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11324281 No.11324281 [Reply] [Original]

Just a picture of me at a speech yesterday.

Do you think the suit was a little too much for them? I think it looks good on me.

>> No.11324288

Leaving the country in worse shape than W but liberals don't mention it because of the color of his skin....

Who's the real racist?

I see the man for the horrid job that he did, you see him as a strawman for civil rights

>> No.11324297


Shut up fatty nobody cares

>> No.11324309

Hey I'm voting trump and all but he didn't do that bad of a job... he didn't really do anything

>> No.11324327

Well you come to the paradox, in a dire situation

Is it better to do nothing or is it better to try and fail?

Obama chose to stand idle for 8 years and collect a check....

In my opinion that show's a man's true colors..he isn't someone you can count on

>> No.11324519


>> No.11324537

Can you please list everything you hate about Obama and use a lot of racist slurs? Thanks.

>> No.11324538

>using ellipses
Only a tripfag please leave

>> No.11324542
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>> No.11324608


>> No.11324641

t. tripfag

>> No.11324686

you're asking me to write out a list of all of Obama's fuck ups in the last 8 years"

Obama care is a taxing/possibly industry changing illogical aspect on the healthcare industry, cash4cars was a huge economic blunder, bailouts at the start of his term and the too big to fail because they helped him get elected mentality, lost foot hold in japan and furthering the deficit, letting china increase it's foot hold on the US

he rests on the laurels of killing bin laden

bin laden's death was squarely on the effort of the United States military and those in the pentagon Obama literally just responded to an email saying "okay"

begging civilians not to draw pictures of muhamad on socail media aka being cucked by some poor ass sand niggers, housing levels dropped, welfare levels increased, overall buying power of middle and lower class americans are significantly lower than it was in 1999....and that's squarely through big government and slow to react to policy changes.

>> No.11324706

killy and sieg are cancer

>> No.11325175

You are a cancer on this board, please just stop posting

>> No.11325260

You can report his political opinions