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/fa/ - Fashion

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11330800 No.11330800 [Reply] [Original]

I sometimes feel like im the only person in the world that gets that fashion is actually about expressing yourself

>> No.11330806

if your inner feelings can be expressed by layering pieces of cotton on your torso then you didnt have much to express to begin with

>> No.11330827
File: 501 KB, 1056x1080, 1458860835543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think thats the moronic thing ive heard this decade

>> No.11330864

>expressing yourself has only one meaning
>has to mean you wear all your inner emotions on your sleeve
>can't just be a sort of "snapshot" of what you're about

u stupid m8

>> No.11330867

HMm you shouldn't be in this board then anon.

>> No.11330868

>m-muh $2000 shirt with a funny word on it sewed by a cambodian rice farmer in their down time makes me special

>> No.11330869

this picture is so funny

>> No.11330881

>you wanna express yourself through your clothes?
>you must only buy overpriced, low-quality, hypebeast shit

if i just said that my main goal is to reflect who I am, why would you assume I only wear over-hyped and mass produced trash that every fuckboy on instagram spanks it to?

>> No.11330882

missing the point again

maybe find a shirt with a low iq score on it

>> No.11330898

what fucking point? all you did was spew meme words at me.

you made zero attempt to convey any reason why I shouldn't try to express myself through clothes (aka dress in what I think looks good, not what boards like /fa/ think)

did you actually think you were being insanely clever and insightful with that stupid greentext shit?

if you were attempting to put forward the same exact point again, then i'm not the one missing points. i pointed out a flaw with your first response and you responded with the exact same sentiment, just reworded in greentext.

>> No.11330907

the last thing the world needs is more self important special snowflakes showing the world their hobbies and interests through their clothing

>> No.11330908

and buy a beanie with "turbo mad" on it

>> No.11330912

i'm gonna stay heated about this for weeks

>> No.11330916

you're acting like to express yourself through clothes you have to straight wear shit that says "i'm ____" "i believe ______"

>> No.11330921

and how is it not? listen to yourself this is not tumblr

>> No.11330926

On the contrary it needs less sheeple. It needs individuals, people who follow their own happiness not else's ideal.

I hope this triggers you* That's why Nazism was shit, a bunch of dumb sheep with little artistic freedom.

>> No.11330928

no id just rather not see awkward internet kids wearing ill fitting thrift stuff to show they like mac demarco or people wearing weird as fuck ugly shit to prove youre so artsy etc

>> No.11330932

yeah youre right the most important thing in the world is my personal happiness and artistic freedom

>> No.11330955

Its our individual freedom. I support yours too don't be stupid as long as it doesn't fucks with the freedom of someone else.

>> No.11330962


our differing connotations of "expression" when it comes to clothes is where i think our misunderstanding is stemming from.

when i say you can express yourself through clothes, all i mean is wearing what YOU think looks good. Individual style doesn't have to mean unique over-the-top attention whoring shit. Wearing clothes that YOU think look good, not what you think will look cool in the eyes of others, is all that it takes to express yourself through your clothes. If I like certain music it doesn't mean I feel the need to dress like my favorite artists. Who i admire/like may speak to who I am and who I am affects how I dress, but that doesn't mean since I like Mac Demarco I'm gonna start dressing in strictly earth tone windbreakers and outdoor hats. Theres a degree of separation.

wrote this fast and i'm not sure my point got acorss very well. but i hope it kind of clears up what i'm talkin bout

>> No.11330992

you nerds are geting trolled stop responding lol

>> No.11331013

that pic looks like a goosebumps cover.