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/fa/ - Fashion

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11237499 No.11237499 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone go from being an unironic /r9k/ poster to an actual human being because of /fa/ and/or /fit/?

>> No.11237506

No I just come here to shitpost since /r9k/ is full cuck shit

>> No.11237516

i have no idea what the fuck kind of board r9k even is or what goes down because i'm not a fucking loser

>> No.11237526

>browses 4 chan
>thinks he's not a loser

you should create a reddit account, friendo.

>> No.11237528
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>tfw youre an unironic /fa/ poster (actually fell for the rick owens meme) and slowly became /r9k/ and /pol/

yeah its difficulty getting a gf when your 2spoopy

>> No.11237538
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>> No.11237539


fuck. i need lighter clothes.

>> No.11237549
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>> No.11237554
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>going to /r9k/ in the first place
Doesnt everybody just grow out of that shit anyway? /fa/ didn't fucking save me lol i just changed. Still looking to outgrow all kinds of social media as a hobby

>> No.11237556

>wants a gf
>wears Rick

You might actually be retarded. Do you have any idea how tiny of the percentage of the population is who actually likes/admires Rick? Most people think its ugly as fuck for one, and try hard as fuck for two.

>> No.11237574

w-what about the zipper converse? those are ok, right?

>> No.11237580

I really only go on r9k when I want to self pity

>> No.11237585

Typing like a beta stuttering faggot anime character is definitely not /fa/

>> No.11237592

>I'm not a loser!
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha do you know where you are?

>> No.11237597

do u eat souls for breakfast and unborn children for dinner?

>> No.11237602

Shoes look p cool, would probably piss myself if I saw you walking down the street at night, and I'm a pretty big guy, 4u

>> No.11237604

no i've taken the exact opposite trajectory anon

>> No.11237709

If I think this looks fucking dope am I already too far gone?


>> No.11237730

Despite never being /r9k/ level, I learnt a lot of construction stuff from /fa/ and /fit/, and stayed for the banter

>> No.11237760
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>> No.11237781

/fit/ saved me from falling into the abyss of despising myself and ironically enough /pol/ helped me the most of all boards by giving my somebody else to vent my self-hatred against. /fa/ is just kind of like the cherry on top.

I remember the following exchange on /fit/ vividly. It shaped me.

>How do you guys know when you aren't going to make it?
>When you start browsing /r9k/

>> No.11237791

Honestly its just not a very interesting board and regurgitates the exact same content and threads over and over.

I do enjoy the retail feels threads though.

>> No.11237800


F-fuck o-o-o-off o-onii-chan

>> No.11237802

Am I beyond redemption if I think this is dope?

>> No.11237821


I actually went the other way.

I came to /fa/ from being a /b/ kiddie to improve myself to bang some HOT PUSSY but then I saw someone one post that /fa/ and /fit/ are just /r9k/ with clothes and a gym membership respectively. Then I went to /r9k/ and though I'm not "le-MRA /gg/er", I now exercise and buy clothes for myself and not as a mean of getting attention from the people around me .

>> No.11237822


u look dope

>> No.11237823

>and try hard as fuck for two.
I don't understand this meme. Wanting to wear something nice and interesting is "tryhard?"

No - being "tryhard" is a being a fuccboi hypebeast who wears brands because of the brands. Rick has some avant-garde designs, but the aura about them is the complete opposite of this.

>> No.11237859

Going to 4chan for any reason other than to shitpost and have a laugh is your first mistake

This is true for /fa/ /fit/ as well as any other board. Go there long enough to soak up the surface level info and then get the fuck out.

4chan boards like to make these little insular and esoteric competitions with one another where everyone is striving towards some ideal that does fuck all for your mental/personal well being. If your end goal is social acceptance and success IRL, your first step is to get the fuck off of 4chan.

>> No.11237925
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This is the 2016 equivalent of emo baggy hot topic jeans, male mascara and black nailpolish

You look fucking stupid

>> No.11237930

/fa/ is worse than /r9k/. at least /r9k/s autism is free

>> No.11238087
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talk shit post fit

>> No.11238094


>> No.11238113

I was probably r9k before there was an r9k. Self-pitying misogynist human refuse. Spent a few years being a /b/-tard but probably still hated women
They ignored me because I was fat and unattractive and had nothing interesting going for me. Makes perfect sense in retrospect. I don't really know what my master plan was. Ask a gril to be my gf and... then what? have my mom pick us up and drive us to my house so my gf can suck my dick while I play FFVII?
Anyway. So I went /fit/ for a while but something wasn't right. It was missing subtlety. Checked out /fa/ and I knew that I was home.
No sugar coating. Self-critical. Perfectionist. Uncompromising. Elitist. Really an admirable outlook if you think about it.
Lost a lot of my anger in this place. Mellowed out. Not angry at women anymore and they come pretty easily when that's what I'm looking for but I'm not even that interested now.
I enjoy other things like literature, art and music. I enjoy psychotropics meditation and philosophy. Mostly I enjoy beauty, nice clothes and being thin.
I am home.

>> No.11238352
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>/fit/ having a positive influence

>> No.11238417


what the fuck do those shoes have no sole???

>> No.11238562


>defending not being a loser on the internet

>> No.11238587


>> No.11238596

The only thing /fit/ is positive about is HIV

>> No.11238606

This negro is married though.

>> No.11238703

those shoes totally FUCK up your silhouette and look like shit, the tech runners would be better here or some looser fitting pants

>> No.11239173

same desu + /fit/

>> No.11239261

you people are so much more cringe than those who care enough to fuck up their life at every turn

>> No.11239436

just read /fit/'s sticky and do research outside of the cesspool that it is

>> No.11239459

and a real hero

>> No.11239485
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Did anyone come from a single mother household and find this website during their formative years and go from an unassuming weakling to a cultured and interesting fraternizer by sifting through shitposts to glean quality information that your dad never told you, but then in your late teens/early twenties drop out of college and realize they dont have the slightest idea what they want to do with their life and consider suicide daily?

>> No.11239511

just u m8

>> No.11239535

That's strangely accurate man, my dad lived with us at home but never gave me any good advice and never interacted with me except to get mad at something I was inevitably doing wrong, I wish he would have taught me some useful skills, 4chan really ended up helping with advice when it came to women, just need to make the decision yourself which anons to believe and which to ignore. Anyway I ended up really enjoying learning new skills maybe as a result of never being taught any in the first place, I'm a certified EMT now because of, the EMT threads I'd see on /fit/ sometimes, and am a big guy for the same reason, I dress nice and comfy now thanks to /fa/ and an cook well thanks to /ck/ oh and i even picked up drawing again thanks to /ic/, I know it doesn't sound like much but for me every little bit counted when my dad refused to be there for me, fucking anons would, and I love each and every single one that helped me get to where I am now

>> No.11239591

First half is all me

>> No.11240011

Same here,i changed a lot after visiting /fa/

>> No.11240051

yes, we are all pretty average aren't we.

>> No.11240067

How can it have the same threads over and over isnt the point that its not possible?
Idk though I know nothing about that board

>> No.11240069

you wanted someone to tell you this was beautiful, didn't you?

>> No.11240081
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All my complicated ruse for nought because one perceptive and audacious anon unmasked my intentions.

>> No.11240253


n-nailed it

>> No.11240262

/fa/ is the absolute cringiest board, if you think posting here is redeeming then you're ugly and delusional