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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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11349580 No.11349580 [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa
I used to be part of your world...

Please help here's what happened:

Was usually 5'5/120 on a REALLY bad week.. usually 116ish. (no butt, thin everywhere but size 34/D boobs) Got a new boyfriend that doesn't smoke, so I started vaping, and I stopped smoking.
That same bf WAS very /fa and active and hot and so we banged all the time so I got a 'hormone-free' copper Paraguard IUD...

I since then (it's been a year) gained like a fuck ton of weight... I now weigh like 143-145 and broke out -_-''

OBVIOUSLY I'm getting the iud out....

I was constantly compared to Winona and Hepburn before.. Now I look like old Winona...

What can I wear while I make the transition from fat winona to thin winona? Also I was thinking of just going vegan and running every day... Is there a better way I should be doing this? I've never really had to lose weight before... I usually just didn't eat the days I got fat.
Also I have short blonde bleached hair like a fucking mom or trashy teenage dyke (can't even pass as a cool lesbian) so this transition is hard.. what should I be wearing? I have mccartney beatles '64 hair.. Also bf got fat because he got a full time job but I'm sure he'll shame himself into losing weight once I'm thin again ._.'

>> No.11349595

post pic

>> No.11349612

wish I could but at bf's house and he's asleep sarry :0

also obviously /fit is not /fa so that's why I'm not there

>> No.11349613


>> No.11349646

Where arre you from?

>> No.11349655

You look like old Winona? Pls be in Melbourne

>> No.11349708

go ask /fit/ anyway, the answer is to
>eat less
>move more
holy fuck, with an extra 30 lbs you had to buy a whole new wardrobe of shit that you hate and that reminds you that you're a fat failure, that must hurt more than that other board ever will.

>> No.11349774

omg so much I've never been a medium it HURTS ;0;

>> No.11349775

sorry boo California :/ Originially from Argentina, also somehwat drunk :x

>> No.11349793

You need back this claim up with a picture.

>> No.11349812

preferably a before/after one

>> No.11350041

>I got a 'hormone-free' copper Paraguard IUD...
Don't be fucking retarded, copper IUDs ARE hormone free. Not to mention top notch contraception.

Don't go vegan either, nothing creates as much satiety feeling as meat so sticking to a no-meat diet of a given amount of calories is harder.

>Also I have short blonde bleached hair like a fucking mom or trashy teenage dyke (can't even pass as a cool lesbian) so this transition is hard
Why would you ever do this to yourself, don't repeat it

Anyway tell your bf you've both put on weight and you think you should hit the gym together so you can get hot and bang like rabbits again. Simplest solution.

>> No.11350068
File: 20 KB, 379x364, Smug_191c79_5762907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a old pic of the pretty you please

>> No.11350086

Why is there so much thirst in this thread. There is literally nothing to be thirsty about. For all you know, this chick is ugly as fuck, the internet is abound with jack material if you need it.

This thread is really fucking pointless OP. While transitioning, just wear what you have right now. Don't buy shit for your transition period because it'll be a waste of money. Your transition period SHOULD be very fast if you're motivated to do so, otherwise don't bother because you'd just be lying to yourself. Go to the gym a minimum of 3 times a week and work out until you're exhausted, don't half-ass it. Your body suddenly swimming in your fatgirl clothes should motivate you to keep going. Once you're thin again, then you can start buying clothes.

No point polishing a turd, wait til you're attractive to start accessorizing your body with nice clothing.

>> No.11350108

140lb is not good, just eat less or exercise more.

It doesn't matter what you eat, it matters how much fat, carbs, and protein you eat. Going vegan isn't a magic bullet, neither is running.

>> No.11350591

ALL YOU NEED TO DO to lose weight is eat less calories than your "maintenance intake"
(find an estimate here: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm))
if you exercise more, your maintenance # goes up, letting you eat more food and still lose weight, or eat less food and lose even more weight

so basically all you need to do is eat under your maintenance, but you can exercise to offset it so it's easier.
good luck

P.S. I would rather fuck girl in OP than her minus 30lbs, but I understand that you wanna appeal to "social norms"