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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 63 KB, 633x758, shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11211943 No.11211943 [Reply] [Original]

How effay is your homeland? I'll start:
>brisbane, australia
>pic+filename related

>> No.11211965
File: 42 KB, 700x700, Stoned&Co Dialogue II X Tartan Plaid Structured Stoned In Green2-700x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone here is a 2010 tier fuccboi

>> No.11211971

Hello brisbro,
It really isn't that bad, once you've been here for a while and then travelled a bit you'll realise that the 'fashionable' cities trend hop even more than they do here which is pretty fucking terrible. Always greener on the other side.

Plus it got pretty chilly at the dawn service this morning and is windy as fuck today.

If you haven't already you should go to some of the parties thrown by Nick and Ben from Apartment or some of the gigs by Matt from the Outpost

>> No.11211980
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new york

>> No.11211989

>the homebase of fuccbois

>> No.11211990

dont hate on the adidas cap, pestle mortar tshirt, chino shorts , roshe runs and stoned n co lighter bruh

>> No.11212005
File: 55 KB, 528x349, lulemon-yoga-clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Vancouver, British Columbia
> yoga pants everywhere
> new money chinese fuccbois

>> No.11212034

Hey dude,
How do I get in on that shit? I love the Outpost, but I have no idea who those guys are. Do you have a contact, by any chance? You sound cool.

>> No.11212048
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I literally cant because its the best anyone can offer here.

>> No.11212051

I'm so sorry

>> No.11212054
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>> No.11212161

Nick and Ben are the guys behind pretty much the entirety of Brisbanes Japanese street wear scene (https://www.theurbanlist.com/brisbane/a-list/apartments-ben-nick-chiu-close-encounter).). They run Apartment, Bens Burgers, The Bleachers and A Love Supreme.

I became friends with Nick by just going to Apartment. Eventually he invited me to a party (DJ Mitsu the Beats) and after that whenever I went to Apartment he gave me 10% off. You don't need an invite to go the parties though, they're all on the Instagram account

Same goes for Matt (the old dude from Outpost). Just check the IG, he hosts small gigs all the time.

As for my contact, I go to QUT. I've met 3 now good friends from here by just walking up to them and asking about some of their clothing items. I encourage you to do the same, we might meet soon :^)

>> No.11212164


actually pretty fucking bad

>> No.11212168
File: 237 KB, 610x813, Buffalo-Exchange-Houston-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>houston texas
>google 'houston texas street style'
>this is the first pic

>> No.11212265

mah negroe

>> No.11212268

That's sick, thanks dude! I'm afraid I'm still in school (long story short, was a problem kid. I'm 18) but hey what can you do. I have a skype though if you want to chat, cutthroat.saint (sorry for the edgy name, im named for st. Cecelia)

>> No.11212381

Bern, Switzerland

>tfw no /fa/ friends

>> No.11212943

eh the fashion choices isnt that bad here if u have the money and know where to look.

if u dont have money u can always go 'bundle' shopping.

>> No.11212951

>tfw from nyc and you're tryna move back after college but think most people in their early 20s in new york is fuckin annoying

a-at least people dress w-well

>> No.11212953

>Melbourne, Australia

Everyone here is trying too harrd to look like they're in America

>> No.11212955


>> No.11212967

Copenhagen, DK
>no manlets
>no poorfags
>free college that u get paid to attend
ezz breeze

>> No.11212969

Im from Lithuania, most people wear shitty clothes from zara and h&m, but me and my boyfriend are very /fa/ so it feels good.

>> No.11212972

inb4 u get raped by muh peaceful migrants

>> No.11212973
File: 597 KB, 712x482, 61e04_6a0120a8bb16f2970b01538e2c0513970b-pi[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Easily one of the most effay city in Europe

>> No.11212982

Auckland, nz

There are some effay-ish people around but not really in my social circles, feelsbadman

>> No.11212986

Some tiny shithole in poland
Im not too far from warszawa though

>> No.11212990

Bangsar isnt too bad, but like places like Mid Valley and One Utama are horrible, and central KL is just full normies

>> No.11213024

nigga u gay? talk shit post fit

>> No.11213035

small town, northern Germany
there is no effay
being a snowflake is easy

>> No.11213037

Are you the dude with the Giani Mora cap?

>> No.11213066

Ew, absolutely not

Sorry dude, no Skype. I do go on the effay IRC chat sometimes though

>> No.11213178

People are just picking up on trends that are already dead, no good shops desu senpai

>> No.11213180

Lithuania dude here too, can confirm. Most people are still using olive fishtail parkas and new balance shit over here.
Any clothing above $150 will look like high fashion shit by comparison

>> No.11213200

whats going on fellow malaysian
not everyone
at least i have a group of effay friends, although they dont know about 4chan

>> No.11213202

Brisbane isn't so bad yeah. If you actually look you'll see a lot of people dress quite well. The problem with Brisbane is it's just too hot to wear interesting stuff for 70% of the year.

Good to see some fellow Brisbanites on here.

>> No.11213211

Why are most Lithuanians trash? Scratch that why are ALL Lithuanians trash? Most disgusting Slavs ever

>> No.11213219

Good to see more SEAs here.
Hope your friends dont go on r/mfa if they dont go here lmao

>> No.11213220

Urgh god yoou're absolutely right about the heat
It was nice and windy today though!
It is, I hope I run in to you guys sometime! I frequent the record stores around the place a lot like rocking horse and jet black cat and a love supreme. Look out for a smallish brunette (soon to be blonde tho) with blunt bangs and circle-y cream glasses (sometimes)! The other brisbane guy was really nice, too. It's nice to know there are people out there, I've just got to look for them :^)

>> No.11213222

Tokyo, Japan
>samefags everywhere

>> No.11213230

Because most of the people I know here are obsessed with Norway and most of the fashion here is Norway inspired. Even the new buildings are built in the shitty scandinavian "tons of narrow windows" style which looks retarded.
So basically we went from soviet shitters to scandinavian cucks.

>> No.11213234
File: 1.15 MB, 1532x1024, zoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep an eye out, Brisbane's a big place but I'm always around Queen St. and the like taking photos after uni. You might recognize the backdrop of this photo if you're into the record scene

>> No.11213243

Oh sick! Is that the exchange place? I love it there!
You have lovely photography, do you have a blog or something? It'd be rad to see more!

>> No.11213248
File: 1.10 MB, 1024x1532, film-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's place just off Queen Street, pretty eclectic mix of stuff there. Afraid I don't have any online media for my photography, it's really more of a hobby. If you see a young guy with an old, black film SLR camera wandering around Queen St it's probably me.

>> No.11213261

Lithuania here

Lotsa girls dress very well, but lotsa guys dress very typical or follow that hitler youth cut trend etc

You rarely, if at all, see someone rocking pricy labels, but I think it's for the better since most of them, or at least the labels often mentioned on fa, are for edgy sperglords and don't look nice.

>> No.11213268

yes I love it! Got some david lynch films there the other day, great stuff.
It looks lovely, fun hobby. And you use film? Man you sound really cool, I hope I run in to you!
by the way, is that the irish magic guy? or, one of them? i s2g

>> No.11213321

Lmao yet another Brisbane trendite with their tongue firmly wedged up nick and Ben's butthole.

They only got to wear they are because their daddy is rich and threw money at them to start their hobby businesses.

>> No.11213332

First Brisbaner again, when I'm not at uni I hang out around Winn Lane, Burnett Lane, Queen St and the various dog parks of the city

Damn, nice picture I love it in there, that smell of musty old record sleeves

I'm aware of that, but I'm grateful they kick-started their culture niche like they did. Would you rather they'd opened a Culture Kings franchise or something? They throw mad parties, give me discounts and sell good burgers, what's not to love?

>> No.11213350

>Burnett lane
Fuck I meant Baker Lane, nothing on Burnett

>> No.11213358

>sick, rad, oh wow you're soooo cool let me suck your dick
jesus fucking christ you're cringeworthy

>> No.11213431

Only the outer suburbs, everyones starting to dress like mac demarco round here, fuckin memes

>> No.11213441

Sounds like the hipster artfag style is starting to hit brisbane

>> No.11213452

some shitty small nj town

there's one grocery store, one walgreens, one shooting range and 100 people in relaxed fit camo shorts and tapout shirts

>> No.11213454

You know it. I use film since I can't really afford to pony up a grand or so for a decent DSLR, and good lenses for film cameras are cheap as chips.

You're right though, vinyl shops and little arty boutiques are springing up everywhere. I don't mind it though, I'd much rather an independent cafe to yet another Coffee Club or the like.

>> No.11213983

yea i just buy basics from malls. anything else i get them at bundles. (brokestudentboi)

>> No.11213993

rural victoria australia
lall the melbourne smack heads drop by my town to shit up the place on the way to schoolies
one guy with dreds and "clubmaster" sunglasses rolled through the town and smoked weed with my cousins
next minute everyone has dreds and shit sunglasses

>> No.11213994

Pretty effay.

>> No.11213998


slavs, fuccbois and preppies

>> No.11214002


>being from south jersey

damn son that sucks

>> No.11214013

Toronto, not /fa at all

>> No.11214026

> not /fa at all
there are so many full rick people THOUGH

vancover, no that;s not fa at all!

>> No.11214031

Literally every time i buy a piece from grailed its from Toranto. How does this happen!?!??!

>> No.11214036
File: 1.96 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-04-25-18-24-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copenhagen, Denmark.
>pic related. Search result of "Copenhagen Street style"

>> No.11214039

This is so fucking far from correct lmfao. Do you even live in Denmark

>> No.11214094


They don't believe in queer shit such as fashion.

>> No.11214103
File: 11 KB, 387x449, 13485943687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when is /fa/ full of lithuanians?

>> No.11214744

There's alot of people with style here but also alot of "artsy-fartsy" pretentious dorks who steal tumblr trends.

>> No.11215035


>> No.11215044

You win

>> No.11215053

New Orleans
Very uneffay
the most you'll see someone try is going full prep because its too hot here to be /fa/

>> No.11215068

Matsuyama Japan

>> No.11215079

No girls wear color like southern girls tho.

>> No.11215091

Thank god

>> No.11215100


I understand that it's hard to be effay in a hot third world country.

>> No.11215112

nearly not at all, even bigger cities are mostly full of clueless hypebeasts

>> No.11215115

Detroit, Michigan

Not effay at all and incredibly depressing.

>> No.11215130

yet again sieg confirms himself to be a retard

>> No.11215166


Melbourne is good fun though. Everyone is "into fashion" but doesn't have the money to achieve it - so your full Rick / Julius fits attract nice attention and compliments. And it's easy to strike up conversations with people wearing the same.

>> No.11215390
File: 14 KB, 300x313, bitchmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No girls wear color except for when every tulane bitch wears the Mardi Gras meme purple green and gold perlis polo and shiny purple green and gold leggings

>> No.11215431


we're infested with fuerdai (UTSC, Asiancourt) Most of the other immigrants here can't afford to dress well, and everyone else is objectively mom/dad/suburban kid core (high fashion to them is like the H&M at STC) or wears supreme, jordans and low rides. Shit-tier streetwear fits.

Diversity our strength.