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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 65 KB, 620x417, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11328429 No.11328429 [Reply] [Original]

For the love of god w2c

>> No.11328434

Probably on your average American college campus bookstore

>> No.11328438

It was in the 60s

>> No.11328443

Seems interesting. Would.

>> No.11328451

a simple google search and you find out its custom made. if i wasnt lazy as fuck i would start a clothing brand around this and sell a copy of this hat for $35 a pop, profiting around $10 per hat sold and I would probably sell in the 100s to hypebeasts after carefully advertising said hat on websites like /fa/, /r/streetwear and /mfa. theres so much easy money to be made in clothing lol im sure i could make over 5 grands in the next month with this idea

>> No.11328459

Why you dont do it then? Really if you have an industrial printer to make those go right on ahead.

>> No.11328470

i dont have an industrial printer and i have no idea how to make hats like this. im sure i could easily figure it out tho

>> No.11328487

Do it

>> No.11328489

Profit anon. Get that money $€¥£¢ boy!

>> No.11328657

do it pussy

>> No.11328659

more like before 60s

>> No.11328691

That's destructive of the very idea of being /fa/

>> No.11328726

>youths being forced to go abroad to fight chinks

yea bub, it was great in the 60s. kek

>> No.11328735

Can a hat be any more Tumblr-core edgy?

Don't forget to have a cigarette in your mouth while staring into the distance when taking your fit pics with the hat OP.

>> No.11328742

fucking this
I hate these hats which have some dumb trying to be deep print on them.

>> No.11328752

fuck ur Tumblr-core edgytier shit, oh and fuck Trump

>> No.11328764

the same faggot

>> No.11328777

as if i give a fuck about the "idea of being /fa/" when im just trying to make money

>> No.11328781

feel the bern

>> No.11328981

>I'm mad about a hat

>> No.11328994

>fuck tumblr
>feel the bern

pick one

>> No.11329003

of course it's a black person holding it. I'm black and maybe my years of being on 4chan has fucked me up
But why are we so eager on Reappropriation of white symbols(wrong choice of words ik) same with stupid Afropunk.
When are we gonna make our own undefined things

>> No.11329506

hip hop/jazz/blues never happened

and im not even black

>> No.11329899

>not knowing the difference between chinks and gooks


>> No.11330518

you will look like a massive tool wearing this

>> No.11330543

Same for regular trump maga hats.

>> No.11330589

If that hat is what you consider deep, you must be really stupid.

>> No.11331167

if america was never great why don't the niggers go back to africa then

>> No.11331187

it was great for humans

>> No.11331217

The fact that she's able to print that on a hat and sell it for a profit proves her "statement" wrong. She lives in the richest democracy in the world, if it's so bad there's nothing stopping her from giving up all of her personal items (that includes your iPhone bb) and moving to Africa or somewhere far away from the evil western world. Just make sure you post a Facebook status and an IG post before you do so!

>> No.11331250

africa for the last 500 years has been the product of western meddling. why would that be the place to go to escape western influence? did you forget to look these things up before you started to jerk off about that fedora of a post you made?

>> No.11331252

because they're too busy cuckolding you cumskins lmao

>> No.11332185


absolutely destroyed

>> No.11332195

False. It was not until the 19th century that western medicine was advanced enough to render explorers and colonists immune from fatal diseases in the African continent.

>> No.11332225

because printing a text on a hat is only possible in a GREAT country, no less

>> No.11333531
File: 242 KB, 642x2676, 1460676434436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The delusions and fantasies of a jigaboo.

>> No.11333594


fuck you edgy spic; I want "America is already great "

>> No.11333603


>> No.11334076


>> No.11334083

fuck off with your ironic edgy bs
I bet you won't be able to pull it off anyways

>> No.11334119

thisll get u tha hoes op

>> No.11334122

you dont even need one. just hire one of the tons of buisinesses thatll print for you. spend 100 to print like 60 hats, sell each one for 35. $$prophet$$

>> No.11334133

im hispanic and ive been thinking about wearing this hat around the piss off all the dumb aggro white dudes around here.

>> No.11334138
File: 76 KB, 1024x1016, CifqH1qXIAA_72I.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After seeing how much people get triggered by it I want it.

>> No.11334144

I hope it's worth being harassed and possibly physically hurt over being ironic to people who haven't bothered you

grow up child

>> No.11334147

id never initiate violence. im not some sensitive kid either so i dont care about being harrassed. if someone wants to try to hurt me then they can try, but its not my fault aggro white dudes get stupid when a beaner wears sometihng they dont like, and its not my fault what happens to them afterwards.

>> No.11334172

Pretty good bait. 6/10

>> No.11334484

if i see you wearing this i will drop your twink ass on sight

>> No.11334883

finally someone with sense

do it. you'll probably be disappointed to be dragged in lengthy conversations instead of vitriolic confrontations... just make sure you've got something better to say than "walls are racist"

most actual trump supporters I've seen are spics anyway

>> No.11334893

was never great?
back to >>>africa then, my melanin-enriched ex-kween and shiet

>> No.11334894

Not ouside America

>> No.11334931

you're right, that would make it even worst

>> No.11334935

>ITT: Faggots getting triggered over a hat

>> No.11334984

isn't that the point?
besides, op was obviously triggered by trump's hat so much he wants to get a contrarian one of his own... does this cycle ever end? how will this madness unfold?

>> No.11335098

america is an awful place

>> No.11335307

so that's why the niggers in the us live miles better than their cousins in o' mighty africa...fuck outta here with that bullshit

>> No.11335341
File: 19 KB, 299x237, Birmingham_campaign_water_hoses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the 60s were great :^)

Could you maybe see how blacks might not feel that way

>> No.11336043
File: 320 KB, 964x1021, inhumain treatment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blacks can't swim :^)

that's a lie and you know it, you racist scum

>> No.11336058

>implying exploiting capitalist ideals on those less intelligent of you isn't /fa/

>> No.11336637

Fist post best post

>> No.11336653

I'm Hispanic and I'd rather wear a maga hat than this garbage. If you don't like America go back to the other side of the border, carnal.

>> No.11337102

Spend some time in the third world you entitled insulant child, or just publicly lynch or axe yourself, piece of utter material waste.

>> No.11337115



>> No.11337119

Conservatism is objectively not /fa/. It reminds inside old trends, styles, narrow views. Conservatives can never be /fa/ just go through a series of domesticated phases.

>> No.11337120

Blacks were treated better then they are now regardless of their legal rights.

>> No.11337134

Like I could care what the opinion is of politically impressionable college cunt leech.
>if you're not a entitled neo-liberal idealistic child you're conservative
Typical college cunt.

>> No.11338523


You have to go back Carlos.

>> No.11338538

traditionalism is the last truly radical political philosophy left in post modernity

>> No.11339235
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>> No.11339262


this is why nobody takes you kids seriously

>> No.11339413

>second nation in the world to end slavery behind england
>first nation to land on the moon
>cure polio
>become wealtheist nation in the world
>stop facism and communism
>never great

oversensitive victim mentality niggers wouldnt be happy unless they went back to africa and realized slavery is still common among tribes there in 2016

>> No.11339418

most lynched nig nogs were usually convicted of rape or murder themselves i was never just random people.

>> No.11339420
File: 41 KB, 245x398, This-Nigger-Voted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11339435

well this was under the assumption that nigs vote for gibs me dat mentality. they dont really give a shit about things like personal freedom or responsibility. Those are predominantly white idologies. most asian, latin american, black nations live under socialist or comunist or dictators or kings. Here we are 300 years later and to this date majoriy of blacks still vote left for da walfare even tho its kept them in perpetual poverty generation after generation and reliant on the government.

>> No.11339445

>Attempting to justify hanging a man because he expressed his will to a democratic vote

Fucking kill yourself

>> No.11339455


why do you post pics of suicide victims to try and give your claim any merits... for shame. seriously, have a little respect.

if what you said was true, you wouldn't need to lie about it. see>>11339262

>> No.11339491

>White's were never hung
Typical nigger logic

>> No.11339607

>>first nation to land on the moon

>> No.11339613


>> No.11339631

so many triggered cuckservatives in this thread lmao

>> No.11339633

you first, nigger

>> No.11339690

I should make these and "drumpf" gear and sell it to tumblrinas like op then donate half the profit to the trump campaign

>> No.11339751

hey, check this out >>11334984

>> No.11339915

wow. what an incredible insight
you should write a book

>> No.11340196

>I'm not triggered, you're the one who's being butthurt.
>n-no you

this whole thread is pathetic

>> No.11340252

fuck off, commie retard.

terkkuja rightwing faggot

>> No.11341047

>the convictions were always fair and honest
ok pal

>> No.11341316

If I was black I'd tweet this out after I voted lmao

>> No.11341327

totally a fake stuffed dummy for intimidation purposes

>> No.11341598

They're embroidered

>> No.11342806

I have one in my cuck shed that you can have

>> No.11342813

Dumb nigger. Go back to black hair threads where you do your best to chimp white hair styles despite your steel wool

>> No.11342815

Bunch of Chinese firms specialise in making small run clothing like this, for school sporting events for example. Quality isn't the best but that doesn't matter.

>> No.11342888

cultural exchange is nothing bad. Elements of 'black culture have been integrated in 'white culture', too, and that isn't jsut a recent phenomenon. Appropriation of each others culture is what humans did since neanderthals existed. Also, assuming you live in the usa, having a political position about politics which affect your very own life should matter to all people. It's not a 'white' thing.

>> No.11342899


>> No.11342918

>want welfare
>they don't really give a shit about things like personal freedom or responsibility

That sound like my country's economical lowest class, too. Just, that it consists of predominantly white people.

>> No.11342994

You can maybe see how it doesn't have to be great for the blacks to be great for everyone else.

Unless you're a cuck, which is entirely possible. If that is the case, carry on.

>> No.11342995

and i thought /fa/ was a /pol/-free board
/pol/ spreads like cancer, jesus

>> No.11343148

le ebin /pol/ boogeyman

perhaps you'd be more comfortable back over on reddit, cuck

>> No.11343189


>> No.11343283

Actually reddit is currently experiencing a unprecedented surge in conservatism.

>> No.11343545
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>> No.11343562

You're probably a Clinton supporter.

People who support Clinton have no notice in life, they drive their 7 year old Prius, spend their paycheck on bland 365 brand microwavable meals at whole foods, watch their wives fuck a bull, then go to sleep in their Ikea beds to do it all over in their cardigan, glasses to go work in a "creative " field with people who are still obsessed with warhol because they don't care anymore.

While if you're voting trump, you actually live a fucking life. And you have the money to not live in a liberal Soylent green lifestyle