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/fa/ - Fashion

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11159450 No.11159450 [Reply] [Original]

Women of /fa/: How should I dress to attract you?

>> No.11159452

full rick

>> No.11159461

Gimp suit + X-tra large fox tail butt plug

>> No.11159462
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Type of girl that being bofth /fa/ and /fit/ will attract

>> No.11159464 [DELETED] 
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Just copy Niykee basically lol.

>> No.11159465

full raf

>> No.11159468

But really it just depends on your body type. Which is what if you don't mind my asking?

>> No.11159472

Muscular slim.

>> No.11159484

Try to dress in a way that accentuates your muscles, without being a tool. A lot of fashion forward guys get a little to experimental and it can make them look kind of feminine / gay. That's not good. Also we love butts so tight pants ++++

>> No.11159507

atenshun internet vaginas!!! tell me how to secks with you!

>> No.11159561

Read skinnyfat

>> No.11160212

Italian commie girl
Where do i have to sign?

>> No.11160269

Americana/workwear. Denim, leather, wool. Learn how to roll your sleeves properly so I can mire dem forearms. Beards are cool but TRIM IT.

>> No.11160270
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/biz/ here We have a full proof way on how to attract any girl you like
Pic related from /mu/ will give u a good idea :)

>> No.11160272
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something like this

>> No.11160300

Cleanliness is most important. have good skin, a classic (not too trendy) well-kept haircut (every 2-3 weeks), keep your hair clean, clean ears and fingernails, wear clothes that fit, have nice shoulders and dat v-taper, hem things if you're a manlet and wear pants that fit through the hips but the thighs don't need to conform perfectly.
don't fuck up your shoes. if you're clueless just wear CDBs or a classic sneaker for everyday. smell good. accessorize tastefully. have hobbies. talk about interesting things. teach me things about the world. be ambitious. be outdoorsyish. have good posture. be able to eyefuck me from across a room.

Don't be someone I'd be embarrassed to introduce to my parents and I'll let you hit the wavy pussy. after like six months and after we've had our first major fight i'll probably let you fuck my ass.

>> No.11160302
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>> No.11160311

your pussys wavy

>> No.11160316


>> No.11160319

>thicker lips and higher cheekbones than before

so fucking angel

>> No.11160322

thats nice and all. but what makes you worth all that grooming?

>> No.11160323
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so basically be this guy?

>> No.11160325

would you even consider dating a manlet?

>> No.11160327


>> No.11160330

>dressing yourself for girls

Get the fuck out of here you autistic pleb

>> No.11160333
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>all this work just to get some pussy for 30minutes and maybe anal

>> No.11160356

You're quite the idiot if you think clothes can get you any quality female. Imagine how shallow of a person the girl would have to be if she dated you because you wore monochrome. You can attract the girl with the clothes but most females, at least in America, will usually brush effay people off as they are usually beta push overs. But if you really want to peacock this hard to attract girls then I'll give some tips.

>Take care of your shoes and spend good money on them. Girls love shoes so they'll notice what you're wearing. Don't look like an idiot Persian with your shoes though. Simple with quality.

>There is a sweet spot between /fa/ and /fit/ that you should aim for. No clean, quality female will want some hungry skellington, nor will they want a Rich Piana. Women notice that you are hitting the gym and taking care of your body. They see you as a guy that other girls would want to fuck therefore they want to fuck you.


>Realize that no one will be attracted to you if you hate yourself. You cannot be in a healthy relationship if you do not put yourself first and aren't so weak that you sacrifice your entire persona to attract females. So what I'm saying is: You can't love someone else before loving yourself. I don't mean that in some weird narcissistic way either.

>> No.11160365

I just want to point out that if a male verbally told a female that she needed to do all of these things to be interesting that he would lose his job for being sexist.

>> No.11160374

>Realize that no one will be attracted to you if you hate yourself
Maybe if you're going for normal relationship. But I can speak from experience that I've dated girls while being insecure about myself granted the girls were in the same predicament also. Just need to date your own kind.

>> No.11160377

/mu/ here. Mac Demarco will not get you girls.

>> No.11160380


Anon, I...

>> No.11160383

How healthy was that relationship? Were you both very dependent upon each other?

>> No.11160384

> no one will be attracted to you if you hate yourself.

talk for yourself, I have scored tons of blue haired girls with self hating, just don't be ugly.

>> No.11160390


Maximum basic bitch with 2008 tier taste.

>> No.11160392

>implying blue haired girls are something to be proud of

They are just whores anon. They're nothing to be proud of.You may want to get yourself checked though, probably weren't their first of that single night

>> No.11160400

full lemaire

>> No.11160413

>dressing for women

>> No.11160414

I'd rather just pop one off to porn and go back to using my time and energy to read books or play an instrument

lol women

>> No.11160415
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You look like you were famous... IN THE 90s

>> No.11160424

what is his name

>> No.11160488

It probably was unhealthy from an outside perspective. But for me it was the best relationship communication wise. we did do alot of drugs(ketamine,xanax,vyvanse,whippets) but I was able to talk with her about anything and vice versa without having to censor myself. idk looking back maybe we were just best friends who had sex.

I've had a normal relationship with a good girl society/parents would like and it was just so boring. she almost freaked out when I told her i did molly .I'm a piece of shit person I know but i feel like dweebs from here can get a laid. if they try to find their own kind.

>> No.11160521

No such thing as a good girl. You just didn't bring the freaky, bad girl that you wanted out of her.

But you don't have a relationship because it seems morally right. You two probably just weren't compatible, however being compatible with the druggie probably says more about your own character.

>> No.11160555

That's being /pol/ you fucking retard

>> No.11160559

this looks like a doll

>> No.11160561

why this?

>> No.11160564

Look, I'm not a native to this board so I won't drink the kool aid and by all honesty, I don't mean disrespect when I say that you come across entitled. Maybe that's not how you actually are, but it sounds like you need to get grounded in reality. Not many guys are willing to do this because not many girls are willing to put their energy into being someone who, at the very least, is tolerable. Forget being desirable, most girls (but not all) lay on their back and think having a vagina is all they need to be interesting. I suggest for your homework, you become someone a bit more exciting to socialize with. And don't think those turned off replies the others gave you is exclusive to this board. Many guys feel the same way out there, and quite frankly, I believe it's exactly why you have so many MGTOW, MRA, Meninists, PUA followers, Jack Donovan followers,or whatever flavor of the month male centric group is out there. The entitlement will serve well now, but it's doing damage in the long run. Just be mindful of that.

>> No.11160585

You're going to get some grossly biased and thought out answer that leads to you being an absolute slave in that relationship. You'll also most likely get dumped by the girl for being a pussy that is domesticated by her. It makes you submit to her way in the relationship.

They also don't usually give what they really want out of a man that they are sexually attracted to but usually more of what they want out of a gay best friend.

>> No.11160600

it depends on the girl. if she's older with alot of experience sure.
but if you're asking girls ur age. then never ever take their advice. they don;t know shit on what they want.

My older cousin helped me lose my virginity :)

>> No.11160607
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Because you ask a fisherman for fishing advice

>> No.11160636

was she good?

>> No.11160645
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why dont you just bee urself

>> No.11160700
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are you doing all of those yourself to merit my companionship? Do you have hobbies, are ambitious, outdoorsy and able to teach me things about the world.

Not even memeing. I'm an engineer already in a relationship and there are more men out there that fit that description than there are women.

>> No.11160718

Precisely this. Bitches demand everything whilst giving back nothing. Willing to bet the girl (if it truly is a girl) that said all that shit's only interests are 4chan and clothes. Can't do anything to an above-average level, doesn't excel at anything in particular, just following the basic blueprint for life like every other hole looking to be filled by a cock that makes up for all her inadequacies.

>> No.11160719

lol, women

who needs em
who /bromo/ here

>> No.11160728

Women can't bring anything of value to a relationship until you're old enough to where dating ten years younger is legal.

>> No.11160735

>being yourself
>not having a loyal and extroverted friend who has a similar voice as you to undergo plastic surgery to look exactly like you so you can have an alpha doppelganger that picks girls up for you to fuck

Or in my case, having an identical twin with great social skills goes a long way.

>> No.11160737

I take a look at the waywt and thinspo and think the dudes that post are p attractive. Everyone seems to dress okay. I guess it all boils down to how much of a social retard they are. We're on 4chan so i assume we're all midly retarded.

Id date half the dudes i see in /fa/ desu. Particularly the qt asians and the white guys. I even save some of your pictures.

>> No.11160742

Actually he probably will, depending on the girls.

>> No.11160744

I had an argument with a girl once about this. and she told me a woman's worth is that she inspires men to go the extra mile to better himself.

>> No.11160747

>I even save some of your pictures

guaranteed replies

>> No.11160908

That's a fascist girl you dumb fuck

>> No.11160961

>after like 6 months
lol wut. you are not fucking special

>> No.11160973

Because women don't know what they want. And very often, they want the complete opposite of what they say they want.

>> No.11160987

damn you guys asked for advice and you get all pissy when you actually get it?

It doesn't matter if >>11160300 is "worth it", what she posted is very sound advice for attracting any self-respecting girl, ESPECIALLY the one on the left in the OP, I'd imagine.

If there's anything that is incredibly unattractive in a man, it's your pussy whining.

signed, a gril

>> No.11161000

Honestly I do the majority of those things without even trying. I don't know why people here are saying that is making some big effort. It is mostly just paying some attention to appearance, basic hygiene and not having a shit personality.

>> No.11161092

why you're worth all that effort?
where's the EQUALITY

>> No.11161120

>It doesn't matter if it's "worth it"

But it actually does. If the reward is not worth the effort, men will simply not put in the effort.

Doing all of those things does not guarantee a girlfriend. Who's gonna do all of that shit for a mere *chance* at having a self-respecting girlfriend?

Mind you I'm already doing all of that shit anyways for my own happiness - but I'm still girlfriend-less. That's why men are dropping out and giving up.

You're not worth as much as you think you are, especially when you bring nothing to the table besides your vagina. Women in the past used to cook and clean and be supportive. You've made yourself less attractive while demanding that men be more attractive.

>> No.11161138

>le only stupid whores like men with nice bodies meme

>> No.11161146

Yeah it's stupid. 99.9% of girls like ottermode guys who dress well

>> No.11161152
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>> No.11161155

What effort though? I really don't get it. Those are mostly just basic things you should be doing as part of taking care of yourself and being a well rounded person regardless of attempting to attract anyone or not. Well all the stuff concerning appearance, hygiene, and not having no personality. If you let yourself slip in those categories you probably had no real self-respect to begin with let alone being able to attract someone with self-respect.

>> No.11161162

You're all way over thinking this, it's actually easy as fucking shit
>have good hygiene
>have good social skills
>be yourself
>don't be ugly
girls have individual preferences just like guys (shocking I know) so the idea that there is a straightforward way to dress and act is retarded

Lol nothing she said requires much effort at all, sounds like you're the entitled one here for thinking that women should care about you even though you can't even show that you care about you

>> No.11161166

How do Into good social skills and personality ??????????

>> No.11161172

>Cleanliness is most important. have good skin, a classic (not too trendy) well-kept haircut (every 2-3 weeks), keep your hair clean, clean ears and fingernails, wear clothes that fit, have nice shoulders and dat v-taper, hem things if you're a manlet and wear pants that fit through the hips but the thighs don't need to conform perfectly. don't fuck up your shoes. if you're clueless just wear CDBs or a classic sneaker for everyday. smell good. accessorize tastefully. have hobbies. talk about interesting things. teach me things about the world. be ambitious. be outdoorsyish. have good posture. be able to eyefuck me from across a room.

Being /fit/ - lift, eat well
Being /fa/ - make sure your clothes fit, smell good, be trendy, research fashion
Being interesting - having hobbies, research topics, be confident
Don't be a manlet
Don't be poor

All of these are the "basic" things that you "have to do" to have a chance at a self-respecting girlfriend.

All she has to do: have a vagina

>> No.11161178

sounds pretty fair to me

>> No.11161185

The first rule of fashion and being confident in general: don't give a fuck about how people see you.

Once you start doing this life becomes a lot more enjoyable.

That doesn't mean turn into a slob.

>> No.11161186

The first three are all things you should already be doing not to be a shit person for yourself, not for anyone else and those are the only ones you can control.

>> No.11161193

Yeah I agree, but at the same time, what does a woman have to do?

Nothing? Just exist and have a vagina?

For many guys, if we're gonna put in a lot of work to be desirable, we also want someone who is desirable. But women don't put the work in anymore. They know all they have to do is

>be alive
>have vagina

>> No.11161196

This was for you

Saying those things take a lot of effort just doesn't really work for me. They are things I want to do not things I do begrudgingly in order to try get fucked.

>> No.11161207

I agree. But improving myself also means my standards go up - but women have done all they can to fight against men's standards.

If I have to be my best to get a girlfriend
But the girl doesn't have to be her best to get me

Then it's not worth the trouble.

>> No.11161209

I really don't think that is the case at all. Do you not thing the woman on the left in OPs pic has put a lot of "effort" into her appearance and hygiene? You can't really infer much about personality from an image I suppose but you seem to have some warped "redpill" view of females.

>> No.11161213

>have hobbies. talk about interesting things. teach me things about the world. be ambitious. be outdoorsyish. have good posture. be able to eyefuck me from across a room.
this where I disagree with you. everything else fine. but yeah can't expect a guy to know all this shit especially since majority of us 18-21 just like you are. gotta communicate with us

>> No.11161216

She probably has put in effort, and she's probably taken. Not sure what your point is.

Putting in effort doesn't guarantee a girlfriend.

Putting in effort as a girl does guarantee a boyfriend.

>> No.11161219

>All she has to do: have a vagina
sounds like you have low to no standards

no wonder women don't like you. you're legitimately stupid for having to be told this

>> No.11161224

Tell me what a girl has to do to get a boyfriend.

>have a vagina

Anything else?

>> No.11161225

Could somebody explain to why men who do put in all the effort. for example tiger woods and bill clinton still cheat on their wives ?

>> No.11161226
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>dressing for women
when will they learn

>> No.11161228

I said most in order to exclude some parts of that statement the "teach me things about the world" and "be able to eyefuck me from across a room" and "be outdorrsyish" parts in particular are where it starts to sound like a teenage girls "romantic" myspace image macro. I'm 27 and male by the way.

>> No.11161229

Because they're men who have achieved great things, and their wives have not.

>> No.11161231

in order for a girl to get me she should be

I'm not understanding why it's either women's fault or my fault that you don't have standards

>> No.11161232

You don't tell a retard that shes a biological retard.

beta bucks and alpha fuck you oppressed princess.

>> No.11161238
File: 24 KB, 400x400, nu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But fat girls get boyfriends.
Dirty girls get boyfriends.
Unattractive girls get boyfriends.

Tell me what this guy has to do to get a girlfriend.

>> No.11161240

>I'm 27 and male by the way.
what are you doing here tbqh. you should be married by now
oh well thx anyway :)

>> No.11161243

>tfw so many girls want to join me to see Mac live
you're full of shit m8

>> No.11161248

I'm not really sure what your point is? There are males with low standards that will fuck anything therefore females are at fault?

>> No.11161255

I've been in some terribly stressful relationships and althought this is an anecdote, i was completely over my beautiful irish gf after half a year of her unstable bullshit, and i got so attached to that i couldn't leave.

All women with daddy issues and psychological problems are the average woman, stable women are either taken or absent.

If you put a frog into boiling water her will quickly try to get out, but leave him in there slowly and he'll die.

>> No.11161265

>tfw shit skin
>tfw when good routine
>tfw no face

>> No.11161267

I've seen way worse looking guys with girlfriends. What the fuck has happened to this board? All the people from the rest of 4chan are disgusting.

>reeeeeee I don't want to be clean, interesting or confident fuck women fuck fuck fuck

>> No.11161268

>There are males with low standards that will fuck anything therefore females are at fault?

Yep that's right, and females have mistaken these guys with low standards for 'all guys' and have done away with improving themselves.

>Being the best male does not guarantee you a girlfriend
>Being the best female does guarantee you a boyfriend

>> No.11161272

I am interesting clean and confident, I just want someone who is the same. :-)

>> No.11161279

You look like one of the fratcore dumbfucks repping my uni colors

>> No.11161284

>I even save some of your pictures
>guaranteed replies
>midly retarded.

>> No.11161285

I can get whomever I want, mate.

>> No.11161288

Then be picky about who you ask out? It's not the end of the world. In my opinion my girlfriend has done much more interesting shit than I have, but I'm sure she'd feel the same way about me if she was asked the same question.

>> No.11161293

He attracts all the dusty girls

>> No.11161294

>females have mistaken these guys with low standards for 'all guys' and have done away with improving themselves

That isn't true at all though and this is where your posts start to reek of bitter redpill lonely male who doesn't socialize enough with females to actually know anything about them. I have known plenty of females that can hold their own in conversations of literature, philosophy, art, history, politics, fashion, music, film. Maybe you just don't hang out with the right kind of people or any kind of people. Sure there are plenty of vapid females out there with no kind of notion of intelligence or self improvement but at the same time there are plenty of attractive ambitious intelligent females.

>> No.11161296

>Then be picky about who you ask out?
Yep. There aren't girls who meet the standards I've met for myself.

>> No.11161299

>It's my fault for not hanging around the right people
>It's not women's fault for being useless and having no goals or aspirations

See this is the aspect you've been forgetting. I have to be the best version of myself AND I have to get lucky and find some rare girl who meets the standards I've set for myself.

>> No.11161303
File: 245 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plenty of females that can hold their own in conversations of literature, philosophy, art, history, politics, fashion, music, film.
alright m8 i know he's /pol/ guy. but don't lie over the internet I go to a top liberal art school and majority of the girls in our class don't know shit and are trying to rip off james ferraro and maya deren.

>> No.11161306

If you want to meet certain kinds of people the onus is on you to seek them out, are you really egocentric enough to think that other people should become the kind of people you would prefer them to be just for your sake?

>> No.11161310

Well then why be bitter if your pain is self inflicted? Maybe you're not that interesting, clean or a good conversationalist. Women date men who are in a similar place in life to them.

>> No.11161312

>are you really egocentric enough to think that other people should become the kind of people you would prefer them to be just for your sake?

Meanwhile you're telling men we have to become all of these things just for a CHANCE at a girlfriend.

>> No.11161313

Maybe the change in perception is just the result of being older than the average poster here.

>> No.11161317

See it can't ever be women's fault. It's always that I'M not doing enough to make myself worthy of a girl's time.

>> No.11161318

>See it can't ever be women's fault.
The feminine mystic.

>> No.11161326

>That isn't true at all though and this is where your posts start to reek of bitter redpill lonely male

>> No.11161328

dude it's simple biology women have to be selected on who they fuck their future child's sake. stop whining about how shit works. just go fuck prostitutes .
The shit you're looking for is the equivalent of winning the lottery. The way he is telling you is a tested that method that will always work.
stop whining

>> No.11161332

You actually should be happy about this. Girls normally don't approach guys, which means the potential boyfriend will be someone who approached her. If she has no value, only shitty boys will approach her. She can pick out the best of them but in the end she will still end up with a shit guy.

>> No.11161333

>The shit you're looking for is the equivalent of winning the lottery.
>A girl who does the same things I do to be attractive is "the equivalent of winning the lottery"

And that's my entire point. Thank you.

>> No.11161334

You can't expect other people to change themselves to meet your standards. The issue here is with "expect". A female in your view with some kind of requirements for attractiveness "expects" you to be a certain way. Where as you having expectations of females is just having "standards". Females aren't expecting you to change, they are however expecting you to change if you want to have sex with them. Much like a male wouldn't consider having sex with a female they found unattractive.

I'm not telling men they have to be anything. I merely said that you should already be doing these things for your own sake, not to get a girlfriend.

Ad hominem actually.

>> No.11161338

>I'm not telling men they have to be anything.

Do I need to cite the "You must do these things to get a girlfriend" list from earlier in the thread?

>> No.11161343

that's how life is :)

>> No.11161344

Why are only shitty guys approaching her?

>> No.11161348

it's not about getting just any boyfriend. Girls who, like you say, are neither hygenic, attractive or interesting are almost always too fucked up to be in a relationship or are having a redneck bf on the same level as theirs. Get some standarts, loser.

>> No.11161349

It didn't used to be. Women used to actually offer things other than their slop hole to raise their attractiveness.

>> No.11161350

That guy probably doesn't have to do much. He isn't ugly, he looks friendly and interesting, and he looks like he has basic hygiene down. I wouldn't be surprised if dude has a wife

this is just not true and you should go outside and socialize before you become the walking manifestation of r9k. girls across the nation have not had a convention to discuss how they don't have to try anymore

You sound more entitled and delusional by the minute

if you think that list is "strenuous" or excessive AND you really deny also having those standards, you should legitimately kill yourself. it's the only solution

being clean and friendly definitely doesn't take much effort

>> No.11161356

>girls across the nation have not had a convention to discuss how they don't have to try anymore

yes they have it's called feminism
it's called fat acceptance
it's called slut pride

>> No.11161360

No it's not the collective fault of an entire gender that you can't get a girlfriend? It's basic econ, your competitors are willing to offer more than you for less. Stop being such a little bitch

>> No.11161362

I thought i was on /r9k/ here for a second, wew.

>> No.11161363

Do you even read my shit?
>If she has no value

>> No.11161364

You understand "I" does not refer to all 49 other posters in this thread right?

The issue you have here is that there are males that don't give a fuck about what a girl is like as long as they can fuck a girl so some females take advantage of that and don't put in any effort and still get to fuck and you see this as a fundamental unfairness. Especially given the perceived inequity that these females themselves have standards. What you are missing here is that consensual relationships are a voluntary transaction. If both sides didn't want to participate they wouldn't be. The males with low standards who put enough effort in to attract the girls who put no effort in have had their expectations for a female met and the female has had her expectations met. You should be annoyed at the males with no standards not the females that are taking advantage of it. It is like blaming a business for making profit and calling it unfair.

>> No.11161365

no it's always been like that. It's just more beta guys ass kiss the girls and call them "perfect" any chance they get. It's not hard to be clean and friendly to attract a great girl who's inserting in her field of choice like you

>> No.11161367

But she does have value. her vagina.

>> No.11161373

>It's not hard to be clean and friendly to attract a great girl who's inserting in her field of choice like you

Yes it is.

>> No.11161377

I love this happy nigger here. Problems with one gender effect both.

>> No.11161381

This post is so fucking dumb.

Being clean and friendly does not attract women. You have to actually do things to attract women.

If being clean and friendly guaranteed a good girlfriend nobody would be single.

>> No.11161382


>> No.11161384

>Time to silence the opposition with [insert board here]

>> No.11161387

4 fucking billion people have a vagina. How is this valuable?

>> No.11161388

>You should be annoyed at the males with no standards not the females that are taking advantage of it.

Two sides of the same coin. Both parties are responsible.

>> No.11161389


>Being clean and friendly does not attract women.
yes it does. Just be honest with her :) don't lie and act like somebody you're not.

>> No.11161390
File: 6 KB, 576x81, be a slave for my pussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do what I want
>Then I'll let you fuck my pussy

>> No.11161394

>yes it does. Just be honest with her :) don't lie and act like somebody you're not.

With who? All of the women who approach me, simply for being clean and friendly? I think you're missing a step where I have to do something.

>> No.11161399

Valuable enough to drive entire economies.

>> No.11161401

Have you ever been outside? be honest

>> No.11161406

women do approach you but it's different than males. if she smiles at you or makes steady eye contact for 3 seconds + thats her way of approaching. thats when you go over and make chit chat. just be honest :) if she has some nice tits tell her that!

>> No.11161415

>taking advice on women from other women

Wow if she stares at me for 3+ seconds that means I can go over there and tell her she's got nice tits!! Fuckin nice tits bitch!! Ya bitch I saw you starin at me for about 3.34 seconds I know that means you WANNA FUCK. Nice fuckin rack baby. Lets FUCK.

>> No.11161418

Type of girls /pol/ will attract : chubby ,fake blonde , middle aged with shitty face and a southeren accent
Not hating on /pol/ but most of them look hideous in their facebook page/group

>> No.11161421

I know more girls irl that hate internet feminists type than agree with them, try getting off the internet and socializing. Even most radical lefties who are self professed feminists are embarrassed by the kind of sensationalist shit you have seemingly eaten up wholesale and attributed to the worldview of an entire gender.

>> No.11161425

lol you're gonna be the next school shooter fucking sad beta euphoric neckbeard go get a life

>> No.11161436

Why would you put more effort into getting something than you needed to? That is plainly irrational. You would think someone stupid for paying $100 for something they could get for $50.

>> No.11161437

Yeah all because I can't fuck a pussy. At least you know that's all you're worth

>> No.11161444

my girl is a total feminist and wears what she pleases but still understands where those concepts stop and ridiculousness/sluttiness begins

if you can't realize how different that is from the post you're quoting, then congratulations. you're unintelligent.

the post you were quoting was 100% correct. have you never been to the bar? or really, any large social function? i don't understand how you can be this entitled while accusing half of the human race of being entitled

>> No.11161446

Probably because the value they place on vagina far exceeds 50 or 100$

>> No.11161454

>Yeah all because I can't fuck a pussy.
>Yeah all because I can't understand basic conceptions of socialization
fixed that for u

>> No.11161455

Wait I'm entitled for thinking a woman staring at me for 3 seconds is all she has to do to get with me? "That's her way of approaching"

>> No.11161471

You are missing the basic point. In an exchange it is irrational to pay more than you have to. For a female to put effort in if all they want is a guy of some kind with no standards is therefore irrational. It's like volunteering to pay $100 for something you could get for $50.

>> No.11161477

that's not all she has to do to get with you. that's all she has to do to get your attention. this is how many females show attraction

god dammit you're stupid

>> No.11161523
File: 631 KB, 967x963, fa vs fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11161536

swap the images retard

>> No.11161539

Is this meant for men or women?

>> No.11161550


>> No.11161556

Most of the time twinks like other twinks, masculine men like other masc men

>> No.11161562

Do you even gay?

>> No.11161572

>works at Pixar
Dudes ugly but he's making serious money so he's probably set up nicely.

>> No.11161587

>hello, I am straight

>> No.11161833


I didn't expect to get any responses at all and I wrote this half-jokingly, but I'll clarify what I meant: do things to take care of yourself and help with your confidence and it'll be easier to get a girl. If you pursue your own hobbies and interests, are confident about what you know and what you're after it'll be easier and you won't miss having a hole to put your dick in as much. Fashion is a cool hobby, but dressing a certain way won't necessarily get you girls, especially if you're doing it "to get girls". Being passionate about something, being interested in bettering yourself, feeling like you're better put-together/better looking than the average person as you walk down the street, all of that stuff will help you to feel better about yourself in total.

Outdoorsyish/eyefucking/talking about interesting things, none of that actually matters. Don't pretend to be masculine or sexually confident if you're not, but don't be afraid play around with things you've never tried. Once you've dated someone for a while you'll probably find some way to signal you want to fuck them and they'll know how to read it. Have things you're interested in that you like sharing or have opinions about. Be receptive and respectful to hearing what others have to say too.

Some of you have asked, "what makes [me] worth it," and that's not really the point. You're worth bettering. You're worth putting time into. You're worth taking care of. You're worth pursuing your own values. Your life is worth living for you. You'll find that your standards for the people you're around (romantic or otherwise) will go up when you're more confident and you'll be less concerned with finding a girlfriend and more concerned with surrounding people who add to the quality of your life.

>> No.11161881

Not sure if bait or reddit

Don't have the best v taper and probably can't eye fuck you. Decent list though.

>> No.11161884

A prison jumper?

>> No.11161913

if this guy shaved his head and got his style game up he'd be lit

>> No.11161947

Tell that to those of us who have been focused on self-improvement for years, and every day strive to be the best we can be.

You're missing one vital point.
>Men have to do all of these things
>And after they've improved themselves as much as possible
>They have to know how to approach and attract a girl, facing rejection.

Meanwhile all the woman has to do is say yes or no. She doesn't have to be the best version of herself. She doesn't have to know how to approach men. She doesn't have to face rejection.

>> No.11161955

his personality gets him girls.

except smoking, that probably turns a lot of girls away

>> No.11161957

this is an amazing response and i'm truly jealous at how well spoken you are. reading this improved my day

unfortunately i still don't think that super unhappy sexually frustrated guy is gonna get it

>> No.11161970

How the fuck is this an amazing response?
Thread is called:
>How to get a girlfriend

>Be the best person you can be because why not
>Still might not get girlfriend tho

gr8 advice

>> No.11162003

social retard here, just validating your claims

>> No.11162042

desu though I have NEVER seen a little twink with a big bara together. I'm sure as fuck buddies they're everywhere but as monogamous couples they are incredibly rare. I know ancedotes =/= reality but with every single stable gay couple I know, the two guys are pretty much complete clones of each other.

>> No.11162083

Yeah. Twinks are narcissists. They want to fuck someone who looks like them.

>> No.11162090

>this is what /pol/acks believe

>> No.11162091

high waisted jeans, dark colors, earthy colors, white, vintage, windbreakers, hats w the cool words... more of a way u carry urself tho. ultimately none of these will matter but they'll catch my attention

>> No.11162095

mac demarco core is v attractive

>> No.11162099

am girl and hearing that a guy listens to mac demarco immediately makes him attractive, maybe not in the relationship way, but as, "hey this guy is cool" atleast

>> No.11162108


there are many girls like this but not all??? lol girls say that about guys as well it goes for every person i think

>> No.11162114

desu i feel like most girls don't care for those things because they were raised subliminally/ or less discreetly to just take care of their external appearance

>> No.11162119

jus relplied 2 ya but i'm a grill who enjoys studying philosophy, art, lit, & politics lmao

>> No.11162122

Nope not all girls, just a vast majority of em.

What have you done lately to make yourself attractive to men?

>> No.11162127

>im a girl who studies politics
>I like bernie cause he promises me free shit and women receive most government support while men pay most taxes
hheeee heeee

totally not like the other girls tho

>> No.11162133

currently eating healthier/less, stepped up my makeup game, working on myself rn bc my current goal isn't to attract guys but to continue my studies & work and better myself in most aspects of life

>> No.11162136
File: 49 KB, 600x600, right wing gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2C right wing gf in London?

>> No.11162139


Why does everyone on here suppose that when I say I'm a girl and into politics that I like bernie?? Tbh his ideas could never become realistic in America due to our current political system bye

>> No.11162146

Because a vast majority of both young people and women support Bernie Sanders. Also women receive a majority of welfare, and men pay for a majority of welfare.

Yes his ideas could never work in America - or any where else for that matter.

>> No.11162163

thank u, and i agree, they may seem perfect or ideal but contain so many fallacies in the real world. ppl need to educate themselves

>> No.11162164

>no fashy Italian gf
this is all I want in life.
I would settle for Jersey trash at this point.

>> No.11162167

Will you be my girlfriend

>> No.11162169

Not him
i don't understand why women don't have to do all of those things too. why would you approach a woman who is unhygienic/boring/unfriendly?

why is rejection only from the female sex? i have rejected plenty of women

>> No.11162171


>> No.11162178

I'm serious though

>> No.11162184

To reject women that has to mean they approached you.

Plenty of guys approach unhygienic/boring/unfriendly women.

>> No.11162185

but that's literally how you attract an ideal girlfriend

it sounds like what you are looking for is an "easy fuck"

>> No.11162190

ya is sum serious wordsmithing

>> No.11162192
File: 84 KB, 500x482, justbeeyourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

god you guys are fucking dumb

go to /r9k/ and get redpilled already for the love of god

>> No.11162195

No to attract an ideal girlfriend you've got to do all of those things.

And you've got to get lucky.

And you've got to be good at approaching and attracting women.

>> No.11162208

Alright. I'm extremely libertarian free market small-government. My favorite designer is Alexandre Plokhov and I'm from Florida.

I'm also 25, male, Elliott Rodgers, gonna shoot up a school, make $65,000 annually and have a 7" penis and blue eyes

>> No.11162214

>To reject women that has to mean they approached you.
yes, which has happened. it could also mean that a girl that you know or have been seeing makes a move and you reject it, something that has also happened. neither of those are exactly earth shattering events

>Plenty of guys approach unhygienic/boring/unfriendly women.
then those guys need standards, would you approach someone like this? this was my original question that you did not answer

>> No.11162219

No I would not approach someone like that, because I am fit, clean, healthy, and successful.

>> No.11162227


If you meet a girl while being yourself, you don't have to be "good at girls." The whole point is the girl liking you for you. Not some sort of feigned charade you put on to make her like you

>> No.11162232

>If you meet a girl while being yourself, you don't have to be "good at girls."

How do I meet girls by being myself? Girls don't approach. That means I have to be good at approaching girls.

>> No.11162237

that concerns me to some level

>> No.11162244

I was only kidding about the Elliott Rodgers stuff and making $65,000 annually.

>> No.11162261

that wasn't the part that concerned me


>> No.11162266


holy fuck. you guys sound so fucked up desperate. you DO know there's a relationship to a gf and not just keeping up appearances that you're cool/smart or whatever. She will get to know the real you later on. This is why some couples only last 7 months together. That's where real personalities/interests start showing up and you don't put up with what you initially did.

>> No.11162267

You prob don't live in FL huh

>> No.11162278

na, sry

>> No.11162279

I'm 5'11 and 175. I normally wear slacks and button downs but I feel like thats boring normie core.

What could I wear to accentuate my features? I have broad shoulders, slim waist, strong jaw line, wide eyes...I have been trying different styles for years but button downs, slacks and sperry's are probably my best look.

>> No.11162280

It doesn't matter what you wear if you can't even get passed "hello".

>> No.11162289
File: 1.08 MB, 1572x1258, Screen Shot 2016-04-11 at 4.48.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ this thread is a train wreck of autism and sexual frustration.

if you started asking >>11160300 what made her "worth it" it's too late. you got a fucked up mentality. she's saying to just be the kind of person people wanna fuck.

how is it hard to grasp?
>question is "how do i attract women?"
>she answered with, basically, "be a clean, interesting person who shows that they care about themselves."

and you dipshits start whining about how you shouldn't have to do all that shit because most women are vapid morons who think their pussy is gods gift to the world.

do you think an interesting fashionable qt wants to fuck a boring, dirty autist with a shitty hitler youth cut and a skinnyfat body? if you're so interesting and /fa/, isn't that the reason you want an equally cool girl? so how is it unreasonable that a girl wants a cool /fa/ qt boyfriend?
If your immediate reaction was "vapid entitled bitches. always high maintenance with all these fuckin unattainable requirements for their chads," ask the girl you constantly orbit to tell you the bad news.

>> No.11162291

It's okay you can still be my gf. What kinda music you like

>> No.11162294

>Women are already princesses
>Men must do things to become the prince

You're missing the point. It's not worth it anymore. Our standards are as low as they can get. Theirs are as high as they can get.

>> No.11162296

you have been gifted reddit gold

>> No.11162304

Fucking this.

Exude confidence and first and foremost take care of yourself. The rest will fall into a place if a chick digs you. If a chick doesn't dig you, that's just it. Don't fucking dwell on it bro. Be yourself, be confident, and don't be a pathetic bitch boy who whines about what she wants for you to appeal to her.

And for the guys saying "are you willing to do all this for a man?" Are you blind? Women go through plenty of shit every day just to get by THEMSELVES, not even to impress a man. And let's not play dumb, every single one of you know the first thing to get your attention about a girl is something that physically attracts you and more than 50 percent of you would probably put up with a soulless, uninteresting bimbo just so you could smash.

this thread is full of fuck boys.

>> No.11162311

that wasn't his point at all, but the fact that you somehow pulled that out of his paragraph shows that there is no hope for you because you are unwilling to think outside your shitty narrow view of things

>> No.11162312

Sounds to me like you're a bitter faggot who blames not getting a girlfriend on women being too entitled. Maybe you should drop that attitude and start actually living for yourself because what you're saying surely shows different.

>Mind you I'm already doing all of that shit anyways for my own happiness - but I'm still girlfriend-less. That's why men are dropping out and giving up.

Nah that's just you bro. You're not truly doing those things for yourself if this is how you feel. It's YOU who is entitled bruh.

>> No.11162313

are you retarded or just daft?
>Women are already princesses
have you even been around girls or had a gf? most cute girls spend a shitload of time on theirselves. they basically shave their whole bodies, do their nails, pluck their eyebrows, dye their hair, watch what they eat, spend time planning their outfits among other stupid shit I can't remember that's quite time consuming. girls look absolutely normal when they're at home. it takes effort to become the "princess" you think she is.

>> No.11162316

But I don't think she's a princess. Putting on make up is not hard. Not over-eating is not hard.

Come back when she's also fit like me, successful like me, and interesting like me.

>> No.11162330

indie alt, classical, trap, 80s alt, anything except for country, metal, and punk/punk pop, you?

>> No.11162332
File: 105 KB, 638x360, Meeseeks_and_Destroy_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has this attitude
>wonders why he doesnt have a gf

>> No.11162333

that sounds like its on you my friend for having low standards.

/fa/ qts aren't unattainable and their standards aren't ridiculous.

when you want to fuck a girl, fuck it. if she doesn't like you then fuck her dont try and change yourself to get at it.

but if you want a girl you're attracted to. like the kind you wanna sit in a park and read pretentious books with before you go back to your place to drink and fuck for the next 4 days.

think about why you want her. is she interesting? way smarter than you? funny? the list of things that might tug at your heart strings goes on. but if all these things make her amazing in your eyes... why the fuck do you think you don't have to be on her level?

also, why wouldn't you wanna be smart, interesting, clean, and fun to be around? those are basically the requirements. its not like she's asking you to fuck a cactus and lick the subway seats.

why are you so averse to the advice of "make yourself a great person"?

girls dont fuck down, pal. they fuck up or across.

>> No.11162335

What the fuck are you even talking about?

Fuck, this thread is stupid as shit. Relationships are completely and utterly subjective. What you may find attractive, others may not. What some women may find attractive, their friends may not. What all this boils down to is you dudes are wanting top tier 10 babes when in reality, you don't. Those kind of chicks are super high maintenance and if you aren't willing to put up with her attitude and her high maintenance life style, then you don't deserve her. Plain and simple. Lower your standards and start learning to see women for WHO they are and not WHAT they look like.

Have you ever noticed through conversation and hanging out with a girl over time and learning more about her, she will literally become more physically attractive to you? The mind is a powerful thing. And beauty certainly does come from the inside out. The girl I am currently talking to, whom I dated for a year and am trying to get back together again was certainly not my type at all when we first started talking. I thought she was cute, sure, but as we grew to know eachother she has become the most gorgeous woman in the world in my eyes. Because I know everything about her, and how she relates to the world around her. She has the most beautiful outlook and understanding of life and it means more to me than anything about how she looks. She's beautiful as hell, don't get me wrong. Just saying, I used to go for tall brunettes with olive complexions and the love of my life turned out to be a short red haired pale skinned green eyed beauty. Fuck, she's amazing.

Stop thinking you deserve something specific or special and just put yourself out there and be yourself, care for yourself, and stop worrying about trying to find a fucking girlfriend all the time. Girls can sense that shit and it comes across as pathetic. I have a friend who is CONSTANTLY looking for a girlfriend and chicks can SMELL it on him because he is constantly thirsty.

>> No.11162337

moshi moshi baito desu

>> No.11162338


>> No.11162340

this is important

>> No.11162342

Basically the same. Lately been mostly about trap, but always reppin drum and bass and electro house.

Give me a X/10 on this


>> No.11162343

I told you my standards cannot go any lower. Back to:

>women are never at fault it's always men that aren't doing enough

>> No.11162351

The guy is asking how to meet girls and you're talking about already knowing them and shit.

>> No.11162352

It is important because the apparent male hivemind on this website is that they deserve women and should just have girlfriends because they want to. If you ain't workin at it, you don't deserve her.

I'm putting in tons of work, and put in tons of work to maintain such an amazing relationship with my ex. Drugs fucked it up for me, but I am a completely different person now, back to how I was when we first started dating and even better. I've matured and I've definitely come to realize what real love is. It's not about obsession, infatuation, physical attraction, it's about connecting emotionally with someone who shares common interests and actually has your best interests in mind. Someone who takes care of you and has your back. A best friend you can tell anything to, or not be scared to be honest with. It's not about how "hawt" a chick is, or how much you fuck, or how you fuck, or when you fuck, or whatever else. That kind of thinking is immature as hell and really has no place in a relationship and I feel that 90% of dudes on here are only after shit like that and like 75-80% of women don't want that kind of shit. They want someone who makes them feel secure, someone who has confidence in themselves in order to provide confidence in them, give them a feeling of stability.

If you can't do that for yourself, you don't deserve to be doing it for someone else because you absolutely can't.

>> No.11162355

Who else's fault is it that you can't find a girlfriend dude? So it's just EVERY WOMAN IN THE WORLD'S fault because YOU can't find a fucking girlfriend?

Seemed to me like he was saying putting on make-up doesn't make a chick a princess, which he's right, but it just further proves the point that girls have to put in effort and certainly feel much more obligated to do that kind of shit to attain a guys attention.

>> No.11162357

holy shit dude. i hope you're just fucking around.

because one of the following is true if you aren't joking:

>you're not interesting at all because if you were you would've come across many women much greater than yourself

>you don't see women as people. and i know at this point your inner voice is screaming obscenities about SJWs and that Milo cunt, so i want you to know something very important. that statement is coming from the most feminist place in my white male heart. you dipshit.

>you've never spoken to a women for longer than 30 minutes. never had a girl you like over for dinner. basically you've never had the chance to actually get to know a girl because of your shitty attitude.

>you just have a massive fucking ego. catcher in the rye shouldn't still seem real to you, but i bet you think Holden's a fucking genius. i bet everyone around you just can't see how special and cool you are because they're vapid phonies.

god damn dude. go outside. actually go into the woods and live an ascetic life until you're not a douche anymore.

>> No.11162359

>If you ain't workin at it, you don't deserve her.

But I am working at it.

I've got money in the bank. I'm 5'11 165 ottermode, dress well, enjoy a huge number of hobbies.

none of that shit guarantees a girlfriend. NEXT.

>> No.11162362

And he wasn't asking how to meet girls, what the fuck? He was basically saying girls don't have to do anything and guys have to do all the work. Which isn't the fucking case.

>> No.11162363

Anything else you'd like to make up about me?

>> No.11162364

how are you about to ignore that entire post and just restate your views as if that's an acceptable rebuttal

there's all of these great posts explaining why you're wrong but yet it is still the woman's fault?

>> No.11162365

desu both of them look absolutely shit

>> No.11162367

>put on make up get male attention

>become an 11/10 alpha male
>doesn't guarantee a girlfriend or female attention

Men have to do things. Women already are.

>> No.11162368

none of that shit guarantees you a girlfriend because none of that shit guarantees that you're not a huge cunt.


>> No.11162370

The problem is you're EXPECTING it to guarantee you a girlfriend because you're a sad sorry desperate sap. Girls can SENSE that shit. The way you carry yourself probably says everything people need to know about you.

Your attitude is absolute shit bro. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend.

>> No.11162371

he said you were a douche

how is that made up

>> No.11162373

>huge cunts can still get bfs

>> No.11162377

is this a request? cos i could probably pull some more out of my ass, yeah.

>> No.11162378

I don't know about you but it takes a hell of a lot more than "make-up" and "tits" for me to pay attention to a girl. Seriously. You're shallow as fuck bro.

Why are you so bitter dude?

>> No.11162385

No I'm not expecting a girlfriend at this point. I don't approach women which is the vital aspect you're missing out of all of this. Quit pretending men and women are equal in the relationship market.

>> No.11162387

is the point of all this that he wants a nice, interesting qt? because no. those girls don't.

if a girl is dating a huge douche, either you've got oneitis and are demonizing a cool guy or she's not that great.

>> No.11162390

>I don't know about you but it takes a hell of a lot more than "make-up" and "tits" for me to pay attention to a girl
That's a lie.

>> No.11162391

You're acting like this applies to any and all relationships or peoples. If someone is willing to put up with a huge cunt because of her looks, that's on them. Stop thinking of this as some objective fact of life that there is one specific way and thing to do in order to get a girlfriend. You're harping on it. You care way too much about it. Focus on bettering yourself and maybe you'll come across a girl one night who interests you, and DROP the preconceived notions that she has way too high of standards and they you won't meet them and just TALK to her openly and learn about her, and WHO she is. You keep coming back to this make-up bullshit which shows to me you're shallow as all hell and really have no interest in learning about a woman. You just like to look at them.

If I am making those inferences as a male, then SURELY women are making ten times more.

>> No.11162394

>Focus on bettering yourself and maybe you'll come across a girl one night who interests you

>and maybe
>maybe this will happen

>> No.11162397

Excuse me, do you know me? No, you apparently don't. Yes, there are girls that are nice to look at, sure. But that's just it, they're nice to look at. I don't approach every girl I think is "hot" because their personality doesn't interest me, therefor I'm not going to give them the attention I would a girl who shares common interests among other things with me.

Serious question, how old are you?

>> No.11162398

>waaah don't make shit up about me

>let me state your interests for you

this shit doesnt add up and man your shitty attitude is just fascinating how did you get to be such a prick fr

>> No.11162401

lol bro I don't know what to tell you. You are way too concerned about finding a girlfriend.

Maybe the truth to all of this is just that you're ugly as fuck.

>> No.11162406

I'm a 9/10 body and face.

I'm not concerned with it. I'm simply pointing out the fact that it's not as easy as you say.

I have to actively go out and meet girls in order to find a girl who's eligible to be my girlfriend. That doesn't include finding one that meets my standards. It doesn't include attracting her.

You're forgetting the other 20 things I have to do to get a girlfriend. That's my point. At this point I don't even want one anymore. Too much work not enough reward.

>> No.11162410

I hope one day all gals end up with a guy like you. this is a crazy important mindset to have. props to you

>> No.11162416

it's me again :) I told you my friend that's just how life works.

sounds like you live a life of regret :)

>> No.11162417

I'm glad you have trouble finding a girl. Not surprising at all. It definitely seems like YOU are the problem and girls can sense how much of a whacko megalomaniac douchebag you are.

You will never form a true bond with a girl. I feel sorry for you man.

>> No.11162418

That kid is so neckbeards/feminst that he see's having a girlfriend as a reward for being a good male feminist or a good boy socially

It's pretty damn cringey to see.

There are thousands of girls on every city who want to date guys because it's a free financial ticket to any show and meal they want so...it's not hard

That and some women see being in a succesful relationship as some sort of status or accomplishment... Which is creepy

>> No.11162419

I don't have problem attracting girls, I have a problem finding one who meets my standards. Please kid, I could have any number of shitty personality or shitty looks girl.

>> No.11162423

>There are thousands of girls on every city who want to date guys because it's a free financial ticket to any show and meal they want so...it's not hard

>do something I want
>Then you can fuck my pussy

This is why great men like me would rather be single.

>> No.11162424

My friend as humans we will never form a true bond with anyone sadly. only ourselves
don't depend on women/men to bring you happiness or understanding
only you :)

>> No.11162428

pussy isn't free

>> No.11162430

It is if you're not dating the pussy. lol

>> No.11162432

oh fuck off socrates

>> No.11162441


>You want a cool, smart, interesting girlfriend who can keep up with your MASSIVE intellect and you're great knowledge of many happenings and hobbies
>Cool, smart girl wants a fun, interesting guy who keeps his shit together and works to better himself, just like she does.
>Somehow her preferences are ridiculous.

>She's waiting for a prince goddamn charming and can't see that your genius mind and caring demeanor are right in front of her! How could she not see? It would be impossible for her not to know! Wait... thats it! She does know. But she's just a vapid whore who wants some douche with big muscles, a huge dick, and a fat wallet. Why are all women like this? They must all be empty headed whores who can at best only fein the presence of substance.

I hope you OD on all the red-pills you take.

>> No.11162445

>Women already are princesses.
>If the man isn't good enough that means he has to work harder, but in no case does the woman have to work harder.

>> No.11162458

you just proved the girl has nothing of value. the guy has to always keep his shit together

>> No.11162459

You have to be kidding. How did you read my post and pull that out?

Women are not princesses. They are people. In fact they're a lot like you! You work hard to be interesting and the person you want to be. It takes a lot of work to be the cool, fun person that is you. When you meet a woman who is of a very similar disposition to yourself, a woman who's knowledgable, intelligent, beautiful, funny, and interesting, she works hard for that too!

She works hard (just like you) to be cool and interesting, just like you!

>> No.11162461

>a woman who's knowledgable, intelligent, beautiful, funny, and interesting, she works hard for that too!

Except she either doesn't exist or she's 1/1,000

>> No.11162463

>woman who's knowledgeable, intelligent, beautiful, funny, and interesting
You know damn well girls like that are already taken.
stop living in a fantasy land. Just go check your local okcupid nothing but losers

>> No.11162465

holy shit dude you mean women are PEOPLE??? fuckkkk! my mind is BLOWN!!! OMG!!

seriously though, so many cringey responses in this thread makes me fear for all the women out there who could potentially end up with the weirdos in here.

>> No.11162466

>haircut (every 2-3 weeks)

Gr8 b8 m8. Does the army even do it this often?

>> No.11162467

Maybe they should put work into not being known specifically for her slop-hole and then they can get a guy who also has standards.

>> No.11162470

its men's fault women are like this anyway

>> No.11162471

>Cool, smart girl wants a fun, interesting guy who keeps his shit together and works to better himself, just like she does.

>Cool smart girl
This is to imply that she is of substance, as you so require. She's not one of those dumb sluts you hate so much.

>wants a... guy who keeps his shit together and works to better himself
A girl of substance wants a man who is also of substance

>and works to better himself, just like she does.
The man works hard to be what the woman wants. And the woman wants to be someone that the man likes. Assuming the man pursuing her is of great substance, he would surely want a woman of equal salt. For a woman to be the equal to this good man, she'd have to be a good woman. The man worked to be a good man. The woman works to be a good woman, one a good man would want.

>> No.11162472

uhh, what? how is this even relevant to what i posted? babbys first bait?

>> No.11162474

Yeah I am a neckbeard feminist because I know how to respect my woman and myself. Lol youre an asshat bro. Have fun being alone!

>> No.11162477

There aren't enough women like that for all of the guys who are like that, and want a girl like that.

>makes me fear for all the women out there who could potentially end up with the weirdos in here.

If they don't wanna end up with a weirdo maybe they should improve themselves. :-)

>> No.11162485

>wearing heels in the rain

baka desu

Also, the reason you can't attract chicks is because you lack charisma, amicability, and self-awareness. If you had these things you wouldn't be asking how to attract chicks like a little bitch boy

>> No.11162487

>the current year
>dating WHITE PIGGU WOMAN instead of genetically and culturally superior Japanese qts who will help you raise your children to be racist technolibertarians capable of digesting seaweed better than white people, yet also being able to survive in the arctic with just a bivy bag, mora and their wits

wew lad, you're such a fucking pleb

>> No.11162489

Perhaps youre the weirdo sociopath who doesnt quite get what its all about. Youre an entitled prick who projects his "low" standards on every woman he meets and when they dont live up to them, the tons and tons of girls as you say, it really isnt a fact.of them.not living up to them. Theu stop living up to what they know they could be for you.because they realize yoyre an entitled egotistical fuck who thinks just because he has money in the bank he should get to spank the pussy daily.

Got news for you bro, that isnt how it works if you want a girlfriend. You seem like the promiscuous type who is more content with one night stands you meathead.

>> No.11162490

why the fuck would i want to be on okCupid? Of course its full of losers. They're people who don't do shit, and as a result have no places to meet people IRL. Fuck online dating. You're guaranteed to meet a lame fuck like yourself.

You are beyond help. There are sooooo many great women out there. The fact that you can't find one says infinitely more about you and your lifestyle than you're dumbass statistic you pulled from your own sad experiences meeting the shitty women that would consider mating with a cunt like you.

>> No.11162491

>There are sooooo many great women out there.

Says who? You? Not me. I have standards.

>> No.11162494

>the man works hard to be what the woman wants
Anyone who does this is a faggot beta. True alpha males work hard for themselves, not some vapid whore.

>> No.11162497

>missing the obvious sarcasm
not even him but its just so easy to see.


>> No.11162531

No, I don't regret anything. Me wanting to get the girl I love back isn't a sign of regret, it's a sign of knowing what I want and how good things truly were between us. If I lived a life of regret, I wouldn't have fought to get her back. That would be a life of regret.

>> No.11162540

I'm going to be label an SJW for this one, and I even hate this word myself, but this guy truly is misogynist. He believes all women are whores or stupid. This is why he can't find a girlfriend because that translates to his attitude which then scares women off regardless of how "9/10" his face and body are, which I'm going to call bullshit on.

We all have standards. Perhaps yours are way too high, not the other way around. If you can't find a girlfriend, you have no one but yourself to blame.

>> No.11162542

No my friend I can sense many regrets coming from your words. there's no getting back only moving forward. leave her be and start fresh :)

>> No.11162543

Eh, think what you will.

>> No.11162545

>We all have standards. Perhaps yours are way too high, not the other way around. If you can't find a girlfriend, you have no one but yourself to blame.

Funny earlier in the thread you said my problem was that I don't have standards. Which is it kid? I can find a girlfriend, just not a good one.

>> No.11162549

What I'm trying to say is that high standards can cause issues. Standards are great, and high ones are good too. It means you know exactly what you want in a woman, and thats really a good thing.

But high standards make it easier to discount people. Do you show your true colors the first time you meet someone? When you first meet someone you don't see all of them all at once, and to think you can is delusional. Nobody puts everything on the surface. This is where high standards can fuck you. You see something on the surface you don't like, something that drops them below your standards, and you disqualify them in a sense. Having a checklist and taking off points for every box a girl misses is bad news.

I'm done telling y'all how to think. And I actually do feel like a dick for trying to challenge your perceptions in classic 4chan manner of "you stupid faggot thats not how it is, this is how it is." So I'll start by saying that this is my opinion. Feel free to tell me i'm wrong for thinking this way.

When you talk to someone instead of taking away points for every one of your standards they don't meet. Give them points for each one they hit. Because usually when they push a good number of your buttons when you first meet them, next time you'll find out more stuff you like ab out them, and so on. Not saying every single one will work out if you follow this. But opening yourself up to more people makes it easier to find the good ones.

It's like panning for gold. You get a bunch of dirt in your pan, then you shake it. Shake it at a movie and dinner. Shake it again at an art gallery. Shake it in the park. Eventually you get to the last shake and once all the shitty dirt is gone you'll have your gold nugget. The one that meets every standard. If you stand in the river and just stare at the bed pointing out all the not gold, finding gold is much harder.

>> No.11162550

I love you anon have a blessed relationship :)

>> No.11162556

I don't meet girls. This thread is HOW TO ATTRACT girls. Not how to get a relationship.

You have to attract em first before you can even talk to em.

>> No.11162557

I never said you didn't have standards. I've been saying you sound like a shallow asshat the entire time. You're confusing me with someone else.

>> No.11162561


Well >>11160300 did a pretty good job. Then y'all freaked the fuck out and caused the trainwreck you see before you

>> No.11162565

Because this website is full of entitled 14 year olds.

>> No.11162566
File: 34 KB, 640x427, mathphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ here again
pic related

>> No.11162571

Because doing those things does not attract girls. yeah girls like those things, but it won't land you a conversation with a girl.

>> No.11162576

>Shallow is wanting someone who is similar to me.

>> No.11162582

>There's no surefire way to get all the women to want to talk to me
If you already know what does and does not attract girls, what are you complaining about?

She gave you a pretty easy to understand and basic guide to raising the odds that they'll wanna talk to you.

>> No.11162588

And what if doing all of those things doesn't work for 5 + years straight, and when it does work, only sub-par girls approach me

>> No.11162591
File: 319 KB, 1416x1356, fa fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11162595

Then you're just too good for every girl you meet and I guess you can remain single for the rest of your life.

>> No.11162604

ok thanks for your time

>> No.11162605

Try harder then. Approach more girls. Work harder on yourself.

You can sit back and blame the game, but that won't do shit for you and your dick. It might seem like its a bunch of bullshit, but sometimes you gotta work hard for shit you want.

If you think working hard to attract a good woman is bullshit, go join the wizards and people stuck in shitty relationships because they settled.

>> No.11162607

The way you speak makes it sounds like you're not actually interested in meeting a girl who compliments you. You speak as if you're this amazing person who deserves an attractive woman just because you're so fucking amazing.

You're not confident, you're arrogant. There's a difference. Plus, you're bitter as fuck.

>> No.11162611

>being amazing
>don't deserve an amazing partner


>> No.11162624
File: 909 KB, 3110x2073, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl here. Nice clothing is one thing but if they're dyel then nice clothing won't compensate.

>> No.11162627

trips of truth

>> No.11162632

If you consider yourself red-pilled it's too late.

I'm leaving, this is all really tiring and I really don't care if you dipshits get GFs or not. I'm totally fine with you remaining dysfunctional ego driven virgins. I'm done explaining shit. Bye!

>> No.11162644
File: 923 KB, 1024x1076, fams2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11162655
File: 275 KB, 615x631, facgls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already dress good /fa/.

Avantgarde expensive clothing is pretty and looks cool. Keep being yourselves.

>> No.11162667

>extremely libertarian free market small-government

how does it feel to have literally the shittiest political views possible. even fascists are better than you.

>> No.11162669

How does it feel to type that comment on a machine provided for you by libertarian capitalism and no government interference?

>> No.11162670

you two deserve each other for being the shittiest, least interesting fucking human beings on this board. jesus fuck.

>> No.11162675
File: 867 KB, 1776x2086, fit philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pro Tip: Just search the world "alpha" and you find all the retards ITT. Same for "beta".

Yes, I'm a gull.

>> No.11162678

Being a trap and fucking a super cute girl is the best thing anyone could ever hope for.

>> No.11162693

you can practically taste the ideology

>> No.11162703

Why do you live in a meritocracy if it scares you so much? You can go be a loser in other countries and you'll be equal to everyone else. That way nobody knows you're a loser.

>> No.11162709

confirmed troll
thanks 4 the hearty chuckle

>> No.11162712

Another Bernie boy down. Peace loser.

>> No.11162723

>implying i would ever support someone who's barely to the left of a neo-con
toppest of keks

>> No.11162735

Shouldn't you be on reddit? You can't even afford clothes why are you here?

>> No.11162744

>b-but I'm a girl, this means my opinion is valid on an anonymous Levantine goat pornography forum
Tits or gtfo. I don't care if it's a worksafe board, post your fucking tits. I won't masturbate to them because I'm sure they'll be fat, greasy and saggy as fuck (and I'm an ass-man anyhow), but maybe I'll wank to the idea of yet another femanon having to humiliate herself instead of getting the external validation she desires.

>even fascists are better than you
But that's wrong, you statist cuck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCS6PbtbGmA

>> No.11162750

but both of the ones on the /fa/ side are girls...

>> No.11162761

replace it with any androgynous dude you like.

>> No.11162810

Sorry to break this to you, but if you are as perfect a male specimen as you claim to be, the fact that women want nothing with you points to you being a gigantic cunt, having the worst social skills ever, or both simultaneously.

Either way, it's not women's fault at all, but yours.

I'm a girl, and your reasoning througout this whole thread makes me think you have serious issues, specially regarding your self perception in relation to your perception of others (and women specially). Also, worrying amounts of narcissism.

Definitely would not date, even if I were high on crack. But then again, I would never have to make that choice, given that I'd never qualify for your standards.

>> No.11162823

>given that I'd never qualify for your standards.

>It's men's fault/my fault that women don't achieve great things.

>> No.11162840

We already fleshed out this issue sweetie. There aren't enough great women for all of the great men.

This leads to:
1) men lowering their standards
2) women raising theirs

We're at the point where women have "Fat acceptance" "STD acceptance" "Slut shaming" to help shame men who have any source of standards.

>> No.11162855

Ann Frank is pretty fucking hot to be honest.

>> No.11162926

I'm sorry you read sarcasm in there when there is none, but I never said that it's men fault that women don't achieve great things.

To be sincere, I'm perfectly fine with people having any stardard they think fit to choose their partners. I'm confident enough to not feel humiliated or even left out by other people's standards. I have my own as well.

I'm honestly just pretty relieved I won't make it to your cut, so I won't have to be thoroughly creeped out while trying to politely reject your sociopathic, megalomaniac advances.

Oh, I'm so sorry you guys don't have enough qt 3.14s to cover your great men ego stroking demands, sweetie.

There, there.

>> No.11162941

That's why men shouldn't wear makeup

>> No.11162944

>Oh, I'm so sorry you guys don't have enough qt 3.14s to cover your great men ego stroking demands, sweetie.

It's okay we just spend our resources on ourselves now. And you give out pussy for free. Are you really trying to make men feel bad for giving up on women? LOL Look at this fucking thread for a clue.

>> No.11163066

Damn what idiot. Go back to >>>/fitpol9k/.

>> No.11163193

what are you talking about you idiot? Girls don't have to do much but not be disgusting to hook up, there are a ton of guys who will literally fuck anything that moves. totally different story for getting a boyfriend, especially one who isn't a loser. I wouldn't actually date someone seriously if they weren't interesting, well educated, moderately well dressed, etc. any guy who would consider making anyone with a vagina their girlfriend is a desperate loser.

>> No.11163220

guys who are fat, dirty and unattractive also have girlfriends you imbecile. its all about matching standards. some people honestly claim to not mind fatness, especially other fat people and other people convince themselves that ugly people are attractive in their own eyes because of their own fucked up self esteem or their own ugliness. girls who are dirty or fucked up normally have equally fucked up loser boyfriends. If you really want a girlfriend and you dont care who it is, go on a dating website and ask every desperate girl out on a date and be nice / normal to them. you'll honestly get a girlfriend eventually. its not that hard if you're a somewhat friendly human being who isn't actively repulsive (smells terrible or something).

They guy in the pic seems like a normal friendly dude. I've seen tons of guys who look like him in terms of attractiveness and style have girlfriends and wives. if this guy has a decent job, is friendly and has a hobby or some interests, he could easily get a girl who is similar to himself in these ways.

>> No.11163260

i go to an ivy and I feel like what you're describing is probably equally true for both men and women at my school. I know plenty of guys and girls who cultivate an image of intellectualism re: art but actually dont really know what they're talking about. Kind of people who thrive at 2nd-rate top tier schools like Wes or Oberlin. Still a decent amount at my school which is a 2nd rate ivy but obviously not as bad as it seems like it is at other schools. However, I do know people who are truly knowledgeable about art in an intellectual way, even if people like that are somewhat hard to find. Have actually stopped trying to hang around "alt" kids. Feel like people who aren't into that shit at all are generally much smarter and more capable of holding their own in intellectual conversations. Especially true of people I know who study fields in the social sciences.

>> No.11164309

your dubs hide the truth.
you want a rich ('ambitious' is code for rich, be real) picture-perfect, 'interesting' macho guy.
to... introduce him to your parents? daddy issues much, it takes a lot less than that not to be an embarassment.

Take an hint from Churchill - if a guy had all that going for him, would he go for you?

You're either a troll, a deluded fembot, or too beautiful for 4chan.

>> No.11164359


If I want to have sex why would I even care about what the whore is wearing?

Are you autistic?
>yes, yes you are

>> No.11164403


i would never let a fat/overweight guy touch me, no matter how good he dresses, sorry fat fucks.