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11308092 No.11308092[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why are white people such an embarassment

>> No.11308098
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good bye white people your time is up

race of cuckolds

>> No.11308101
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>> No.11308102
File: 1.50 MB, 1616x1098, Screen Shot 2016-05-20 at 10.06.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel bad for white people

>> No.11308105

Who the fuck is Ian Connor

>> No.11308106
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they are accepting defeat

>> No.11308111
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white boys on suicide watch

>> No.11308114
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its over for you fucking cucks. the white race is done

>> No.11308177

>posting pics of getting blown with a smug grin
>not being able to enjoy it without other people knowing
>is revered

what the fuck is going on

>> No.11308190

just the end of the white race

enjoy brother

>> No.11308196

Can you blame the guy I'd want the world to know

Although I'm not sure I could ever be getting morning double head from a pair of blondes and be so accustomed to it that I'm capable of pulling myself away enough to take photos of it. Like unless this is literally every single morning for him, I can't imagine how he's so detached from what's happening

>> No.11308222

probably the first thing i'd think of in that situation is how to flex on my friends

>> No.11308223

you're the reason why this board shit

>> No.11308235

The OP and the OPs of every other unrelated trash thread on this board are the reason this board is shit, and has been for years now

I just come here to wallow in the shit seeing as there's nothing else on offer

>> No.11308267

Tbh it feels nice being the most desired race in almost every developed country, the most successful race (economically and militarily), and one of the only two races capable of technological innovation

White people are literally the master race. Everyone else keeps pretending that our ancestor's conquering the world was just some coincidence, but honestly think about it. We'd still be blidgeoning each other's skulls in with shoddy obsidian-edged sticks if not for Asians and Caucasians. Arabs had their moment too I guess, but they're too violent and religious to make anything work in the long run.


>> No.11308284

Isn't division by race a silly concept

>> No.11308289

cumskins btfo yet again
nice one bro!

>> No.11308291

why are people so into that ESPN sports coloumnist?

>> No.11308306

Tell that to liberals.

>> No.11308316

so glad i have no idea what any of this bullshit is about

>> No.11308326

weak white boys get fanboy tattoos of ian connors name

ian connor is pictured here >>11308111

>> No.11308328
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All you need to know is that you gotta hit report on the thread, the porn and the guys talking about politics. They will be banned.

So help me out anon.

>> No.11308334
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>ian connor taught me

what has happened to my people? i migh justt kill myself soon just to escape having to get my head around this current world

>> No.11308338

>the porn and the guys talking about politics
>but the op is fine

killy your posts annoy me more and more each passing day

>> No.11308357

Piss off cancerfag

>> No.11308372
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>hit report on the thread, the porn and the guys talking about politics

Dumb. I want to believe you're one of the guys who were discussing politics here just so you learn to read. No wonder why you guys spam debates all day, you dweebs don't even read just send replies.

>> No.11308385

killy shut the fuck up you tryhard

>> No.11308585

stop obscuring the BBC!

>> No.11308669

I got my hands tattooed when i was 17, three years later and im now removing them with lasersurgery, id never get tattoos again, so happy i started the lasertreatment.
I dont want to be a whitetrash whore anymore