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11210328 No.11210328 [Reply] [Original]

Is pale skin effay?

>> No.11210388
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Ehhhh It looks nice in certain situations bit. It's impossible to be pale in california even if you are super white naturally. I prefer a nice natural tan, I think the best skin tone is pic related

>> No.11210398

I love the look of porcelain pale skin, i'm naturally tan, and everyone with beautiful white skin always gets a tan!

>> No.11210400
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>> No.11210404

No they don't, I'm half greek and Swedish. I'm brown and my sister is super damn white. She can't tan for crap. She just gets burnt

>> No.11210408


>> No.11210409

My skin is pale as fuck and It's been that way my whole life so I like it.

As long as you have clear skin you should be ok

>> No.11210412

oh my god not this again.....

>> No.11210428

>As long as you have clear skin you should be ok


t. ugly pasty male with acne and purple eyebags

>> No.11210442

I'm so white that I am transparent.

>> No.11210450
File: 45 KB, 594x468, vitiligo_3_030116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black people, not even once.

>> No.11210471

>As long as you have clear skin you should be ok

This, definitely. Fucked up skin looks 1000x worse when you're pale.

IKTF. I've had really bad eyebags lately and I look like a ghoul.

>> No.11210479

lol white people get offended so easily
did i hurt your feewings? you gonna fuck your sister or dog to feel better?

>> No.11210487
File: 45 KB, 600x600, Bz7FHuIIcAEW3UR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*smacks lips*

>> No.11210501
File: 47 KB, 325x400, tumblr_n1w4nlZ2HA1rfgmbqo2_r1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*fucks your oneitis*

>> No.11210508

>*rapes your oneitis*

>> No.11210511

it can look good, when u are healthy

>> No.11210546

>when u are healthy

*when u LOOK healthy

>> No.11210671
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>> No.11210679

Forgot to say this is local, since i live in California, every white person is tanned here..

>> No.11210747

You literally cherry picked an older woman's lips. Lips shrink with age in all races you low iq subhuman.

>> No.11210762

Lobster skin is still not pale, Kostas
Ergo, no one in California has pale skin

>> No.11210774
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and you didnt lmao

>> No.11210799
File: 412 KB, 1600x1200, tilda-swinton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have tilda's porcelain skin

>> No.11210801

i think really pale or really dark skin is beautiful, maybe it's because i'm so bored with my brownkin.

>> No.11210822
File: 82 KB, 1200x630, Kylie-Jenner-in-2010-and-2015-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her lips were perfect until she ruined them forever with fillers.

>> No.11210826

pretty much this. both extremes are very effay

>> No.11210884

>implying those lips even look remotely as bad as >>11210487 this

>> No.11210901

Kylie looks better on the right imho

>> No.11212226


Cop some melanotan and get darker that way

>> No.11212243

I think she made them plump in the wrong places. But they were not perfect before

>> No.11212252

I think every skin tone has it's own effay advantages. Let's not try to put one race above all the others.