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/fa/ - Fashion

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11242893 No.11242893 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you nerds actually care about what you're wearing? I get laid all the time because I'm confident not because of what I'm wearing, but I guess you losers wouldn't understand that. Do you realise that everyone is secretly laughing at your stupid little outfits?

>> No.11242907
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>> No.11242913

Oh Shit it's Le TrollerMaster xDDDD Waddup!!!!!

>> No.11242918
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>> No.11242923

o shit waddup!

>> No.11242924

The sad thing is that it's not a troll it's the truth. But you people are too deluded to realise.

>> No.11242930

O shit waddup!

>> No.11242943

I care about what I'm wearing just because I like how I look, I like how my clothes look. I don't care if people don't care or laugh.
Oh, and I don't dress for others, I know that my clothes alone won't get me laid. This is not r9k, I don't do things because I want to get laid, I do things because I like to.

>> No.11242972

So you're admitting you're wasting time and money for no reason? kek. Get a better hobby like lifting weights kid.

>> No.11242978

o shit waddup!

>> No.11242981

>the only reason to do anything is sex
you're a thirsty one

>> No.11242991
File: 74 KB, 312x390, 1461631903269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo hol up
we dem boyz!!!

>> No.11242994

o shit waddup!

>> No.11242995

>Wasting my time and money
I can't think of a way of wasting time with clothing, I don't spend more than 10 minutes dressing up every day. I don't waste money, everybody wears clothes, the only difference is that I care when I choose. And what do you even spend your money on? I have no debt or anything like that and I have savings so I can buy anything I want without worrying, I can't think of someone just saving their money until they die.

>> No.11243001

>Wasting my time and money
I can't think of a way of wasting time with clothing, I don't spend more than 10 minutes dressing up every day. I don't waste money, everybody wears clothes, the only difference is that I care when I choose. And what do you even spend your money on? I have no debt or anything like that and I have savings so I can buy anything I want without worrying, I can't think of someone just saving their money until they die. Oh, and people can lift and buy nice clothes. "fashion" is not my only "hobby".

>> No.11243006

kek, it said i didn't solve the captcha the first time. Sorry.

>> No.11243021

Oh? How much time do you spend browsing this board and learning literally useless information that will not improve your wellbeing and success? How much time do you spend picking out your autistic little outfits before you buy them? Let's not kid ourselves this is one of the stupidest boards on 4chan. Btw I spend money on things actually MATTER. You are like a grown man that spends money on collecting pokemon cards, nerd.

>> No.11243024

o shit waddup!

>> No.11243028
File: 173 KB, 1080x720, 1462225432029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o shit boi!

>> No.11243037

I know what I like so I don't spend too much time picking my outfits, the weather forecast helps me. I can see that this is one of the stupidests boards on 4chan but there's always nice people who are willing to help. I mostly come here to get to know brands I don't know and to help people, I don't spend more than 1 hour on this board on weekdays. What do you mean by spending on things that actually matter? I think every single person with a functioning brain on this earth does that. I only spend spare money on clothes (even though I already have an assigned budget on clothes, I don't like to be naked on the street).

>> No.11243106

o shit waddup!

>> No.11243119
File: 245 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-05-02-11-20-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11243125

o shit waddup!

>> No.11243144

Why did you have such an unmemorable conversation saved?

>> No.11243176

Thanks for the hourly thread, /fit/. I'll be sure take note of this one, the last hundred didn't quite go through

>> No.11243184


My name is Killy. While I am not inviting older men to do promiscuous things to my boi pussy, I am lurking these threads. My goal is to come up with some articulate - well thought out response. I can't think of anything right now, and I hope that you've already stopped reading because its a complete waste of time. Seriously, stop reading. I wonder how long you will keep reading. You're not even comprehending what is right infront of your eyes, your just reading. Stop reading. You could have literally skipped to the last line but you decided to keep reading. This is the second time I have wondered how long you will keep reading. O shit waddup. You're still here I wonder if you are still reading. You are. Some part if you wants to get to the end of this drawn out post, and yoh can't bear the thought of missing something significant. Even dat boi has stopped reading. You are still reading. Pause. Ask yourself why you are still reading. There is literaly no reason to be reading this but you are reading it anyways. I am astounded. Hello, are you still reading. I wonder when you will be finished. Ok, all done. But you are still reading. Stop it. Ok, go on. I am warning you though, you will keep reading. Nevermind, I was just joking. It ends here! Thank you for reading.... you're still reading. I can't stop writing now. I must not end the chain. Lmao you are literally still here. This is the last line, you missed something important.

>> No.11243186

Honestly what's so much more appealing then perfecting the substance that is you. Throwing rags on is nothing compared.

>> No.11243191

o shit waddup!

>> No.11243208
File: 135 KB, 1359x1173, salaam_toni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11243214

O shit waddup!

>> No.11243221

Salaam toni

>> No.11243227
File: 253 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-05-02-22-39-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11243231

o shit waddup!

>> No.11243252

o shit waddup!

>> No.11243265

It communicates functional and, for lack of a better word, refined aesthetic taste, which in itself has multiple implications. And thus by implication, it is a good way to find other similarly-minded people.

>> No.11243284

o shit waddup!

>> No.11243353


o shit waddup!

>> No.11243456
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talks shit on /fa/
>shops at R O S S

not going to deny that you're effay but nice bait

>> No.11243464

oh shit waddup!

>> No.11243465

salaam toni

>> No.11243469

o shit waddup!

>> No.11243470

>insecure fatty saves his internet peen posts to share again

damn you are pathetic

>> No.11243942

Damn who is this?

>> No.11243972

O shit waddup

>> No.11243977

o shit waddup!

>> No.11243980

makes me feel good OP

o shit waddup!

>> No.11244426

o shit waddup!

>> No.11244439

o shit waddup!

>> No.11244453

it's fun to dress up

>> No.11244536

o shit waddup!

>> No.11244538

salaam toni
I can't believe I met my boy and toni in the same thread.

>> No.11245056

salaam toni

>> No.11245087

o shit waddup!

>> No.11245092

just say you like to dress up guys...

>> No.11245103

O shit, salaam!

Waddup toni

>> No.11245449

salaam toni

>> No.11245452

o shit waddup!!!!!!

>> No.11245874

o shit whaddup!

>> No.11245891

Salaam Toni!!!!

>> No.11245939

o shit waddup!

>> No.11245947

O shit waddup!

>> No.11245952

salaam toni

>> No.11245971

because i like fashion

>> No.11245976

>implying most of us dress nice not for ourselves but so we can impress girls
It's something that all forms of neshe hobbies do, people who go on /fit/ don't get swole for chicks but because it makes them feel better and happier, same with cars, motorbikes, anything that can be a hobby, you do it for yourself not for chicks dude. That's why a lot of us dress like "shit" in normies eyes because for us going FULL RICK looks good.

Oh shit Toni!

>> No.11245988

salaam toni

>> No.11245995
File: 60 KB, 600x605, unhealthyinternetobsession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the posters replying to the macros instead of OP because he hit a nerve in a nutshell

>> No.11245997

o shit waddup!

>> No.11246010

le i have crippling depression face!!! xD

>> No.11246036


I need to look good in my liberal-dominant-artsy-first-world career. It goes well with my portfolio and résumé.

>> No.11246056

o shit waddup!

>> No.11246064

sam hyde is NOT funny

>> No.11246086

This is actually pretty much exactly the situation for me as well.

I don't really spend any extra time on fashion shit or picking outfits, I just think before I buy and have a closet full of cohesive stuff that looks good instead of a random smattering of bullshit or super-generic clothes that came off the first rack in the store.

Being /fa/ doesn't necessarily mean going around in autistic themed outfits, it can be as simple as picking a cooler cut for your suits, or going a bit out of the box with dress shirts and ties, or having nicer everyday jeans than the average guy.

>> No.11246088

Nice try Sam

>> No.11246094

Who is this? Looks scarily close to my gf...

>> No.11246150

o shit waddup!

>> No.11246169


I got sucked into a /r9k/ rabbit hole trying to find out if it was actually her... I had convinced myself that there is no way she could live such an intense double life but then she (Eliza) posted a pic of her cat in a thread, which happens to look exactly like my GF's cat... What is going on

>> No.11246171

o shit waddup!

>> No.11246196

o shit waddup!

>> No.11246235

o shit waddup!

>> No.11246322

o shit waddup!

>> No.11246392

o shit waddup!

>> No.11246394


>my gf

Stop lying neckbeard, you only gf is your dominant hand

>> No.11246397

salaam toni

>> No.11246398

o shit waddup!

>> No.11246399

o shit waddup!

>> No.11246400

salaam toni

>> No.11246421

o shit waddup!

>> No.11246432

O shit waddup!

>> No.11246501

side note: /fit/s and their penchant for mom fucking. what's up with that
can an insider tell me if their fixation on being "alpha" is derived from some sort of Freudian need to reclaim the attention they never got from their mothers.

>> No.11246508

o shit waddup!

>> No.11246565

o shit waddup!

>> No.11247667

Salami Toni

>> No.11247742

o shit WADDUP

Salaam toni

>> No.11247749

>blatant bait thread
>gets 100 replies
>half of them are shitposting over a bad meme
I just don't know any more

>> No.11247766

thats the point m8, they arent called thread derailers for no reason

>> No.11247787

o shit waddup!

>> No.11247796

>In this moment I am euphoric, not because of some phoney belief in fashion but because of my self confidence that only I am complex enough to understand. While I am able to flaunt my confidence everyone's laughing at you behind closed doors with your stupid little outfits.

>> No.11247993

O shiiit wadup

>> No.11248125

o shit waddup!

>> No.11248134

o shit waddup!

>> No.11248161

It's less a case of missed attention and probably more to do with reclaiming their masculinity. In our current society, the typical routes to "manhood" have been cut off. Starting a family, owning a house and providing via a well paying job are all becoming outdated. Marriage is not as necessary anymore, nor is the need for a man to be a sole breadwinner. The traditional control that men had as the de facto patriarch - which was considered to be manhood - is not compatible with our progressive societies but the expectation that a man should be a man remains. The only routes to manhood that remain for the modern man is through excessive promiscuity or physical prowess. In truth, the "manliest" thing to do is to be authentic and live for yourself but that line of thinking doesn't sell £50 tubs of protein powder or gym memberships.

>> No.11248176

o shit waddup!

>> No.11248331

if you put it that way, then every hobby is a waste of time.

>> No.11248374


o shit waddup!

>> No.11248414

oh shit waddup!

>> No.11248417

salaam toni

>> No.11248430

good post

>> No.11248444

o shit waddup!

>> No.11248454
File: 7 KB, 250x201, 1461254774064s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>falling this hard for bait

>> No.11248484

o shit waddup

>> No.11248488


o shit waddup!

>> No.11248524

"live for yourself" isn't an incentive or a goal.
If i had any balls i would have offed myself last time I felt the full extent of the meaninglessness waste of time called life.

>> No.11248552

>get laid because confidence
Yeah. And we just happen to get confidence from our fits

>> No.11248557

o shit waddup!

>> No.11248561

I just hope you never learn that people either don't care or think you look like a fag
maybe 1% will like what you wear because they are fags themselves

>> No.11248598

o shit waddup

>> No.11248916

Oh shit waddup!

>> No.11248929

o shit waddup!

>> No.11248937

o shit waddup!