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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 182 KB, 486x538, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11347184 No.11347184 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11347185
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>> No.11347188
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>> No.11347563
File: 85 KB, 500x500, 29 - YIjlkrF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are nantucket reds okay? bought a pair from brooks brothers. was kinda an impulse buy. some inspo maybe?

>> No.11347719

>boat shoes
>low wast

>> No.11347725
File: 113 KB, 600x900, noahembed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11347739
File: 67 KB, 564x564, 6403e0833bf8e896db2406b2038be766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is pretty dope.

>> No.11347804
File: 450 KB, 1280x1707, glengarrysportingclub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like shit and is absolutely haram

>> No.11347813
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>> No.11347819
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>> No.11347827
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>> No.11347834
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>> No.11347837

>problem glasses
>rolled up pants

wew. are people trying to look like a huge "hey guyth" faggot on purpose?

>> No.11347838

yeah I thought so too, gonna go return them for some other coloured chinos. god damn store cheated me with 10 euros too.

>> No.11347852
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>> No.11347856
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>> No.11347858
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quilted jackets only count as trad if you legitimately enjoy vintage hunting attire; most people don't
honestly LL Bean and Abercrombie&Fitch should get more props if people really wanna go that route

>> No.11347871
File: 184 KB, 1080x1080, 13266756_1040917062656837_857469858_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11347880
File: 85 KB, 1080x810, 12530652_856839951108256_1661275843_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been looking for these all over the internet/ebay/etsy and i cant seem to find a pair in a size 10.5/11 or any at all.


>> No.11348011


>> No.11348040

Jesus Christ!

This slack-jawed dumbfuck is the antithesis of not just prep but like, life.

>>11347184 on the other hand, fuckin' cracks me up everytime, top-10 OP of the whole of 4chan desu

>> No.11348060

Cords from where? Like this color a lot.

>> No.11348087

w2c pants that look like these?

>> No.11348099

Chads: The Thread

>> No.11348160

That's the idea you fucking fruit.

>> No.11348200
File: 226 KB, 932x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally search 'green corduroy pants' on eBay

>> No.11348391

Not the same tone at all, that one's a yellowish green, the other one's bluish tinted. Maybe just the lighting? Anyway I know how to find cords, was hoping for brand/make

>> No.11348457

this is good inspo for Reds
is shit, guy looks like a fag
is dope as fuck
doesnt know what theyre talking about
Keep the pants
Nantucket Reds are about as prep as you can get and pretty versatile if you have the wardrobe to back it up.
Kind of like seersucker, everyone has is but its not something you wear all the time.

>> No.11348461

lol Cole Haan, if you an afford better shoes get better shoes

>> No.11348476
File: 209 KB, 580x815, patched-polo-ralph-lauren-jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this kinda stuff haram? I am not a fan of logos and flashy stuff but this looks so fucking good and powerful.

>> No.11348569

Good maybe, but not prep. I mean the guy seems to be wearing a tie bar?!

If you mean the blazer specifically though, sure. Traditional blazers are often badged over the breast, especially sporting-related blazers. A sport or club badge doesn't count as a logo in the least, it's not the same thing.

>> No.11348586

How do I get a jacket like that? I mean one that is authentic.
I dont row, I am not in some club or anything, I am a tennis-nerd tho. :^)

What about ties with crests on it? They seem to be preppy but I guess you can only wear them if you have a family crest or otherwise it would be fake?

>> No.11348593

Post some non-Chad inspo then.

>> No.11348637

that picture was taken in the 1980s, there aren't any low waists

>> No.11348656

PRL is generally accepted in Ivy/prep no matter what the special snowflakes on this board say. University crest is especially common. This is fine if you're genuinely wealthy.

Not a tie-bar at all, this is an unconventional tie style, but it's known.

>> No.11348660

>How do I get a jacket like that? I mean one that is authentic.
Join somewhere with the prestige and tradition to have them.

>What about ties with crests on it? They seem to be preppy but I guess you can only wear them if you have a family crest or otherwise it would be fake?
Ties with emblems are usually also club or sport badges, never heard of ones with family arms tabach famigliato.
The only article with coats of arms I would consider legit is a signet ring, and that's not prep because between zero and no Americans have genuine ones. (Even if you had noble heritage, the American creed laid out by the same culture and often same families who later produced prep is to lay aside that type of trappings in favor of an excellence based on merit. Of course later a new hereditary elite developed, but the rejection of Old World nobility remains)

>> No.11348671

>Not a tie-bar at all, this is an unconventional tie style, but it's known.
Are you seriously arguing that's not a slim white-metal tie bar running across the tie roughly halfway down the gorge of the blazer? It's a single white stripe, set at an angle against the other stripes, and not recurring in the pattern? Seems uh... pretty implausible to me.

>> No.11348697

I'm on mobile, so I didn't notice the tie-bar going with the slant of the stripes. However, a tie-bar is always set straight, never slanted. An elevated tie is a style reminiscent of an ascot.

The fact that you were unable to realize either possibility is blatantly obvious proof that you've never even encountered both articles in your life. Classic /fa/ trying to one-up someone - but do tell me your alma mater.

>> No.11348712

>However, a tie-bar is always set straight, never slanted.
What are you talking about? It IS straight. That was my whole point: since it's horizontal, for it to be a stripe it would have had to be a solitary stripe set at an angle *relative to the other stripes*, i.e. an absurd assumption about the design of the tie cloth, ergo it must be a tie bar.

But yeah, keep trying to dig yourself out of this hole by posturing superiority, that's going real well for you so far.

>> No.11348731
File: 103 KB, 664x453, tiebar-featured-6641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you believe that's proper (let alone even horizontal), you are utterly clueless.

Your damage control is hilarious. This should be common sense really.

>> No.11348753

>If you believe that's proper
Yes, that's what "it's not prep, a tie bar is incompatible with prep" sounds like. Well done.

>> No.11348785

Lol, clearly you didn't understand what they meant. Typically that's achieved without a tie bar, so it's pretty easy for anyone to overlook. The fact you were so offended by a mistake enough to derail the entire thread is kinda pathetic lol.

Although this isn't really prep, I agree. Anyone properly raised should know this to be true. Granted, a pic of a model is always intentionally awkward and unconventional.

>Now please shut the fuck up

>> No.11348856
File: 314 KB, 1280x853, ted cruz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: niggas arguing about a tie bar

>> No.11348863

>thumbnail made me expect a shoop where everyone in the picture was Ted Cruz

>> No.11349023

are pleats really not prep or is this some sort of meme?

>> No.11349230

Pleats are fine if you're overwieght.
They give a slimming effect.

When people say pleats aren't effay they are speaking from the perspective that everyone is average sized/thin and wearing flat front is what makes sense.

>> No.11349299

I'm skinny. Is it possible to pull off? I never thought of them as looking bad but I suppose I just never paid much attention

>> No.11349359

It's not possible.

It accentuates your skinnyness and makes you look like your pants are far too small.

They're literally made for overweight bankers to wear so their obesity isn't as obvious.

>> No.11349668

>muh alma mater

>> No.11350180


>> No.11350260
File: 142 KB, 280x252, yorkshire point to point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you wear when the weather is bad? I wanna get a barbour bedale for formal and casual fits but idk what boots I should wear...no duckmemeboots pls

>> No.11350262

you can wear danner mountain lights, mocs, or hunter boots

>> No.11351063
File: 522 KB, 620x935, 24115233562_1ec1664b8c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing wrong with pleats
oxford shirts have pleats too but you don't care, right?

>> No.11351108


>> No.11351561

>oxford shirts have pleats too but you don't care, right?
We're talking about pants you mongoloid.
Those trousers look awful on him compared to what he'd be in flat front.

>> No.11351872
File: 41 KB, 504x558, 1_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the haircut?

>> No.11352109


>> No.11352167

need front view because it looks like a normie undercut

>> No.11352198
File: 565 KB, 1484x2252, imrs.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course it is. other guy's obviously just injecting his opinion where it doesn't belong.

>> No.11352418

That's what I was thinking, thanks. Any more inspo?

>> No.11352494
File: 37 KB, 402x619, 502093174_product_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get a T.Anthony bag for 435 bucks?

>> No.11352498
File: 107 KB, 720x1483, 0081ce4099a96646326a0de147445d24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11352560



>> No.11352679


>> No.11352691

Dunno about those bags. Patagonia is more the present day equivalent for the set who might have carried a bag like that back in the day.

>> No.11352775
File: 124 KB, 600x600, Placid_Product_Images.008_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No get a Hudson Sutler bag or a sail canvas bag

>> No.11353020

Not even him but there's a line between modern prep and trad.

If you want to look like a 40 year old man then go ahead.

>> No.11353097

how do you prevent blisters when going sockless with penny loafers? are no show socks the only way?

>> No.11353113

Unless you hate your shoes, you need to wear some sort of socks. Bare feet destroy shoes.

>> No.11353130

no show socks then?

>> No.11353131


>> No.11353301
File: 191 KB, 1080x720, 写真(2016-02-21 23.54).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cardigans with high button stances are pretty dope, who still makes them these days?
Pic from F&E

>> No.11353312

I think I saw one by Rand and Bone.

>> No.11353337


>not knowing this is what the reptilian shape shifters want you to believe

>> No.11353544

Gonna buy some oxfords in stripe and colors besides white and blue. I was going to get pink, yellow, blue-white candy stripe, and red-white candy stripe. Any others I should get?

>> No.11353550

you can get a gingham shirt

>> No.11353553

good idea. I have a couple tattersalls so gingham could be a nice summer coubterpart

>> No.11353901

I believe T.Anthony is even listed in the preppy handbook.
Your suggested bags dont look good to me. They look like a normal plastic sport bag. Dont you have any suggestions for a normal leather or canvas/leatger duffle for 400bucks?

>> No.11353977
File: 69 KB, 500x500, 1_000000000253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Hudson Sutler bag is heavy duty canvas and built like a tank. I own one. It's even lined with gingham cloth

The only other brand I can think of that makes a preppy bag is Captain Santa (whose mascot is second in command to lead the califate)
Or Van, I guess

>> No.11354448

where you copping from

>> No.11354464

pleats are halal get out before sharia is instigated

>> No.11354516

Ramadan starts on Sunday, fuccboi get your shit together

>> No.11354791


Patagonia has been a prep thing since the 80s though, plastic and all.

>> No.11355914


>> No.11356167

>However, a tie-bar is always set straight, never slanted. An elevated tie is a style reminiscent of an ascot.
What did he mean by this?
I've reread the exchange between these two tards three times now and I don't get where any of this came from or what it had to do with what the other mong said, I'm just fucking confused.

>> No.11356178

>antipleatfag on suicide watch
How the fuck does this old man constantly pull off such god tier fits??? The only thing I ever dislike about them is his collars look too tight at times.

>> No.11356564


>> No.11356574

How come whites no longer have this face? it's like an entire race has been neotenized in a single generation...

>> No.11356608
File: 305 KB, 1066x1600, IMG 20150513_182538100_iOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you on about.

but at the same time fuck off with the race shit. nobody cares.

>> No.11356654
File: 54 KB, 1000x1280, BRJNLM0008_NAVY_0076_SS16__81654.1457723519.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about purchasing this poplin blazer for work/casual wear.

is poplin a fabric perfect for summer?

>> No.11357499

Yes that looks good

>> No.11357621
File: 66 KB, 512x384, IMG_0293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that navy blue?
Poplins are usually beige, blue etc

>> No.11357896


>> No.11358372
File: 3.83 MB, 2000x2764, DSC_0151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all I wear pham

>> No.11358417

Wow you sound intolerable.

>> No.11358632

how do i wear penny loafers with shorts without looking too effeminate?

>> No.11358639

Look masculine and wear penny loafers with shorts.

I'm jacked and have very strong facial features, so anything "effeminate" I do just manages to highlight that.

>> No.11358648

make sure the tip of your dick pokes out the bottom hem of your shorts. If your dick is too short to do that you're not manly enough

>> No.11359774
File: 438 KB, 1000x1280, BRJNLM0008_NAVY_0084_INSIDE_SS16__23484.1457723538.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

j press my man

>> No.11359789

All of the jpress blazers are like 500 bucks

How much was that one?

>> No.11359826

>500 bucks is a lot
You may be in the wrong thread.

>> No.11359833

>500 bucks
actually they are having a june sale. its the poplin one thats going for $360 dollhairs.


dunno where you are at but be wary i think J press fits a lil big. luckily I live 15 min away from the J Press in Gun Wavin New Haven so Ill prob go try it on myself.

>> No.11359837

yup its navy

>> No.11359843
File: 98 KB, 284x339, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>360 dollars

I dont have that type of money

>> No.11359853

>tfw I live near the J. Press in Cambridge
Feels good nigga. Press is a brand that gets a ton of lip service on here but nobody posts fits of, so I feel like the man walking down the street and shopping there.

The generous fit is great for me because I work out, and their tailor can usually get things to look better on my frame than anything that tries to fit me off the rack would.

>> No.11359872
File: 49 KB, 737x552, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on these BB chinos?

>> No.11359885

stupid question but does it cost extra to get it tailored by the dude that works at J. Press? If how is it priced?

>> No.11359902

This is gonna sound douchey but I don't even know. I just pay the bill they give me. From what I remember of my last purchase, however, it can't be that expensive.

I do know that made to measure there is tres expensive and I've never gone in for it.

>> No.11360147

>slack jawed dumbfuck located

>> No.11360223

should be slimmer

>> No.11360307
File: 989 KB, 2560x1536, 1464921066927-1407528959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I fuck up

>> No.11360447

I like em

>> No.11360468

What to wear with white bucks

>> No.11360526

>not going to prep school and seeing this every day all winter
poor imo

>> No.11360538

looks good

>> No.11360579

Cop the milano fit and stay away from their shit tier Red Fleece line.

>> No.11360593

I think you've mistaken "prep" for "formal." This reflects on how low-grade your wardrobe must be in comparison to casual prep styles.

>> No.11360652


>> No.11360658

what brands do u cop

>> No.11360975
File: 26 KB, 448x224, buckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're pretty versatile, just think of them like people here think about regular white sneakers or GATs.

>> No.11360984

That's the beauty of the Barbour. If I had to choose attending a white tie event in a regular suit or a Barbour and some slacks, I'd take the Barbour.

>> No.11361009

I recently bought some grey trousers and strangely I'm finding it difficult to fit them into any fits. It feels like I can only wear them with formal-ish black shoes, since my brown boots/dress shoes are all too dark and seem to clash. How can I wear them casually?

>> No.11361768

Are these that bad? I mean I already have a pair I was just seeing how they fit into the prep style. Thanks for future reference though

>> No.11362107

The ones you posted or Red Fleece line?

The ones you posted are most likely thier clark fit which is big boy fit, it looks baggy irl.

Red Fleece line you just save a few bucks for a huge downgrade in quality.

Red Fleece is outlet quality sold at retail stores.

>> No.11362141

I got the Clark fit. They are a little looser, but I don't like my clothes really tight. They don't fit terribly on me though and I'm a skinnier guy

>> No.11362180

You should give the milano fit a try next time, they are slimmer but not THAT slim.

Goes well while wearing their Regent or Milano fit shirts, unless you also wear Madison fit shirts.

>> No.11362196

Thanks for the advice man. I'll check those out next time

>> No.11362359


Do you live on Nantucket?

There's your answer

>> No.11362372

Don't joke about such things. There are impressionable people in these threads.

>> No.11362420

I prefer worsted wool blazers in the summer

>> No.11363633
File: 329 KB, 1000x667, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this haram

>> No.11363745

That's not because it's formal, you dumbass, that's because if you go in a lounge suit everyone'll think you're a tard who doesn't know what dress codes are, but if you go in a Barbour jacket at least they'll know you're flaunting the code on purpose. It's a question of going big, not your retarded ideas about the formal level of a wax jacket.

>> No.11363751

no, but those dubs are, witness senpai.

>> No.11364117

Bump for interest. I have white high tops from last summer but idk how to wear them...because of the tight aesthetic around the ankle all my pants look baggy af

>> No.11364126


Chin up lad, prep doesn't have to be too expensive if you thrift some shit and cop seconds/sale

>> No.11364912

There's nothing wrong with that but your pants shouldn't fall such that they go past your ankle to rest on the shoe. Cuff accordingly.

>> No.11365620
File: 68 KB, 570x692, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of bow ties?

>> No.11365965


>> No.11366050

They're ties. If others are wearing a tie, you can wear a bow tie.

The Oreo styles we discuss rarely include ties at all because they're generally casual, but a messy bow tie and fun socks when everyone else is in a flawless suit is a classic "I don't have to work" move.

>> No.11366276
File: 449 KB, 1280x1707, 7634e80a-da6b-4649-bb5c-eb2083825d8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11366332


>> No.11366346
File: 57 KB, 800x322, Ray-Ban-RB5154-Clubmaster-Optics-Seth-Rogen-The-Interview-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these prep?

>> No.11366367

nice. do ur feet get sweaty tho m8?

>> No.11366384

5/5 bretty gud

>> No.11366389


>> No.11366410

>Watch out, it's SUPERLATIVE!

>> No.11366517
File: 172 KB, 1280x853, 1440061620361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more prep inspo

>> No.11367203

What are the best slim fit chinos

It seems like it's the one piece of clothing that has no consensus on what's best

>> No.11367283

What prep/trad fashion websites do you all browse?

>> No.11367767
File: 52 KB, 321x418, o0321041813002532876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11367778

You can also try the OG Shuron Ronsirs

>> No.11367793

Off the rack pants depends heavily on how you're built. Brooks Brothers does it well with a few different fits. J. Press is dank if you want a conspicuously high waist and live near a store. I don't know how many fits RL has, but the ones I had back in high school were sorta low-waisted.

>> No.11367873

Oh thanks, I got a pair in 52/23 size with that shape (not same brand). I wonder if it's too big? The bigger lenses give me a bit more field of vision but most photos of people wearing these glasses seem to be around the 48-50 lense size. They don't look oversized on me but I'm not sure it I should have gone with the smaller ones.

>> No.11367940

slim fit chinos are haram

>> No.11368005

and Hail Mary's Instagram

>> No.11368344


>> No.11368416

Thinking about getting a proper raincoat, looking at vintage Van Jacket stuff right now. What do you guys think with regard to raglan sleeve VS in set sleeve? I understand that the proper balmacaan coat has a raglan sleeve but does it matter that much? Furthermore how much wider should the shoulders be compared to a jacket if I want to wear the coat over one? My regular shoulder width for jackets is 38cm~40cm (15 to 16 inches) measured from seam to seam in a straight line; would 42cm for the coat were I to get an inset sleeve one be a bit too big or just right?

>> No.11368956
File: 143 KB, 857x1280, 4ff2d69c98e797fa_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
