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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 274 KB, 691x603, 2016-04-22 19.05.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11202446 No.11202446 [Reply] [Original]


just kill me now

>> No.11202451

Kill yourself

>> No.11202460

I was going to say "that's not so bad, mine is like that too and it doesn't bother me" but then I see how bad it is on yours and thank Zeus it's not as bad as yours.

>> No.11202464

I'm 24 and mine is way worse, I have no hair on my crown.

Stop complaining atleast you look like you hav a decent face.

>> No.11202539

post pics, i want to kek

>> No.11202551

What are you doing on /fa/

>> No.11202557

why not post this in the hair thread?

>> No.11202579

Watch that seinfeld that has George telling her boyfriend he has 14 months left to live till he becomes George because balding

>> No.11203029
File: 283 KB, 1280x720, WP_20160422_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going bald? I have a big forehead and same recession from when I was 18

No family history of balding

>> No.11203032

Nah just a big forehead/high hairline/corners.
Don't worry.
Also, nice chin.

>> No.11203109

u have a nice chin m8 don't worry ;)

>> No.11203120

why not?

>> No.11203201
File: 40 KB, 420x393, dead1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Entire life with short hair
>Never used colors or other damaging shit like that
>Grow a long hair that reaches the upper back
>Hair starting to thin from the crown
We've been in the fucking moon, can't somebody just find a cure for this shit

>> No.11203257

i agree its fucking insane we havnt found a reliable cure yet. I think its a conspiracy

>> No.11203579

Just own it, if you've got noticeable balding on your crown just accept the fate of your old reflection and shave it all off. there are hair re growth products on the market but the majority are just snake oil.. the drugs that do work have side affects that defeat the purpose of growing your hair back (major ones are lack of libido and erectile dysfunction).
There is nothing less appealing than trying to style your remaining hair over the patches and pretending nothing's changed, everyone can see the back of your head better than you can and can tell its something that you haven't yet got the balls to deal with, the longer you try and pretend, the bigger the joke will become.
Shave it off with a buzzer first..no need to go chrome dome, grow some facial hair if you can, eat well stay/get fit and most importantly build up unbreakable self-esteem. or drown in your own self pity... sink or swim

>> No.11203605

>35 in a few days
>Have thick hair natural wavy hair

suck to be you cunts

>> No.11203607

everyone gets there turn on the swings and round abouts.. people who thrive on the misfortune of others usually do so to hide their own pitiful inadequacy.

>> No.11203627

hows that working out for ya? wife? kids? bet they think your the man when they see you post on 4chan.

>> No.11203638

seek finasteride

>> No.11203642

yeah lmao. unfortunately this entire bord is founded on judging other people

>> No.11203647

Not that guy but
>implying having a wife and kids is a good decision

>> No.11203656
File: 485 KB, 729x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw will never have god tier hairline like zayn

>> No.11203661

>for genetics

We tried that once. People didn't like it

>> No.11203672

>tfw dad is mid 50s and has thick blonde hair
>tfw got his hair and not my mum's wispy thin shit hair

>> No.11203688

having qualities that are more than just self serving is desirable

>> No.11203705

zayn's hairline is a bit too low imo desu senpai

>> No.11203710

id rather have it low than too high

>> No.11203711

and shows people's point of view in a way that can be rare elsewhere, that's whats so good about it.

>> No.11203715

A lot of illnesses and disorders are genetic and we have cures for them, we should have a god tier reliable solution by now

>> No.11203725
File: 32 KB, 240x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you need a good hairline to look good

youth is fleeting but there's still plenty of ways to look good well into adulthood

>> No.11203733

I prefer high hairlines to low because when I grow up I want that mad scientist look

>> No.11203736

he looks horrible

>> No.11203742


>> No.11203749
File: 21 KB, 184x184, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm laughing for real right now

>> No.11203768
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>> No.11203994

Hair recession is normal in the teen years. Looks more like a large mature hairline than a balding widows peak

>> No.11204002
File: 41 KB, 380x387, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11204123

>look and sound 16
>could trap if i werent balding
>shy NEET, just brought up minox with my mom today
>says she'll get me some rogaine tomorrow

im thinking about killing myself

>> No.11204153


if she's so proactive tell her to get you some fin, too.

>> No.11204163
File: 46 KB, 999x924, 123453851274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm somewhat like that but I'm 21.

It's been that way for like 2-3 years now, learn the difference between balding and a maturing hairline.

>> No.11204195

wow tbt

>> No.11204239

start working out and eating more
gain confidence

get your life together, shit

>> No.11204868

you should have just ordered that shit on the internet come on senpai. you can order generic finasteride online without ever talking to a doctor as well if you want

>> No.11204885
File: 14 KB, 300x300, MTE5NTU2MzE2NjYyMTA1NjEx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he pulled off high temples

>> No.11204921


>> No.11204933

Take finesteride, if you want to keep whats left from falling out, or buzz it

>> No.11205079

this is literally an /r9k/ thread
this has NOTHING to do with fashion

>> No.11205575
File: 54 KB, 660x408, godard-0-600-0-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one that thinks balding can look /fa/?

>> No.11205734

dude looks like a monkey

>> No.11206672


>> No.11206680

I started balding when I was 15. Fuck you.

I'm 18 now and it's showing no signs of slowing

>> No.11206685

>jealous cuck spotted

>> No.11206817


>> No.11206853



>> No.11206906
File: 414 KB, 1536x2048, B6CpC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, listen here and listen good.

The fact your balding doesn't mean shit, the most attractive thing about people is confidence. If you embrace your hair pattern completely and are truly fine with it, it will come across as attractive. Not based on the hair style but based on your own comfortability in your own skin.





Do you think these people are derided because they have receding harilines? No.

Be comfortable with who you are, and life will sort itself out.

>> No.11207073


you can get generic propecia here:


or you can get generic proscar instead here:


both are the same drug (finasteride) but proscar is more potent because it is used to combat enlarged prostate and the hair restoration is just seen as a side effect.

So you could get the generic propecia, but the cheaper thing to do would be to get the generic proscar and divide the pills up into 3rds or 4ths.

There are communities on the internet who obsess day and night over hairloss, so just let them do the work for you.

i found this site when my hair was really shitty and now it's pretty much fine, just a little low in density.


>> No.11207075

2/4 are not receding, one is a glorified comb-over

OP, fin/proscar or buzz it completely. denying and trying to cover it up will only get worse as time goes by. check your insurance coverage or it can be expensive as fuck or $5 a month. do not buy online. monitor your progress and any side effects. watery cum is normal, ED is not. usually takes months to show effects.

>> No.11207098

is that really safe? i always find it weird when a cheap looking website like that only offers visa as a payment option

>> No.11207224

>maturing hairline


>> No.11207241


it's safe. You have to keep in mind that these sources are trusted by people whose lives consist purely of obsessing over hair-loss.

>> No.11207243


>> No.11207463
File: 139 KB, 720x1280, 1427566943643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on finasteride 1mg daily as soon as you can. go to a derm and get it prescribed or buy it online as prozac 5mg and split the pills in half. it doesn't grow hair, but keeps what you already have. obviously best to start as soon as possible but a lot of guys are in denial until it's too late.

I've been using it for more than a year now with great success. If you're one of the unlucky few that gets ED from it, just stop taking the fucking pill and you'll be back to normal in a month or two. I've been on steroids for 3 months so far (test+dbol) and my hairline hasn't budged. If you never plan on taking steroids, you'll keep your hair as long as you keep taking it. My buddy's uncle has been taking it for a decade. Kept everything except for what he had lost already before finasteride.

>> No.11207480


wew lad careful there.

Get Proscar, split the pills

>> No.11207482

He has lots of thinning behind what's already a pretty deeply recedes hairline. That's definitely not maturing

>> No.11207488
File: 50 KB, 716x820, 7c11377e263b7acfa8f48d1bccb947765a92b2506197d2095a56ce0dc55c1317_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second chance

>> No.11207489

that's nothing compared to me

>> No.11207494

>posting on 4chan

You have bigger problems senpai

>> No.11207497




>> No.11207534



>> No.11207744

Hello Rat

>> No.11207882

guys, all you need is linseed and a better diet

>> No.11208292

why hello there, rato

>> No.11208351

Hell(o) Rat(o)

>> No.11208466

i already drowned a long time ago.

dont feel comfortable in my own body when i shave so im basically fuked.

>> No.11208695

bitches around the world still want to fuck him tho

>> No.11208835


>> No.11208906
File: 124 KB, 759x819, 1461452255213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11208940

h(el)lo rato

>> No.11209029

>hello there rato

>> No.11209339


35 here too, no kids cause they'd just drain my life, time and money, hot gf 9 yr younger, my own apt, nice car, an adorable dog and moderate amounts of cash to squander on clothes, tech and amenities.

Joke's on you faggot.

>> No.11209380 [DELETED] 

heil ratty the bald

>> No.11209445

how is needlessly bringing sentient life into this asshole of a world being selfless?

mcfucking kill yourself

>> No.11209640

he's cool mang

>> No.11209643

I dont even want to know the side effects of these.

>> No.11209662


>> No.11209673

Is there an age where you're in the clear?

I'm 25 and still solid but I'm always worried. My dad side is bald. Mother's isn't.

>> No.11209695
File: 12 KB, 236x288, 21fafd4c911173c45d844ceecbde0480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11209710

Balding is progressive and constant.
It only depends on the speed at what you're losing hair and the hair you start with.

Some people get bald at 20, other at 30,40,50,60...

>> No.11209739

I did and got side effects. Sense of boring, low libido and mild erections. Even got in bad situations with girlfriend.
I threw that shit off and needed a year to get back to normal.
That drug messes with your hormones. Dangerous stuff, not worth it.

>> No.11209741

>light blonde hair around hairline
>gives the illusion that I'm thinning and that my hairline is high.
Probably going to get my hair dyed next week desu

>> No.11210410

)hello( rato pls save my hair

>> No.11210484


>> No.11210630 [DELETED] 


he looks so happy thought

heil ratty the bald

>> No.11210647

Howdy rato, did you win Tejas?

>> No.11210652 [DELETED] 

heil ratty the bald, king of the vanity chainletters

>> No.11210682

yellow rato

pls save me ;-;

>> No.11210713

helloooo ratoooo

>> No.11210802


(h(e(l(l(o (r(a(t(o


>> No.11210878

Hello, rato. Looking good these days.

>> No.11211002 [DELETED] 

heil ratty the bald

>> No.11211026 [DELETED] 

heil ratty the bald

>> No.11211030

h e l l o r a t o

>> No.11211037 [DELETED] 

heil ratty the bald

>> No.11211115

why me

>inb4 buzz
I'm far too ugly for that to make things better

>> No.11211117

top kek stole the words from my buhho

>> No.11211122
File: 91 KB, 772x612, kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

oh, and I'm only 20

>> No.11211285 [DELETED] 

heil ratty the bald

>> No.11211369

If my hairline recedes am I going to get bald?

Pretty much since puberty my hairline receded in both sides of my forehead. I don't notice thinning or hair falling anywhere though and I have a considerable amount of hair.

One of my grandfathers is 80 and still has a full head of hair but the other was almost fully bald on top. Where do I get baldness from?

>> No.11211405


Rick Owens (Hello) Raf Simons (Rato) usually what I'm dressed in

>> No.11211453

those examples have small foreheads to compensate for their hair loss. the same isn't always true with us ugly people.

>> No.11211782

h/e/l/l/o r/a/t/o

>> No.11211862

Hello ratty the bald!

>> No.11211914

Hey rat men

>> No.11211941
File: 133 KB, 1522x854, mpc-hc_2016-04-23_15-43-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I don't start balding anytime soon..

>> No.11211983
File: 286 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 22 and I think im balding, I been losing a lot of hair in the shower. In the pic obviously i parted it, but it's definitely thinner. The weird thing is my hair line is just fine in my reply post. How fucked am I, should I do something about it?

>> No.11211991
File: 204 KB, 960x1234, FullSizeRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11212004

you have more problems than balding

>> No.11212074

ahahahaha fuck

>> No.11212076

arab killer

>> No.11212240

pls tell me

>> No.11212277

ugh h e l l o r a t o goddammit all

>> No.11212808

same for OP

>> No.11212855

hell(o) rato

can't risk it oh hell no

>> No.11212870 [DELETED] 

Heil Ratty the bald

>> No.11213012

h e l l o r a t o

>> No.11213016 [DELETED] 

heil ratty the bald

>> No.11213044

h e l l o r a t o

>> No.11213074

helo rato

>> No.11213199



>> No.11213472

this shit again, god damn the fucker that posts this pic every time h e l l o r a t o

>> No.11213491

Tfw 19 in august and visibly balding already.

my hair was always abnormally dense and I have a widows peak.

might just be a mature hairline but I'm not sure yet.

>> No.11213902

Don't worry it'll be eventually if you've started balding there's no going back

>> No.11213933

please make it stop

>> No.11213939 [DELETED] 

heil ratty the bald pls make it stop

>> No.11214008 [DELETED] 

hello ratto
heil ratty the bald

>> No.11214014

morissey is an ugly dick, the only reason he can pull anything off is bc he's talented

>> No.11214017

that ceiling fan is hideous

>> No.11214027

As with anything else: only if you're good-looking.

>> No.11214035

listen here you little shit

>> No.11214052

wait til you hit your mid thirties. Everything gets higher and thinner.
You have no concept of balding lad.
I'm so scared of being just.

>> No.11214389

any websites that ship finasteride from the eu?

>> No.11214403

For example I found this website rxmeds24.net and it looks legit and stuff but then I can find different websites with exactly the same prices and descriptions so I'm almost sure it's a scam right?
And they only accept Visa and Bitcoin so I'm even more afraid of it.

>> No.11214920 [DELETED] 

heil ratty the bald

>> No.11214931

h.e.l.l.o r.a.t.o.

>> No.11215192
File: 266 KB, 1123x719, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone use this? I just ordered it

I don't think I'm balding I just think i took way too long of hot showers. scalp was really dried out. started taking cold showers and starting to see hair growth

>> No.11216551

'i dont think im balding'

if you're not then anything that's healthy for your scalp will help.

if you ARE balding though then only fin and minox work, everything is garbage and minox might honestly fall under that category too.

>> No.11216645


>> No.11216716
File: 20 KB, 220x383, 220px-Phil_Elverum_green_shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went out last night to forget that. I went out and stared it down. But the moon just stared back at me and in its light I saw my two feet on the ground.

>> No.11216826

my post is not spam fuck you hiroshima trying to make me go bald


>> No.11216864


herro, rato

>> No.11217103


>> No.11217333

19 and balding since 16. started worrying at 17. now i don't give a fuck, i care more about health stuff n not dying now that life seems to be somewhat nice. whatever you look, if u have something in your brain you'll find a way to look /fa/. care more about health & career

>> No.11217347
File: 24 KB, 470x512, 1363235177041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day on 4chan I see a thread by some guy that thinks he is is prematurely balding.

Nope, your male pattern baldness is progressing at an entirely normal rate.

You've all been rused by TV and movies because those guys used baldness retardants, wigs, make-up tricks etc. to keep up a youthful appearance.

>> No.11217378

Shave it Heath Ledger

>> No.11218888
File: 247 KB, 879x548, highroller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just from today kiddos ;)

who /highroller/ here

>> No.11218905

h e ll o mr rato

>> No.11219229

jelly cumskin detected

>> No.11219369

Better hurry up and marry the next 7 you fuck.

>> No.11219452

wrong place faggot

>> No.11219543
File: 20 KB, 400x400, Moonmanhimselfladehsandgentlemens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11219785
File: 712 KB, 2056x2427, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked am I? I'm 19

>> No.11219941


>> No.11220070

It is saw palmetto really effective or its just bullshit?

>> No.11220263

ahhhahahahahha its not spammmmm

>> No.11221547

hel lor at o

>> No.11221549 [DELETED] 

heil ratty the balD

>> No.11221683

too weak to really make a difference

>> No.11221714

hello rat

>> No.11221748

he llo rato

>> No.11221952
File: 67 KB, 230x230, 1455157620797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks to this thread i finally managed to phone my local pharmacy and get some finasteride instead of ordering it online from shady ass sites.

11.61€ for 60 pills of 5mg finasteride, it's a good feeler

>> No.11221959

What's a good way to allow balding to slowly consume you?

I have a round face and eyes, so a buzzcut or shaving my head won't really work for me, and I don't really have the money to support anti-hairloss medications.

>> No.11222109


ello rato

>> No.11222133


>> No.11222138

Hello ratto

>> No.11222140


ratty the bald!

>> No.11222172


Obvious teenager is obvious

>> No.11222175

see >>11221952 you cant afford 12€ every 9 months or so?

>> No.11222178

Hell(o) Rat(o)

>> No.11222219

hello ratto peace be upon you

>> No.11222223
File: 1.07 MB, 198x200, 1459695828213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rato! I MEANT TO SAY RATO. Please forgive me!

>> No.11222231
File: 24 KB, 480x332, 1460158028532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with my sister in law's employee discount, I'm still paying nearly 37 bucks for a months supply of Finesteride. Better than $80. Whomsoever finds the cure to balding and whomsoever finds fully effective hair regrowth, deserve to have entire galaxies named after them. Same goes to enlarging cocks.

>> No.11222265

>thinning hair

I just order my minox.

>> No.11222429


>> No.11222474

::::::::::hello -------------------------------rato

>> No.11222494


>> No.11222524

i look pretty fucking bald when my hair is short but luckily if i grow it out it grows in a pretty flattering way and i dont really look noticeable balding

been on fin and minox for 2.5 years, just started niz again because i think my hair got worse again after i stopped it

>> No.11222538

hello, ratto...

>> No.11222556

Saying hello



and people from the bathroom/basement

>> No.11222570

Maraphon bomber

>> No.11222593

that was close

>> No.11222675

quit sucking your cheeks in you faggot

>> No.11222845

Hello my dear old friend

>> No.11222950

>Am I the only one that thinks balding can look /fa/?

Balding guy here. Yep, it's just you [fucking retard].

>> No.11222971

Who gives a fuck about your hairlines? You're overweight, and unhygienic. Go for a run, and clip your fucking nails, you filthy animal.

>> No.11223087

>worrying about something you can't change
>see nothing wrong with being obese

>> No.11223095

>wanting a disgusting sandnigger hairline

>> No.11223110


>> No.11223114



>> No.11223116

heil ratty
the bald

>> No.11223149
File: 2.48 MB, 873x1915, shhh no more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11223303

Anyone had success with minoxidil?

>> No.11223563
File: 723 KB, 2448x3264, foto_no_exif-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least youre not fucking 19 and balding you cunt

At least i havent lost any more since propecia 2 years ago

>> No.11223690
File: 2.02 MB, 600x338, 1388621560882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Notice that I'm starting to lose hair a few years ago.
>Get on finasteride
>Does my hair good and hurts my balls.
>Don't feel like having sex at all
>Get the fuck off it
>Fast forward three years later.
>I now live in Paris with a French gf.
>Generally happy, completely forgotten about balding.
>"Anon, don't go bald please!"
>Laugh with her, hoping she's joking.
>Tell her I'll go bald if it happens I don't give a fuck anymore (I also want my dick to work).
>She doesn't look to impressed.
>Look in mirror today. Very thin on the back of my head. Hairline has certainly receded in the past few years. Baldness incoming.

Fuck it, I can still be attractive and get laid in the future even if I'm bald.. right? Guys?

>> No.11223741

Hey there, rat.
and heil ratty.

>> No.11223969


>> No.11224021


she sounds pretty superficial.

>> No.11224140

I lost my girlfriend because I went seriously bald at 24.

She actually wanted me to go back on fin even though I very clearly stated it was giving me sides which would defeat the point of us being together in the first place.

But I'll add that going bald has reduced the attention I get from girls to a clean 0%, it really depends on luck wether you look good bald or not.

You can still get laid I'm sure, but you will be less attractive, but don't let it consume and destroy you like it did to me. (I straight up became NEET because of my balding, I haven't left the house for 4 years)

>> No.11224156


>> No.11224418

It might also have something to do with confidence, the lack of attention from women.

>> No.11224442

>feel kinda shit
>go on /fa/
>read this thread
>feel better

I have 99 aesthetics problems, but balding isn't one. if I knew my hair was on its way out, though, I'd act eccentric and wear wigs.

>> No.11224905

Well, to be fair. I wouldn't like it if she went bald or became fat (or any other big bodily change).
>Hasn't left the house for four years
Jesus Christ, I'm not taking advice from you.

>> No.11224940

I didn't give advice.

I just told you you're less attractive when bald in 90% of cases, that's just objective truth.

My NEETing is because of multiple reasons though but you obviously shouldn't take my advice if I gave some.

Obviously, having multiple people telling you bald is an ugly look (including your girlfriend) for you does hurt your confidence a little though.

>> No.11225070

Been using for a couple weeks, haven't noticed a difference and it smells weird.

>> No.11225097

pls save me

>> No.11225938

This was my first thought

>> No.11225941

Embrace it

>> No.11225942

domo arigato mr rato

>> No.11226534


>> No.11226637


lolyou can control getting fat, you really can't stop baldness.

two completely different things.

>> No.11226661


he llo ra ))) to

stop posting this fucking image

>> No.11228730


just need to take black and white photos in really specific poses to conceal your hairline and be in a suit+glasses+cigarette.

>> No.11229306

hello rat

>> No.11229317

hall0 rat0

>> No.11229331

h e l l o ʇ ɐ ɹ

>> No.11229337

i have the same problem, but i think it can be fixed with diet and different care. My father is bald, but he started balding at 35

>> No.11229342
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>permanent deep peak

>> No.11230141

>i think it can be fixed with diet and different care
>My father is bald


>> No.11230394

h e l l o r a t o

>> No.11230550


>> No.11230572
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>> No.11230587


>> No.11230619

hell(o rato

I have to scribe this extra part to not get caught in that god-awful filder!

>> No.11230767



>> No.11230776

He1Lo Ra6o

>> No.11230797

40 get back into the studio

>> No.11230798
File: 44 KB, 1000x1000, regenepure-DR-hair-loss-shampoo-questions-and-answers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel like my hair's thinning a bit (24), thinking of copping this shampoo, anyone have any experiences?

>> No.11230956

you look older desu.

>> No.11230963

90% of that stuff is garbage, use fin + minox.

>> No.11231060

Helo rato

>> No.11231085

Its all good

>> No.11231252

hello rat

>> No.11231526

just shave it and then kill urself

>> No.11231567
File: 23 KB, 300x400, bruce_willis1_300x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slap your bitch face
>go full bald
>leave those /fa/-fags
>go gym
>become badass with muscles
>enjoy being badass

>> No.11231675

I'm bald and I kind of agree but Bruce Willis is/was insecure as fuck about balding, he donated a ton of cash to shitty hair cloning research.

>> No.11232065


>> No.11232747

this no harsh chemicals hippie marketing sounds like it's stupid

try something with teatreeoil
it is nice for hair and scalp and is said to be anti-androgen but i don't think stuff inside shampoo is able to get to the follicles
also take a look at the antiandrogen properties of licorice and peppermint

>> No.11232845

hello, rato !

>> No.11232862 [DELETED] 



>> No.11232863

Phil Spector?

>> No.11232875

hello,, rato

>> No.11232877

hello rat0

>> No.11232961

Hello rat

>> No.11232967

i've been bald since i was 18 fuck off faggot

>> No.11232973

That's the least of your concern m8

>> No.11233386

hello r a t o

>> No.11233728


>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

>> No.11233855


>> No.11233860

hell o rat o

>> No.11233864


>> No.11233914

I use it and I like it a lot. The keto is great for your hair. I prefer this to Nizoral it makes my hair look really good. However, you totally need to be on Finasteride or else you're going to lose ground.

>> No.11233937

Hello rateau

>> No.11235458
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>> No.11235503

Hey ratto

>> No.11235658
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he(i)l(lo) rat(o)ty

>> No.11235712

Can't risk

hello rat

>> No.11235778

>dad was started balding in high school
>mom has super fine, thin hair
>grandpa wore a toupee
>grandma same as my mom

>me, 23
>hair is thick and dense as fuck
>no sign of balding

Am I adopted?

>> No.11235783

wait until 25 lol

>> No.11235788

Oh fuck, don't scare me like that, man.

>> No.11235797


>> No.11235801

h3il ra4ty th3 b4ld

>> No.11235810

I caught it early and jumped on fin/minox right away, after falling for the 'mature hairline' meme for a month or two.

Everythings fine now, just waiting on a cure that isn't a mixture of retarded research chemical imported from China.

>> No.11235849

get on minoxidil while you still have a straight hairline

>> No.11235866

Well im 18 and stoped using minox for a week of using it for 2 months. cause i realized ive always had a high hairline,plus it was making my chest hurt and stuff (one of the medicak side effects)
But i have a problem,my hair falls out more than it used to,before using minox my hair didnt fall out.
Is it normal?Is it like a second shedding?

>> No.11235933

minox doesn't prevent loss, it makes new hair. any gains you made in the last 2 months (which isn't much) will fall out if you stop taking it.

either it's all in your head or you're going through a particularly bad shed unrelated to minox

>> No.11235946

So after how much time the hair loss of stop taking minox will last?
And am i going to be "more bald" because of that side effect?

>> No.11236022


>> No.11236318
File: 207 KB, 960x1140, IMG_1545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 23 and fucked.
The only thing that keeps me from being goblin tier attractive is my hair and its receding fast. That spot on the right side was totally covered by hair 6 months ago, sometimes I lose over 40 hairs in the shower at night.

>inb4 kys
going to do that once it gets past a certain point.

>> No.11236319

(h)ello (r)ato (b)ased (g)od

>> No.11236340
File: 135 KB, 273x342, andre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls dont make me bald

>> No.11236360

just get on finasteride if it bothers you retard

>> No.11236368

Hello r a t o
Please :):):)

>> No.11236382

(hell)o ratto

>> No.11236384

h e i l r a t t y t h e b a l d

>> No.11236385

hello rat0

>> No.11236388

Already looked into that stuff. side effects include decreased sexual desire which I'm already experiencing from other more medically important meds im on. I'm basically forfeting my chances of ever having sex again if i commit to it.

>> No.11236392

stop taking your """"""""""""""""""depression""""""""""""" meds and keep your hair.

im just joking but my only sides were watery semen for the first ~3 weeks and i have naturally low libido already

>> No.11236412

Oh cool. That sounds alright, thanks for the heads up.

>> No.11236576


>> No.11236624

Lol. So propecia really is the death of your virility on order to keep what hair you have left.
Fuck propecia, fuck this shit, fuck all

>> No.11236679

LMFAO you have higher priorities

>> No.11236691

h e llo

>> No.11236739

I'm almost as bad and 18

>> No.11236787
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Am i balding guys?
Ive always had a high hairline tho.
Im 18.

>> No.11236801
File: 1.59 MB, 3264x1836, 20160501_140009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here when i was a fat cunt baba

>> No.11236810
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Another one

>> No.11236830

I basically answered both question already.
you usually start seeing results with minox after month 4. if you stop taking it, any new hair grown because of it will fall out. you were on it for only 2 months, i doubt you saw any noticeable growth, so your current shed is probably unrelated to minox

>And am i going to be "more bald" because of that side effect?
you're losing hair either way. fin/proscar is the only option to prevent it.

it's a tossup. you can definitely try and see what you experience, only a very small percentage see sides that persist after getting off fin.

post front of hairline

>> No.11236847
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Actually probably worse being honest with myself. I already had a high forehead.

>> No.11236849
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>> No.11236850
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>> No.11236868

h e l l o r a t o

>> No.11236870

looks like diffuse, that's rough man. at least you have something to adorn your face with.

density looks fine, i can't judge on your hairline. see a derma if it really bothers you. any thin hairs that fall out/temple recession?

>> No.11236883
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>at least you have something to adorn your face with.
Yeah, at least there's that. A friend commented that I'd look like Vsauce if I went bald. Not sure how to feel about it haha

>> No.11236913

I mean ive read in many forums and after you leave minox you start loosing hair for a period of time.
Well before minox i didnt notice loosing hair.
Now after leaving minox i see that i started to loose hair in the shower and some (very little) on my pillow after i wake up.
Well i only used minox for 2 months and i stoped using it cause it made me dizzy and my chest hurt plus had trouble breathing,I dont like the idea of being dependant on minox all my life neither.
Now when i shake my hair i see some dranduf and 1/5 times little hairs,thats preety much it.

>> No.11236927
File: 43 KB, 554x569, 7oGjL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well before minox i didnt notice loosing hair.
Then why use it in the first place?

>> No.11236934
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>> No.11237268


>> No.11237782

hel lo rat o

>> No.11238131

Going bald at 24 basically ruined my life.

Please get on fucking fin or something you idiots and avoid this hell.

>> No.11238153

I have some really minor thinning that I'm not too worried about. I already have a big ass forehead lol. My dad has like a nw 2.5 at 60 and my mom's parents both have full heads of hair. No one notices except me but it's whatever.

>> No.11238256

It is possible. The other dude's right, a lot of disease arise from technically "genetic" issues. It has to do with hormone expression in a very specific tissue, and getting rid of a hormone there, but not the rest of the body is just extremely difficult.

>> No.11238347

>not having a good hairline means you don't get to dress nice

>> No.11238396

h e l l o r a t o

>> No.11238401

heil ratty
the bald

>> No.11238423

heil ratty
the bald

>> No.11238870

You have a lot of hair, really. Is what you said, you THINK you're balding.

>> No.11238976

hello ratto

>> No.11239162
File: 1.88 MB, 2576x1932, 14621625653481938711452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I balding anons?

>> No.11239630


>> No.11239728 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in line bro

>> No.11240037
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>> No.11240146


>> No.11240687


>ruined muh life

how pathetic are you?

>> No.11240718

Look into finasteride and dutasteride

>> No.11240892

helllllo ratttto

>> No.11240898

Yeah, sorry.

>> No.11241021

>being a cueball
more like suffocating

>> No.11241031

>delusional /fa/ggots think they will look like statham bald
>he looks like shit anyway

you are balding

its impossible to not look like a DAD without hair. its a fucking plague.

you either look like a dad, like a fucking big baby, like a tryhard nazi.. there's always some negative/hilarious thing attached to being fucking bald. The only solution is having hair. Everything else is delusional cope.

>> No.11241040

Its impossible to not have side effects when you remove 70% of DHT in your body, everyone will eventually have libido problems on fin.
Then again, balding/being bald = death sentence.
A third option is a wig, but say bye bye to ever feeling relaxed around people.
So pick your poison.

>> No.11241050

so you are fucking an old bitch past her prime

and you are lying anyway

anyway everyone balding kill yourself i will lol

>> No.11241061
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>> No.11241071

she sounds like 100% of girls if they were honest about balding

also all of your girlfriends would have gone for a better looking guy if they had the chance

>> No.11241073

no one looks good bald
>inb4 ldundberj or whatever male model pics

also who cares about getting laid if the girls aren't even attractive

>> No.11241088


>> No.11241349


>> No.11241387

So... This is the power... of /fa/

>> No.11241872


This sameposting so fucking obvious.

I bet you post on the hairlosstalk forums too.

Infact your posting reminds me so much of some of the people there I cannot be wrong.

>> No.11242161


welp, bald guys have been fucking throughout human history and pre-history or it would be much less prevalent.