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/fa/ - Fashion

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11338882 No.11338882 [Reply] [Original]

>he spends all his money on designer clothes instead of putting it in a savings account like an adult

I'm sure you will find your gf once you own enough rick ;^)

>> No.11338886

only average joes and boring fucks care about 'savings'

live the life

>> No.11338889

almost got quads there

>> No.11338891

>not saving money by dying early

>> No.11338894

Enjoy being poor all your life
>living the life

>> No.11338968

>implying money will ever be an issue for me
poorfags, when will they learn

>> No.11339030

If you aren't making the money to be able to spend on the clothes you like while still saving a very large amount, you were never gonna be wealthy in the first place.

Sorry anon, penny pinching to improve your future minutely isn't worth the lack of present joy.

>> No.11339068

I don't think it's good to spend all your money on anything, obviously you should keep saving money, but what does a gf/bf have to do with this? Are you implying all ones savings should be blown on a lover? Fuccboi af

>> No.11339078

You could buy $3,000 in cheap clothes and $3,000 in designer clothes.

3 years from now, the designer clothes would hold significantly more of their value as opposed to the $3,000 worth of cheap clothes (H&M, Gap, Zara, most streetwear, Uniqlo, etc.)

Regardless, stupid thread that assumes you know the financial situation of every single person on here.

>> No.11339124

parents gave me 10mil and kicked me out at 18, now I own a high rise apartment in downtown NY and drive a maserati that they bought me for my 16th birthday. How does this make you feel op? I never worked a day in my life but I'm still richer than you'll ever be.

>> No.11339670

Not op but you sound desperate to prove something

>> No.11339678

>His job doesn't allow him to buy designer clothes and still have a ton of money left over

>> No.11339681

>>he spends all his money on designer clothes instead of putting it in a savings account like an adult

>Tfw buy tons of designer clothes
>Tfw have a healthy savings account

It's possible to do both my guy

>> No.11339682 [DELETED] 

>he thinks people here buy clothes to get a gf

Back to /r9k/ to you pussyslave.

>> No.11339683

That's nice, good for you anon.

>> No.11339785


>> No.11339797

"savings account"
dunno what it's like where you are but the rates fucking suck in the UK
get into trading stocks fellas, easy dough

>> No.11339825


>> No.11339829

you should shoot some cash

>> No.11339832

>implying being poor is effay

>> No.11339835
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>> No.11339975

In all seriousness, 10mil is on the lower end of the spectrum in Manhattan.