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/fa/ - Fashion

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11341587 No.11341587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is it /fa/ to have no friends? what's the point if you literally spend money on clothes just to go to bars alone and occasionally go grocery shopping?

dump those friendless feels

>> No.11341610

It's tough being lonely. And it's not like I'm totally friendless, I just don't have any good friends to hangout with

>> No.11341617
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It's weird ... Part of me wants to make friends and shit but the other part just wants to stay home bc I enjoy it better. But idk if I just convinced myself that I enjoy staying home better bc I lack the social skills to make friends... On top of that I have social anxiety too so that doesn't help.

Life's hard

>> No.11341628

I wear my fits at college and a lecturer asked me if "I do fashion" and said she liked my clothes.

That was pretty awkward being complimented in front of 200 other students and I wasn't even wearing anything special (white t, pale apc jeans and whyte raf velcros).

>> No.11341629 [DELETED] 


I jumped over the fence into a prom-afterparty and wore Geobaskets to a party and my friends treated me differently like fuck, this kid just blew a check on some shoes

I'm fine with standing out and being me but I don't like to make my friends think I'm flexing on them. Like it gets weird.

>> No.11341633

alone and friendless > having someone constantly nag you through msgs when you wanna be alone.

no friends. sit alone in a dark room and ponder about life.

>> No.11341641

that's great and all but from my expirence that gets rather boring and depressing pretty quick ...

>> No.11341647
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In order of effayness:
>small clique of entirely independent but highly synchronized top grade people
>no friends
>selling yourself out to a large social scene
>medium size clique of shit people
>only hang out with your gf, even if she's cool
>clique of losers who are only friends out of need
>no friends but use the internet to socialize

work on yourself, the only thing that won't follow are basic girls, you'll have to waste your time investing in getting them separately

>> No.11341650

I know that feel

>> No.11341658

I'm having this dilemma rn now lol. I recently graduated from high school and after the grad ceremony, I deleted everything I had to do with them. Deleted Kik, unfollowed on social media, deleted numbers, etc. It's been 3 days since I deleted it, and IDK how to feel yet. It's not like I'm sad nor depressed, I just want to be alone for now. Maybe the post-high school stress is coming to me. idk pls help, friends?

>> No.11341660

>small clique of entirely independent but highly synchronized top grade people
>tfw have this, but falling further and further behind despite potential
Seems like I might be riding again soon though, will hopefully overtake them all. I've always had a natural edge, but fell to laziness and later disease.

>> No.11341661

There must be some kind of volunteer opportunity or group thing in your area that's centered on something you're even a little bit interested in. You can always try one of those out if you want to interact with people.

>> No.11341666

Disease is reasonable as an excuse, but 'potential' isn't worth jack shit. If you don't put in any of the work you might as well be retarded anyway.

>> No.11341670
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having a squad is essential for next lvl steaze. no squad no life

>> No.11341672

I got depressed and disillusioned, stopped completely, then I got sick and pulled further into depression, tried to restart and even to find new areas unsuccessfully during this time. That was 3 years ago.

I seem to be getting more and more healthy now and my outlook and worldview has definitely changed, also have as you say learned to not trust blindly in my own talent but to actually do work, have also realized my modicum of skill back then was insignificant.

>> No.11341679

I also cut all ties immediately after high school graduation, because I thought it would be better than an awkward and inevitable petering out of whatever friendships I had. I don't know what kind of people you knew, so maybe it was the right decision in your case.

I realized I was just a cunt. Those friendships would have probably eventually died anyway, but it was pretty selfish of me to cut them off on my own terms without even considering other people's feelings.

>> No.11341682

no, it doesn't if you have interesting "hobbies". honestly if you are unable to provide things to do for yourself there isn't a lot i can help you with my dear anon

>> No.11341691
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same 2bh, but basically all my good friends have gotten depressed af too since starting uni/poor artfag life so whatever

I used to read and watch movies every day, now I waste all my time drinking and chasing girls or being sick in bed. I'm still young but I iused to have that edge where I was way too young to be onto the stuff I was onto, knowing who I knew. now when I meet other heads, it just makes sense, and that won't last long, I'm totally stagnated, just running on the gains I made as a kid.

I blame the trendy ass normals I'm surrounded with after moving to a backwater for school. turns out I'm not strong enough to handle ">no friends".

>> No.11341701
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Are you sick? Get yourself checked out bro, turns out my kidneys don't work well, took me nearly a year to actually get the diagnosis.

Come to think of it, I might even have had it back then, causing my initial withdrawal from normalcy, it attacks the mind too you know.

>> No.11341715
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i never thought in all my days on this board id relate to so many people in one thread.

>> No.11341719

I buy all these beautiful cloths, but I never leave the house to show them off...

>> No.11341727
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Yeah, I was planning to get a checkup done soon. I had a cold these last two weeks and it really wrecked me, I'd been sleeping 14 hours a day and tired all day long and it lasted way longer than it should've. I think I might just be eating really poorly and I've stopped exercising altogether.

Though 2bh the sickly, precocious tuberculosis-child aesthetic fits me and is effay af. I've been thinking about getting a cat. A russian blue

>> No.11341732

I was really good friends with them. Known them for 5+ years, but I felt that we were heading in different directions, y'know? I was going to college; they were going to mainland (I live in hawaii), some going military.

I just felt that cutting ties was the best option, instead of, like you said, friendships coming to an awkward end.

>> No.11341740
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I'm used to being alone mainly because I moved a lot throughout my childhood and every place I went I didn't last enough to fit in and adapt completely. At least I know how to handle my social retardation and act cool, but in most social situations I'd always wish I was at home doing what I like.

I just would want to meet a little group of ppl with the same interests amd visions as me, where I would feel comfy in, but it's just gets harder as you grow.

>> No.11341742

I literally have 0 friends


>> No.11341755

i feel ya. its literally impossible where i am to meet anyone new, let alone someone of similar taste

>> No.11341760

>cheap ass zumiez core clothing

every single fuccboi whos not into fashion but is on the "fashion trend" look

>> No.11341761

I think it's better to just let things be awkward in some cases, because then the drifting apart process has a clear mutual understanding. I realized later that if a friend suddenly cut me off despite whatever the projected inevitability was, I would probably not feel too great about that.

But they are your friendships in the end, this is just my perspective.

>> No.11341787
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who wants to be my friend

>> No.11341847

We're your friends, /fa/m

>> No.11341853

I literally only have 2 friends, and they're both only online.. Never seen them in person.

I used to have a gf, she was my only IRL friend and now I'm completely alone

My standards of a friend are too high, but I won't lower them lol.

Only feel lonely because nogf

>> No.11341867

This is bait, also the picture was taken exactly three minutes before they all started fucking each other

>> No.11341894

I recently got out of a 4 year relationship with my only real friend. Things weren't awful, but I ended up realizing later down the line that I wasn't connecting with her on a deep enough level for me to feel completely satisfied in the relationship.

>inb4 special snowflake
She really just didn't understand me or where I was coming from the majority of the time, and that made communicating my thoughts and feelings a frustrating and seemingly impossible task.

I have no friends right now. I've never really had friends to be honest. Just people to shoot the shit and get fucked up with. Lately when I go out it's either by myself or with a coworker, but they usually only want to get drunk. It's not the worst situation, but it always leaves me feeling unfulfilled. Sometimes I feel like I'll never be capable of having any genuine, fulfilling relationships, partly because of my depression and negative views of myself, but also because of my general distrust in people and past experiences that have kind of molded me to feel inadequate and not worth anyone's time.

People around me seem to think that I'm decently happy, but they have no idea just how lonely and miserable I really am. I think about ending things a lot, but the thought of someday being able to get my shit together and pick myself up out of this juvenile funk and make something of myself is keeping me going for now.

>> No.11341901
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>> No.11341930

this is a double date, not a squad

>> No.11342022

just keep looking my friend, eventually you'll find the right person for you :)

>> No.11342353

same here senpai

>> No.11342386 [DELETED] 

If you go to college or something, wouldn't you see them there?

>> No.11342395


>> No.11342407

it can be
i have no friends because i am utterly incapable of trusting anyone with anything which probably isnt very /fa/

>> No.11342804

having friends in your 20s is a meme

there's too much shit to sift through and it's not even worth it. most normies are lame and uninteresting.

but the rare chance you come across someone you consider effay chances are they are as pretentious and insufferable as you.

>> No.11342838

They say you should surround yourself with "good" people. You should marry "up" instead of down. I like my friends and I enjoy hanging out with them, but it makes me feel bad that society believes I won't go anywhere hanging with them.

>> No.11342864

>tfw haven't had a real friend since I was about 12 or so

sometimes I do feel lonely, I do everything by myself (going to gigs, art galleries, travelling) and I see people everywhere who go to the same thing together. But then again, if I had a 'normal' group of friends I probably would've conformed to them and be a different person today. I gained interest in a lot of things I loved I might not have if I weren't alone throughout the years.

But still. I haven't had a conversation with anyone for the last week other than explaining some material for uni to someone sitting next to me in class.

>> No.11342880
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>I gained interest in a lot of things I loved I might not have if I weren't alone throughout the years.


>People around me seem to think that I'm decently happy, but they have no idea just how lonely and miserable I really am. I think about ending things a lot, but the thought of someday being able to get my shit together and pick myself up out of this juvenile funk and make something of myself is keeping me going for now.


>My standards of a friend are too high, but I won't lower them lol.


>> No.11342891
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>Left school where I had no friends
>Develop effay wardrobe over the summer, hoping it'll help me socially
>Went to college, still no friends
>After a rough half semester, meet 10/10 /cgl/ grill
>Sparks immediately
>Date, and finally feel not worthless. Somebody to talk to about same interests, fashion, memes, everything. I had a best friend as well as a qt gf
>9 months and we split, "You treat me like your friend anon, not your girlfriend"
>tfw being antisocial and lonely most of my high school made me act weird around someone I loved.
>tfw im back to being lonely without anyone else
>tfw all these fits and no-one to talk to or show to
>tfw i walk around the city and campus with no purpose wearing my best fits just to make myself feel better.

I try to pull on the remaining pieces of thread of what could've been a better relationship, hoping I can at least have a friend left, someone to talk to, but every time I try to talk to her, the messages keep saying "read", and eventually the passing weeks, they just say "delivered". I drove her away, and I've given up.

I know this is a >tfw no gf story, but it relates to friends as well. At least I got you guys, you may shit on my fits, and tell me to kys, but it gives me a little smile knowing im in a community with people of the same interests, and if we knew each other irl we might have gotten along.

I love you all, I really do.

>> No.11342912
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i'm so lonely /fa/. i've spent most of my teen years alone at my room, barely leaving the house to go out with friends.
a year ago i started going out more and i became part of a tiny group of friends, where i felt like i only connected to two people.

Recently i've become more depressed and hopeless and i've been distancing myself from my friends. the group has become bigger now, they are doing fine and my two frienfs don't talk to me anymore or miss me at all.

I would be fine with being alone all this time if i had something to account for it. But i've spent most of my time on the internet and lying in bed, feeling depressed and trying to distract myself from my thoughts. There's things i'd like to do, and i have lots of free time, but i don't find the energy to do them, so i keep wasting my time. I've spent so much time doing nothing, being nothing, that now i don't know how to start actually doing things.

>> No.11342923


>> No.11342935

>move to straya
>know nobody
>colleagues are all way out of my age bracket
>i don't have any social problems, but i don't know how to go out and make friends since i always made them at school/work
>no idea what to do

>> No.11342946

>be me at 16
>no friends
>be me at 17
>4 really good friends
>be me at 20 in college
>12 strong group of normie friends

If I'm honest I preferred having 4 friends

>> No.11342954 [DELETED] 


>> No.11342966

Referring to other people as "normies" gives the impression that you consider yourself more unique and special than them, which is pretty pretentious

>> No.11342970

>Caring about other people's feelings

Not /fa/ at all

>> No.11342982
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>spend my entire life with only a close group of friends
>always left unfulfilled
>have a massive superiority complex to all my friends except one who is "above me" in my head
>sometime in high school I lost it
>I didn't feel like hanging out at all
>at first the cool kids (whom I was friends with pre-high school) would come visit me
>usually invite me out with hot grills
>felt like I was superior to them because I wasn't drinking or smoking, I thought they were trying to be cool
>missed out on lots of sex with hot grills
>a few years forward im sitting in my room in underwear masturbating to hentai all alone
>everybody in school think I'm the weird guy
>probably think I'm a school shooter as well due to my bitter and cynical attitude towards normies
>hanged out with a few autists who didn't talk so that I could blabber on about my interests
>hated them so much in secret
>parents put me in boarding school after I quit high school as punishment
>compensating like an edge lord and trying to act cool by smoking and drinking even though everybody is too old for that to impress anybody
>still feel like I'm 13 mentally
>no hobbies other than theoretical hobbies such as fashion but never execute any sick fits because I'm too lazy to buy clothes
>constantly edgy as fuck and shallow
>super obsessed with looks in people, but mostly myself
>hate to surround myself with uggos and die inside when I do, even if they're my best friends
>constantly dream of the future in power fantasies where I'm a dictator or Patrick Bateman from American Psycho

im cold steel the hedgeheg in human form, effay

>> No.11342992

Join a club or some shit.

>> No.11343130

yeah I already stated that I'm pretentious and insufferable. I'm fully aware of my flaws

>> No.11343144
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I've had trouble attaining friends. I don't know why but all White and Asian people have an elitist agenda or something against me.. I am white but it's hard for me to get along with other crackas and chinks.

>> No.11343301

White people have standards. If you're white trash you might as well hangout with blacks.

>> No.11343320


>> No.11343331

great post

>> No.11343332

lol nigger/shitlib cuck cant handle the truth

>> No.11343345
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Go beat your dick to your 'superior' introspection.

>> No.11343349

i am smarter than you

>> No.11343442


I was forced into cocoon mode after high school, after my friends ghosted me. Now I'm 19, not in college, dropped out of hs, and I thought I would take a month or 2 to work on my appearance, my personality, get back in school.

But now 2 years have passed, with 0 friends and all that happened is I have agoraphobia, only leave my house to get coffee once a day, I'm paranoid of everything, can't think of anything to say when people do speak to me, my mind is just completely blank, If I do go to some family function, I just sit there with a glazed over stare. On the bright side I did go from 200lb to 100

I keep thinking I'm taking time out of society to fix myself but I just keep getting worse. Help /fa/malam ;_;

>> No.11343482 [DELETED] 
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>have solid group of ~10 friends for a few years
>endless good times
>they all get gf's and move out of home
>you dont
>mfw slowly drifting apart

>> No.11343932

>started new job last monday
>dont even need money, just did it because i couldnt take the loneliness anymore
>get along ok with a few people
>they all decide to meetup today and go for drinks
>ask if i can tag along
>"sure anon, ill text you around 6"
>be today
>be extremely happy
>spend day picking out fit, grooming etc
>be 9:30pm
>fit all laid out, me showered
>no text

i don't know how much more of this i can take /fa/

>> No.11343947

>i have friends whom i frequently socialize and party with but i feel like i have no friends
>this makes me zoooo zad

fuck off normans

>> No.11344052
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all dressed up with nowhere to go

that's a little story of a girl you know

>> No.11344099

wait for them to invite u, dont ask to come

>> No.11344230

this is the truth,

>> No.11344235

I have a group of 4 best friends I hang out with a few times a month. Other than that I'm alone in my apartment. Wouldn't have it any other way desu

>> No.11344903

I have a good group of friends whom I graduated with, but I left for uni while they all stayed home to go to unis that were close so I dont see them much except for breaks. I cut some ties after graduation as well.

Now I have social anxiety and I become a total autist when strangers speak to me. Being "different" isn't the right way to to phrase it, but a lot of the people I meet have normie interests in music, fashion, etc so it is very difficult for me to connect with them since we don't like the same stuff. Also, I'm latino and I don't blend in with that whole "thug life" or hip hop lifestyle that many latinos grew up with. Tried joining a latino frat but opted out bc I felt out of place since they were like that. Another downside of being latino is that the demographic of my uni is white and asian and I get the vibe that I'm just a greasy spic to them.

Try as I may to make new friends, it just doesn't work. I guess that's okay tho. I still got my friend group back home.

>> No.11344930

This. At least you ungrateful fucks have people who are willing to tolerate your presence.

>> No.11344955
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>Have friends
>When I'm alone I think why am I friends with these worthless cunts
>But sometimes it's fun

Who here thinks they put more effort into friendships than you receive?

>> No.11344965

There's a couple of things you've said

>Normies have different taste to me
It much worse to be friends with the same taste as you, gets boring quick

>Being friend with whites and Asian
Forget it
Some are cool but most are boring/hate spics

Just embrace your Latino heritage and be hiphop thug, this will remove the autism too.

>> No.11344970

Yeah all my friends are selfish dicks

>> No.11344993

what if you become your own friend...?

solitude is bliss, don't try to avoid it, learn to live with it, then become the man you want to be and let the successful you make some noise

before wanting people to accept you, accept yourself

>> No.11345056

i am my own friend for example. I am not bothered by having no immediate circle of friends, not psychologically at least. I have just 1 close friend, but he lives far away, and I think at this point I think of him more than he thinks of me, you know?

anyways, it's all good until you just NEED someone to go to places with you, but you have noone, and noone will call you. I go to coffeehouses alone, tea places, malls, shops, library - I am alone everywhere. Sure, at some of the places it's alright. But I went to a music show, and just felt extremely out of place being alone. everyone there had at least someone to talk to, and I had nobody.

I also bought tickets for couple of shows this summer, and I will go alone, and I feel like it will make me uncomfortable

>> No.11345144
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I meant that they like Arctic Monkeys and Twenty-One Pilots, etc. and think pic related is good fashion. imo talking to people like that gets boring much quicker. I just think that meeting someone who liked stuff that was out of the norm or at least something different than me would be a nice change of pace, but I get what you're saying.

Lol I use to be a wannabe hiphop thug and I swear I was so fucking retarded. It's just not me

>> No.11345161


i understand, i'm also going alone to a music show this summer, but i'm coming just for the music you know, like it doesn't bother me if i enjoy the music alone, and i think it's more beneficial to come alone 'cause you can meet some new people, talk with them and maybe make some friends, like you can have a very good time if you get out of your comfort zone

and this advice works for every situation man, don't be afraid to talk to strangers, we're humans after all

>> No.11345165

that girl is a fucking dumbass

literally when people marry each other its usually because they are best friends in an intimate relationship

dumb bitch is just used to being treated like a whore (which she is) instead of an actual human

Stop worrying about it, focus on school and develop yourself into someone who you like, happiness will follow

>> No.11345174

Friends are dank. We spend money on each other, share food, shop together. Its pretty cool.

>> No.11345181


This only works if you're all filthy rich

>> No.11345189

nICE quotation marks how u get into cxollege dude/

>> No.11345204

If your friend can't spot you for a 10 dollar meal your friend is poor and vice versa. I'm not rich and I buy my friends things. You're good enough friends if you don't spend money on each other.

>> No.11345211

You aren't good enough friends*

>> No.11345259



>> No.11345273
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Is being attractive with no friends effay?

>> No.11345280
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You need at least one friend

>> No.11345285

>few friends, only 1 close friend
>close friend is really extroverted
>wants to go out every night after work
>im mostly introverted, but like going out sometimes


>> No.11345363

he already admitted it was his fault for the failure of the relationship and yet you're still blaming the girl lol wtf
> they are best friends in an intimate relationship
yeah and he was treating her like a friend not a girl friend so basically a friend without the intimate shit. he fucked it up.

>> No.11345385

>my friends ghosted me
this lmao

>> No.11345398


>> No.11345420

I stayed in NYC over the weekend and it felt kind of weird going alone. I haven't talked to any of my friends in over three years so I'm not particularly into conversation or sharing about my personal interests anymore, but I do get the urge to have a nice vacation sometimes.

I'm not sure if I just have some forgettable face-in-the-crowd appearance but I went to a concert and didn't talk to anyone there. At the same time I was able to sneak into an area with reserved seating for staff that gave me a perfect view of the stage. Nobody asked why I was there or bothered to look at my ticket.

After the concert I arrived at the hotel so late that they upgraded my reservation from a single bed room with a shared hallway bathroom to a two-bed suite. If I had known they were going to do that earlier it would have been the perfect opportunity to invite a friend.

At the same time being alone gave me the opportunity to spend the day walking around through parks and checking out all the shops in the area. Sometimes being with other people doesn't give you as much freedom compared to going solo. If I were to do it again I would try to bring someone with me though.

>> No.11345446

Yeah he said it was his fault, so what? I did 9/11, is that my fault too now that I said it?

Intimate - closely acquainted; familiar, close.

I don't think you know what intimacy is. They were together for 9 months so I assume they were physical intimate, and by definition he was intimate with her since she was his best friend.


>> No.11345450

Just some extra context. The reason why it hurt so much was because I was super intimate. Sex every weekend and if we didnt live in a restrictive country, we would've been super cuddly outside our dorms.

I was talking about the way I talked to her, acted around her and shit that caused my autistic ass to get shit on

>> No.11345457
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I want you to be able to have healthy relationships in the future so I'm going to provide some light reading.



Get better soon :)

>> No.11345461

10 dollar meal doesn't count as spending money on each other. That's such an insignificant sum of money.

>> No.11345467

it's the friendly gesture that counts boyo

>> No.11345474

I have some friends to smoke pot with and hang out sometimes but I prefer to stay alone. The '''''''funny''''' part it's that I hate being alone but I feel like a useless social shit :^(

>> No.11345497

im with you senpai

>> No.11345511

my friends would invite me out with girls as well but me and my twin sister had the same friend group. shes super straight edge so i could never do anything like alcohol or sexual stuff with her there, and when our friend group did do that stuff they couldn't invite me because that would mean inviting her. its a shame because think alcohol would have helped me with girls in hs and maybe help me get some sexual experiences. even if my sis was cool with alcohol she probably still would have been a cockblocker. its not as if i resent her though but i do a little.

iktf about the superiority complex as well, all of my friends were normies with normie tastes and hobbies so i felt better than them for not mindlessly liking things just because everyone else does. but at the same time i saw them excelling at their hobbies while i didnt do shit besides play video games and browse the internet, and i felt inferior in that sense.

>> No.11346106

I love you anon..I am grill btw

>> No.11346139

Going to parties solo is the best, just approach people, its nothing weird and most people will even think its cool. I wish I could go alone, but my best friend has the exact same music taste and party taste so we always go together. Nothing to complain about though, it would suck if I would have to go alone everytime.

>> No.11346143


Thanks anons, means alot that the /fa/milia supports and make me feel loved. You guys are much better than any other boards or sub plebbits.

>> No.11346154


>> No.11346156

> Going to parties solo is the best
> it would suck if I would have to go alone everytime.

sounds like sth from 'jus bee urself xD' repertoire

>> No.11346159

i'm in the process of trying to leave a friend
its awkward
how to deal

>> No.11346216

this isn't r9k you sad little internet addict shut in nu-male cucks

>> No.11346339
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Be two-faced as fuck.
I realized I was the butt of a joke among a couple friends and cut them off. One I used candor and one I just lied to a bunch and got "busy."
The second way is much much easier cause if you're honest they're gonna try to reconcile and rebuild the bridge you're burning. Sometimes conclusions aren't necessary imo