Usually you can see success in others, that's who you look towards. "Everything around you is wrong" is a nebulous statement. You don't give examples of how to improve the problem, you just mention that it's there.

I like to think I have a vague map and I move towards a goal that I think is there. It could change, that's why the map is vague, but usually I find a landmark that suits me and move in that direction.

I like some of your concepts, illogical thinking does build an unsteady wall. Learning about cognitive bias makes you more prone to spot them and build better walls.

I don't really understand what one is actually supposed to do with this information. "Save yourself" doesn't provide any actions I can consider taking. Do you have suggestions?

>> No.11357143

dont mind him

just lotta bullshit and mindless babbling

hurr durr everything around is a lie

well yeah thanks buddy xD haha you're so deep and edgy wow i bet you had all the girls in grade 7

no suggestions mate

read outsider by colin wilson

read solipsism entry on wikipedia

and keep doing whatever feels productive and pleasant
