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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 151 KB, 870x1110, image1xxl (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11207867 No.11207867 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it now a trend here in the UK for men to roll the bottom of their pants up and wear short socks? It fucking baffles me. Nobody wants to see your hairy ankles every time they look down, you look like a fucking metrosexual homeless man that can't afford socks. What's even worse is that a lot of people do it with spray on jeans. Why?

>> No.11207941

What jeans are those?

>> No.11207945

those arent rolled up

>> No.11207952
File: 15 KB, 236x340, feelthebern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a numale thing

>> No.11207996

Its a trendy thing and asshat tryhards always strive to be trendy so they follow along. It looks extremely stupid and I've never met someone who does it that I didn't hate. But then again 99% of this board is tryhard faggots who actually think they dress well.

>> No.11208023

i hate it when people try to propose that cuffing pants is some sort of newfangled trend. nigger look around, even the coalminers who wore the original levis jeans in the 1800s cuffed

but i'll agree that in conjunction with exposed ankles and skinny jeans it looks retarded

>> No.11208033

I've been cuffing my pants since freshmen year of high school. I'm 24 and still never not cuff my pants. I wear socks though. The no sock thing is slightly too homosexual. Not that theres anything wrong with that.

>> No.11208043

i do it but i only own one pair of jeans and it looks much better to roll them rather than not roll
wrong, also the person on the photo is not numale

>> No.11208085
File: 342 KB, 754x940, fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a horrific fit!!!

omg am so mad right noa xD


>> No.11208411

This is a stupid thread about a rant about something that really isn't even worth being talked about.
>Being a hyper-judgmental douchebag with stupid pet-peeves isn't effay.

>also, metrosexuality will never not be effay
Though I don't understand the relevance of metrosexuality to /rolling up your pants and not wearing long socks.

maybe people roll up their pants because its hot outside and long socks would also make you hot

>> No.11208417

Not sure why but I find the uncuffed hem of most jeans really unappealing (unless they're black).

Plus if you're wearing sneakers the hem/shoe interaction is probably garbage if you leave them uncuffed

>> No.11208912

I do it. I just like how my ankles look t b h.

>> No.11208927
File: 176 KB, 743x1114, 54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wear nice thick socks though so yeah im cool. I also dont own any spray on jeans because i have taste

>> No.11208938
File: 56 KB, 736x999, 9d264652c13a44c2723d55619da6b791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spray on jeans
men are honestly wearing denim tights nowadays? lol

>> No.11208957

It's quite horrifying to be honest, I live in Finland and high schoolers were doing this in the dead of the winter, when it was -15c (5 fahrenheit).

>> No.11208966

its been a trend for the past 3 years in the US catch up goofy

>> No.11208970



>> No.11209009

Wow, I bet you look like shit.

As has been said before, pinrolling and cuffing is for numales

>> No.11209043

>this is what this board has becone

Jesus christ I need to leave.

>> No.11209156



>> No.11209160

not pinrolling or cuffing is for numales tbqh

>> No.11209164

I'm pretty sure cuffed jeans with vans or boat shoes became really popular around the summer of 2011. OP are you really young or just ignorant?

>> No.11209169

It's been there since forever

>> No.11209177

>Wow, I bet you look like shit.

Talk shit post fit, faggot.

>> No.11209208
File: 374 KB, 1013x1848, XEEOUyB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only good way to wear super skinny pants

>> No.11209219
File: 96 KB, 420x560, 4158174_open-uri20141120-12141-1qk7rqy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wearing spray on jeans on a daily basis

>> No.11209221

i dont understand. what have you done here?

>> No.11209234

>I have taste

...I'll be honest, that particular pair in pic look terrible on you.

>> No.11209260
File: 111 KB, 300x168, 1460148762293.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do faggots actually wear this?

>> No.11209364

Nah having strong opinions and being set in your ways is totally effay, it's being sure of mind and your fashion.

>> No.11209383

UK is behind USA trends by several years. London is maybe a year behind and it filters out to the other cities.

>> No.11209385

11 year old girl dance tights, yes.

>> No.11209392
File: 128 KB, 601x540, irish-skinheads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11209397

Faggot here. No they don't.

>> No.11209530

Did this like 3 years ago when I was young and some guy called me gay. Now every fuccboi is doing it.

>> No.11209575

you got his pic from Zara?

>> No.11211275

lmao, thats utter bullshit and even you know it

>> No.11211314

> Bangkok transit
> likely there to fuck little boys

Nice example, pham

>> No.11211332

Your own autistic post doesn't count.

>> No.11211679

Lmao I was living in Brisbane, Australia at the time.

>> No.11211721

I don't know about you guys but exposed ankle with skinny jeans is sexy as fuck.

>> No.11212418

This looks terrible

Please don't do it IP

>> No.11212492

I have a feeling this might not be true but what is absolut true is that germans are about 2.5 years behind every trend

>> No.11212647

The sad, sad reality of skinny jeans is that the only pair of legs that fit in them are twigs that aren't worth showing off.

>> No.11213325


>Definitive guide to skinny jeans
<If you don't have thigh gap stay away from them.

>> No.11213341

Skinny jeans are shit either way. Don't look good and never will. High waisted, cuffed in sweater/shirt and rolled up ankles is god tier desu.

The nu-male faggot poster is probably just some fag from /pol/ that shits on every new trend because its affiliated with leftists.

>> No.11213849
File: 130 KB, 800x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you didnt know about cuffing until recently proves how new you are to this board. Please lurk more before you post your armchair opinions and disdain for anything outside of your personal shallow conformity. People have cuffed their pants since the jeans invention. Cuffing was also popular in 50's youth-culture so saying it is a nu-male thing is stupid.

>> No.11213857


>> No.11213871

haha I never noticed that, its a Pitti Uomo thing i guess

>> No.11214480

sunglasses and regular glasses. sometimes it's bright out but you still want to see

>> No.11214505

w2c shoes

>> No.11215554
File: 1.14 MB, 1947x2000, 1457134657030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no

pic related is how you do it. also never wear skin tight jeans ever