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11317476 No.11317476 [Reply] [Original]

do yall smoke ciggies? i do it only when im out with my youngins prolly once a month, is that bad for ma health senpai?

>> No.11317501
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>> No.11317540


>> No.11317563

No because it makes you close smell like shit.

inevitably I will end up smoking some though, I'm not proud of it it's just a large part of the people I'm around.

>> No.11317573


>> No.11317896

this is bad but the only reason why I avoid cigs and alcohol is because i dont want to speed up aging
also p much why im vegan (that clear skin and shite)

neo-liberalism 101 my "values" are at a base level pure narcissism

>> No.11318067

Yeah, I fucking chainsmoke all the time. Hate it, but I have a rather extreme lifestyle so it's still better than other stimulants I tried using to support it.

>> No.11318073

>im vegan
it happened again

>> No.11318083

cigarettes are like 12$ a pack here in canada

you can fuck right off with that

>> No.11318101
File: 21 KB, 300x171, bluedrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're £10 here in bongistan so I roll my own

pic related its best tasting high street tobacco

>> No.11318125

elaborate on your lifestyle pls

>> No.11318152

non-vegan people make a bigger fucking deal about being vegan than vegans do.
seriously if anyone offers me something with meat in it and i politely say i'm a vegan, its like i stood up sieg heiled

>> No.11318170

im a health god, use to smoke cigs casually with the squadfam (once every 6 months) but the last cig i smoked made me feel like my body was going to shut down so the only thing im ever smoking now is that fucking dank weed

#health lord problems

>> No.11318173


non-vegan people make a bigger fucking deal about being vegan than vegans do.

non-vegan people make a bigger fucking deal about being vegan than vegans do.

non-vegan people make a bigger fucking deal about being vegan than vegans do.

non-vegan people make a bigger fucking deal about being vegan than vegans do.

non-vegan people make a bigger fucking deal about being vegan than vegans do.

>is it true yet

>> No.11318179

vegans aren't healthy you are literally killing yourself with your pussy cuck behavior

>> No.11318191

he's right

anti-vegans make more noise than vegans
anti-sjws make more noise than sjws

>> No.11318198


says vegans

>> No.11318199


Nothing interesting, just a job in finance and going to nightclubs too often. I've been averaging about four hours of sleep per night for these last two month, I think.

>> No.11318222

yes, i wanted to try the "vaporizing" cigarettes because they're supposed to be cheaper but I heard they were about as cool as fedoras so I guess I'll just have to die of cancer.

>> No.11318227

perhaps, but the anti-anti-vegans are the loudest of all.

>> No.11318456

No because I'm a distance athlete

>> No.11318463

>literally killing yourself
how nigger

>> No.11318474

only on work breaks

>> No.11318476

boges feel so fucking good

>> No.11318483

Please post a smaller picture, takes hours loading for me

>> No.11318492

Tried Bank? It's a bit pricey but it's so fuckin tasty

>> No.11318711

you're a funny guy

>> No.11318717

Woah, v extreme senpai

>> No.11318729

I used to play in bands/tour, and because of that life I was a pack a day pretty quickly. Besides half the bands smoking, it helped with the drives, the constantly feeling anxious or tired, and it was dope when the band sucked and you got an excuse to sneak outside.

I don't do loads of that anymore though, I quit a couple weeks ago. God I miss it.

>> No.11318905

kek try living in australia
If i want to buy a 25 gram pouch of decent roll your own tobacco its around $30, with plans to increase it even more.
Theyre saying a pack of ciggies could cost upwards of $50 by next year.

>> No.11320263

If you hate them so much then let them kill themselves. Does it really affect you?

>> No.11320278

What the fuck? 6€ a pack in germany

>> No.11320289

Ciggies make you smell like shit and they make your sense of taste and smell fuck off. They are good though.

I tried vaping, I even went into the deep end immediately and spent about €100 on a rig, but it's just not the same, and like >>11318222
said, they're essentially fedoras if you spend money on a good one.

>> No.11320320

Or just vape at home

>> No.11320346

smells like bbq sauce amirite

>> No.11320480

Dafür haben wir andere Probleme.

>> No.11320493


>> No.11320499

My friends dad vapes. The key is to act naturally and do it naturally. Don't vape in the fucking mall.

>> No.11320502

No. And it is bad for your health.

I've smoked a cigar once in my life, but that's about it. Nasty shit.

>> No.11320512

>Ifunny/9gag memes
Pls stop it, its not funny when you are an adult

>> No.11320965
File: 131 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course , how will i pull tumblr-core girls if i can't take a picture like this

>> No.11321303

if you want to avoid aging, start wearing sunscreen now

>> No.11321435


my skin is already shit so fuck it