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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.21 MB, 1000x1649, tumblr_mvffrzQiqq1rvhwhbo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11327061 No.11327061 [Reply] [Original]

Sci-fi fits of bounty hunters / space pirates / effay characters.
>inb4 its all lunarcore
Because it's not...

>> No.11327066

w2c jacket

>> No.11327113

This looks awful.
Go back to mfa

>> No.11327129

THIS. So much THIS. I wish you techwear faggots would just die already. You don't live on a space ship idiots. This is so cringe!

>> No.11327138 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 750x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this considered bounty hunter?

but its fun to pretend. i wish you unimaginative people would just die already

>> No.11327141

back to something awful you ugly pleb faggots

>> No.11327142
File: 406 KB, 2247x1771, Goslinglookalike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage goes in the options field

>> No.11327162

Where's the rest of the fit? Or are you asking if YOU look bounty hunter? Don't even know what to say.

>> No.11327183 [DELETED] 

i dont have a full length mirror and i dont really like my body

>> No.11327193

You don't need a full length mirror. If you have a sick enough fit then you find a way.
I once resorted to putting my phone on video mode, setting it up and then moving around a bit for a good angle in front of the camera and then screencapping it.

Depends on how good your phone/camera is obviously but it works.

>> No.11327220
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>> No.11327333

another tripfag to filter, nice

>> No.11327337

kill yourself

>> No.11327340
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1628, tumblr_mpud0iQn9U1rvhwhbo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy in the OP makes them from ww2 materials

his blog is herrurst.com if you want one

>> No.11327346


>> No.11327454


>> No.11327544

The previous comments are a bit harsh but the problem with these fits is that they stray from fashion into more dress-up/cosplay realm, which unless say you are an actual bounty hunter or a cool job like a fighter plane mechanic not many people can pull it off

>> No.11327563

if you're not ugly you can pull of pretty much anything

>> No.11327573

fuck off eliza im not even joking you're the worst person on this board
you would not get any attention if you wern't female. remember that

>> No.11327587

yeah honestly, i think theres a line between looking cool and wearing a literal costume. its like when you see people who dress as punks- i get that its a 'style' but its completely dead so youre just dressing up as one of them at this point.
i mean dont get me wrong i think this stuff is cool to look at, and inventive too especially if the guy makes this shit out of ww2 mats. i wouldnt wear this stuff, but then i wouldnt wear any of the shit that comes out of the runway (ricky or not) but i still enjoy looking at it because its new and sort of cool.
if OP could find more shit like this I wouldnt mind seeing more.

>> No.11327608

that's cool and all but kinda redundant

>> No.11327624

so is everything else then. if you saw this shit under the name of a top brand being modelled down the runway you wouldnt bat an eye, but when a 'regular' person does it you think its pointless and dumb. see the hypocrisy here?

>> No.11327629

I have no idea what you're talking about. I think the OP fit is great and I like runway fashion.

My point is that it's nice that you have opinions but at the end nobody cares.

>> No.11327640

go back to r9k then you fucking pussy. thanks for telling me that having opinions is nice, as if i didnt already know that. otherwise i wouldnt have any fucking opinions. are you baiting or just dumb?

>> No.11327668

Why are you so agitated? Can't handle someone having a different opinion?

>> No.11327798

you can use that to hide your mouth but we all still know you need to brush your teeth

>> No.11327852

tfw i dont live on a spaceship

>> No.11327857
File: 78 KB, 533x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep photos of homeless people?
Also w2c everything

>> No.11328504
File: 80 KB, 700x525, empire-bounty-hunters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c right's yellow coveralls?

>> No.11329009
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>> No.11329021

>dresses like a sci-fi character
>looks like he works in an office

/fa/ in a nutshell

>> No.11329027

you must be very bored today
find a hobby

>> No.11329037
File: 981 KB, 1124x1892, tumblr_o6tq5wAkcA1rvhwhbo1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off newfag

>> No.11329067

>have been going on 4chan longer than /fa/ has been around

kek off, m8

>> No.11329099

that's really not something to be proud of

>> No.11329110
File: 42 KB, 400x400, diorhomm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11329114

it is in fact a curse
I am bound to 4chan against my will

>> No.11329169

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up. You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your trpicode if it isn't necessary to the conversation. It's poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post you're making. If you are not keen on making this change, you are free to explore other websites more suitable to your taste. Reddit.com and 9gag are two great places for you to start.

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.11329186

You're on a fashion board and you're too scared to post your fit? How pathetic. For a low life attention whore, you sure are insecure. Don't be embarrassed about your pudgy body, I'm sure the folks at /r9k/ will appreciate you in a butterface thread.

>> No.11329199 [DELETED] 
File: 1006 KB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not pudgy and just because im a girl and the only one here doesnt make me an attentionwhore

>> No.11329204

you're on /fa/ but you're too insecure to post your fit. you don't belong here.

>> No.11329210

That outfit is just ridiculous looking. It is not flattering. What is with the weird piping? Flotation device?

>> No.11329213

what the fuck are you doing in this board
gtfo attentionwhore cunt

>> No.11329214 [DELETED] 

maybe its cosplay? can you relax
you dont tell me where i belong

>> No.11329219

it's not even that she's female. she rarely (almost never) gets compliments, so it's not due to attractiveness/gender. she gets attention because she shitposts so much, and it's in almost every thread. none of the attention is positive, mind you. she would get guaranteed replies even if she were pretty.

>> No.11329220 [DELETED] 

why are you so triggered by a girl posting an outfit?
have you never seen one before or what

>> No.11329224

just drop the tripcode and everyone in theory will stop being a dick towards you

>> No.11329227

not him, but you should consider killing yourself anon

>> No.11329230

It's the tripcode and whining that make you an obvious attention whore.

Women post fits and advice requests on here, often blacking out part of their facial features for privacy. It's a fashion board, so of course you need to post a pic if you want feedback on your fit.

>> No.11329238 [DELETED] 

i do get compliments by people here, so shut up already, dont reply to me if you have nothing valuable to say
im not going to do what you say, i wanted a tripcode myself and ill stop using it when i want. how hard is that to understand freak
im not whining, i didnt show my face , why are you telling me this when it doesnt apply to me? leave me alone

>> No.11329246

This is a joke right? Leave this fucking board already ... fuck

>> No.11329251

You put on a dirty ski gaiter and a hood? You have no fit. You are attention whoring and obviously very delusional please leave

>> No.11329253

She's obviously doing this on purpose. Lets just filter her trip and be done with it.

>> No.11329255

>if you have nothing valuable to say

pot calling the kettle black

>> No.11329256


>> No.11329258



no like seriously, fucking leave nobody cares you don't belong here.

>> No.11329268 [DELETED] 

why dont you? you cant handle other peoples feelings or opinions, just leave
how is it dirty? do you know how often i wash my clothes? no? so dont call it dirty or anything else i own.
and youve said so much valuable stuff yourself right
thank you <3

>> No.11329276

got instagram?

>> No.11329279
File: 311 KB, 900x702, 4688586+_2400335c78bd8ec260a5b85328385d74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean drop it when/if you want, personally I don't care or see what the problem is with a trip. However don't complain about being persecuted by this awful board/site whenever you post while you have it in use.
Also no need for name calling.

>> No.11329507


I really want those shoes.

>> No.11329533

>im not going to do what you say, i wanted a tripcode myself and ill stop using it when i want. how hard is that to understand freak

It's ok, you were too young to be on this site the last time it was forced anon so I get if you don't understand the animosity towards using a tripcode. It really does defeat the purpose of this site and there is culture related to anonymity that you are preventing.

>> No.11329551
File: 178 KB, 1080x720, 1464108602645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only shit threads get derailed by eliza anyway. she's the new "you've been visited by x" etc. used to shut down trash threads like this one, now that sage is gone

and she's queen of comfycore.

>> No.11329564


>> No.11329574

saging this thread to confirm that sage is gone (I don't believe you)

>> No.11329585

she would b so pretty if it weren't for her rampant acne ://

>> No.11329594

Saging again just to inform the public that sage does in fact still work and should be used in any replies to tripfags or namefags.

>> No.11329605

wait, does sage still work? was it just made invisibile? I stopped browsing 4chan like 3 years ago so I've been out of the loop

>> No.11329610

>and she's queen of comfycore.
more like queen of stankville, population: her rotting mouth

>> No.11329611

Oh I guess it does. Making it invisible is still stupid, there's a value to publically signalling sage - to let the newfags know whatever cancer's being saged is undesirable. else they'll think its acceptable behavior and imitate them when they're assimilating.

that's how cancer works, it spreads if ignored.


>> No.11329712

Who's heaven?

>> No.11329801


>> No.11329930

you're not fashionable. You're not even trying. You're just getting a kick out of triggering people who are actually passionate about fashion. This board was already dying since like 2012, thanks for helping put a nail in the coffin, Hannah.

>> No.11329935


>> No.11329940

She's cute

Also you guys are pretty pathetic for getting mad over some tripfag and a little shitposting. Don't forget this is just a Mongolian horse milking imageboard, why don't you go out more ?

>> No.11329956

Hannah Ohlin from Tallahassee, Florida

>> No.11329959

thats fine as long as you respect that all tripfags get shit on and filtered

>> No.11329977

kys white knight
nice job defending a mentally ill retard

>> No.11330045

Mentally ill or not, I think she's really cute, and its part of our natural instincts as males to protect our "potential mating partners".

>> No.11330104

Jesus Christ is this what /fa/ has become? Smear your shit around this place if you want, but sit in the corner and think about your life choices.

>> No.11331172

can you start tripping so i can filter you? thanks in advance

>> No.11331378

lmfao did she just delete everything and stop posting cuz you dox'd her?

Great work anon

>> No.11331379

No, janitor just cleaned up and she mightve gotten banned

>> No.11331397

Thank god either way. I think he was right though cuz if you look that name up on facebook it's totally got her photos.

>> No.11331399

who cares though she was nothing special

>> No.11331410

The whole thing is just funny is all I guess.