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/fa/ - Fashion

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11165892 No.11165892 [Reply] [Original]

Post cool shit

>> No.11165894
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>> No.11165897
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>> No.11165899
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>> No.11165927
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>> No.11165940
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>> No.11166029


>> No.11166040
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>> No.11166073

tfw bane is on their final tour

>> No.11166076
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Came before punk but also technically proto-shoegaze making Les razziles desnudes vaguely post punk

>> No.11166086

For those that don't know,If you're wearing band merchandise without having seen the band, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.11166099
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>> No.11166102

If someone likes a piece of clothing they should go ahead and wear it. Idk why everyone makes a big deal out of this.

>> No.11166119

Because it's annoying when you approach them and they have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.11166126
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>> No.11166132

lmao faggot who cares chances are the music sucks they just like the artwork

>> No.11166141

WOLOWOLO has you guys covered, say no more:


>> No.11166159
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>> No.11166162
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>> No.11166192

So neo-4/fa/ really is from r/malefashion is is this more of trip fags being faggots?

Also if you go skin head or dress punk incorrectly you might get best up by others.

>> No.11166207

w2c post-punk tees

>> No.11166243

>If someone likes a piece of clothing they should go ahead and wear it.
That's fine, just support the band, and you should want to go to shows, they're fun. I used to think similarly but it's a good way to keep the money flowing into a dead scene instead of into music merch sites or hot-topic style places.

Yes i know how high school this sounds but it just when people dress in suits and have bad fits, theres no way the misfits played in your town and if they did you should have gone to see them. It's really easy to tell the difference in who sees local bands to who buys the same corporate punk merchandise.

>lmao faggot who cares
As someone who had this exact mentality i'll tell you many do care about scenes they've invested time and money into. You wouldn't go to japan and expect them to speak english, there are social ques in place to see who is just there to follow a hs trend.

If you like the music you should want to see the bands play even more.

>chances are the music sucks they just like the artwork

Clearly, but buying band merch from other than the band not only devalues the scene but ultimate discourages bands from playing local shows. At least with punk and post hardcore. It's a disservice to you and disrespectful to the band.


>> No.11166249
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>> No.11166250
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>> No.11166256

At local/out-of-town shows or at the band's website after you've seen them play play. Anything else and you're ruining the scene for you and everyone else.

Shows are 5$-20$

>> No.11166257
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>> No.11166258
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>> No.11166261
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>> No.11166264
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>> No.11166266
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>> No.11166367
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>> No.11166375
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>> No.11166387
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Teenage Ben Stiller when he was in a post punk band

>> No.11166389
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Based Patti

>> No.11166395
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>> No.11166400
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>> No.11166411
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>> No.11166417
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>> No.11166424
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>> No.11166431
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>> No.11166432
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>> No.11166440

these look so try hard and bad

>> No.11166734

lol bane fucking blows

the only good hardcore in the us now is coming out of brooklyn and that stopped in like 2013 with nomos/creem/putridia/natural law

>> No.11166744

I like weekend nachos

>> No.11167050


>> No.11167295 [DELETED] 

>lol bane fucking blows
If you are or aren't >>11166102 , you missed the point of the video. I never said they were good but the point was how sentimental they are about their music.

You may be right though, since i haven't followed the scene since high school. I don't usually go to shows of that genre, my friends were really into that kind of punk.

>> No.11167308

you got more photos of desnudes style? hijacking plane most /fa/ to end band

>> No.11167311

>lol bane fucking blows
If you are or aren't >>11166102 , you missed the point of the video. I never said they were good but the point was how sentimental they are about their music.

You may be right even though it's probably debatable, since i haven't followed the scene since high school. I went to see them out of nostalgia, i'm hardly into hardcore.

>> No.11167361
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you're the one with the artificial commercial mentality. actual scenes are by geography, not genre. you donate to venues, not bands.

people only put together merch for fucking tours, not when they play local. what kind of douchebag sells a tshirt to his own friends? but what the fuck would you know listening to hardcore in the 2010s?

>> No.11167363
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>> No.11167428

lol okay faggot. dont rep shit you dont know anything about. dont wear band's shirts if you arent going to make any effort to listen to their music. dont wear sports shit if you dont watch sports. dont dress up like a skinhead with military boots and a shaved scalp if you arent a skinhead.

>> No.11167449
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dumping my fave band. 1

>> No.11167452
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>> No.11167456
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>> No.11167512


>but what the fuck would you know
Hi, /mu/

>but what the fuck would you know listening to hardcore in the 2010s?
>My hole post was about the one youtube link i posted
>more irrelevant scenester penis flexing like this >>11166734
>Try reading the fucking post you nigger

>actual scenes are by geography, not genre. you donate to venues, not bands.
You support the band by seeing them play, there are tons of bands of the same genre in multiple places in the country.

>people only put together merch for fucking tours, not when they play local.

Not punk bands, they have merch even at small shows, But what the fuck would you know.

>> No.11167516

It's important to know that if you dress like certain kinds of skin heads (like white power ones) a group of anti-racist skinheads will beat you up.

>> No.11167525

this is so fucking cool

>> No.11167527
File: 87 KB, 720x848, 12985572_480394402166834_6528008120362802343_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speaking in greentext

>You support the band by seeing them play
Okay. You support TOURING bands by buying their shit and donating to the venue so they can cover their gas and board.
You don't need to pay fucking locals to put on a show. That's shit you only see in japan and korea where the "underground" are all just hoping to get signed.

And the host will give them whatever extra cash they make on drink and cover if they should anyway

>Not punk bands, they have merch even at small shows

>> No.11167559

nah slaves are the coolest looking band rn

>> No.11167572


>> No.11167592
File: 58 KB, 475x640, d64738a66f756a4bbbf7010bcddd539a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a troll? they're lame as fuck. hs kids in my hometown garage scene dress far better

>> No.11167596

god i fucking hate those fags

>> No.11167619

I think it's so funny they made it big because they got head hunted by slimane. it's literally just the clothes and face. they were always dopes but they cut everyone off when they made it which is the coolest thing they've ever done

>> No.11167689

this would be a dope fit if it weren't for the leather jacket tbqh

>> No.11167719

So I gotta see them play before I can cop their shirt or else I'm ruining it for everyone else? I once saw a band cos a friend asked me to come, didn't listen to them before and haven't listened to them since, didn't know any songs from them and couldn't name a single album from them, yet I have the right to wear their shirt?

Fuck off with your dumb ass logical fallacies

>> No.11167727
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commencing a small dumpage of inspo

>> No.11167728
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grind is the most effay punk

>> No.11167731
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>> No.11167734
File: 324 KB, 2160x1490, I got 96 tears and 96 eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is GOAT

>> No.11167778

GAG GAG GAG, they're the most stylin crew out there next to deathi nj une desu

>> No.11167879
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>> No.11167884
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>> No.11167888
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>> No.11167889
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Not OP But I'll post some more Letlive.
New album on the way /fa/m

>> No.11167897
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>> No.11167900
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>> No.11167902
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>> No.11167906
File: 67 KB, 500x708, Letlive..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11167931

those hairy legs :§

>> No.11167952

are you gay?

>> No.11167961

powerviolence is absolutely one of my favorites. Weekend Nachos, Infest, and dropdead were great.

>> No.11168065

punchable faces, for real

>> No.11168069

is hardcore a meme now

is hardcore the 2016 iteration of 1996's rap/numetal

>> No.11168322

Caged animal
Coke bust

Can't believe this never broke out into a bigger scene

>> No.11168332

You seem to have knowledge of your own tiny-ass scene and little else.

>> No.11168342

>is hardcore a meme now
not anymore, but it was couple years ago
check out mysterious guy hc

>> No.11168349
File: 1.21 MB, 1467x1390, void.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these guys have to be my favourite hc punk band

>> No.11168375
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>> No.11168378
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>> No.11168397
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>> No.11168512
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>> No.11168728

>being this much of a facebooker

>> No.11169875
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lmao not true. i've lived in la, chicago, taiwan and i'm pretty sure it's true too of nyc, tokyo, seattle and portland. if it's not, it's a sign your scene's gentrified bub

>> No.11169899

Yuropoors have scene reported here before
They have all age venues that actually make it possible to maintain a diy culture
I don't mean to be cynical but it's fucking hard to run everything diy without screwing over the bands or compromising in some capacity, which makes the kids think that promoters are money hungry assholes who have "changed" since they went from kid in the crowd to promoter (same goes for bands; there aren't many that will drive four hours to make 100-150 bucks and only play for fifty people, and the ones that do are either naive optimists or fucking depressed)

>> No.11170373
File: 316 KB, 768x1024, 5133130538_1dabb7a08d_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea but dude my point is that LOCALS don't need to sell merch. labels might, but if a band puts together some threads, they're just going to give it to their friends.

coming from out of town is a different story but there really isn't that much expense to just go and play a gig at your normal haunt for anyone but the venue

like, if it was actually punk, you'd just make your own prints and patches if you wanted one. that's not stealing from bands. it's repping your friends

>> No.11170407

A scene that only consists of your friends is hardly a scene at all...there's no new ideas there, just circlejerking.

>> No.11170413

gag rules. saw em in detroit a few months ago

>> No.11170439
File: 129 KB, 314x278, 1460164911333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude what. almost all avant garde scenes in music start as groups of friends. LA's Masque, NYC's mudd

>> No.11170466

You're too young to realize how big of a consumerist you are by thinking that way
Punk bands that actually succeed follow a simple formula (laid out by a label exec in back issues of the seminal punk magazine Loud Fast Rules)
1) make good music
2) play shows in your area infrequently to create buzz
3) branch out to other cities in your vicinity and book shows out of town when possible
4) never agree to play after the headliner. That's a bitch slot and you're better than that if you actually ARE better than that
5) when there's enough buzz and you've set aside as enough money in the meantime start recording and self releasing your music, meanwhile expanding your show regimen to other cities further away from home
6) submit your music for review to zines, bloggers, etc to try and get some decent press
7) continue recording and doing shows at no more frequent than twice a month until you've either gotten enough connections to tour on your own (which is a whole other topic altogether) or you've broken up because no drummer in the history of punk is stable

>> No.11170477

Yeah, I'm sure they were all selling out shows to 400 of their closest friends, and not a single one of them thought it was appropriate to sell a t shirt.

>> No.11170488
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woah i'm listening to country teasers right now

>> No.11170489

Thank you for not tainting Montreal's punk scene by name dropping it

>> No.11170528
File: 80 KB, 600x586, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of fake ass punk band "succeeds"? they play shit, maybe release some things, and then stop, or don't. that's all there is.

I don't care, I don't hang out in that scene anyway. With house it's just about getting pressed and having your shit played out to heads. Even the massive names mostly do lowkey runs or branch off into labels

good taste. they push the rebel into opening for joke kiddie hardcore & noise rock headliners whenever he comes through the US. It speaks to the hosts and their patrons, not him. so much for "bitch slot"

>> No.11170535
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>tainting venues from 40 years ago

>> No.11172236

wheres the crust?

>> No.11172326

eww wtf bruh

>> No.11173880

i want to chafe my cheeks so bad on those

>> No.11174365

what band? reverse image search just gives me "string instrument"

>> No.11174368


>> No.11174378
File: 300 KB, 1296x1600, The_Stooges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pre-punk inspo

>> No.11174383
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>> No.11174633
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I really like this fit

>> No.11174643

they look like the tears for fears guys

>> No.11176153

So I can never wear shirts of bands that no longer exist? Fuck off with your dadrockist bullshit

>> No.11176572

I've been looking for tapered woolen pants like these on the cheap

>> No.11176576

thrift. hi-fi fnk has a selection, mostly coropped but quality varies and shipping a bitch

>> No.11177542

You know, 3 or 4 years ago, I would post punk inspo threads all the time and got nothing but shit for it from this board. Happy to see views changing.

>> No.11177571
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>> No.11177575
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surprised that Gira/Jarboe haven't been posted yet

>> No.11178826

ITT: faggot posers

>> No.11179701
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>> No.11179888

GOAT sad band

>> No.11179902

This. Punk is dead and if you "rebel" by dressing and acting the same way as all your friends, you're a faggot

>> No.11179948
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>> No.11179951
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>> No.11179959
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>> No.11179967
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>> No.11179974
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>> No.11179977
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>> No.11179983
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>> No.11179992
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