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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 3.09 MB, 3663x5494, nadia denim bodysuit booty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11224365 No.11224365 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that it IS possible to be /fa/t

>> No.11224370

pic obviously unrelated

>> No.11224395
File: 1.01 MB, 800x1341, 6cf5c9e139a36cb06a5cdd5a7505afde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively false.

>> No.11224425

shes not fa. just fucking hot. there's a difference

>> No.11224432


nope it's like those who pose at an angle, she's too whale for me.

>> No.11224444

that ass is godly you crazy cuh

>> No.11224455

she's not even hot tho

>> No.11224480

>tfw ur fat
>tfw u workin on that

but how to /fa/ while still fat?

>> No.11224506


degenerate trash

>> No.11224512

Well fitting basics. Excellent hygiene, decent un-flashy haircut. Buy nice clothes when you're healthy

>> No.11224514

just lose weight, being /fa/ is your reward for afterwards.

>> No.11224515
File: 384 KB, 1944x2592, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been saying this for years.

>> No.11224520

please be trolling

>> No.11224521

Have good sense of style and have money to buy clothes your size. It really is that simple. A fat fashionable person is a lot better than a fit person who dresses stupidly. Don't listen to these autistic trash, the whole point of clothing is to cover up your hideous body with nice style. If you have a nice body, might as well just go nude

>> No.11224527


>> No.11224539

The picture is not of a fashionable person. The facial hair looks like a 13 year old's first moustache with a fuzzy neckbeard to boot, the swept haircut is 2008 emo-core, clubmaster sunglasses which basically only suit people with skinny faces, and a normcore hoody.

I'm not saying you can't be fashionable, I'm saying you aren't in this picture

>> No.11224541

cellulite is not /fa/

>> No.11224546

are you making fun of me?

>> No.11224554

take it however you want, I'm just saying you look like a fat kid with no sense of fashion. That's not to say you can't be a skinny kid with a sense of fashion if you put in a bit of effort

>> No.11224555
File: 304 KB, 1091x1014, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting fit does not feel rewarding. Eat, get money, and dress good.

>> No.11224558

i think i have a good fashion sense

>> No.11224564

good for you pal, if you're confident in what you're wearing and how you look then more power to ya

>> No.11224575

dont you talk down to me u bich motherfucker im more effay than you guarantee

>> No.11224599

Dudes yankin ur chain

>> No.11224600

>Excellent hygiene,
Got that already

>decent un-flashy haircut.
Trynna to grow out my hair. Right now it looks like an awkward semi emo kid mess.

No breh
I don't want to be My600lbLife lookin. I want to look the best I can even when I am a bit too fat.

Ah yes. I agree. I want to put effort in the way I look without coming off as one of those that wear anything they want because "fuck ur beauti standards :-DD”

>> No.11224606

Getting fit is so rewarding. Climb a mountain

>> No.11224612

pick one and only one

also, you look like the gay fat kid who thinks he can sing from the drama club

>> No.11224615

Never, i repeat NEVER grow your hair out if you are fat, i made this mistake when i used to be fat, and it was awful.
Best way to go when fat? probably buzzcut, grow it out once you are skinny

>> No.11224619

Also, lose the socks, they look awful

>> No.11224625

Personally getting fit feels rewarding. Seeing your body sag less, and finding out that you're below your average weight is just nourishing to your soul.

Working out kind of made me feel like I have a goal or at least something productive to do.

As for food, you can cheat at least once a day with a piece of chocolate or a scoop of ice cream. Just try cutting out most of your sugar intake.

>> No.11224628

I'm a grill with a round face so I kind of need long hair to elongate my face

>> No.11224700
File: 226 KB, 289x330, 1443163950520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can fool yourself into thinking that it's okay to be fat. But everyone else will be inwardly making pic related face when they see you.

>> No.11224717

Can you even better taste than this ?

>> No.11224723

Imagine, you're forcing yourself doing something that you don't enjoy, that you find boring, only to get comfy in the thought of "just in case a qt grill sees me". Must be psychologically exhausting.

>> No.11224734

For me it's more of a i-hate-myself case

>> No.11224738

I hate myself too. But when i learn to hate people, i love myself a lil bit. You know, the good old "it's society's fault, people are shitty"

>> No.11224762

I used to not care about societal standards. Idk what happened.

I think I just got jealous of people who looked better than me

>> No.11224763

>blaming society
>not taking responsability of your own actions
You must be a shitty person to be around amigo

>> No.11224764

Who said I don't enjoy it? I enjoy running, I enjoy mountain climbing, I enjoy not becoming out of breath every time I climb a staircase, I enjoy feeling pride and comfort in my body because I earnt it

>> No.11224768

just stay out of the thinspo threads and we're good

whatever it takes to manage your self loathing with delusions


>> No.11224990

Source, moooaaar.

>> No.11225009

she's neither effay nor hot, she's just got a fat ass i'd like to grind my cock against until i nut on her shitter.

>> No.11225026

Sounds like something a lazy faggot would say

>> No.11225162

there is nothing wrong with the /thinspo/ community.

>> No.11225647


external locus of control

>> No.11225661


>> No.11225736


Thats a WIDE LOAD.

>> No.11225744
File: 88 KB, 290x310, 20160428_105704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11226806

I fucking hate it when fat people tuck their bellys into their pants. If you have a gut it should be outside of your pants.

>> No.11226987

this t b h

>> No.11227045

underrated post
>mfw i see disgusting lard fucks

>> No.11227047
File: 262 KB, 1242x1407, lii5zUi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agree OP!

>> No.11227266
File: 905 KB, 240x228, 100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11227282

thanks for the thinspo, i just lost the desire to eat

>> No.11227422
File: 157 KB, 960x960, 1460257955937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat butts

>> No.11227740

not actually me tho

Anyone have the shopped version? They shopped the fatty to be skinny and it was a nice fit afterwards

>> No.11227747

That's THICK not fat.

>> No.11227787

>this is how fatty blobs of shit justify themselves
whatever convinces you that you don't look disgusting, I guess

>> No.11228225

jesus fuck

>> No.11229305

One thing that /fa/ and /fit/ can always agree on: fatties are awful.

>> No.11229344

eating and stuffing urself like a pig with junkfood isn't the same thing

>> No.11229489

holy moly