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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 88 KB, 695x611, 1421084444102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11143926 No.11143926 [Reply] [Original]

Come in here:
>find other effay anons at your uni
>give incoming freshman advice on shit
>bitch about how un effay your uni is
Pic unrealted

>> No.11143935

have fun being broke, in debt, and getting some certificate no one cares about

>> No.11143941


>> No.11144057

still sore about doing nothing after high school, huh?
Please save your claim about being a millionaire and fucking 12 bitches a week for someone who cares

>> No.11144898

>Georgia Tech
>last fall, first semester
>been going on /fa/ for a little over a year
>encounter my first high-fashion streetwear
>encounter it again
>And again
>literally one in every four Asian/international students at this school looks like they're trying to dress like a tumblr blog
>looks awful
>everything looks cheap and try-hard
>HBA shirts look like something CustomInk shipped out last week
>leather caps look unusually bulky
>leather jackets shouldn't be worn in 85°and humid Georgia weather
>mfw they've made an entire demographic look ridiculous
>mfw I didn't fall for the meme
>mfw prep

>> No.11144904

I study logsitcs and work at the firm that pays for my university and will employ me once I'm finished (they had this "search for and investment in young professionals"-programm and chose me through various tests). Already earn money working for them and studying is even easier since you have all the practical aspects to combine with theoretical knowledge.
>tfw wearing tricky ricky in office

>> No.11144956

Yeah does your dad work there kiddo

>> No.11144981

No. I don't even have a dad. And mother works as nurse.

>> No.11144997

hahahahaha, i went to a tech school for welding, make $30 an hour (plus hpurs of overtime) and way richer than fags who went to college.
gg mate

>> No.11145043

york uni in england???

>> No.11145185

does your family live in Augusta?

>> No.11145200

>about to graduate from AUB
my uni is pretty pleasing aesthetically, its far more diverse for fashion that just being effay, but the school of media (which im in) is pretty effay.

its nice going somewhere where people actually think about what theyre wearing; we're literally across the road from the other Uni in the town, and as soon as you go in there everyones either TOWIE or standard baggy tshirt blue jeans black shoes. Its odd, but i guess its not an arts uni.

You can spot animation students from a fucking mile off at AUB though. fucking hell, they love animal ears and stripes

>> No.11145202

warwick uni england represent

>> No.11145209


me again, the amount of fjalraven kanken bags is unreal though. I used to think they were cool, but theyre so much a go to fashion accessory at my uni

>> No.11145210


anyone at edinburgh or manchester? gotta make a decision between the two soon

>> No.11145218

uea where my farmbois at?

>> No.11145284


I hang out with AUB students, mainly illustration people but don't go there. Pretty tumblry dress sense on average but better than the regular Bu students. Not very effay myself though, I just get inspo from here.

>> No.11145288

I'm at edinburgh. Highly recommend. What you applying for?

>> No.11145336

yeah it can get pretty tumblerite on illustration, but thats not necessarily a bad thing at all, just gets a bit samey. what do you do?

>> No.11145356



>> No.11145379
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UW-Madison boys?

>> No.11145394

I'm at SCAD so I can almost throw a rock far enough for it to land in your campus.

We also have the try-hard internationals. Fucking asians are painfully ignorant to the world around them. Other than that people at SCAD are either flamingly "fab" or autistic as fuck. There's a very slim minority that dresses like normal people (albeit pretty wealthy normal people)

>> No.11145431

I'm an architecture student at AUB. We're pretty normal in our dept. Though with some exceptions. I have a mate who's a complete prep school boy, for instance.

You might spot me around, I usually have tall spiky (read: gay anime) hair, wearing a big blue coat.

I try to push the boat out with what I wear, wearing bright or weird clothing. People say I suit it, only because they get used to me wearing that sort of stuff.

But it's usually one piece of weird clothing, the rest being normal. Don't want to look like the twat in the platform boots with the draping fur coat.

>> No.11145436
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Dw everyone, it's just bait

>> No.11145441

Too many slopeheads in Madtown. You better not be one of them.

>> No.11145447

Asian, you mean? I am, but I don't really fit into that demographic given that I'm not an international student.

>> No.11145451

Piss off chinky bastard.

>> No.11145480

Pls no bully.

>> No.11145583
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Mountains, looks pretty in the fall, windy as hell right now.
I might try for sustainable development major. I went in as a dumbass thinking a studio art degree was awesome, now I'm an even bigger dumbass because I don't know what to major in. Thinking about packaging production/apparel design/industrial design/architecture. Everyone is basic as hell. Half the girls wear bright running shoes, black leggings, and some hoodie or pink jacket on top. Dudes wear sweatpants or shapeless jeans with running shoes and a black jacket.

>> No.11145701

Florida State has got to be one of the most uneffay schools I have ever been to. I can wear fucking jeans and a t-shirt and people will say shit like "wow anon you always dress so nice" it's fucking ridiculous.
Some common styles (for men)
>FSU themed nike backpack with basketball shorts, graphic-t, and flip flops
>Skinny sweatpants with graphic t and snapback
>khaki shorts, cheap sperries, pastel polo shirt, and croakie on off brand ray-bans

At least the campus is pretty effay, bricks and palm trees everywhere

>> No.11145713

> $30/hour

I'm 22 and have an easy job in finance and I make $5,833 per month, plus about $40k per year in bonuses.

I think you make less than me dude. I went to college.

>> No.11145849
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community college is not effay

what should i major in

I was at Brockport(the worst SUNY) for two semesters enviro sci and anthro

now i take two classes here
More effay than most SUNY's beacuse there are some city folk from Rochester, but not real good.

Campus gives me kind of a cyberpunk vibe from the outside, idk why. 80s construction maybe

>> No.11146074
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>Computer Science at University of Delaware

Aesthetics of central campus are somewhat /fa/ I guess but everywhere else isn't really.

Lots of Asian international students here who dress pretty well or are just decked out in streetwear. Relatively few well-dressed american students.

I never see anyone besides my one friend rep UD in these threads, hmu if you go here!

>> No.11146173

Anyone here go to Fordham? Any advice?

>> No.11146180 [DELETED] 
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Tech here as well family, where you at

>> No.11146189
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Tech senior here senpai, I am also prep/Ivy. Where you at?

>> No.11146194
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>implying anyone else at cooper would lower themselves to visiting this place

>> No.11146216


>> No.11146507
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Sorry man

>> No.11146523
File: 45 KB, 400x320, OSU-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to go osu
>make friends with a Chinese international student
>have class together
>only hung out twice outside of class
>hinting to me that he wants to give me an HBA shirt as a gift

I don't even like HBA but still feels good

>> No.11146531

When you get it, tell him

>HBA shit is weak, you can keep that.

>> No.11146537

fix shoulders faggot

>> No.11146570

>frat bros with all pink and light blue vinyard vines blasting justin beiber
>asians who keep to asians who dress in expensive asian HYPE clothing
>hipster art students who look for the grossest colors at goodwill and throw them on
>overdressed reddit mfas/wannabe dads
>sweatpants and college hoodie
I want off this ride

>> No.11146575

How much are you paying in student loans?

>> No.11146588
File: 308 KB, 883x297, HunterLogo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got accepted to Hunter, but I'm having second thoughts now. Any /fa/gs been there?

>> No.11146612

well fuck, I was considering going there. thanks

>> No.11146678

I mean, don't go to college to be around /fa/ people. It depends what you want. The school is good and friendly by default (as opposed to sketchy places like odu and vcu), but its also frat and party heavy which is bad if you're not into that sort of thing. There is a downtown hipsterish area that I like alot and in a population of a school this large you can find your own niche

>> No.11146695

oh /fa/...

>> No.11146742

I'm probably going to end up at ithaca, any /fa/gs there? And I'm going for the Parker school of coure/

>> No.11146745

Well I'm not 100% to it

>> No.11146768

Refusing or rejecting gifts is kinda unacceptable in chinese culture

>> No.11146985

went to JMU for 3 years and never saw a single good fit there.

>> No.11147025

any /Fa/lmouth ?

>> No.11147036

what does fa study anyway ?

>> No.11147045

Anyone here at Hawaii?

>> No.11147055

Coventry anyone? All the slightly /fa/ people I see there are just aznz thou...

>> No.11147075

I'm actually applying to Edinburgh as well, ChemE

>> No.11147122

i got accepted at madison but im going to lax because madison is way fucking bigger than i thought it was

>> No.11147136

UEA reppin. The amount of tryhard azns is painful and also lot of people from london / essex who think they are badboy with that accent / haircut combo.

>> No.11147137

Not really related to fashion, but does anyone here have experience transferring schools? There's no way I can survive another semester in Nebraska

>> No.11147632

Temple is what you guys consider effey I believe. I see a lot of the trends you guys talk about here and most of it looks pretty horrid in person.

>> No.11147650

LAX is weak though, also Mad isn't that big.

>> No.11147751

>Tfw Daddy and mommy are rich af
>All I dress in is prep
>Am in a stem field(Neuroscience)
>Go to Dartmouth
You mad? Working class scum

>> No.11147763

ayyyy MCC bros I went there for 2 years definitly not /fa/ in the slightest

>> No.11147788

looks pretty cool desu
i'm not too crazy about the jacket but that's just me and leather jackets in general desu
pants/shoes lookin great

>> No.11147830

USYD here

>tfw 4 years into a 5 year teaching degree
>feel like i arbitrarily picked it because i love english lit so i thought teaching it lets me stay engaged with it and because teachers get long holidays in which i will be able to explore my "real passion" of music.
>as im actually getting educated in university level arts, I realise what ill be teaching to high schoolers will be boring to me and most kids do t give a fuck about art
>do teaching prac just waiting for the month to end, have no passion for educating the youth
>starting to feel like i took an "easy out" because I was lazy and didnt consider myself good at academia, but have recently started (responsibly) cycling modafinil and caffeine in order to combat my conditioned focus and attention problems, and I feel like I am caoable of doing something much better with my life and want to get into a rigorous STEM field
>realise i make more time for music when i have less free time because i work better under urgency, and my 17 year old reasoning when I started this degree was flawed and juvenile
>i hate the lefty "all kids get trophies" attitudes they are teaching us for government schools, as i went to a private school and i had no clue about all this inclusivity 'no such thing as a dumb kid' bullshit ideology that permeates throughout the entire curriculum im being taught

Soz for not being fashion related, but /lit/ would have blasted me for "stem autism". To keep it relevant, i suppose most of my cohort doesnt care for fashion, but I feel these other issues are more important. I dont really have any interest in criticising other's clothing choices other than my own

>> No.11147979
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UNSW senpai here as well, the pic related hypebeasts are real.

>> No.11148068

I used to go to UNSW, all asians wear fucking rick geos or rick x adidas it's embarassing.

>> No.11148099

you would be nonexistent without the working class

>> No.11148106
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>> No.11148126
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good luck with being a lab rat making $10/h

>> No.11148136

My sister went to Fordham Lincoln center past 4 years, just know its full of gays and Oppenheim is a good teacher

>> No.11148162

>This is what McDonalds workers tell themselves.

>> No.11148169

not uni but in the neighborhood

have fun with your tcf overdrafts, date rape and rhymesayers.

>> No.11148171

never said I was middle class

someone has to make or provide literally every single thing you have bought with "your" money

be grateful and have some humility you dick

>> No.11148175

what? I don't care about any of those things.

>> No.11148197

Robots can run machining machines more efficiently than you.

You'll be supplanted soon enough.

>> No.11148248

Hasn't changed a bit. I actually saw a girl wearing the Doberman sweater today.

>> No.11148306

What you studying?

>> No.11148371

Economics/arts. Not the best, but I'm happy doing it

>> No.11148396

Not if we become luddites :^)

>> No.11148407

UMN but I've got a buddy at Madison. Solid school. Nice job anon. :)

>> No.11148409
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>> No.11148410

What degree you on my man?

>> No.11148415

Northwestern aka every single engineering boy wearing target basketball shorts, an old stained frat shirt, asics/running shoes. Add an acrid purple hoodie for School Spirit if it's chilly. Every fucking day

Ready to kms desu

>> No.11148491


linguistics. got the unconditional but was wondering what the scene was like, as my open day didnt reveal that much

>> No.11148653

again, I'm not middle class

>> No.11148710

poorfag. even worse

>> No.11148733

>university admissions interviewer offered me an unconditional place mid interview for the year above I applied to
>this happened at 2 out of 3 of my interviews

Gd feels

>> No.11148760

>U Central Florida
>"country" guys wearing bootcut jeans, camo hat, some fucking sailfish shirt, "muh hiking boots"
>athletic shorts, Nike running shoes, tank top, gallon jug in hand
>khaki shorts, school sweater, sperries, wraparound oakleys, lanyard, camo hat again
>girls in Jean shorts, tee shirt, iPhone
>black leggings, workout tanktop, water bottle, keys that alert the class when they drop them on the desk,

I have no Asians wearing full Rick. Hypebeasts would be an improvement.

>> No.11148763
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I don't attend but I've always thought this JSU shirt was effay. cop or nah?

>> No.11148765

this is me minus the shitty clothes and myspace shit.

>> No.11148768


>> No.11148782
File: 53 KB, 600x499, 010 - lK3R2QL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roommate always dressed like he about to model for Yeezy
>Given up on looking /fa/, nobody here gives a shit or knows fashion
>Undercut fade haircut
>I actually make it work
>Cold wheather
>Say 'fuck it' and wear grey checkered Vans and raggedy jacket
>Nautica tee and shorts all the time
Fuck this world /fa/ at least my tumblr understands me.

>> No.11148890

Anyone at Leicester, Swansea or Kent? That's where my offers are and I can't decide who to firm and shit. Leaning towards Leicester but not too sure.

If I end up overachieving on my exams I'm gonna reapply and try Manchester as well I think so if anyone's from there too and has anything to say about the place that'd be nice.

>> No.11148896

visited my uni mate in leicester. heaving with pakis

>> No.11148901


Manchester, Bristol, Sheffield, Leeds, Liverpool

Out of your picks:

Kent? Depends where in Kent though although I've never heard of the uni so there's that to consider as well

>> No.11148902
File: 12 KB, 300x230, -1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of babes here.

>> No.11148904

I'm black so I'm not too bothered about minorities desu senpai.

>> No.11148905

Went there for undergrad lad. It's a large public school in an urban area so you have a mix of everything - from your Edina hockey bros to you wealthy af Asians to you gutterpunk humanities grad students.

>> No.11148906

It's in Canterbury. That's my main gripe with it. Place seems like it'd be fucking dead. Campus is nice though.

It's a pretty well known uni.

>> No.11148911

Ayy I graduated in 2014

>> No.11148920

err dirty hah jk i love shabba ranks senpai jah bless up one love

but nah leicester is ok manc is sick as

>> No.11148926

nice, have you stayed in the area? good job prospects with your degree?

my gf has another year on her masters after I graduate. don't really wanna work at HSD or the likes.

>> No.11148934

actually, I should ask you more relevant questions. besides the synagogue and battery street where the fuck did you thrift?

>> No.11148988

Depends, how much do you want to live in the city? Going to a commuter school for undergrad seems like a bad idea, how are you gonna make those friends you'll keep for life if it's just you and a couple of 30 year olds

>> No.11148992

>tfw gay and attending rose hill
Why can't there be a bio department in the city,

>> No.11149253

halifax represent

>> No.11149343

isitttttttttttttt, might be applying for derwent desu
what year are you/subject?

>> No.11149357
File: 55 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only are we afraid of chalk, we also paid a hack dj to snapchat everyone and play his pop music

>> No.11149361

Ayy what up familia

>> No.11149363

second year history, what you applying for? derwent is probs most effay college desu

>> No.11149369

english lit
yeh i've heard that...i've also heard it's full of a load of priv school cunts so i'm a little undecided on the derwent thang
a mate of mine was in halifax tho last year and absolutely loved it, the accomodation seemed pretty nice too when i visited

>> No.11149387

fairs, my gf does englit, derwent gets a bit of a bad rep cos they all think they are the hardcore party college, but its pretty much the same as everywhere else.
i thought halifax was dope, loads of people, not bad accommodation (no asbestos) and really good freshers week
as long as you arent on hes east its all pretty much the same really

>> No.11149418

trusttt hes east looked like a dead ting

>> No.11149427

akron anybody?

>> No.11149464

It's really not hard to get a job if you do a degree that teaches you real applicable skills. I have a lot of respect for people that study a subject solely because it interests them, but they need to stop pretending that it's someone else's fault they can't find a job.

>> No.11149493

Hi friend. I'm 1st year, and you? What aesthetic do you emulate?

>> No.11149533

I go here. Maths. poorfag though.

I dress in mostly basics and weird shit i thrifted. sup?

>> No.11149554

Eastern Michigan University here.
It's shit
Everyone is shit

>> No.11149583

nice dude! what program did you apply for?

>> No.11149586

probably going to upitt in the fall. seems really effay but can anyone attest?

>> No.11149595

Who /universityofmaryland/ here

>> No.11149598

who /uoft/ here?

studying architecture

>> No.11149675


I go to leicester, its pretty good.

The uni is your normal mix of mainly white people and chinks but outside its all pakis

I have been enjoying it so far (first year).

>> No.11149710


Going here next year as a transfer. What do I expect?

>> No.11149733
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It's a nice school, I like it a lot. Lot of resources for basically whatever you want. Buses are dope.
Mostly people complain about it being impersonal, but I think that's a personal problem. I talk to all my profs after most lectures and talk to other students all the time. You just have to put the effort in to talk to people. Relationships are spoon-fed to you like private schools.

>> No.11149752

What are the chances I can get into a Yudof 2 person 2 bedroom suite? What are the res halls to apply to? How long does it take to just get around the campus (east bank to west bank, to St. Paul, just around east bank)? What should I do for meal plans if I don't eat like a pig? Should I get a bike? What are the best ways to get involved on campus?

I'm super excited to go because it's a huge step up from my shitty state school that I'm at right now, but the size is intimidating.

>> No.11149790

Anything other than medical go somewhere else. Come thru Brooklyn college.

>> No.11149798
File: 329 KB, 768x576, a new merrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mommy and daddy are poor af
>tfw worked my way up to 6 figures
>tfw all my accomplishments were actually MY accomplishments
>tfw feel proud of my accomplishmets
>tfw social adept
>tfw don't need rely on money to pull a girl home
>tfw social circle is full of good honest friends

>> No.11149802

socially* adept.
To bad I'm mentally retarded.

>> No.11149807


Have you applied yet? If not, pretty low m8. You're l8.

I wouldn't live on campus. Fuck that. Meal plans are way overpriced. I live in an 3br 5 person apartment ~2 blocks from campus for about 400$/mo. You can share a place w/ single bedrooms for comparable prices 5-10 blocks from campus. Living on West Bank is even cheaper. Look on roommate search pages and shit. I'd always do that over on-campus.

If you're going to be on campus don't be in superblock. I was never on campus so I don't know a ton about the different options, but Superblock is where tard freshman puke all over the bathrooms and the RAs make the floor clean it up. I know the 412 dorm is pretty nice, but if you haven't applied yet you're probably going to get kind of fucked. Won't be the end of the world but u no.

East bank and West bank are connected by a bridge but they're pretty much right next to each other. From the far end of east bank to the far end of west bank is MAYBE a 25 minute walk. Probably less. If you're going to be living near Coffman Union it'll be 10-15 minutes to either end walking. There's also a pretty extensive free University bus system that is super useful in the winter/if you're lazy. St. Paul is only accessible by bus. I rode there once by accident. Maybe a 15 minute bus ride if I remember right.

All of that is pretty much dependent on your classes though. If you're a STEM major you'll be on East Bank exclusively (except the physics building is under construction so those classes are all over). If you're social sciences/arts you'll probably be on West Bank mostly. If you're a bio student you'll spend a lot of time in St. Paul.

Bikes are nice but it snows a lot in the winter so you can't really use them unless you get huge tires.

Depends on what you're interested in. There's a lot of clubs if that's your jazz. There's a lot of different types of shows at Northrop that you usually get a discount for if you're a student.

>> No.11149822


As far as size: I came from a small town (<5000 people) and I had no problems adjusting but I'm pretty outgoing and I'm not afraid to fuck up. Mostly I think just being independent and trying shit out is a good plan. People are actually pretty nice and helpful, but don't depend on getting help w/ everything you need. Think specifically about what about the "size" intimidates you, and how to address those problems.

>How will I get to classes far away from me?
Look at maps of campus and learn the three bus routes and their timings. You can find all this information online.

>How will I know where the buildings with my classes are?
Google Maps is your friend.

>Ppl scare me but I want friend
Don't be a bitch. Talk to people. Being shy is something to get over, not something to accept and compensate for.

>> No.11149875

Thank you for your response.

I have yet to apply for housing due to decisions only being released a couple weeks ago. Sounds like I will end up being in a shitty building unless I opt for off campus housing, but I'm pretty sure I'll just bite the bullet and live in a dorm to make as many friends as possible. I'm fairly outgoing and am one of those people who ends up doing just about everything they can so I'll have no trouble meeting people so long as I don't get unlucky somehow. I'm an Econ major with a quantitative emphasis so I'll be on west bank most of the time?

Do you go to the athletic events a lot? Is there a pervading campus culture or is the school so large that it's just kind of hundreds of small subgroups? Whats the best place to hang out so I can get in with beautiful artsy people and fuck my way through the friend group?

>> No.11149890

Cheers man, I think that's where I'm gonna go unless I either fuck up, then I'm fucked, or overachieve, then I wanna go Manchester.

What do you recommend as the best hall for accommodation? Walked through Oadby on my applicant day but didn't get a huge feel of the place.

Which is the best socially and shit? I don't really care about how nice they are or whatever as none of them stood out to me as disgusting. I just wanna have fun and get to know decent people.

>> No.11149949

ubc anyone? thinking of attending for the grad school trap

>> No.11149966


I moved to NYC after graduating and basically didn't do shit for a year. I moved to DC a year ago and got a decent job and I'm starting to make ok money now.

Most of the people I went to school with have moved away (majority to Denver) but there are a few who found well paying jobs in the area, mostly healthcare and engineering.

>> No.11150094


JMU is fratboy heaven. Im trying to transfer out of there as fast as possible

>> No.11150633
File: 61 KB, 550x210, UTAustin-Final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /texas/

>> No.11150720

i didnt make it into ut for cs but /utd/ here

kill me family

>> No.11150734
File: 4 KB, 230x67, Logo-Lille2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to Lille II soon

>> No.11150735

It's only useful to do such a degree if you want to do a doctorate, and then become an academic afterwards. Sadly you are right that a lot of humanities degrees don't help you with a lot else

>> No.11150746


Damn. Yeah cs here is crazy. My gf goes to UTD and likes it, but every time I'm there I see nothing but koreans playing league of legends in the library

>> No.11150763

don't call it upitt
just a warning

>> No.11150808

holy crap lol

>> No.11150831

lol good detail bro, I could actually visualize all that well

>> No.11150837
File: 326 KB, 1800x626, ryersonlogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl f "rye"

Damn tho, there's usually at least a couple of people from Rye High, especially considering how many edgelord fashionistas we have strolling around.

I'm pretty normie mostly, but I can justify that since I have science labs and don't wanna wreck my clothes.

Exams incoming

>> No.11150870


how bout that dead chick

>> No.11150897
File: 12 KB, 460x260, eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Applied to their Edinburgh campus, anyone else there or applied and knows what its like?

>> No.11150904

Ryerson incoming too, and i feel u with these late exams good luck tho

>> No.11150905

UTSA for me famalam. It's entirely un effay, It feels like I never left high school.

>> No.11150930


So brazy. Where u at family?


Every cap kid that I know that went there really hated it. Are you trying to stick there for your whole degree?

>> No.11150960

Thanks man. I'm going to take summer courses too, to speed things up. I'm on my second bachelors, so I gotta hurry and get a life before I'm 30.

What are you taking, senpai?

>> No.11151027

in my apartment where else would I be

and just to add to the other thing, I was a cap kid and didn't think UTSA was actually that bad. I mean I wouldn't say I enjoyed my time there, but it didn't really elicit any strong feelings one way or the other.

>> No.11151047

lol rekt

>> No.11151051

Hi I'm a NEET in Madison

not that anon, but what do you wear?

>> No.11151066
File: 48 KB, 1129x375, bing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone on this board's gotta go here

pls don't leave me alone with the asians

>> No.11151185

isnt it like 50k? i can't handle that

>> No.11151482




>> No.11151491

Lots of skate-core shit because I do a lot of skating. And you?

>> No.11151554


>> No.11151558

It's like you've never been to a city in your life

>> No.11151657

Just find simple shit that fits you and is moderately flattering and then add your personality into it over time

Seriously dude, buy some cheap basics from Uniqlo and Gap that you think look nice

The more effortless the better with that in mind

>> No.11151737

what year and course anon? 1st year warwick here

>> No.11152773

You think its about money?
I could go to a technical Institute and learn a trade but that will never be as fulfilling as going to a real school, getting a degree and not just beign another worker.

>> No.11153209
File: 354 KB, 600x832, ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.universityherald.com%2Fdata%2Fimages%2Ffull%2F1139%2Fnew-college-of-florida.jpg%3Fw%3D600&amp;f=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nobody knows this college
>tfw the few people who know of your college don't have much respect for it

>> No.11153214

Not Asian but they aren't dressing for our benefit, just look at the korean/japanese/chinese fashion scene. The aesthetic is completely different and has a strong influence on them no matter where they go. Not that it personally appeals to me but honestly there is an ingrained cultural aspect to aesthetic ideals.

>> No.11153222

No worries m8 we all have those days

>> No.11153273


>> No.11153354

Probably the least fa place in the world. Most of the people wear GAA tops and skinny tracksuits, possibly with a parka, and when they go out they wear brown shoes, blue jeans and flannel. Also everyone has a fucking undercut.

>> No.11153390

I go to FSU and this is pretty accurate although for us it's way more frat dudes than country guys. Descriptions are spot on.

One thing to add about the country guys though
>massive truck
>loud as fuck
>suspension at least 2 feet higher off the ground

>blasting rap music

>> No.11153423

You floridians are sub human retards

>> No.11153575


>> No.11153589

I go to Kyoto University

>Tfw everyone is effay as fuck

>> No.11153876

fuck. i go to cooper. what year are you.

>> No.11153934

Thanks, babe

>> No.11153936

We really are.

>> No.11154071

No but you yourself are a piece of shit dumb nigger

>> No.11154121

Foundation year in media studies.

>> No.11154158

What is the college like senpai ? student life in TO ?

>> No.11154169

my friend what is student life in toronto like ? good city / bad city ?

>> No.11154172

from dub. my friend. assume you go to queens ? would always be a possibility for me after school, how is it ?

>> No.11154214

I go to art school in portland, and let me tell you.
I have never seen so many shitty tumblr girls. Thank god I'll be out soon.

>> No.11154236

Who UdeG here?

>> No.11154246

prep is more cancer desu

>> No.11154256

I mean I know making fun on someone for their choice in a degree is a shitty thing to do but...

>> No.11154283


I meant like, where in austin

Yeah it doesn't seem awful. What year are you?

>> No.11154742

>stem field
>at a liberal arts school
Nice job showing you are a subpar science student.

>> No.11154824

The campus is nice, but most people here aren't effay

>> No.11155110

Tufts is for faggots

>> No.11155118

I'm sorry, but did I already lose at life? Oh, that's right. The game isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only halftime. Does not having the lead at halftime count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is still on? I am still playing right now and have been on the best team in the NESCAC division for how many years now? They're playing one of the worst teams in the NESCAC who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the energy of playing ConnCol. But you know what? They still fucking suck. I am on one of the best fucking teams in the NESCAC, they went 13-3 last year and would of won if the SJWs didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when I win and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Williams just stepped out of bounds short of the 1st down when they needed to get one, just like Bowdoin did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Tufts topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the team because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking teams on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>> No.11155271

>have lived in Nebraska my entire life

>> No.11155302

1st year
are you in it too?

college is awesome and there's plenty of shit to do in the city if you live in res. I already live in the city so I commute but even then theres so much to do if you're up for it.

I recommend you go to frosh for whatever uni you attend tho. Easiest way to make friends

>> No.11155307

nah i go to waterloo but i know some ppl at uoft in 1st yr from vancouver

>> No.11155318

The hero this thread deserves but not the one it needs

>> No.11155332

Going next year because I can't pass up the AES.

>> No.11155346
File: 17 KB, 534x401, 1385996215000-cyclonesX2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably not but might as well be the least /fa/ uni on the planet

the tinder game here is 99.9% sorority stereotypes

>> No.11155357

McMaster University

Biomedical Discovery and Commercialization

Transferred from Biochemistry

>> No.11155513

I don't think you understand what liberal arts is

>> No.11155799

me again!

>> No.11155802

yeah it is dead desu. So so dead

>> No.11155875

Auckland uni senpai, whats good ?

>> No.11155909

dunno if that's good or bad lol

>> No.11155935

We're /fa/er than a lot of fucking schools, dude.

>> No.11155955

Haha me again too. What do you think of the city life/art scene there? It seems like quite a small place but I still want to live somewhere that has a lot going on

>> No.11156055

You sound like you majored in women's studies.

>> No.11156263

3rd ueaboi alright lads?
im pretty sure the most effay person on campus is that guy that walks around in a cloak

>> No.11156285

I go to Queen's mate, and there is plenty like that but my fellow culchies tend to contain themselves to the Holylands as you know well

>Glad I don't live there

What do you study? I do biomed

>> No.11156286

Ohio State got so many fresh off the boat Asians man. I've had to stifle laughter seeing how some of them dress too. Spiky blue louboutin loafers and gross wax skinny jeans and a leather jacket over a shitty hba shirt. At the very least, campus is effay when it's not windy or cold

>> No.11156296

QUB is sweet as mate, more comfy than Dub even if there is a few small minded big Christian types

>> No.11156512

not a lot going on desu. tfw gf tho

>> No.11156569

I'm also transferring to Minnesota next year
based us

>> No.11156615

this thread makes me realize how poor i am

anyone else /cheapestcollegetheycouldfind/ or /maxgovermentloans/?

>> No.11156650

Why wouldn't you give him the benefit of the doubt?

>> No.11156657

Or virtually anywhere

>> No.11156786
File: 537 KB, 640x898, spd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arizona state university here. in terms of population, asu is the largest school in the US, so we get a p diverse mix of students...a lot of asians with hypebeast shit driving $100k+ exotics around tempe though, and too many arabs.

it isn't very effay but you will find anything you're looking for, and it's cheap to live here so you have money for your meme clothes.

>> No.11156842

who else /boulder/ here?

>> No.11157084

dude is comfy
he works admin in CHE/PHA afaik

>> No.11157205

Lets meet up at Cartel and eat each other out

>> No.11158130

extremely un-/fa/, and the campus is in a field six miles outside edinburgh

you'll probably get a job after you graduate though!

>> No.11158233

idk skinny black jeans and plain black tees
where do you skate? I just started skating again

>> No.11158243

Yeah you cant be born without a dad nice try

>> No.11158247

Yo im an incoming freshman at udel but doing world scholars in rome. Anything good i should pick up before i head back in december?

>> No.11158261

i have friends who go to vcu who regularly get emails about shootings within a few miles of them. not saying that isnt a regular city thing, but stuff like that doesnt happen at jmu

>> No.11158323

Anybody got experience in UK school transfers?
I'm at Portsmouth atm and I fucking hate the place. I'm considering Southampton, I think I've got the grades.

>> No.11158335

Library Mall on the UW campus is my favorite spot. It's usually where I meet up with my other skate friends.

>> No.11158638

law and business student here

>> No.11158683

Mohawk valley community college reporting in

>> No.11159374

>mixing genitals with good coffee

>> No.11159396

Occidental or Reed College anyone?

>> No.11159409
File: 29 KB, 624x451, 1937045_10156630651195721_3901996912524991213_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would i do that when i could have more fun by taking a peaceful rest on the lightrail tracks

or i could go to the drained tempe town lake and sink in the quicksand

>> No.11159415
File: 202 KB, 1483x383, UCI seal 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hypebeast international student capital of america

>> No.11159417


>> No.11159426

FIT is a SUNY school.

>> No.11159520

hey my cousin goes there

>> No.11160436

did you just type out laughter

>> No.11160970

vanbrugh college inside the place

>> No.11160976

mate if you like music and good /fa/ crowds go to leeds. Im doing eng lit and history of art at York first year and spend most of my time in leeds wishing i'd applied there. People here are pleb-tier and cliquey. Boring as fuck and very shallow students. I would only recommend york if you like small cities/towns and you're a committed hard working academic.

>> No.11161011

I'm thinking of transferring here this fall. What major are you in?

>> No.11161137

Any Cambridge fags ITT?

How /fa/ are we as a uni?

>> No.11161140

architecturally 10/10
socially 2/10

>> No.11161809
File: 7 KB, 282x109, sjc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enrolled at SJC, starting in the fall.

Is it effay?

>> No.11161815

although similar in curriculum, they're totally different in feel (at least if reputation's anything to go by). i'd personally go to reed, but that's bc i'm a weird fuck...good luck dude

>> No.11161834

come on, tell the people what you majored in.

>> No.11161910

Depends on what you want.

If you're looking for a typical "college campus" experience like you see in movies, then you should go to a school outside of the city.

Personally, I like Toronto as a place to live in. People talk shit about it all the time, but those that talk shit are usually people who have never lived anywhere else so they can't properly compare.

It's very safe (I'm a grill, and I have no worries about walking around alone at night), and there's always something happening. Shows, bars, sample sales, vintage. Biking infrastructure is getting better, TTC is really pretty ok actually, lots of cheap eats.

>> No.11161916

Ey man. So you're double-majoring?
What business stream are you taking?

>> No.11162665


>> No.11162668
File: 1.55 MB, 260x260, 1459937665292.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


transfer to UM ya dip.

>> No.11162676

sup UCF bro. I can confirm all of this. there is also 2 very tall black basketball players that ride on their hoverboards going .1 miles per hour looking at their phones. It's very strange.

>> No.11162699

any wentworth man in

>> No.11162713

>Not rolling with the fashionable (not chink) kids

You're doing it wrong. You must miss out on a whole lot.

>> No.11162717

B.A. Gov't/ Int'l Politics & Intel Analysis

Biggest advice: avoid living in President's Park, apply for a Living Learning Community and you'll get sweet housing. Don't do anything stupid on campus because GMU PD ain't havin none of that shit and they are cool guys so don't do anything retarded.

Get a gov't internship.

Our faculty is actually world class, almost all of the professors I've had are Ivy League educated or have had substantial careers in gov't/military/research/etc.

This is also a working person's school, you wont a wild party culture here like JMU or UVA, people come here to learn. Lends itself to being a professional atmosphere.

The school is pretty un-effay but the South Koreans clans at the International dorm are very /fa/.

>> No.11162916

Heading there as well. From what I've seen it's really sports heavy so expect alot of sweats and hoodies.

>> No.11163201
File: 11 KB, 228x215, 1916184_613420255482872_5341024960969571925_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do miss out on a lot. where do fashionable non-chinks, non-arabs at asu hang out? i want to meet some but i don't know how.

>> No.11163352
File: 90 KB, 538x467, Deployment patch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11164376

You nailed the fit my nig.
This is in no way prep though.
You've got this hipster rockabilly vibe that channels Grease with a dash of Gosling.

>> No.11164386

Fine art undergrad

Nice try

>> No.11164418

just sexual assault and suicide happens at jmu lol

>> No.11164470

Uni fashion in Sydney is totally unremarkable.

>> No.11164490

T. kiwilander

>> No.11164920

pretty sick. What school?

>> No.11164938

what about the park though man

>> No.11164952

It's really good, always quite busy though.

>> No.11164982

Ayy another utican. Not the most effay area.

>> No.11165017

>Go to university of tennesseee
>not a single effay person in sight
>every female dresses like han solo
>every male dresses like they're living off daddy's trust fund or work as a lumberjack
Should I just kill myself?

>> No.11165033
File: 8 KB, 200x200, festiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I applied to QUB for Biochem, but i probably won't get in honestly.

But i think it's not just Belfast, it's Northern Ireland as a whole. It gets worse when you go out on the night to clubs like Limelight or if you dare, that literal cesspool called the "Kremlin" , i swear i think i might catch a std walking barefoot in that unholy establishment. You'd think the gay men would know how to dress too desu.

>> No.11165037

ooii nice
i'm about to accept my offer for a foundation at Central Saint Martins

>> No.11165306

vanbrugh master race

>> No.11165316

h-hey want to be friends

>> No.11165435


finna go to UH

>> No.11165486

whats up
probably know you desu

>> No.11165488

not a double major, just the major inside the program itself
what's the best thing i can get at balzac's

>> No.11165533

Will be accepting camberwell college of art


>> No.11166527


Meet up when? Can we all go do /fa/ dugs somewhere?

>> No.11166787
File: 1.16 MB, 2130x2137, 100_1238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just kill me now
1 year left

>> No.11167054

about to apply for college but legit have no idea what to take or in general what to do with my life. what do so i don't keep doing my makeup in the morning only to just stay in my room?

>> No.11167138


>> No.11167183
File: 268 KB, 960x1280, `Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indiana University Bloomington
If you are considering here, don't. One of the biggest Greek Life scenes in the country and they are all racist boat-shoe wearing spoiled children. The Asians are cool though. If you see a pair CPs and face that looks like he wants to kill himself, feel free to say hi.

>> No.11167467


>> No.11167705

Incoming utk freshman here. Where you at brother?

>> No.11167942


Agree, its really not hard to out/fa/ some people here

>> No.11169159


>> No.11169219

sounds like my kinda place
maybe you shouldn't be such a cuck?

>> No.11169638


Knights represent!

I'm glad everyone didn't move from longboarding to the stupid hoverboards. I love my longboard and don't want it going extinct. Boarding between classes is a favorite hobby.

>> No.11169663

Nothing, friendo. Every time I go there, there are always social science autists talking too loudly about "intelligent" things, so I stopped going.

I just buy cheapshit coffee at 7/11 and sit inside the SLC

>> No.11170753

Have fun bro, I'm about to graduate from UH

>> No.11170838

ucf bros unite

>> No.11170845


>> No.11170857

i visited FSU for some theatre visit and one or two of the people on that committee or whatever were kinda well dressed desu (ngl maybe it was just because they were already kinda cute)

>> No.11170879

my dude do you go to perk? literally everyone i graduated with that had shit taste in everything stayed at perk lol

i'm at USM and it's literally no better. frat/srat uniforms (nike or khaki shorts, date party shirts, and chacos) or people who just don't give a shit and wear lazy outfits. i've seen some people attempt to dress better but they're all probably freshmen/transfers that don't wanna make friends with anyone

>> No.11171236

lol isn't Dartmouth objectively the worst Ivy league? ranked 100+ in university rankings and even lower for its STEM programs

>> No.11172052

me bb

>> No.11172059

Absolutely fucking not, it is high school. Transfer asap.

>> No.11172212

we can drink pbr and play mario kart in my apartment

>> No.11172217

I dropped out because i am a depressed, lazy, alcoholic degenerate. Went to a uni yesterday, realized these things

>> No.11172224

you are literally a pleb

>> No.11172233

You go to a community college at a shitty place upstate. I made the mistake of going to binghamton and meeting all the EXTREMELY sheltered, backward and generally retarded kids from upstate.
Holy shit, i have literally met people from alabama retarded than you

>> No.11172238
File: 31 KB, 367x380, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically by choosing to go to a suny school, you are telling people you prefer to cling to the lower rungs of society

>> No.11172241


Absolutely. I went to a very very small private school freshman year and after being here for two years now: making personal connections isn't as easy, but they're there if you put effort into them. Professors are ALWAYS want to spend time answering questions and some are even up for just rambling about the subject with you (unless they're a dick). The community isn't tightly woven where everyone knows everyone but it has a much different, larger communal feeling (obviously).

Yes the school is huge but it feels smaller than you would expect. You carve out your little area with where your classes are, and that's campus to you if you don't venture out. You end up seeing a lot of the same people everyday just because you're walking to the same classes everyday. This happens multiple semesters in a row too, there are people I first started seeing my first semester and still see in passing now (and I've never talked to them).

Going out to eat is tempting with Dinkytown right next door but remember to save money of course. The food culture in the Twin Cities is fucking fantastic, countless number of amazing restaurants in the area.

Get involved with clubs, go to shows at the Whole, spend some time getting to know the area. It's a surprisingly comfortable campus when you get used to it. Good luck anon.

>> No.11172330

fuck man you seem really anti york haha, i'm massively on the fence about the place at the moment :/ york's english course is fucking sick so that is the main thing making me wanna go there...i fell in love with manchester when visiting there recently so feel like i may adjust there. never checked out leeds. i have a very good mate in york and he loves it, but i don't whether a smaller place (i come from london) would be as great for me as it is for him. do you not get involved with much stuff on campus? i was hoping there'd be enough going on there if the city was quieter

>> No.11172837

i go there

there are alot of people that walk around here that clearly go on /fa/, tons of asians in rick and stuff

its also rite next to park and madison avenue so its basically the most fashionable area of nyc

but its not fun, everyone here is a sjw or a completely socially retarded nerd

not much inbetween

no real people

still probably better than most cunys tho

>> No.11172899



>> No.11172968

sko buffs

So the winter was Northface downjackets and timberlands, have you guys noticed a trend in summer wear? I've seen niggas in fleeces where the top half color is different from the bottom but thats a spring thing.

I think tshirts/ light longsleeves with a pocket or a small logo on the left chest is pretty trendy

I noticed that's what all the frat boys were wearing last year, with the fraternity on the chest. Except now other brands are copying the style.

The sorority girl shirts with the group name on the back is getting mimiced too, saw a girl wearing a shirt in the same style but it just said TEXAS across the back lol

Funny how the greeks set the style in a way

>> No.11172982

yeah man "]["

>> No.11172983

Why kill you
I'm attending next year (senior in hs rn)
Pls share why u want to die

>> No.11172985

Pretty sure its just the new england prep coming back around and it hit the greeks first.

>> No.11173138

>tfw theres no effay azn qts at your college

>> No.11175085

>tfw can't find 4channers at your college no matter how many boards you post at

>> No.11175155

Oh shit dude r u still there? haha. Yeah I stay in perk, ironically to get away from southern and away from hattiesburg altogether. That's crazy, hard to believe anybody in MS even browses /fa/. Ech.

>> No.11175641

fuck off samefag

>> No.11175786

lmao trust me nigga you dont wanna meet someone fron 4chan irl

>> No.11175955
File: 2.06 MB, 1348x532, zMXpNnm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stony Brook Comp Sci Student here. Got waitlisted at all the Uni's I actually wanted to go too. School full of Asians... They dress like Asians I guess. Wish I could join the Korean smoking circles. Campus is boring and ugly. Some cool outfits here and there but they are about as rare as a shinny pokemon.
Ps to find us just look for Asian Nerds on the map.