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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 164 KB, 1023x750, IMG_1281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11307311 No.11307311[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

before (3-4 yrs ago)
after (ytd)

>> No.11307315


>> No.11307319


i guess my innocence/personality might be
other than that i think i look better

>> No.11307320 [DELETED] 


>> No.11307332

Nose definitely, lips no.

>> No.11307333


When I visit Toronto I'll hit you up gurl :]

>> No.11307334

droopy eyes
saggy face and mouth
wider chin
lost your natural tan
you look like a depressed syrian refugee

>> No.11307342

yeah..my upper lip is just swollen..stupid dental hygienist accidentally put the suction hose on my lip..hurts like a bitch
last time i did anything to them was almost a year ago..

hahah how do u recognize me?

my eyes are less droopy
ok maybe sagginess is tru (ughhhh smoking)
wider chin ---> isnt a well defined jaw a good think
i think its the lighting re: the tan
ok yea maybe im less happy than i used to be but isnt everyone..

>> No.11307346

looks like a seneca student card

>> No.11307351

your eyes ARE droopy now. the first pic you couldnt see your eyelids at all but now you can and it makes you look tired/sad
your jaw was fine and still is but your chin looks wider which doesnt give your face a v-taper like it had before

>> No.11307354

I think she looks prettier now

>> No.11307359


It's chloe-fiend. Whenever I'm bored and had a little to drink I check /fa/ sometimes haha

You know you're hot, stop playin'

>> No.11307362

Did you use cocaine?

>> No.11307367

thank you
it's also been 3 years at least..and my lifestyle choices havent really been the best for aging well

droopiness implies hooded eyelids. the only reason the lids werent visible before was due to dry skin (winter/not taking good care of skin)

hmm maybe re: width. it;s still my actually jaw that is wider tho (due to teeth grinding/clenching). the chin is the same size.

>> No.11307370

aw youre sweet aha

ahah please dont tell me i have a coke face..not sure how/where you got that from
i mean yea ive done it a handful of times..not regularly for sure..adderall on the other hand........

>> No.11307390 [DELETED] 

my nose is fucked as your before. should i get a nosejob

>> No.11307400

my before nose wasnt *that* bad ok
honestly no one can even tell the diff
if u had the money/were serious about it u would be sure about getting it done..its not exactly cheap/an impulse buy

>> No.11307403

She's a qtp2t

>> No.11307406
File: 865 KB, 810x654, thennnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my doc was way too conservative imo

>> No.11307407 [DELETED] 

lol it was fractured and bent. did you break it or were you born like that?

>> No.11307410

thank u
im alright..def not enough to get by in life with my looks alone..which i why i was SUPPOSED to be studying for the past 6 hurs but did nothing
i hate myself ugh

>> No.11307418

.....no i didnt break it
my brother's nose also swerves to the side...i get it from my dad

>> No.11307443 [DELETED] 

i'm gonna get mine done once i get the money. mine looks slightly better than yours in the before. although mine was broken.

it only looks bad in certain lighting but it just kind of bothers me

>> No.11307446

i hope the left is after

>> No.11307453 [DELETED] 

post pictures of your ass

>> No.11307455

You honestly looked better before.

>> No.11307467
File: 743 KB, 990x460, Screen Shot 2016-05-20 at 2.35.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly whatever
no one ages in reverse
have to take the good with the bad
my skin/nose etc are def better so im just gonna be happy with that and maybe stop clenching my jaw so much

>> No.11307477

Is right after? You look younger.

>> No.11307480

yeah after=right in all of them

>> No.11307482

What did you do?
you looked way better before, and i don't think its only the nose.

>> No.11307483

i gained weight/got fillers/take better care of my skin/sleep a bit more

>> No.11307484

i like the after
but also this is /fa/ so of course these replies are expected
for every nice reply there will be a handful of insults
your neck is gr8
post collarbone

>> No.11307486

Where are you from?
For some reason you look like a paki in all the after photos.

>> No.11307488

gurl fuck that shit who gives a fuck

come live in norway and mary me bby the wellfare here is fucking great if we marry

hit me up if u in sexy

>> No.11307496

ah, now you give a clearer picture. i retract my statement >>11307455

as long as you're happy, then it's good.

>> No.11307497

honestly yeah everyone looks good at 20 (before pics)
im now 23 and b/w then and now i took a ton of adderall, drank a ton (3 times a week for a long time), started smoking a lot, have a stressful life (work, senpai, relationships, school etc) and gained/lost weight
in terms of cosmetic stuff yea i had a nose job. ive gotten fillers (nasolabial and undereye..only recently tho ..past 6 mths), got my lips done last year (most of it has dissolved), got a small amount of botox to lift my brows (last year..all faded)
also started getting facials every month and eating healthier/lifting weights

>> No.11307500

idk wtf that is...wrote family

>> No.11307501

lol you haven't been here in a while, they filtered f-a.m

>> No.11307502

thanks appreciate it

>> No.11307506

Ok, its the lips that put me off.
Lip surgery its always a no-no, i hate that duck mouth style.You didnt needed it in the first place.

And please stop with fillers, you still look nice, dont ruin it.

>> No.11307522

you're using this thread for compliments
which is fine
but you're grown now
hope the permanent work made you feel better
as for the work that fades, just get more comfortable with yourself
god knows no one on this board is

>> No.11307526

>women are now browsing a board full of autistic gay men on thursday nights

what happen? did chad kill himself or something? i thought women were too cool to be here.

>> No.11307534

no, the small percentage of the people on here are girls smart enough to not post themselves in order to avoid posts such as :

post feet



>> No.11307548

While I don't think you should act unnatural smiling makes you look much better.

Do you live in South Asia or in a Western Country with a large Desi culture?

>> No.11307567

not a compliment u whorre

>> No.11307672

Remember when you told me I'd be nothing, and you were going to marry rich by now and that you'd have an amazing degree.

Funny thing is my life skyrocketed further upwards all those years ago

And now you're just some drug addicted slut. Abusing that Adderall really helped huh sand nigger?

>> No.11307689

You better pray there's a surgery for confidence you attention whoring ugly fuck

>> No.11307693

its almost 5am here..cant go out tn cause i have class tmr

yeah i should smile more i agree. canada

uhhh i never said that. do whatever u want with ur life
i do have that degree fyi..im back in school for something else. not addicted are u dumb..and my romantic life isnt all that bad desu..could be worse

>> No.11307697

so saying thank you is being an attention whore now...umm okkkkk then

>> No.11307698

No offense but as a brown guy who grew up in the US looking at your pictures you looked like a typical FOB brown girl. I'm pretty sure it's because you don't smile in your pictures.

In person you may not seem that way due to mannerisms and such, but that's how it comes across in pictures. No offense in any way of course, just the first thing that popped into my head.

>> No.11307701

Seto Kaiba you're still here after 7 or 8 years, still unhappy, still trust fund, still butthurt for some reason. It didn't sky rocket... Keep trying but stop focusing on others, focus on improving yourself & don't be narrow minded.

>> No.11307702

fobs dont smile in pics? :S

was born here...

>> No.11307710

Have you ever been around Desi culture and seen pictures of FOB Desi girls? They look soulless and don't smile at all.

>> No.11307714

You look better in the image on the left than on the right.

Same here >>11307406 and here >>11307467

I sure hope the "after" images are the ones on the left.

>> No.11307717

idk i just dont smile that often in pics for some reason
or in general unless im with friends or somehting
lately been trying to smile more but it hurts my face/feels weird unless im actually thinking of something funny...plus yeah i guess its good to be approchable but when i smile too much ppl keep trying to make small talk with me/ask for directions and shit like that...and 90% of the time i dont want to talk to random ppl
should try being less antisocial i geuss

>> No.11307719

well if u can read at all you'll get your answer

huh...idk dont think ive really seen any/noticed this trend..a lot of ppl dont smile in pics..dont think its a fob thing

>> No.11307722

i honestly have like only 1-2 brown friends..and theyre pretty westernized

>> No.11307723

So you're just sicklylooking rather than sicklysweet?

Classic sand nigger name too

>> No.11307724

get a life
i didnt ask for your opinion
jesus talk about attention whoring...

>> No.11307725

See that's the thing, if it hurts your face and feels weird to smile then that's more of a sign that you should probably start smiling naturally a lot more. What about when you're by yourself?

The fact that it hurts your face and feels weird just shows that it's probably extremely unnatural for you. Are you just extremely anxious and depressed?

>> No.11307730

Everytime you come here the vast majority of the men here tell you you're not too attractive and any surgery you have undertaken is a step backward

You managed to show up with even more cosmetic surgery and a 25 pound weight gain touting as if you have made tremendous leaps forwards.

You must be a marketing major because you're trying so hard to spin these fuck ups as positive life changing events

>> No.11307734

who sits alone and smiles to themselves..if i saw someone doing that id think they were nuts..but yeah i get what u mean
im very anxious, yes. i wouldnt say depressed but im normally studying/busy..when i take 2-3 days off im sooo happy..smiling all the time..being friendly to strangers etc
otherwise im tired/cranky/in my feelings too much..usually from lack of sleep/anxiety about some future goal im trying to meet..being in public makes in 1000x worse..cant stand ppl even looking at me

>> No.11307736

bitch bye
i weigh 110-115 lbs (im 5'5")
i have an accounting degree and am in school for comp sci now
my life is fine...not perfect but prob way better than urs

>> No.11307737

When I say alone I mean just by yourself at your place? And people smile to themselves all the time when they're in a state of happiness, your social anxiety just probably makes you grossly overthink this dude.

Some future goal you're trying to meet, Brown parents expectations?

>> No.11307739

Then why do you come here in intervals for a few months, responding to the 2-3 positive or neutral comments you have and responding with "thanks"

Averaging 2-3% positive responses in each thread with fewer and fewer as you age.

Does that provide you with enough ego to continue on with your ISIS supporting rhetoric?

>> No.11307743

no my own...comparing myself to friends/ppl i went to school with/where i want to be in life
blegh its def from lack of sleep/caffeine etc etc
def need to find someway to manage the anxiety tho..being in a city its impossible not to be surrounded by ppl 24/7

>> No.11307752

Just because the expectations are your own doesn't mean they weren't heavily influenced by your parents. Maybe the expectations are your own, but your views of success and what constitutes as success are influenced by your parents.

And with Brown/Asian parents, this has a ton to do with academics and prestige.

After you get your current degree I honestly recommend taking some time to work on your anxiety and social skills. What's the use of living a "successful" life if you're always going to be anxious and you aren't able to have close intimate friends and connections?

>> No.11307760

You should fuck the young 18 yo /fa/ posters that give you compliments just to piss off Sieg because nobody except ugly fat cows want to fuck with him and he feels undesired in comparison.

>> No.11307763

ok my parents really dont care how much money i make/what i study...its more about what i want in life
i have friends...idk ive just always kept my circle small..i have tons of acquaintances but only 2-3 friends i can really trust/be real with
the anxiety is annoying yea..it comes and goes..should def actually do soemthing about it tho..yoga and meditating seems so corny..yoga doesnt work..should try meditating..lazy tho

>> No.11307769

She has HPV, and hsv-2 from her early 20's promiscuity..... have fun with that.

Aren't brown parents just happy their kids aren't martyrs....any disgusting paki is so underachieving that if a kid doesn't pack a rice cooker with nails and plastic explosive it's considered a success

Trump will take care of you all shortly

>> No.11307777

While I don't doubt you have friends you can be real with, it helps to be able to not have the social anxiety so you can open up to more people and guys. Social anxiety is a huge killer when it comes to dating, whether that be a relationship or a FWB or what have you.

The anxiety is because you're afraid of the future, expectations. Meditation helps but I also recommend you try to understand anxiety and not just treat it as some NEET's on 4chan do.

I'm probably going to go to sleep soon. Just trying to give some friendly advice, from one brown person who's gone through a lot of similar stuff to another.

Why do people respond to this guy? Just leave him alone and he'll get his attention elsewhere. Don't get triggered buy his silly messages.

>> No.11307784

yea dating and drinking go hand and hand for me..def not the best solution

gnight & thx

>> No.11307797
File: 38 KB, 430x290, Calculated risk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hsv-2 from her early 20's promiscuity

So do I.


>> No.11307799 [DELETED] 

>dating and drinking

you mean getting dumped in

>> No.11307800

i dont have any drd
he's a troll

>> No.11307802

I sometimes like to talk with Sieg about the old community but you're right he seems too unhappy and grumpy for his own good, the old man will not lead to something fulfilling ever, he hasn't had any friends for so long and is very lonely.

>> No.11307806

So we won't be having any hot, steamy herpes-sex?

>> No.11307808

Take that back, not going to sleep but probably going to lay in bed and think up inspiration for a short story.

If you don't mind me asking, what exactly do you mean by "dating"? Like what does a date even look like for you with your social anxiety?

Eh, he's just looking for attention. Just ignore him and he'll either go away or start to get desperate for attention on here which is funny to watch. Win/Win situation.

>> No.11307811

You look lovely now , but I definitely prefer the before. You were pretty then as well in a very effortless/classic kind of way? It's appealing because it didn't look generic.

>> No.11307816

i go on a lot of dates
had a bf for a while
i dont have an issue unless i like the guy...then i get so flustered/panicky and drink to calm myself down or just act plain weird
its not hard for me to get into relationships/get dates..just not many with actual substance/an equal attraction b/w both parties
i think i'll be fine with that desu..more worried about career. i know im attractive. just scared i wont stay this way for mcuh longer..also i dont have the greatest personality..really vain (as u can see) and self absored

>> No.11307821

thanks but
oh God...honestly that person doenst exist anymore
theres no way i can look that way again and no way id even want to
its one tiny pic for a student card..
i have no clue what is attractive about the before other than less facial fat/jawline
the eyes are beadier/makeup a mess..huge nose

>> No.11307827

At least you recognize your personality flaws
You need to realize that you're honestly not attractive enough to be vain.

The only people whom you appeal to in relationships of any substance are Arabs.

Other men just want sex because your skin tone is different and you're an experience not a person worth knowing to them

>> No.11307869

O will never understand why a cute girl needs to go to plástico surgery. Your nose is better but for gods sake no one wants lips like a monkey. Thats just Kardashian shit that you girls eat and ebd spending money. You are beautiful i would hit hard but get your shit together. Also stop being a crybaby with the coke and drinking

>> No.11307874

So it seems like most of the dates are just boring and pointless kind of?

Anyways I'm legit going to sleep now. Good luck with everything.

See, desperate for attention. Just don't reply to the silly guy and he'll go away

>> No.11307883

and ur like the bizarro world him. stop being a white knight and then saying "dont reply to this silly boi!!" and then continue to reply to him. fuck.

>> No.11307886

Why even bother getting cosmetic surgery? You looked pretty cute before assuming that is you.

>> No.11307890

im gay I dont even like women but this discussion is stupid and sieg is hungry for attention

>> No.11307906

You know white knighting isn't going to get you laid, and clinging to "I'm gay lol I don't want her" is furthering your thirsty ass from getting any pussy

You're legit pathetic dude, no bitch wants a pathetic numale that "defends a woman's honor" online or that proves who is the most liberal. Anti-phobic w/e.

You're always going to be used by women, in this case for ego, in the next case protesting whatever garbage cause, and even fiscally supporting a quirky girls patron or etsy/amazon wish list.

You're a fucking beta

>> No.11307908

I was cute..now I'm "hot' apparently
I want to maintain my looks for a bit >>11307874
Yea I usually date ppl who look good on paper

>> No.11307913

It's funny how /fa/ has pretensions of being a board full of skinny white cigarette-smoking certified chilling on the street corner "coolest people on 4chan" fuccbois but one girl posts a grainy picture of a pleasant body in some boring ass clothes and suddenly you all turn into gibbering goobninja virgins harassing gas station clerks in your sick raf hi tops with dickies jeans and getting into your 1999 pontiac sunfire to go back to your parents basement and drink the energy drinks you bought while masturbating to pictures of fags on lookbook and telling yourselves that the reason you don't post fits in WAYWT is because its 2dope2cope but really you're just fat

>> No.11307916

No you look older and your lips are weird as fuck. Stop doing that to yourself. Jesus christ girls dont really get it

>> No.11307921

this is mostly true but in this case the op has been pulling off these thinly-veiled self-affirmation threads for years and its really fucking transparent

now that doesnt really excuse the behavior of this thread but in this case its really hard to sympathize w/ her

>> No.11307949

next time dont try so hard to make an epic post

>> No.11307953
File: 32 KB, 259x229, IMG_20160520_034505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is like this big big big public forums with no registration, few rules & low moderation. Generalizing & taking opinion seriously here is a bigger mistake than in other forums, everyone is different anon-kun.

>> No.11307974

Ya cause i am older
I know about the lips I stopped

>> No.11307989
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1416817297245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


remember when tripsk met this chick in a club and said she seemed kind of autistic

>> No.11308020

ebin post m'lady, make sure to post it on tumblr so I can give you a like and a reblog too

>> No.11308212

Yes but she didn't say "kind of"

>> No.11308436

u looked better in the first one lol
good job on wasting your money

>> No.11308455

pics or didnt happen

>> No.11308468

Pleaaaaase let the left be after

>> No.11308483
File: 1.16 MB, 1440x1440, Screenshot_2016-05-20-09-21-08-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a wannabe scene kid on the right, not much has improved but I'm not a complete idiot

>> No.11308487

You've gotten a lot worse now that you think its ok to wear stupid anime shirts

>> No.11308498

To be fair it is a band shirt, but I'm not saying that's much better

>> No.11308517


>> No.11308530

You look much better man, congrats.

>> No.11308917
File: 289 KB, 1545x1047, 2m4djlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely feel I went from a 3/10 to a solid 8/10

>> No.11308938

I liked you better fat

>> No.11308952

Enrique you're not a solid 8 thats why # ratings dont work. You improved but you are still ugly, you will attract uglies with no effort and pretty people with skill.

>> No.11309142

>>11307311 (OP)

Before looks waaaay better.
congratulations you played yourself. For what? white acceptance?

>> No.11309333

I-I actually think you look better fat..

That's kind of bizarre though I never think that way usually.

>> No.11309335

>Insane people general

>> No.11309383


do u wanna kiss

>> No.11309394

Everyone always told me I'd be less ugly when I grew up but then I went bald and now I'm still called ugly on the regular.

Feels some type of way man.

>> No.11309436

Your parents lied you hard!! You are born pretty, most cute, at your best and become ugly as you get older.

You're complaining now but you're going to become even worse!!

>> No.11310312

OP is that you in the ipic?

>> No.11310461

>being new

>> No.11310498


I'm going the other direction on this and think the right looks better.

My girl now has the same kind of nose as the left and I really wish she would get it done... Think she would look way better.

>> No.11310507

left is so beautiful and looks like a non surged up lana del rey

>> No.11310509

second this, you look sexc on the right

>> No.11310527


Lay off of the stims. Regular use fucks up your health long-term.

>> No.11310656
File: 2.56 MB, 1440x960, 240 to 160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

240 -> 160.

Sorry for the lack of continuity. When I lose the rest, I'll definitely do a more accurate comparison.

>> No.11310674

nice job

>> No.11310692

Thanks fampai.

>> No.11310703

Nah not a coke face. Looks like you may have picked up a fentanyl habit though.

>> No.11310716

>it's another "thinly veiled attention whoring" episode


>> No.11310719

God I miss sage.

>> No.11310725
File: 80 KB, 480x600, IMG_20160409_220303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11310727

>Instagram brows
>cocksucking expression

u contour that onion bulb nose too boi?

>> No.11310730

people are actually falling for this bait

>> No.11310739

>I went from a 3/10 to a solid 8/10
>a solid 8/10

Don't get too far ahead of yourself. You're a 5/10 thin. And that's being generous.

>> No.11310901

>honestly not having seen this before


>> No.11310911

Standard York University hoe

>> No.11310922

Congratz on the weight lose man you should be proud of yourself. Keep up the good work.

>> No.11310928


>> No.11310969
File: 86 KB, 830x830, Pleasenobully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half Indian Boy and have been lurking this board for 4+ years
>tfw There are secretly a million fucking brown people here

This is a weird feeling, probably why all of the self-hate threads revolving around "X race can never be /fa/" are so popular.

Pic for proof

>> No.11310978

Oh right, forgot to answer your OP (it's later here chill out). My dad is a surgeon and gave my mom a shit load of Botox and other cosmetic bullshit when I was younger so I saw the after-effects first hand. It isn't pretty but what's done is done. For what it is worth, I think the adderall/cocaine chic look fits you really well. Not a huge fan of the lips but hey, who really cares. If you like how you look, it doesn't matter what a bunch of people on this board think. This whole threads feels insecure to me.

>> No.11310987

You are so annoying hot and I like your attitude and career goals. Tish shit you

>> No.11311027

This is why I don't bother with girls older than 22 or so. Jesus.

>> No.11311045


respect dude

>> No.11311626

Why the fuck do people make before/after pics backwards sometimes? I don't understands.

>> No.11311662

Dunno if the eyes change anything but this looks like the pic of an attractive Japanese man. Just tell everyone on this board you're a nip. 90% of people here are middle class kids who grew up on anime which is why they worship all things Japanese
>converse!? Haven't u herd of shoes like pottery? Pleb
And so it goes

>> No.11311754

You leading a happy life yet? Or maybe live is still shit because of your crippling insecurities?
Remember when I told you plastic surgery won't fix your psyche?

not gonna lie, your cheeks look fuller and your cheekbones less pronounced.
People here say b4 pictures look better despite the nose job because you had less bodyfat back then.

>> No.11311859

from a 3/10 to a 3.5/10 your delusional if you think your anything near a 8

>> No.11311868

you look like Molly Bair

>> No.11311882
File: 245 KB, 1701x995, Before and after (4 years).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 4 years not much has changed but most important things that have changed are
>fat around neck is gone
(Also had some stomach fat that Is gone)
>most/if not all acne is gone
(Sorry for shitty camera quality on the right)

>> No.11311901

Don't know how to say this but you kind of look like the dwarf from Game of Thrones.

>> No.11311902

fuck man, what a cuck. Brown guys really are beta males towards their women

>> No.11311917

Yeah I get that a lot

>> No.11311928
File: 129 KB, 600x492, 1367012905754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i miss the thing that did literally nothing