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11149693 No.11149693 [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/

been on a three week-ish regiment of mild exfoliant and topical benzoyl peroxide and concerned about potential long term effects the BP has on skin. Does anyone here have any experience with a similar regiment and if so what would you recommend? Currently the treatment seems to be working (my acne is pretty mild) but im not out the woods yet.

Is manukah honey a viable alternative once i've finished the initial treatment?

>> No.11149700

Change your diet until you find the thing that exacerbates it

>> No.11149704

any suggestions?

I intermittent fast and generally just eat a lot of high protein foods (eggs, steak,chicken)

my only real vice is diet soda but as far as i can tell i dont think they're contributors

I've all but completely eliminated dairy

>> No.11149835

we already have a skincare general


>> No.11149934

I've been using BP for over a year and my skin is fine. I'll get a pimple every month or so but thats about it.

As for long-term affects beyond a year, I'm not 100%. According to my derm, most of the damage comes from free-radicals and sun-sensitivity. He did mention that acne also causes the same things though so it's "not any worse".

It was recommended to lotion my face once a day though so make sure it stays hydrated and will reduce my chance of long-term damage. Idk if this is related, but I'm in my early 20's and the only one of my friend group who has no wrinkles of any kind. I'm also the only one that has a face regiment.

As for people recommending diet... it's BS. In SOME people, diet affects their skin. In a majority of the population, it doesn't. Too lazy to find sources on this, but go read about it. Most studies show it doesn't make a difference in most people. However, you should be drinking tons of water.

And for some final tips, don't over exfoliate. Its bad for your skin in the longrun.

>> No.11151026

thanks man, all very helpful, i'll just stick to the road im on for the time being then

anyone tried manukah?