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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 27 KB, 460x460, cvcks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11195246 No.11195246 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a way to wear shorts without looking like pic related? Never seen this talked about, inspo gets bonus points

>> No.11195260

wear them mid thigh and make sure you have nice muscular legs. also never incorporate into any preppy or business dress

>> No.11195261

>actually using the word cuck to mean anything other than a literal cuck
fuck off and die

>> No.11195274

if you use that word unironically then you've got more important problems than shorts.

>> No.11195278

>wearing shorts makes you a cuck

What is /fa/ coming to, I want /pol/ to leave

>> No.11195280

We are here to stay

>> No.11195283

Then shut up and quit injecting your agenda into everything

>> No.11195286

shorts are probably the easiest thing to wear, assuming you aren't short and/or fat

so sorry op, perhaps in another life

>> No.11195287

>SJW glasses :DDDD
>cuck glasses :DDD
>you can't stump le Trump :DDDD

I don't fucking care REEEEE

>> No.11195288

>Implying you arent injecting your left wing agenda by doing nothing

Wew lad

>> No.11195290

>if you aren't with us, you're with the patriarchy/Jews
Literal SJW logic, there's no difference

>> No.11195315


>fedoras, vests and fingerless gloves are cringe because of who wears them
>WHOA WHOA thick glasses, "ironic" tattoos and beards are fine despite the wearers being just as obnoxious

shut the fuck up

>> No.11195337
File: 103 KB, 600x462, CTSet3qUcAA3JKH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INB4 some /pol/tard posts the serious version of this comic.

>> No.11195369
File: 10 KB, 700x456, frtWKek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't mean to start this. Truthfully I don't use this site, it just seemed like a comparison you'd understand

>> No.11195481

cucks detected

>> No.11195500

w2c shirt?

>> No.11195518
File: 71 KB, 191x226, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst thing about this is that on /fa/, none of the things you listed are popular or admired. You're clearly fucking lost and projecting, as always. Classic /pol/tards. Oh don't get me wrong, I browse /pol/ as well, but I swear to god you faggots are the fucking worst. And I can't even know if it's satire or not half of the time.

Honestly you're the kind of faggots that don't dress good because "that's gay!" and "metrosexual", so instead you wear baggy dadcore jeans, a t shirt from some shitty mallbrand, and a cap.

>> No.11195527

I don't think there's much you can do to look like a nametag so you're pretty good, familia

>> No.11195542

>I like shorts. They're comfy and easy to wear!

>> No.11195561
File: 8 KB, 250x247, 1461120346609s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice projection.

We just had a whole topic full of faggots whining about being called a cuck for wearing those nu-male glasses frames.

Aside from the blatantly obvious "wear a suit that fits" advice, there's a few variations of pic related that people pretend doesn't make them look like an effeminate sub-male attempting to be avant garde (by copying the rest of /fa/) in place of a genuine personality.

>> No.11195569
File: 690 KB, 1280x1920, 1460635730081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the kind of shit /fa/ busts a nut to.

>> No.11195580

your point?

>> No.11195647


>> No.11195650


nu-male faggot beard

>> No.11196171

because the fit is actually good

>> No.11196181

No it isn't.

Actually that thread was 12% people trying to explain to dumb cunts like you that those glasses are apolitical, seeing as the "Young Republicans" love those frames as well. and 88% some autist trying to make oval framed/rimless glasses happen.

Which is never gonna happen, because it's part of the autism uniform.

>> No.11196198
File: 64 KB, 600x600, its a man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on /fa/, none of the things you listed are popular or admired
He didn't imply they were. The point is that you can make fun of atheistcore for its cringeworthiness but mocking SJWcore arbitrarily triggers newfag redditors despite being essentially the same thing.

4chan has always targeted its mockery towards people who think too much of themselves, that mocking SJW's is suddenly off limits and always results in disproportionate /pol/ false flagging is just the pathetic result of moot's cleaning up the site for resale.

>> No.11196252

>4chan has always targeted its mockery towards people who think too much of themselves.

So when in 4chan going to start making fun of alt-right /pol/tard Milo Yabbadabbadoofus dickriders?

Because they think far too highly of themselves, considering that they pretend to hate jews, but love Donald Trump (Supports Israel) and Milo Yabbadabbdoo, who's literally a Jew.

>> No.11196323

lift weights so that your legs look good

>> No.11196481

My legs are fine, I've always thought shorts are just weird, I didn't know if there were certain types to avoid