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/fa/ - Fashion

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11237025 No.11237025 [Reply] [Original]

>in nature, males make themselves appear larger to attract mates and scare off rivals
>the recent trend in fashion is to make yourself look as small and helpless looking as possible

>> No.11237036

The idea is to appear thinner and less bulky, not small and "helpless" as you put it. But the side effect of slimming down your silhouette does comparatively make yourself look weaker or even fragile.

>> No.11237039
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because humanities becoming progressively more gay to curb population growth

>> No.11237074

Being """""manly""""" is something television advises men to be, and they try, they go to the gym, use AXE body spray and wear boxers.

But when you set yourself free you'll understand that you don't want to be branded a man, a woman, strong, weak, gay, straight or anything so you give up all the values of humanity fading into the frail form of the androgynous being because you can't become nothing.

>> No.11237092

yeah humanity is all about nature, look at all those anteater-inspired cities

>> No.11237101

>muh rules of nature

>> No.11237107

Yea I agree, we should be wearing fedoras and bootcut jeans to be classy

>> No.11237127

Fuck you faggot. I'm a 300lb fedora wearer and I've cut holes in my pants to display my bright red ass.

I have to fight off the attention

>> No.11237137

>implying clothing is natural

>> No.11237143

What a faggot.

>> No.11238197

because sarcasm and irony has taken over so when people are trying to look bigger you can tell they are just insecure little bitches while you are just accepting your thinness which makes you look more confident on your body than someone who is trying too hard

>> No.11238211

>dont become this label
>become this label instead
DUMB post

>> No.11238232

idk man i wear leather jackets and lift weights

i dont get the frail little dadcuck meme either

>> No.11238236

Appearing non manly allows men to get close to women without setting off the women's misandry

>> No.11238239

is this something nu-males have to do? I never have a problem getting close to women

why would you want a misandrist anyway

>> No.11238244

people wear boxers because theyre comfy fuckhead

>> No.11238266

cyborg is an anti-identity

>> No.11238269

When was there a universal fashion trend to makes oneself look huge or intimidating?

If you're talking about wearing oversized/baggy clothing, that's generally a trend of poor and uneducated communities i.e. nigs who earn minimum wage but want everybody to see how expensive and unblemished their clothing is and want big rims on their cars

Also aren't there threads on /fit/ every day about what size heel insert to put in your shoes? Appearing fit and healthy is still very much a trend.

>> No.11238277

>Appearing non manly allows men to get close to women without setting off the women's misandry

If you have to do this you're beyond hope.

Also, I like to wear fitted clothes not so much trying to look small

>> No.11238307

I don't know what nu-male is, it may overlap with what I mean.

The men get turned into feminists by societal factors or what have you. They don't choose this. Once that happens though, they aren't attractive to normal women, so they have to go for feminists. The only way to do that is to appear nonmanly and agree with the women in every thing.

Feminists very often are misandrists.

You are free and beautiful.

>> No.11238312

Goosebumps, hackles, are evolutionarily designed to make males look bigger.

>> No.11238319

What a dumb OP he thinks humans are as retarded as the other animals and act only on instinct, cant have preferences or taste.. maybe you are a dumb primal animal OP. Oh well.

Fashion is going for the youth look because thats what sells. The /r9k/ meme "Chad" is dead and has been for a long while. Look however you like, its not 1950 ffs.

>> No.11238320

>feeling the need to appropriate yourself to >what men should be like to confront your insecurities on your own masculinity

>> No.11238322

>If you have to do this you're beyond hope.

>Also, I like to wear fitted clothes not so much trying to look small

Fitted clothes can make you look more muscular. This post is about fitted clothes that make you look small.

>> No.11238330

Is that why Mad Max and The Revenant were the two most popular movies of 2015?


>> No.11238336

>Fitted clothes can make you look more muscular. This post is about fitted clothes that make you look small.
Yeah I have an athletic frame so I like showing it off a bit.

>> No.11238779

are u serious?

>> No.11239543

thats pretty much exactly what a nu-male is

>> No.11239559
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>> No.11239561

>humans cant make choices beyond our basic instincts

>> No.11239597

Why do people bend their pants?

Why not just get them taken up? Its not like youre gonna grow taller all of a sudden...

>> No.11239608

fucking pant benders

>> No.11239640


>> No.11240657

Stop tripping, you're literal trash

>> No.11240680

I like being skinny and boyish, it suits my personality better. I'm not super out-going or assertive or typically "manly". So I don't really want my appearance to trick people into thinking I'm typically masculine. Also on an aesthetic level, /fit/ bodies just look kind of boring to me, being barraged by this image constantly in everyday life.

As for attracting women, I'm not really interested in attracting typically feminine types who need "protecting" or some shit. I don't subscribe to /fit/ or /r9k/ mentality, and I'm not out to "Chad" my way through life and have sex with as many women as possible.

>> No.11240689

so i should start hitting the gym since im an asshole to everyone I meet?

>> No.11240700

>in nature, males make themselves appear larger to attract mates and scare off rivals

advanced broscience

>> No.11240708 [DELETED] 

...how exactly did you get that out of my post? I never said fit men are all assholes, or that your body dictates your personality.

In case you misinterpreted the last line, I mean that I don't care if the fit body is most suited to attracting the most amount of women. I'd rather look for someone compatible to my specific personality and tastes.

>> No.11240722

I don't think fit connotes "asshole", it's more like "confidence" and "assertiveness" which are pretty attractive to people. But if you are an asshole and still want people to like you, I guess hitting the gym is a good idea.

>> No.11240743

Killy isnt a tripfag shes a name fag. Learn the difference cuck.

>> No.11240766

Well what do I see, wrong opinions on MY /fa

>> No.11240767

Killy is a fucking idiot, that's what.

>> No.11240773

>it's another butthurt fattie who made a thread because he can't fit into skinny jeans
btw if you can't see your abs you're literally an estrogen filled manchild

>> No.11240800

pretty sure Killy's a dude tho.

>> No.11240842


This is not totally accurate. The look is fitted. It accentuates your actual frame and physical features. Clothes in this fit reveal more than they cover.

>> No.11240860

It will always be about the face don't let anyone tell you otherwise

>> No.11240906

well I'm an asshole and people like me already so idk

>> No.11240997
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It looks like you're neither a biologist nor someone who understand fashion

>> No.11241014
File: 58 KB, 379x600, 1437335343074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fashion is for faggots and ugly people trying to look cool.

Good looking people can wear whatever and will still get laid.

Intelligent people would rather work on their body, becoming stronger and learning how to fight.

It's not going to be very "eff aye" when a nigger is jumping on your head

>> No.11241051
File: 263 KB, 1235x486, 222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you cant bench press at least 225 you should go back to plebbit.

Nu-males have no place on this website.

>> No.11241055

so why are you on this board lol.

some ppl's interest in fashion goes beyond doing what is necessary to get laid.

>> No.11241060

In nature, males don't wear any clothes at all

>> No.11241064
File: 286 KB, 848x1648, 1443851884009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm more interested in aesthetics and perfectionism than getting laid lmao, getting laid is easy, achieving the perfect aesthetic wit h a mix of goth-brutalism and neo patrician resources is more enjoyable than hedonistic distractions.

>> No.11241068

some people live in developed, civilized places

>> No.11241069

living in an area in which a nigger may jump you randomly is not very effay tbqhwy

>> No.11241078


just shut the fuck up already you puffy cunt

>> No.11241671
File: 267 KB, 1280x851, 1439928979923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low iq /fit/-tard lmao

>> No.11241675

i love this pape. so much.

>> No.11241889

Confirmed directly from the source.

>> No.11241898

We human tho