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/fa/ - Fashion

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11239816 No.11239816 [Reply] [Original]

I know
>dressing for sex

but has dressing in whatever you wanted got you laid?

i cant imagine the sex life of people decked in ric or techwear

>> No.11239881
File: 23 KB, 471x352, 10807934_10204463119031827_792954757_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short answer: yes, and I didn't even take my geobaskets off

long answer: I feel like to any girl who is potentially interested in you, but not interested in fashion, wearing out-there, designer stuff is irrelevant, you might as well dress like a frat bro. to them it's just clothing and they really don't care as much as you do. (literally nobody else in the world cares as much as you do.) so protip: don't act like what you're wearing is a big deal, or allude to you being obsessed with fashion to the point of actively discussing it on an anime forum in your free time, and you're headed in the right direction.

generally as long as you are moderately attractive and hygienic and have the confidence required to wear whatever you're wearing without being visibly uncomfortable, you'll receive compliments instead of weird looks. if you look cool and you're wearing some weird next level shit then you might even get extra attention/ interest from the right kind of girls. maybe you won't pull bitches at a starbucks if you come in dressed head to toe Julius, but if you shop around at the right stores or hit up the right music venues, females can take notice.

plus tons of girls these days are exposed to social media and hype fashion trends thru the internet. girls slide into my insta dm's all the time. I've been surprised by a few girls recognizing and complimenting my rick owens footwear on the street. currently half of my tinder photos are fit pics and I consistently get a solid amount of matches (they're mostly asian, dyed hair, adidas stans, sadboy memes but I'm not complaining). anything is possible anon

>> No.11239885

It's all about your confidence, and your face.
Your clothes don't mean shit

>> No.11239910

if your clothes dont fit, your girls dont either

>> No.11239932

ty for the personal response

im not looking for reinforcement, just wondering people who wear can go out and wear 4k of internet brands can get laid - hell because i think the odds are less compared to gaudy, trust fund asians

>> No.11239963
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>frat bro
DEATH to apostates who wear non-collared shirts

BEHEAD those who wear black outside of formal occasions

INSHALLAH we shall overcome those with darted jackets

>> No.11239996
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fucking a ha ha ha my nigger

>> No.11240007

Mostly face.

>> No.11240264

That's not true, with a lot confidence you can do almost anything

>> No.11240639

To simply get laid, I want to say yes but the answer is no. It doesn't matter what you're wearing as long as it's not too dated, and it's clean.

Though there's this scenario to think about.

I feel like I'd be more inclined to chat up a girl with average looks that's dressed fashionably compared to one that's more attractive but is dressed in a basic style.

I dated a girl that didn't care about clothing all that much and I felt like I could never take her any where hip because she never looked appropriate. Vanity isn't a completely terrible thing to have.

>> No.11240664
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>> No.11240667

>but has dressing in whatever you wanted got you laid?
I doubt there is any correlation
I don't really think about what I wear when I go out, I wear the same shit I always do, the shit I like and I feel like is me.
I guess if you have some sort of confident boost over wearing a certain outfit when going out it might help, but no one cares that much what you wear.

>> No.11240852

Can you show some examples of those azn girls?

>> No.11240874


it's not about what you wear as much as how confident you appear in it.

if you dress somewhat interestingly and appear confident girls will take note and are likely to compliment you, even if you're fit might not be good according to internet forum standards.
wearing something out there requires confidence and many girls seem to respect that, it doesn't really matter what you wear when you dress well as long as you're confident in it.

i should also note that it does tend to attract certain types of girls, more 'alternative/artsy/fashionable/tumblr' girls and 'basic/regular' girls (for the lack of a better words). that's a good thing to me, i don't know what you like, but yeah maybe something to take note of.

>> No.11240935


She gives me yellow fever.

>> No.11241862

I'm young and bald and I can tell you being bald is the biggest virginity protector on the planet.

I could dress in the most expensive stuff and girls still wouldn''t give a shit.

>> No.11241881

Vanity and shame are things I wish more people had ですよ。

>> No.11241883

A girl who compliments your clothes isn't actually complimenting your clothes
She's just looking for a reason to talk to you

>> No.11241895

unless she actually IS complimenting your clothes and wants to steal your fit
this is a good reason why you should never go outside and only wear your fits indoors and in the prescence of others equaly or more beautifully dressed than you
fucking fit-goblins shoo

>> No.11241946 [DELETED] 


>being bald is the biggest virginity protector

Only if you don't have facial hair. You look like a shaved monkey otherwise.

Women loved bald men, never met a girl that gave a damn about a guy's hair.

>> No.11241950

>Jason. Statham.

>> No.11241975

No because he's a liar who wishes he was cool at all and didn't have to make stuff up on a Japanese anime board to sound cool

>> No.11242003

girls wear rick too

not in flyover towns though

>> No.11242010


Sometimes I wonder how some people can be so depraved that they think someone is lying about getting matches on tinder

>> No.11242024

i can tell you would be a virgin either way you elliot rogers autistic momo

>> No.11242401

I've gotten attention from women because of fashion before, but it's never /fa/ meme shit. Girls go nuts for my Red Wing reddit boots in particular. I'm too much of a sperg to do much with it though.

>> No.11242450

i'm really fashion conscious, and my bf is not. he and i have lots of sex.
so, yes. have a good personality and people will want to fuck you.

>> No.11242465
File: 53 KB, 560x560, 4423424_COZY_LUXE_IG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit /malefashionadvice & /theredpill confirmed for best for all you nuts who dont care about fashion as an art.

I'm not tauting here I'm serious. If you guys wanna learn these things because here we dont care for the most part.

>> No.11242524

>be above average in looks / 6ft
>go out in goof/rick 24/7
has dressing in whatever I want gotten me laid? all the time.
it all comes down to a combination of confidence. If you can wear things out of the norm and look cool and be confident about it, girls will crave your dick cheese.

>> No.11242529

Be careful when you take off valuable pieces of clothes or your shoes and leave them out in the open at a party.

The girl that complimented your shoes, jacket or whatever might steal them. Or douches that heard your conversation or know how valuable tricky Ricky can be. Its your stuff so take care of it.

>> No.11243012


aint nobody on /fa/ got friends

we sit inside. wear our dope fits around the house and to the grocery store.

>implying i would want to go to a party
>implying i would get invited to a party
>implying i have any social interaction outside of 4chan and work

where the fuck do you think you are? remove trip

>> No.11243074

Dressing has def got me laid.

Also, if you like your outfit, you'll act with more confidence and, thus, you're more likely to get laid anyway. Also, dressing with your own unique flair is a display of confidence. It doesn't have to be super out there either, but even attempting something a tad out of the norm shows you have the balls to put yourself out there and be comfortable being genuine. Little things like these make people more likely to trust you. And, really, it may sound silly, but trust gets you laid. Women (or men) wouldn't want you inside them or vice versa without trust involved and you need to present this 'i have nothing to hide' attitude in order to get it. You don't get laid if you're nervous or self-conscious. You get laid when you're comfortable in your own skin and its not something you can fake.

>> No.11244246

>Projecting this hard
Protip: That's namefagging btw. I hate it as much as the next guy but get it right

>> No.11244307

>and I didn't even take my geobaskets off
underated as fuck

>> No.11244309

Girls like me in suits, so there's that.

>> No.11244317

Are you the blue eyes dragon guy in /rog/?

>> No.11244410

W2c them pants brehs

>> No.11244417


>goes to asian girls house
>has to take off shoes
>never finds shoes again

>> No.11244684


>> No.11244899


>> No.11245763

Fuck that noise. I can tell you from experience that if people see your face and don't like it, they wont want anything to do with you.

>> No.11246371


>> No.11246378

Are they good quality?

>> No.11246386

I've only copped shirts and sweaters there, they are all fine for their price

>> No.11246451

suede slp wyatt boots are kind of a girl magnet. or atleast a lot of girls have given me compliments.

>> No.11246980

Just the suede ones not the leather? leather is usually more expensive wtf.

>> No.11246988

Suede looks softer
Girls dig texture
Also they're a little more effeminate. Semi-girly boots attached to a manly man is a turn-on for a lot of girls

>> No.11247000

You guys are the most vain personality-of-a-potato faggots on this board. Not just here, but SuFu/StyleForum/whatever other hell hole houses fashun people. I used to rank /fa/ side by side with /fit/, but at least /fit/, shallow as they are, begins lifting with the intention of overcoming their negative self image, then finds work ethic and a higher sense of self in the struggle to create a formidable and aesthetic body. You guys are just consumer leeches.

>girls complimenting my dick ovens
>dressing for sex

Vomit. If a woman even knew what Rick Owens was outside of 4chan I would peg her for being one of you and avoid with extreme prejudice. Fuck fashion.

>> No.11247019


>> No.11247036


you do realize some nights you can dress for sex, other days you can wear whatever?

what is up with /fa/ teens always thinking they have to fit a certain mold or some shit 24/7?

>> No.11247129
File: 36 KB, 375x360, 1432026755394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one man, really put us in our place

>> No.11247141

Damn this could make good pasta.

>> No.11247175

>'alternative/artsy/fashionable/tumblr' girls and 'basic/regular' girls
you covered literally every type of girl. damn dude, be a little more vague please?

>> No.11247184

>Projecting this hard
I'm not the person you replied to, but I somewhat agree with him. It depends what kind of party it is. Dancing, raves, lights, loud noises? Fuck that. A group of ~10 friends in a house, drinking beers and passing weed around? I'm down for that. I rarely interact with people, but when I do that is the type of party I prefer.

>> No.11247194
File: 60 KB, 800x600, COOL CLUB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure got us good!

For future reference when you inevitably shitpost again: please work on your grammar. You aren't capable of forming a single coherent sentence, making you look like even more of a dumbass than you already are.

>> No.11247301

when your bald you have to match your body and style to it

do some cardio, being ottermode/single digit bodyfat % and wearing SLP/heroin chic/slav core works well for young baldies

basically try to look like a well dressed criminal who's in peak physical condition

>> No.11247386

What does it mean if you're turned around and a girl from behind you says she likes your jeans?

>> No.11247417

Damn... This one hit too close to home senpai. I've been staring at my triple black dooms for the past week.

>> No.11247419

she likes your butt

>> No.11247422

You gotta admit you made a great decision on those through.

All dark adidas tubulars are beautiful af.

>> No.11247439

She told me she wished she had jeans like mine. My jeans did have some nice fades desu.

>> No.11247504
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>fucking fit-goblins shoo

>> No.11247555
File: 307 KB, 1200x925, 1458533367059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clothes and looks alone won't get you laid, unless you're /fit/.
I'd say the most important thing in getting girls is your attitude and personality in general. There is no golden key even in that regard - different girls like different guys.

But seriously, I can't stress this enough, fashion and style does not compensate for your other shortcomings, fashion and style should be done for yourself.

>> No.11247556

I'm bald and full Rick and this is probably where I've peaked in confidence and in girls talking to me.

I'd say it has almost everything to do with the confidence.

>> No.11247563
File: 22 KB, 227x294, 1462122402153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dressing for sex

kek this board really is virgin central.

stay trying hard for pussy while i pull bitches in jean shorts and sleeveless hoodies.

>> No.11247659

/fa/milia I will now drop the ultimate how to get the bitches guide
wear clothes that fit well and you are comfortable in
this is the most important step: be good looking especially in the face but also dont be yuck and fat or maybe worse skinny fat
now go and buy a lot of mdma and do enough till you are floating orb of sweat confidence and love
bitches will love it

>> No.11247701

LOL agreed on mdma but I can't get erections on mdma.

>> No.11247754

pinger dick is a curse

>> No.11247965

Fair enough

>> No.11248003


>i have never seen a vagina

>> No.11248004

>good quality
pick one

>> No.11248507

> dress outlandishly, feel comfortable
> look like a try hard to people so they don't like me
> dress in pajamas
> feel uncomfortable like I'm trying to be normie
> people are friendlier
What should I do? I really don't want to be KV forever, but I want to wear what I like.

>> No.11248543

>dressing for sex

>but has
>but has

does no one fa understand greentext